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Catholic Pandemic Plans

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  • Catholic Pandemic Plans

    I will list some Catholic resources in this thread.

    The best discussion I have seen on pastoral issues specific for Catholics in a pandemic are found published by the UK Diocese of Lancaster

    UK Lancaster Diocese

    The full pastoral report is found at

    The USA Diocese of Davenport has an excellent, comprehensive plan that includes useful poster, handouts and forms ready for use.

    Davenport Diocese Pandemic Influenza Plan Summary and links

    Davenport Diocese Pandemic Influenza Plan (102 pp)

    Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT

  • #2
    Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

    Davenport Iowa: Preparing for pandemic flu

    Deacon Frank Agnoli, who previously worked as a medical doctor, wants everyone in the diocese to be prepared in the event of a pandemic flu outbreak. He explained the urgency of early planning during Diocesan Support Day 2008 last week.
    He began his presentation by identifying three types of flu: seasonal; avian (bird), which typically affects birds, but has mutated and can affect other animals and even humans; and pandemic, which affects people at a higher rate. The worst pandemic flu outbreak was the Spanish flu in 1918. There are no vaccines for a pandemic flu, he noted.
    A pandemic flu would affect between 15-50 percent of the population, with a death rate of .2-2.5 percent. Deacon Agnoli offered this example: If there were a 30 percent infection rate with a 2.5 percent mortality rate, 33,000 of the 110,000 Catholics in the diocese would become ill and 825 would die. ?Remember that Catholics are only 14 percent of the general population in the diocese.?
    If a pandemic flu similar to 1918 were to happen today and there was no intervention, 1.9 million Americans could die and almost 10 million could be hospitalized.

    ?It would affect more than schools and businesses. It would disrupt the supply chains.?
    Planning should be happening in deaneries, parishes and other diocesan institutions as well as by individuals and families.
    It should involve early, targeted and layered intervention, Deacon Agnoli said. This includes preventing the spread of infection through social distancing.
    Churches early on in a serious flu situation may limit or eliminate use of the cup at Masses. The sign of peace may be omitted, if necessary, or modified to avoid having people touch one another. If the rate of infection rises, schools and parishes may need to close to help prevent the spread of the virus.
    A recent note from the diocesan insurer stated it will not cover losses or damage due to ?virus, bacterium or other microorganisms. They are looking ahead,? Deacon Agnoli said.

    The diocese?s plan for addressing the pandemic flu is available on the Web site at Click on libraries to main to general policies and look for pandemic flu.


    • #3
      Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

      "Churches early on in a serious flu situation may limit or eliminate use of the cup at Masses. The sign of peace may be omitted, if necessary, or modified to avoid having people touch one another. If the rate of infection rises, schools and parishes may need to close to help prevent the spread of the virus."

      For the churches, as for the schools, it would be better to paraphrase/repaste the above text in:

      "Churches early on in a serious flu situation MUST close to help prevent the spread of the virus."

      The help effort of the churches can be arranged without grouping, by individual delivery arrangements.

      The prayers will be family organized, during the at home SIP.


      • #4
        Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

        This is the information available from the web site for the Archdiocese of Mexico City in response to the novel swine flu crisis.

        Google Spanish to English translation follows.
        - JT


        Instrucciones para la Misa Dominical ante la Emergencia de la Influenza
        M?xico D.F a 25 de abril de 2009.
        Por el momento, y salvo que las autoridades sanitarias recomienden lo contrario, la Arquidi?cesis Primada de M?xico anuncia que no se suspender?n Misas dominicales del d?a de ma?ana, 26 de abril, sin embargo, se les suplica a los se?ores p?rrocos, administradores parroquiales y fieles cristianos tomar las siguientes medidas de protecci?n para la salud:
        A los Sacerdotes se les pide:
        1. Abstenerse de celebrar p?blicamente la Santa Misa si alguno de ellos presenta el m?s leve indicio de la enfermedad.
        2. Si su templo tiene atrio o un espacio al aire libre, lo debe acondicionar a fin de que ah? se lleve a cabo la Celebraci?n Eucar?stica. Si no existe esta posibilidad, se debe mantener ventilado el templo abriendo puertas y ventanas.
        3. Deben procurar abreviar al m?ximo el tiempo de la celebraci?n a fin de que las personas no permanezcan mucho tiempo juntas en un lugar cerrado. Dejamos a su criterio la omisi?n de los cantos, procesi?n de ofrendas y otro tipo de actividades que alarguen la celebraci?n.
        4. A fin de abreviar la Misa se les recomienda, que la homil?a no rebase los 5 min.
        5. Que la colecta sea al final de la Misa para evitar que la gente maneje dinero y se contamine las manos antes de recibir la Comuni?n.
        6. Se debe pedir a la comunidad que se omita el gesto f?sico ?saludo de mano, abrazo o beso- del rito de la paz.
        7. Que quien distribuya la Comuni?n se purifique los dedos con agua y jab?n o mediante el uso de un gel antibacterial. Al momento de dar la Sagrada Comuni?n es preferible omitir la f?rmula: ?el Cuerpo de Cristo?, a fin de evitar cualquier emisi?n involuntaria de saliva, o en su defecto usar en ese momento un cubre-boca.
        8. As? mismo, se les debe pedir a las personas que reciban con toda reverencia la Comuni?n en la mano y no en la boca.
        9. Al finalizar la Santa Misa ser?a recomendable que den a conocer a la poblaci?n las medidas que recomiendan las autoridades sanitarias a fin de que los fieles tomen conciencia de la responsabilidad que tienen de cuidar su propia salud y la de los dem?s.
        10. Informar a los fieles que los dispensarios parroquiales se mantendr?n en alerta a fin de atender las necesidades de la comunidad.
        11. Si durante la Celebraci?n se realiza el sacramento de la Confesi?n el sacerdote tiene la obligaci?n de usar el cubre boca.
        12. Se debe recomendar a los fieles que oren intensamente a fin de pedir la intercesi?n maternal de la Sant?sima Virgen de Guadalupe pidiendo su auxilio y protecci?n en esta emergencia y recordando como en otras ocasiones, de forma milagrosa, la Virgen ha librado a la ciudad de graves calamidades.
        A los fieles se les pide:
        1. Ante la sospecha o presencia de un cuadro respiratorio se les suplica abstenerse de asistir a la Celebraci?n Eucar?stica. Se les recuerda que todo enfermo est? exento de cumplir el precepto dominical y tiene la obligaci?n moral de no colocarse en situaci?n de contagiar a otros. Se les recomienda permanecer en casa.
        2. Pueden seguir la Misa presidida por el Sr. cardenal que ser? transmitida v?a radiof?nica a las 12 hrs. a trav?s de la frecuencia 10.30 de AM. Quienes tienen televisi?n de paga pueden as? mismo seguirla por los canales cat?licos El Sembrador o Mariavisi?n.
        Se les recomienda estar atentos para saber si se contar? con el apoyo de alg?n canal de televisi?n abierta para transmitir la Santa Misa.
        3. Se recomienda acudir al templo con las debidas medidas de prevenci?n difundidas algunas por la Secretar?a de Salud como cubrir la nariz y boca.
        4. Es preferible evitar llevar a los ni?os y a los ancianos a la Santa Misa por tratarse de las personas m?s vulnerables.
        5. Durante el rito de la paz deben abstenerse da darse la mano, abrazarse o dar el beso ritual.
        6. La recepci?n de la Sagrada Comuni?n se har? con toda reverencia directamente en la mano y no en la boca como generalmente se acostumbra.
        7. Si alg?n fiel se acerca al sacramento de la Confesi?n deber? usar cubre boca.
        8. Se les pide estar constantemente al pendiente de la informaci?n que van dando las autoridades competentes a fin de ser responsables de la propia salud y la de los dem?s.
        9. Evitar la convivencia tanto antes como despu?s de la celebraci?n suspendiendo cualquier actividad de ?ndole formativa o pastoral.
        10. Participar intensamente en la campa?a de oraci?n que se est? llevando a cabo para pedir a la Sant?sima Virgen de Guadalupe su protecci?n a fin de que nos auxilie en esta emergencia.

        Men? Comunicados


        For the moment, and unless otherwise recommended by health authorities, the Archdiocese of Mexico announced that First will not be suspended Sunday Masses tomorrow, April 26, however, they begged the gentlemen to priests, parish administrators and faithful Christians take the following protective measures for health:
        A Priests are asked:
        1. Refrain from celebrating Mass publicly whether any of them show the slightest sign of illness.
        2. If your church has an atrium or outdoor space, you should put up so that there takes place the Eucharist. If no such possibility exists, it must be ventilated to keep the temple open doors and windows.
        3. Should strive to shorten the maximum time to the conclusion that people do not remain long together in an enclosed area. Leave your criteria failure of singing, a procession of offerings and other activities that lengthen the celebration.
        4. To shorten the Mass are advised that the homily should not exceed 5 min.
        5. That is collected at the end of the Mass to prevent people manage money and contaminate their hands before receiving Communion.
        6. You must ask the community to omit the physical gesture of greeting hands, hug or kiss-the rite of peace.
        7. That those who distribute Communion are clean fingers with soap and water or using an antibacterial gel. At the time of Holy Communion is preferable to omit the formula: "Body of Christ", to avoid any unintentional release of saliva, or failing at that time using a cover-mouth.
        8. Likewise, they should ask people who receive Communion with reverence in his hand and not your mouth.
        9. At the end of the Mass would recommend them to the public that the measures recommended by health authorities so that the faithful aware of the responsibility of caring for their own health and that of others.
        10. To inform the faithful that the church clinics will remain on alert to meet the needs of the community.
        11. If the celebration takes place during the sacrament of Confession, the priest has an obligation to use the covers mouth.
        12. Should be recommended to the faithful to pray hard to ask for the maternal intercession of the Blessed Virgin of Guadeloupe and seeking their assistance in this emergency protection and recalling how in the past, so miraculous, the Virgin has escaped the city for serious calamities.

        The faithful are asked:
        1. Given the suspected presence of a table or respiratory begged them not to attend the Eucharist. Are reminded that any patient is free to fulfill the Sunday precept and has a moral obligation not to put in a position to infect others. Are advised to stay home.
        2. You can follow the Mass presided over by Mr. Cardinal to be transmitted via radio to the 12 hrs. through the frequency of 1030 AM. Those with pay TV can also follow it through the canals or Mariavisi?n Sembrador Catholics.
        Are advised to be vigilant to see if it will be supported by an open television channel to broadcast the Mass.
        3. It is recommended to go to the temple with appropriate measures to prevent dissemination of some of the Ministry of Health to cover the nose and mouth.
        4. It is better not to bring children and elders to the Mass because they are the most vulnerable.
        5. During the rite of peace must not be given his hand, hug or kiss to the ritual.
        6. The reception of Holy Communion will be done directly with reverence in his hand and not in the mouth as is usually customary.
        7. If any are true about the sacrament of Confession must use cover your mouth.
        8. They are asked to be constantly awaiting information that will give the competent authorities to be responsible for their own health and that of others.
        9. Avoid living both before and after the holding of any such suspension or pastoral training.
        10. Involved in the prayer campaign is underway to ask the Blessed Virgin of Guadeloupe protection so that we help in this emergency.

        Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT


        • #5
          Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

          As posted by Shiloh yesterday at 10:50 pm on newspaper reports, here is the release from the Catholic Archbishop of Mexico City.

          The post from the Archdiocese in Spanish, followed by machine translation

          Suspensi?n de la celebraci?n de la Santa Misa en el Distrito Federal

          M?xico D.F a 25 de abril de 2009.
          El Cardenal Norberto Rivera Carrera, Arzobispo Primado de M?xico, es plenamente conciente de la misi?n que el Se?or le ha confiado: apacentar al reba?o y procurar el bien de sus fieles, y el bien de las personas no s?lo concierne a su salud espiritual sino tambi?n a su integridad corporal, por ello, profundamente, preocupado y entristecido por las victimas que ha provocado la epidemia de influenza porcina que azota a la ciudad de M?xico y a diversas entidades del pa?s, y en solidaridad responsable con las autoridades federales y locales, ha tomado la grave decisi?n de pedir a todos los sacerdotes -que prestan su ministerio en esta Iglesia Particular- con car?cter de obligatorio, la suspensi?n de la Celebraci?n Eucar?stica de este tercer domingo de Pascua de Resurrecci?n en todas las parroquias, rector?as y templos de la Arquidi?cesis de M?xico, cuyo territorio comprende la demarcaci?n pol?tica del Distrito Federal.
          Esta decisi?n de excepci?n exime a los fieles cristianos del cumplimiento del precepto dominical, por lo que el Sr. Cardenal pide que se unan a la Eucarist?a que ?l preside a trav?s de la transmisi?n radiof?nica que se hace cada domingo en la frecuencia de 1030 de AM, y est?n atentos a la posibilidad de que algunas televisoras de alcance nacional se hagan solidarias con este noble prop?sito as? como las misas transmitidas en los canales cat?licos de televisi?n, ya sea Mariavisi?n o El Sembrador.
          La suspensi?n dominical del culto no incluye el cierre de los templos, pues es precisamente en estos momentos de aflicci?n que los fieles acuden confiados al amparo divino a trav?s del cual Dios nos muestra su compasi?n y su infinita misericordia.
          El Se?or Cardenal invita a los fieles a realizar celebraciones de la Palabra en familia leyendo las lecturas y el evangelio del d?a, as? mismo, convoca a la Arquidi?cesis de M?xico a un novenario de oraci?n que iniciar? el d?a de ma?ana domingo, pidiendo a la Sant?sima Madre de Dios, Mar?a de Guadalupe, que libre a la ciudad y al pa?s de esta amenaza que se cierne sobre sus habitantes, como de manera prodigiosa lo ha hecho en el pasado, especialmente en la peste que sufri? esta misma ciudad en los a?os de 1554, 1695, 1736 y 1850.
          Por otra parte, el cardenal Norberto Rivera Carrera, consciente de la obligaci?n que tienen los sacerdotes de celebrar la Santa Misa, les pide que lo hagan en privado a fin de cumplir con su obligaci?n y que a partir de este domingo, durante nueve d?as pongan la intenci?n de su Eucarist?a por la salud del pueblo mexicano.
          El Arzobispo de M?xico, una vez m?s pide a los fieles cat?licos estar muy atentos a las indicaciones de prevenci?n que continuamente est?n dando las autoridades a fin de que siendo responsables ayuden a que este mal sea combatido con rapidez y eficiencia. As? mismo vuelve a instruir a C?ritas Arquidi?cesis de M?xico, los se?ores p?rrocos y rectores a que pongan a disposici?n de los fieles los dispensarios m?dicos y las medicinas correspondientes. El Se?or Cardenal recuerda a los fieles que la fe es nuestra fuerza y la caridad nuestro deber primordial para con nuestros hermanos necesitados.

          Suspension of the celebration of Holy Mass in the Federal District

          %% 20Misa 20Suspension% 2009-04-25.htm

          D.F to Mexico April 25, 2009.
          Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop Primate of Mexico, is fully aware of the mission that the Lord has entrusted to: shepherd the flock and seek the good of their faithful, and the good of the people not only to your spiritual health but also to their bodily integrity, therefore, deeply disturbed and saddened for the victims has caused the epidemic of swine flu that plagues the city of Mexico and various states of the country, and in solidarity with the responsible federal and local authorities, has taken the serious decision to ask all the priests, who provide his ministry in this Church, as a mandatory suspension of the Eucharist of this third Sunday of Easter Resurrection in every parish, rectory and temples of the Archdiocese of Mexico, whose territory includes the political demarcation of the Federal District.
          This decision to exempt the exception faithful compliance with the precept of Sunday, so that Mr. Cardinal asked to join in the Eucharist which he presides over the broadcast which takes place every Sunday in the frequency of 1030 AM and be alert to the possibility that some TVs are made at the national solidarity with this noble purpose and the mass broadcast television channels Catholics, whether or Mariavisi?n The Sower.
          The suspension of the Sunday worship includes the closure of the temples, it is precisely in these moments of grief that the faithful entrusted to come under God through which God reveals His infinite compassion and mercy.
          The Lord Cardinal invited the faithful to carry out celebrations of the Word in the readings and family reading the gospel of the day, so it calls to the Archdiocese of Mexico novenario of a sentence that starts on Sunday morning, asking the Holy Mother of God, Mary of Guadalupe, which the city and free the country from this threat hanging over its inhabitants, so prodigious as it has in the past, particularly in that plague this city suffered in the years 1554, 1695, 1736 and 1850.
          Moreover, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, aware of the obligation of priests to celebrate Mass, they asked for it in private in order to fulfill its obligation and that from this Sunday, during nine days put the intention of the Eucharist for the health of the Mexican people.
          The Archbishop of Mexico once again calls on Catholics to be very attentive to signs that prevention is continually giving the authorities so that they remain responsible to help this evil is fought with speed and efficiency. Also re-educate C?ritas Archdiocese of Mexico, the lords and priests to making available to the faithful and medical clinics for medicine. The Lord Cardinal reminded the faithful that faith is our strength and our primary duty of charity towards our brothers in need.
          Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT


          • #6
            Minnesota Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

            Here is excerpt from April 30 for the Archdiocese in Minnesota

            [Minnesota} Archdiocese addresses influenza concerns
            BY PAT NORBY
            THURSDAY, 30 APRIL 2009
            The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis wants to be notified immediately, along with the Minnesota Department of Health, if a student in any of its schools may be ill with swine flu, said Andy Eisenzimmer, archdiocesan chancellor for civil affairs.

            That is the message being communicated by e-mail with its schools and parishes, after reports of swine influenza across the nation and in Cold Spring, in the St. Cloud diocese, which prompted the closing of Rocori Middle School and St. Boniface Catholic School. The positive diagnosis for the person in Cold Spring who is recovering and was not hospitalized was confirmed April 20.

            However, liturgical guidelines will not change at this time.

            Father John Paul Erickson, Worship Office director, said that a memo is to go out April 30 or May 1 to pastors and parish administrators, informing them that there does not seem to be any need for diocesan-wide regulations about the liturgy.
            ?There is no need to tell pastors not to distribute both species or to ask that the sign of peace not be given,? Father Erickson said. ?This is, in essence, the stance currently of the [United States Conference of Catholic Bishops], which currently does not feel it is necessary to issue norms for the whole United States. They?ve put it in the hands of the local bishops.?

            The archdiocese will include a reminder for pastors, individuals and whole communities that they need to continue to ?exercise discretion and to be extra sensitive to hygiene,? he said. ?Certainly, it?s important for pastors and for extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, that they are washing their hands before engaging in this ministry,? Father Erickson said. Sacristans also need to be ?very attentive? when they are washing vessels after they have been purified. And anyone who is feeling ill, should not attend Mass.
            Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT


            • #7
              Minnesota Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

              cross link from SHILOH on the Minnesota Thread

              Archdiocesan memo regarding flu precautions
              FRIDAY, 01 MAY 2009
              Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT


              • #9
                Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

                The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has a link related to A(H1N1) and the Liturgy:
                404 We couldn’t find this page. Still feeling lost? You're not alone. Enjoy the latest news and updates from USCCB, great content worth looking for. Pope F...


                • #10
                  Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

                  Manilla Phillipines: Archbishop's response to A/H1N1


                  • #11
                    Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

                    Communion in the time of Swine Flu

                    Swine Flu and Communion in the Hand


                    • #12
                      Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

                      New Zealand bishops' response to swine flu:


                      • #13
                        Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans


                        No holy water? Japan churches drain basins as flu spreads
                        Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:22am IST

                        TOKYO (Reuters Life!) - Catholic churchgoers in Tokyo will have to do without holy water for now as the H1N1 influenza outbreak prompts Japanese churches to take steps to prevent the spread of the virus.

                        The Franciscan Chapel Center in Tokyo is one church that has decided to empty the holy water basins, into which parishioners traditionally dip their fingers and bless themselves by making a sign of the cross.

                        The church, which serves mostly expatriates in a country that is only about 0.4 percent Catholic, has also requested that people greet each other by bowing instead of shaking hands as a way to reduce the risk of infection.

                        "We have such an international gathering, people come from many nations in the world and the risk is higher than in other Japanese situations," said Callistus Sweeney, pastor at the Franciscan Chapel Center.

                        The church will keep in place the measures, which were recommended by the Tokyo archdiocese, "until the danger has passed," he said.

                        Japan has seen a recent surge in the number of H1N1 flu cases and has confirmed three deaths from the disease in the past week.

                        The virus has caused the first pandemic of the 21st century, according to the World Health Organisation, and is expected to worsen when the northern hemisphere's autumn weather sets in. Sweeney said he has seen a positive reaction to the steps, in particular that ministers must clean their hands with disinfectant towels before distributing communion wafers.

                        St. Ignatius, another church in Tokyo with a large international following, has also banned holy water for now and said it may consider further steps if necessary to help prevent the spread of the flu.


                        • #14
                          Catholic Pandemic Plans


                          Catholics Make Plans For Swine Flu

                          Monday, August 31, 2009
                          Anne Kramer
                          Anne Buening with the Archdiocese talks about swine flu preparations

                          As we enter the fall flu season Catholic leaders in Maryland are putting together an emergency action plan to handle the swine flu.

                          Anne Buening with the Archdiocese of Baltimore is organizing a seminar on the subject that will involve priests and parish staff. It is planned for later this week.

                          Buening says one thing that leaders have learned since the swine flu outbreak last spring is that people who are sick should stay home from Mass.

                          "We are looking at keeping folks safe by talking about what the CDC is telling us, cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough into your arm," says Buening.

                          And she says if people are concerned about not attending Mass as part of their religious obligation they should remember that they have a responsibility to the community by helping others stay healthy.

                          Buening says parishioners will likely see more bottles of hand sanitizers in churches as the flu season approaches.

                          She says leaders are also trying to work up contingency plans when priests may get sick. Buening says some parishes have only one priest and that could pose a problem.

                          She says they are trying to take the fear out of the swine flu for area Catholics. Another plan will call for open lines of communication between Catholic schools, seminaries and colleges and universities on the swine flu.
                          Last edited by Thornton; August 31, 2009, 09:43 PM. Reason: copieds from Maryland Forum to Catholic Thread


                          • #15
                            Re: Catholic Pandemic Plans

                            Cross link for post by Pathfinder on the Louisiana thread:

                            Lake Charles Diocese

                            New changes within the Lake Charles Diocese
                            Posted: Sep 20, 2009 6:16 PM EDT Updated: Sep 20, 2009 6:16 PM EDT
                            LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) - Churches are taking measures to prevent the spread of Swine Flu (H1N1).
                            Bishop Glen John Provost has mandated a number of precautionary measures for liturgical celebration throughout the Diocese of Lake Charles. The decision was made after the Diocese talked with medical professionals in our area and the Centers for Disease Control.
                            Holy Communion distributed from the cup will be only for priests and deacons participating in Mass, while the Sign of Peace is to continue.

                            See also the Diocesan web site on the topic

                            H1N1 and the Liturgical Celebration
                            Wednesday, 16 September 2009 18:33
                            In response to the recent significant increase of reported cases of H1N1 (swine flu) in Louisiana, Bishop Glen John Provost has mandated a number of precautionary measures for liturgical celebrations throughout the Diocese of Lake Charles. The decision to implement these measures was made after careful consultation with medical professionals in our area, as well as information provided by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Centers for Disease Control. The Diocese is greatly concerned about the spread of the virus and any vulnerability of the young and those with reduced immunity systems to contagious disease.

                            Until further notice, therefore, Holy Communion is to be distributed under the species of the sacred host alone; Holy Communion distributed from the cup is reserved only for priests and deacons participating at the celebration of Mass.

                            The Diocese acknowledges that the ?sign of communion is more complete when given under both kinds? and simultaneously supports the teaching that all the fruit of Eucharistic grace is received under the species of bread alone, since Christ is sacramentally present under each species. This teaching is reiterated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1390.

                            In addition, the Sign of Peace is to continue; however, the congregation is to be instructed that the gesture should be a simple nod of the head with the greeting, ?Peace be with you.?
                            Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT

