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Yemen: 2010 dengue cases

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  • Yemen: 2010 dengue cases

    82 % of Taiz People with Dengue Fever, Shows Survey

    Yemen Post Staff
    82 percent of the population in Yemen's western province of Taiz suffered from Dengue Fever, showed a recent survey.

    The Republican Hospital's Labs concluded the percentage from randomly surveying 400 samples and data from three hospitals in the province.

    The survey comes as the disease continued to claim lives, with a few deaths reported in most recent days.

    Local sources said that a hospital director died from the disease, reported two months ago but no effective action has been taken to prevent its outbreak, after doctors at the Al-Esra'a Hospital could not help him.

    Last week, a young man was reported dead from the fever and dozens of the people infected in the district of Bajil.

    The authorities have been blamed by the people in the province, who claimed they alerted them but have seen inaction to tackle this terrifying disease.

    Some people also died in neighboring Ibb province after they were infected with it.

    Since the disease started two months ago, dozens of the people were reported infected and some dead.

    Hundreds of animals died as also.

    Yemen Post Staff

    "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."

  • #2
    Re: Yemen: 2010 dengue cases


    New cases of dengue fever in Taiz recorded this week. According to local sources, more than 4,000 cases of this fever have been recorded up to date.


    • #3
      Yemen : Dengue Cases

      ADEN, 14 July 2010 (IRIN) - Outbreaks of mosquito-borne dengue fever in the southern and eastern governorates of Hadhramaut, Taiz, Aden and Abyan have left dozens dead in the past few months, and are claiming an increasing number of lives, according to officials.

      On 13 July, local news website, affiliated with the opposition Islah Party, quoted Rabea al-Abd Ba-Musa, head of the Ministry of Public Health & Population?s office in Hadhramaut Governorate, as saying that dengue was spreading rapidly in various districts of the provincial capital, Mukalla.

      Twelve people had died since April and 1,442 people had been infected in Mukalla city, Ba-Musa said. He complained of lack of funds to combat the disease.

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      • #4
        Re: Yemen: 2010 dengue cases

        Hundreds of Dengue fever cases were discovered recently in different Yemeni provinces. An official medical report revealed the increase of Dengue Fever inflicted cases in Hadramout province, pointing out that 12 cases died and 1442 others were discovered recently.

        Several Yemeni provinces, including Taiz, Aden , Abyan, Dhalea?, Lahj and Shabwa, are suffering from spread of this epidemic. ??The rain and leakage of sewage are the main causes for the spread of mosquitoes that transmit the disease??, a heath official said.


        • #5
          Re: Yemen: 2010 dengue cases


          Study: 200 deaths of dengue fever in Taiz, Aden and over 100,000 infected

          SANA'A, Aug.06(Saba)- A recent study has revealed spread of the dengue fever epidemic and increasing in the number of patients with the fever of malaria in a number of provinces in Yemen, the reported on Friday.

          The study, prepared by Dr. Naji al-Hajj of the University of Sana'a, a researcher at the biotechnology and the nanotechnology, indicated that many public and private hospitals have recorded a noticeable increase in the number of the infected cases, with the lack of accurate diagnosis in many cases.

          The study , got by the, revealed that there are 1000 cases infected with the disease, 600 cases of them are lying in public and private hospitals in Aden province, and the cases that are received by public hospitals in Aden reach to 30 cases per day.

          The study pointed out that 400 cases are in the Public Hospital of Ibn Khaldon in the southern city of Lahj, while statistics issued by medical sources says that 233 cases have been discovered in Shabwa province, among them 40 infected cases and 193 suspected cases in the nine districts of the province.

          According to the study, the number of deaths that have been recorded so far in Aden reached 150 cases of various ages, including two female dentists, who died in a private hospital after they infected by the virus that causes the disease.

          The official declarations, announced in Taiz province, indicated that the infected cases do not exceed 950 cases and there is only one case of death, the study pointed out.

          The study confirmed the number of cases exceeded 100 thousand cases, nearly 50 cases of them have died, in addition to seven physicians have been infected by the disease, one of them died.

          Moreover, the study pointed out that Hodeidah province and adjacent areas geographically, many reports showed that the disease is now prevalent frighteningly therein with shortage of control efforts and this epidemic may have become out of control.




          • #6
            Re: Yemen: 2010 dengue cases


            Official report: 9,065 suspected dengue fever cases

            SANA'A, Aug. 10 (Saba)- Around 9,065 suspected dengue fever cases were registered in several provinces in the country, according to a report discussed on Tuesday by the cabinet.

            The report of the health minister confirmed 1,798 affected cases with the fever, recommending to continue the routine check up on mosquito that transmits the diseases.

            The cabinet asked the health ministry to keep in efforts of combating the mosquito in coordination with the local authorities in the affected provinces.



            • #7
              Re: Yemen: 2010 dengue cases

              2,200 suspected cases of dengue fever in Shabwa

              Yemen Times staff

              SANA?A, August 18 ? Over 2,000 suspected cases of dengue fever have been reported in Shabwa governorate, 474 km east of the capital Sana,?a, a source from the health office in the governorate told local press on Sunday.
              The source said that one of the cases had passed away, while 309 out of 2,200 suspected cases were confirmed positive. The source complained that the Ministry of Health is ignoring the increasing number of cases and taking no action.

              Many Yemeni governorates are witnessing the spread of this epidemic including Taiz, Aden, Abyan, Lahj and Shabwa, according to a June 2010 report issued by the ministry.

              Marshes resulting from rain and the leakage of sewage are the main causes for the spread of mosquitoes that are transmitting the epidemic, according to the heath official.

              In July, the government reported that dengue fever had claimed the lives of 12 people in Hadramout and 1,142 were infected with the disease. A Saudi medical team visited Hadramout in June and said the lack of modern testing equipment complicated diagnostic efforts.

              ?A diagnostic machine that can trace the virus in the blood from the first day of infection is not available in Hadramout. Doctors depend on the count of antibodies in the blood, which appear only seven days after infection,? the medical team reported.

              Doctors and residents in affected areas have complained about the Health Ministry?s lack of attention to the outbreak. The ministry is riddled with corruption and is often ineffective and negligent during public health crises, officials in Shabwa told the local press.

              In April, a hospital director in Taiz died from the disease, two months after the outbreak was reported to the Health Ministry. The Health Ministry made no efforts to prevent the spread of the disease in Taiz, generating public protests that were broken up by police.

              There are some medical facilities in some districts, but they are under-equipped and lack electricity.

              Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes and education campaigns should highlight the danger of stagnant water, open containers of liquid and standing rainfall in areas where mosquitoes breed.
              Twitter: @RonanKelly13
              The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.

