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Osterholm warns about pandemic

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  • Marcie
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    A hearty high-5 and hats-off-to-you, Florida1! I'm LMAO!

    Originally posted by Florida1
    I said "I personally think it is possible", therefore, based on my personal judgement, 8 weeks of essentials in the home that can be used for any emergency situation, is reasonable.

    You can not argue with my personal opinion. It is subjective and my evaluation of the situation.

    I know that I am only a female and not capable of understanding probabilities, but I think it is a high probability that you have too much time on your hands.

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  • Sonny
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    OK, A Pandemic Flu no matter what it's called.
    I voted.

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    I think some people need to take a break.

    Go for a walk.

    Have a nice meal.

    Read a book.

    It is mentally unhealthy to "do bird flu" 24/7.

    Come back tomorrow.

    The fight over semantics will seem trivial.


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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    Originally posted by Sonny
    So if "IT" reasorts with a strain of H7 into H7N1 it doesn't count?
    This is a possibility, but without knowing if this will happen, is it not possible to call it H5N1, now, for discussion and poll purposes?

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  • Sonny
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    Originally posted by Florida1
    gsgs - It has to stay H5N1 because the seasonal flu that everyone gets is usually widespread worldwide. Then, the only answer available for the poll would be 100%.
    So if "IT" reasorts with a strain of H7 into H7N1 it doesn't count?

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  • gsgs
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    no, H5N1 might reassort with (e.g.) H3N2 to form a pandemic of H5N2 or H3N1 or H5N1 or H3N2.
    Or H7N7 goes pandemic. Or a H1N1 pandemic reoccurs.

    Somehow I feel that you are trying to ridicule the thing.

    Somehow I feel that still no one here agrees that the most
    important thing ATM is to get the experts give us their estimates.
    Same in other forums.

    People don't want it to be elaborated, how big the threat is.

    People in forums don't become meditative when experts and normal
    people have completely different estimates than they have.

    Weird and disappointing. And unlogical. And prevalent, even among

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    Yes - that is my point. We are talking only about H5N1 here.

    We agree on something!!!

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  • gsgs
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    ask WHO etc.
    It's very uncommon to count seasonal flu as pandemic.
    There were 3 (flu-)pandemics last century:1918,1957,1968.

    Look at the title of this thread, Osterholm won't
    warn about seasonal flu

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    Why not?

    A pandemic (from Greek pan all + demos people) is an epidemic (an outbreak of an infectious disease) that spreads worldwide, or at least across a large region.

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  • gsgs
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    but seasonal flu is not considered a pandemic

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    gsgs - It has to stay H5N1 because the seasonal flu that everyone gets is usually widespread worldwide. Then, the only answer available for the poll would be 100%.

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  • gsgs
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    Florida1, thanks. Can you delete H5N1, so any flu-pandemic will count ?
    (i.e. also with reassorted H5N1).
    I wished the experts would vote here too.
    They could remain anonymous but we would have to verify
    that they are experts.

    granny, overpreparing is, when you spend too much money,
    relocate,divorce,...while the threat is small, isn't worth it.
    E.g. most people think that getting a vaccine-shot in 1976
    against swine flu was over-prepping

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  • granny
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    Sorry, I just don't see the point.

    What difference does a percentage make? If I am alive and well, I plan on eating. How can I possibly over prepare?

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  • sharon sanders
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    Originally posted by gsgs
    now, can we please make a thread where everyone can give his/her
    subjective probability estimate of a pandemic in the next 5 years ?
    The thread should be open for correcting/editing the estimate
    at any time. Or can I just do a poll without expiration date ?
    What's the appropriate sub-forum ?
    I will set it up and link it here.

    Last edited by sharon sanders; September 17, 2006, 11:05 AM.

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  • gsgs
    Re: Osterholm warns about pandemic

    now, can we please make a thread where everyone can give his/her
    subjective probability estimate of a pandemic in the next 5 years ?
    The thread should be open for correcting/editing the estimate
    at any time. Or can I just do a poll without expiration date ?
    What's the appropriate sub-forum ?

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