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Turkey - Avian Flu Reported in Agri Province

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  • Turkey - Avian Flu Reported in Agri Province

    Agri Province in Turkey - wikipedia

    november 27, 2017

    Birdflu returned: Two villages were taken into quarantine

    A bird flu case in Taşlı?ay district of Ağrı province caused panic. While 2 villages were taken into quarantine, winged animals were also examined.

    There was a bird flu case in Taşlı?ay district of Ağrı. Acquired according to the county up to the provinces Taşlı?ay and G?neys?ğ?t villagers, quarantine because of bird flu. While the drug treatment for poultry started, the samples were sent to the laboratory for examination.

    Ağrı’nın Taşlı?ay il?esinde g?r?len kuş gribi vakası paniğe sebep oldu. 2 k?y karantinaya alınırken, kanatlı hayvanlar da incelemeye alındı.
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