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CIDRAP NEWS SCAN: Drop in healthcare-related infections; Avian flu outbreaks in 4 nations

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  • CIDRAP NEWS SCAN: Drop in healthcare-related infections; Avian flu outbreaks in 4 nations


    News Scan for Dec 07, 2020
    Drop in healthcare-related infections; Avian flu outbreaks in 4 nations
    Filed Under:
    Healthcare-Associated Infections; Antimicrobial Stewardship; Clostridium difficile; Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

    CDC reports shows declines in healthcare-associated infections

    A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows some encouraging declines in healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) across four US healthcare settings, including one linked to antibiotic use.
    The 2019 National and State HAI Progress Report, which covers data from acute care hospitals, critical access hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term acute care hospitals, shows a 7% decrease in central line-associated bloodstreams infections from 2018 to 2019 and an 8% reduction in catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Compared with the 2015 baseline standardized infection ratio, 51 states performed better on at least two infection types in 2019, 40 states performed better on three infection types, and 30 states improved on at least four infection types.
    The report also showed an 18% decline in Clostridioides difficile infections from 2018 to 2019. C difficile is the leading cause of hospital- and antibiotic-associated diarrhea in the United States.
    But there remains room for improvement. The data showed a 2% increase in ventilator-associated events, no significant change in surgical-site infections related to 10 select procedures, and no significant change in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia.
    The CDC estimates that, on any given day, 1 in 31 US hospital patients has an HAI, a growing number of which are caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The agency has placed an increased focus on reducing HAIs in US hospitals recent years, but it says more work on HAI surveillance and prevention is needed.
    "While much progress has been made, more needs to be done to prevent healthcare-associated infections in a variety of settings," the report stated.
    Dec 2 CDC HAI Progress Report

    Four countries report more high-path avian flu in poultry and wild birds

    Four countries reported more highly pathogenic H5 avian flu outbreaks in poultry and wild birds, with the Ukraine the latest country in Europe to report the virus in poultry, according to notifications from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and other reports.
    The Ukraine reported highly pathogenic H5 avian flu in backyard poultry in Nikolayev oblast in the south. The event began on Dec 2, killing all 10 susceptible birds.
    Israel reported more H5N8 outbreaks in both poultry and wild birds. Officials reported two more outbreaks in poultry, both on turkey farms in Hazafon. The outbreaks started on Nov 13 and Nov 20, killing 660 of nearly 30,000 birds between the two locations. And the country's latest event in wild birds involved a duck found with neurologic symptoms on Dec 1 at a nature park in Hazafon.
    In Asia, South Korea reported two more H5N8 outbreaks, both at farms. One in North Gyeonsang province began on Dec 1, and the other in South Jeolla province began on Dec 4. In the latter event, the virus was found in ducks before they were brought to a slaughterhouse. In the first event, the virus killed 300 of 188,000 susceptible birds.
    Also, Japan's environment ministry reported another H5 outbreak at a farm, this time in Hiroshima prefecture, the sixth to be affected, according to an official statement translated and posted by Avian Flu Diary, an infectious disease news blog.
    Dec 5 OIE report on H5 in Ukraine
    Dec 6 OIE report on H5N8 in Israeli poultry
    Dec 6 OIE report on H5N8 in Israeli wild birds
    Dec 7 OIE report on H5N8 in South Korea
    Dec 7 Avian Flu Diary post
