Effect of Altitude on Hospitalizations for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#e1e1e1><TBODY><TR><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%">ABSTRACT </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellPadding=5 align=right border=1><TBODY><TR><TH align=left>
OBJECTIVE. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is the<SUP> </SUP>foremost cause of serious lower respiratory tract infection<SUP> </SUP>in young children and infants. Because higher rates of hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>for bronchiolitis and pneumonia have been noted in high-altitude<SUP> </SUP>regions, we hypothesized that physiologic responses to altitude<SUP> </SUP>would predispose children to more severe illness from RSV infection.<SUP> </SUP>This study examined the effect of residential altitude on hospitalizations<SUP> </SUP>for RSV infection in Colorado from 1998 through 2002.<SUP> </SUP>
METHODS. A geographic information system was used to assemble<SUP> </SUP>data for altitude and demographic variables by zip code?tabulation<SUP> </SUP>areas. Data then were linked with hospital discharge data for<SUP> </SUP>RSV infections. Poisson regression models were developed to<SUP> </SUP>explore correlations between hospitalization rates and residential<SUP> </SUP>altitude, after adjustment for socioeconomic differences in<SUP> </SUP>the underlying population.<SUP> </SUP>
RESULTS. RSV-associated hospitalizations averaged 15.9 per 1000<SUP> </SUP>infants who were younger than 1 year and 1.8 per 1000 children<SUP> </SUP>who were 1 to 4 years of age per season. A multivariate analysis<SUP> </SUP>suggested that the rate of hospitalization for RSV-specific<SUP> </SUP>International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical<SUP> </SUP>Modification codes increased 25% among infants who were younger<SUP> </SUP>than 1 year and 53% among children who were 1 to 4 years of<SUP> </SUP>age for every 1000-m increase in altitude. The risk for RSV-associated<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization was highest at elevations above 2500 m.<SUP> </SUP>
CONCLUSIONS. High altitude above 2500 m is a modest predictor<SUP> </SUP>for RSV-associated hospitalization. Practitioners in these regions<SUP> </SUP>should consider additional efforts to educate parents about<SUP> </SUP>RSV infection and its prevention and the importance of early<SUP> </SUP>treatment.<SUP> </SUP>
<HR>Key Words: environmental factors ? epidemiology ? hospitalization rates ? respiratory syncytial virus ? risk factors
Abbreviations: RSV?respiratory syncytial virus ? CHA?Colorado Health and Hospital Association ? ICD-9-CM?International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification ? ZCTA?zip code?tabulation area ? GIS?geographic information systems ? RR?rate ratio
RESPIRATORYSYNCYTIALVIRUS (RSV) infection is the foremost<SUP> </SUP>cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants and young children,<SUP> </SUP>causing >100000 hospitalizations annually in the United States.<SUP>1</SUP><SUP> </SUP>A number of risk factors for RSV hospitalization have been identified,<SUP>2</SUP><SUP> </SUP>such as prematurity,<SUP>3</SUP> chronic pulmonary<SUP>4</SUP> or congenital heart<SUP> </SUP>disease,<SUP>5</SUP> immunodeficiency,<SUP>6?8</SUP> concurrent birth siblings,<SUP>9</SUP><SUP> </SUP>and Native American heritage.<SUP>10</SUP> Environmental risk factors include<SUP> </SUP>exposure to passive smoke,<SUP>11,12</SUP> household crowding,<SUP>13?15</SUP><SUP> </SUP>having older siblings in the home,<SUP>16</SUP> and child care attendance.<SUP>13,17</SUP><SUP> </SUP>
An unexplored environmental factor for severe RSV disease is<SUP> </SUP>residence at high altitude. We recently observed excess respiratory<SUP> </SUP>hospitalizations for RSV in a Colorado hospital at
3100 m in<SUP> </SUP>elevation.<SUP>18</SUP> A cohort of 57 full-term infants and children were<SUP> </SUP>followed prospectively through the 2000?2001 RSV season.<SUP> </SUP>Nineteen (33%) of the children were hospitalized for RSV, and<SUP> </SUP>3 required air-lifting to Denver for treatment. More than two<SUP> </SUP>thirds of the cohort needed supplemental oxygen after discharge.<SUP> </SUP>These data suggested that infants and children who live at high<SUP> </SUP>altitudes may be more vulnerable to severe RSV illness that<SUP> </SUP>requires hospitalization. This finding prompted us to explore<SUP> </SUP>the effect of altitude on RSV hospitalization in Colorado, where<SUP> </SUP>elevations vary from
1093 to 3455 m.<SUP> </SUP>
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</TD><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%"> METHODS </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellPadding=5 align=right border=1><TBODY><TR><TH align=left>
Hospitalization Data
Data for all hospitalizations for children who were younger<SUP> </SUP>than 5 years were obtained from the Colorado Health and Hospital<SUP> </SUP>Association (CHA) hospital discharge database for the years<SUP> </SUP>1998 through 2002. The CHA tracks hospital discharge data for<SUP> </SUP>76 of 88 hospitals in Colorado. Of the 12 hospitals that were<SUP> </SUP>missing from this database, only 3 admit children who are younger<SUP> </SUP>than 5 years for acute illness. Two are in rural areas, 1 of<SUP> </SUP>which usually transports children to a larger facility. All<SUP> </SUP>3 are located in moderate-altitude areas (1500?2500 m).<SUP> </SUP>
The variables that were obtained for individual patients from<SUP> </SUP>the CHA database included age, zip code of residence, admission<SUP> </SUP>dates, and International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision,<SUP> </SUP>Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) diagnostic codes. Case patients<SUP> </SUP>were defined as children who were 4 years and younger and had<SUP> </SUP>hospital discharge records with Colorado zip codes and RSV-associated<SUP> </SUP>ICD-9-CM code 079.6 (RSV), 466.11 (acute bronchiolitis due to<SUP> </SUP>RSV), or 480.1 (RSV pneumonia) recorded in the first 7 of 15<SUP> </SUP>potential diagnostic fields (to produce rates comparable with<SUP> </SUP>previous work<SUP>1</SUP>). Only 18 (<0.3%) additional cases would have<SUP> </SUP>been added if diagnoses from all 15 fields were used. Diagnoses<SUP> </SUP>for newborn hospitalization were excluded from the analysis.<SUP> </SUP>
In statistical analyses, the cases were stratified by patient<SUP> </SUP>ages <1 year and 1 to 4 years. For ensuring that observations<SUP> </SUP>most likely represented RSV, hospitalizations were limited to<SUP> </SUP>admissions for the 6 months of January through May and December<SUP> </SUP>(the Colorado RSV season<SUP>19</SUP>) for 5 consecutive years. As the<SUP> </SUP>CHA database did not include individual identifiers, it was<SUP> </SUP>possible that there were multiple admission records for a single<SUP> </SUP>RSV infection. We excluded duplicate admissions for patients<SUP> </SUP>who were discharged to an acute care facility by matching records<SUP> </SUP>on zip code, birth year, birth month, and gender. Of the original<SUP> </SUP>7089 admission records identified, 113 duplicates from transfers<SUP> </SUP>were removed.<SUP> </SUP>
Geographic and Demographic Data
The geographic unit for this study was the 2000 US Census 5-digit<SUP> </SUP>zip code?tabulation area (ZCTA), which approximates US<SUP> </SUP>Postal Service zip code boundaries. ZCTAs comprise smaller geographic<SUP> </SUP>areas than counties and therefore yield more precise altitude<SUP> </SUP>estimates.<SUP> </SUP>
Data for household income, household size, education level,<SUP> </SUP>and race/ethnicity were obtained for each ZCTA from the 2000<SUP> </SUP>US Census. Because prison populations exerted a strong influence<SUP> </SUP>on data for socioeconomic status in some geographic areas,<SUP>20</SUP><SUP> </SUP>we adjusted for the presence of a prison within a ZCTA in our<SUP> </SUP>multivariate analyses. Data for 14 zip codes, including 4 cases,<SUP> </SUP>were excluded because they could not be located within the study<SUP> </SUP>ZCTAs. An additional 29 cases were excluded because they were<SUP> </SUP>located in ZCTAs with population estimates of 0 for their corresponding<SUP> </SUP>age group. Our geographic analysis was conducted with the remaining<SUP> </SUP>6943 cases. Patients from zip codes without corresponding census<SUP> </SUP>demographics were reassigned to the study ZCTA that represented<SUP> </SUP>the same geographic area. This accounted for the reassignment<SUP> </SUP>of 38 zip codes with 141 cases.<SUP> </SUP>
We created a variable with the geographic information systems<SUP> </SUP>(GIS) to identify urban and rural ZCTAs. Census 2000 TIGER/Line<SUP> </SUP>files with Colorado ZCTA boundaries were overlaid with the Census<SUP> </SUP>2000 Urbanized Areas file using ArcView 8.3 (ESRI Inc, Redlands,<SUP> </SUP>CA).<SUP> </SUP>
ZCTA boundaries that intersected urban area polygons were selected<SUP> </SUP>and coded as urban. The remaining was coded as rural.<SUP> </SUP>
The mean elevation for each ZCTA was estimated with the GIS<SUP> </SUP>using data from a US Geological Survey digital elevation model<SUP> </SUP>(2001) with elevations for the centroids of a grid composed<SUP> </SUP>of squares with 30-m sides. To minimize the effect on mean altitude<SUP> </SUP>of mountains within ZCTAs, we assumed that there were no residences<SUP> </SUP>above 3200 m and excluded altitudes above this level from the<SUP> </SUP>calculations of the mean altitude for ZCTAs. For stratified<SUP> </SUP>analyses, we used the following predetermined altitude categories:<SUP> </SUP>low (<1500 m), moderate (1500?2500 m), and high (>2500<SUP> </SUP>m) elevations.<SUP> </SUP>
Statistical Analysis
Univariate and multivariate Poisson regression models were used<SUP> </SUP>to model the association between altitude and RSV-associated<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization rates in infants who were younger than 1 year<SUP> </SUP>and children who were 1 to 4 years of age. The ZCTAs were the<SUP> </SUP>unit of analysis. The dependent variable was the total number<SUP> </SUP>of RSV-associated hospitalizations during the 1998?2002<SUP> </SUP>RSV seasons, counted separately for infants and young children,<SUP> </SUP>within each ZCTA. The corresponding 2000 mid-year population<SUP> </SUP>estimate of the number of infants and children who lived in<SUP> </SUP>each ZCTA were included as an offset variable to model the rate<SUP> </SUP>of RSV-associated hospitalizations. The analyses were performed<SUP> </SUP>using the SAS 8.2 Genmod procedure (SAS Institute Inc, Cary,<SUP> </SUP>NC). Altitude was examined as both a continuous and a categorical<SUP> </SUP>variable.<SUP> </SUP>
Potential confounders that were considered for inclusion in<SUP> </SUP>the multivariate models were differences in the underlying populations<SUP> </SUP>measured at the ZCTA level. These included the distribution<SUP> </SUP>(the proportion of individuals in each category of each factor)<SUP> </SUP>of gender, age, race, ethnicity, education level, and household<SUP> </SUP>size; the proportion of households that lived below 150% of<SUP> </SUP>the poverty level; the median income for the ZCTA; and indicator<SUP> </SUP>variables for whether the ZCTA was urban or contained a prison.<SUP> </SUP>
A backward elimination procedure from a model saturated with<SUP> </SUP>all potential confounders was used. During each step, the least<SUP> </SUP>significant variable was determined for removal using the likelihood<SUP> </SUP>ratio
<SUP>2</SUP> test. For the 4 covariates defined by multiple variables<SUP> </SUP>(race, age, household size, and education level), the overall<SUP> </SUP>significance of the entire set was determined. Either the entire<SUP> </SUP>set remained or was removed from the model. The process continued<SUP> </SUP>until all remaining variables were significant at an
level<SUP> </SUP>of .05. Rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals were obtained<SUP> </SUP>for the outcomes of interest. The models were adjusted for overdispersion<SUP> </SUP>by multiplying the standard error of each coefficient by the<SUP> </SUP>square root of the Pearson
<SUP>2</SUP> goodness-of-fit statistic divided<SUP> </SUP>by its degrees of freedom.<SUP>21</SUP> This was performed using the PSCALE<SUP> </SUP>option in SAS.<SUP> </SUP>
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</TD><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%"> RESULTS </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellPadding=5 align=right border=1><TBODY><TR><TH align=left>
Population Demographics by Altitude
The mean (range) elevation of the ZCTAs in the 3 prospectively<SUP> </SUP>chosen altitude categories was as follows: low 1318 m (1093?1497<SUP> </SUP>m), moderate 2008 m (1503?2477 m), and high 2714 m (2513?3027<SUP> </SUP>m). There were statistically significant differences in the<SUP> </SUP>population demographics across the 3 altitude categories (Table<SUP> </SUP>1). The lowest altitude region, representing the mainly agricultural<SUP> </SUP>eastern half of the state, had the largest proportion of people<SUP> </SUP>who were older than 65 years (13%), people who reported Hispanic<SUP> </SUP>ethnicity (26%), adults with less than a high school education<SUP> </SUP>(21%), and households that were living below 150% of the poverty<SUP> </SUP>level (25%). Demographics from the high-altitude region revealed<SUP> </SUP>a population with the lowest proportion of youths aged 0 to<SUP> </SUP>19 years (25%) and highest median income level (US$45214). There<SUP> </SUP>were more rural ZCTAs at the lowest (92 of 103; 89%) and highest<SUP> </SUP>(93 of 96; 97%) altitudes compared with moderate altitude (150<SUP> </SUP>of 282; 53%), whereas 90% (132 of 146) of the urban ZCTAs were<SUP> </SUP>located in the moderate-altitude category.<SUP> </SUP>
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</NOBR> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>TABLE 1 Demographic Data for ZCTAs According to Altitude Category: Colorado, 2000
RSV Hospitalization Rates
During the RSV seasons of 1998?2002, infants accounted<SUP> </SUP>for 4847 (70%) of the RSV-associated hospitalizations, with<SUP> </SUP>a median age of 3 months. Children who were 1 to 4 years of<SUP> </SUP>age had 2129 RSV-associated hospitalizations with a median age<SUP> </SUP>of 20 months. Approximately one half of the infants (2420 of<SUP> </SUP>4847; 49%) and children (1158 of 2129; 54%) were non-Hispanic<SUP> </SUP>and white. Racial information was "unknown" or coded as "other"<SUP> </SUP>for roughly 20% of cases. The ratio of boys to girls was 1.3:1<SUP> </SUP>(2764:2083) in infants and 1.2:1 (1144:985) in older children.<SUP> </SUP>As the CHA racial categories do not match the census categories,<SUP> </SUP>we did not determine rates of disease by race. The mid-year<SUP> </SUP>2000 population in Colorado infants who were younger than 1<SUP> </SUP>year was 61040, which yielded an overall unadjusted rate of<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization for RSV at 15.9 per 1000 infants per season.<SUP> </SUP>Children who were 1 to 4 years of age had a corresponding mid-year<SUP> </SUP>population of 233918. The mean unadjusted RSV hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>rate was 1.8 per 1000 children per season. Trends of annual<SUP> </SUP>rates by age strata, in our study, showed consistency over the<SUP> </SUP>5-year study period.<SUP> </SUP>
Unadjusted and adjusted rates by the predetermined altitude<SUP> </SUP>exposure categories are reported in Table 2. Infants who were<SUP> </SUP>younger than 1 year had higher hospitalization rates compared<SUP> </SUP>with children who were aged 1 to 4 years. The highest unadjusted<SUP> </SUP>rate was for infants at the lowest altitude at (20.9 per 1000<SUP> </SUP>infants per season). The lowest unadjusted rate for both age<SUP> </SUP>categories occurred in the moderate-altitude category.<SUP> </SUP>
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</NOBR> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>TABLE 2 Unadjusted and Adjusted<SUP>a</SUP> RSV-Associated Rates of Hospitalization According to Altitude: Colorado, RSV Seasons 1998?2002
Multivariate Analysis
In the multivariate models, the rate of hospitalization for<SUP> </SUP>RSV-specific ICD-9-CM codes increased 25% (rate ratio [RR]:<SUP> </SUP>1.25; P = .005) among infants who were younger than 1 year and<SUP> </SUP>53% (RR: 1.53; P < .001) among children who were 1 to 4 years<SUP> </SUP>of age for every 1000-m increase in mean altitude of the ZCTA.<SUP> </SUP>ZCTA characteristics that were adjusted for in both models included<SUP> </SUP>the population distribution of education level, households that<SUP> </SUP>were living below 150% of the poverty level, and race.<SUP> </SUP>
The adjusted models suggested a positive linear relationship<SUP> </SUP>between rates of hospitalization and ZCTA elevation. However,<SUP> </SUP>when altitude was examined categorically, an increased risk<SUP> </SUP>was observed only for ZCTAs at the highest elevations, above<SUP> </SUP>2500 m. Infants who were living in ZCTAs at high altitude had<SUP> </SUP>a 30% higher rate of hospitalization (RR: 1.30; P = .018) than<SUP> </SUP>those who were living at moderate elevation, and 1- to 4-year-olds<SUP> </SUP>who were living at high altitude had an 80% increase in their<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization rate (RR: 1.80; P < .001). Infants who resided<SUP> </SUP>at high altitude had a rate that was 22% higher (RR: 1.22; P<SUP> </SUP>= .122) than those at low altitude, whereas children at high<SUP> </SUP>altitude had a 62% increase in their rate of hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>(RR: 1.62; P = .004) when compared with residents at low altitude.<SUP> </SUP>There were no significant differences between hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>rates for those who were living at moderate altitude as compared<SUP> </SUP>with those who were living at low altitude for infants (RR:<SUP> </SUP>0.94; P = .480) or for children (RR: 0.90; P = .393). Maps (Fig<SUP> </SUP>1) display the geographic distribution of adjusted hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>rates by ZCTA, with the high-altitude region outlined.<SUP> </SUP>
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</NOBR> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>FIGURE 1 Adjusted (for race, education level, and poverty level in ZCTAs) RSV-associated hospitalization rates in infants and children, Colorado, averaged over the RSV seasons 1998?2002. <SUP>a</SUP> High-altitude boundary contains ZCTAs with mean altitude >2500 meters.
An exploratory analysis was performed to examine other altitude<SUP> </SUP>cut points. Figure 2 displays RRs by decile of elevation. The<SUP> </SUP>lowest rates of RSV-associated hospitalization were in ZCTAs<SUP> </SUP>with a mean altitude of
1600 m, the altitude of metropolitan<SUP> </SUP>Denver, where more than half of Colorado's population resides.<SUP> </SUP>The rates did not begin to increase considerably until
2500<SUP> </SUP>m, and additional analyses suggested that infants and children<SUP> </SUP>who were living in ZCTAs with mean elevations of 2750 m or above<SUP> </SUP>had the highest rates of RSV-associated hospitalization. Compared<SUP> </SUP>with infants who were living in ZCTAs below 2500 m, infants<SUP> </SUP>who were living in ZCTAs at 2500 to 2750 m had a 14% increased<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization rate (RR: 1.14; P = .331) and a 54% increased<SUP> </SUP>rate (RR: 1.54; P = .006) in ZCTAs above 2750 m. The observed<SUP> </SUP>association was stronger for children, with a 47% increase (RR:<SUP> </SUP>1.47; P = .024) in hospitalization rate for ZCTAs at 2500 to<SUP> </SUP>2750 m and more than doubling of rates (RR: 2.36; P = <.001)<SUP> </SUP>in ZCTAs above 2750 m.<SUP> </SUP>
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</NOBR> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>FIGURE 2 Adjusted (for race, education, and poverty level in ZCTAs) rate ratios for RSV-associated hospitalizations according to altitude. <SUP>a</SUP> Of the RRs reported here, only the highest altitude category is significant (P < .05) for infants and the RRs in the 2 highest altitude categories for children.
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</TD><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%"> DISCUSSION </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellPadding=5 align=right border=1><TBODY><TR><TH align=left>
Our RSV hospitalization rates were lower than those reported<SUP> </SUP>in national statistics of 31.2/1000 infants and 2.3/1000 for<SUP> </SUP>children aged 1 to 4 years.<SUP>1</SUP> In a Tennessee Medicaid population,<SUP> </SUP>the RSV hospitalization rate was 40.8/1000 infants and 29.5/1000<SUP> </SUP>low-risk infants.<SUP>22</SUP> Our rates may reflect the more specific<SUP> </SUP>ICD-9 codes (079.6, 466.11, or 480.1) that we chose to define<SUP> </SUP>an RSV-associated hospitalization, compared with the more general<SUP> </SUP>codes used in other studies that included bronchiolitis (466.1)<SUP> </SUP>and viral pneumonia with no organism specified (480.9),<SUP>1,10,22</SUP><SUP> </SUP>in addition to the RSV-specific codes.<SUP> </SUP>
The effect of altitude on hospitalization rate was stronger<SUP> </SUP>in children than in infants. The explanation for this observation<SUP> </SUP>may lie in the shorter length of exposure to altitude for infants,<SUP> </SUP>as compared with older children, and their subsequent ability<SUP> </SUP>to compensate for altitude exposure. In a small cohort of neonates<SUP> </SUP>who were born at 3100 m, Niermeyer et al<SUP>23</SUP> described normal<SUP> </SUP>to moderately elevated indices for pulmonary artery pressures<SUP> </SUP>and lower arterial oxygen saturation readings in the first week<SUP> </SUP>of life. These values returned to normal ranges within a few<SUP> </SUP>months. However, because infants decompensate more readily with<SUP> </SUP>illness than older children, there may be a lower threshold<SUP> </SUP>for admission to a hospital and, hence, less of a difference<SUP> </SUP>in hospitalization rates at different altitudes for infants.<SUP> </SUP>
The normal physiologic effects of altitude on the respiratory<SUP> </SUP>tract of infants and children are multiple. Baseline oxygen<SUP> </SUP>saturation values decrease for infants and young children who<SUP> </SUP>live at increasing altitudes,<SUP>24?26</SUP> an expected response<SUP> </SUP>to lower barometric pressure and decreased fraction of inspired<SUP> </SUP>oxygen. Nasal obstruction and impaired ciliary activity, exhibited<SUP> </SUP>at high altitude,<SUP>27</SUP> in conjunction with low humidity, can impair<SUP> </SUP>the ability to clear respiratory secretions associated with<SUP> </SUP>RSV. Hypoxemia stimulates pulmonary vasoconstriction, leading<SUP> </SUP>to increased vascular permeability and pulmonary congestion.<SUP>28</SUP><SUP> </SUP>This pulmonary vasoconstriction may be enhanced with RSV infection<SUP> </SUP>as illustrated in animal models.<SUP> </SUP>
RSV infection in a nonhuman primate model (the bonnet monkey<SUP> </SUP>Macaca radiata) demonstrates severe bronchiolar edema and alveolitis<SUP> </SUP>along with an exuberant peribronchovascular inflammation.<SUP>29</SUP><SUP> </SUP>In these animals, there seems to be pulmonary arteriolar hyperplasia<SUP> </SUP>7 days after infection. These findings were subsequently described<SUP> </SUP>in newborn rats.<SUP>30</SUP> Besides the pathologic changes, rat pups<SUP> </SUP>are much more susceptible to pulmonary edema when exposed to<SUP> </SUP>hypoxemia if the animals were infected with Sendai virus compared<SUP> </SUP>with controls (Sendai virus infection in rats mimics RSV infection<SUP> </SUP>in humans).<SUP> </SUP>
This observation has also been extended to children, and an<SUP> </SUP>association has been found with preexisting inflammatory illnesses<SUP> </SUP>including upper respiratory tract infection in children who<SUP> </SUP>develop high-altitude pulmonary edema at altitudes above 2500<SUP> </SUP>m.<SUP>31</SUP> Finally, a small but significant lower mean oxygen saturation<SUP> </SUP>was seen in infants and toddlers with upper respiratory infection<SUP> </SUP>at an altitude of 1500 m.<SUP>32</SUP><SUP> </SUP>
For both infants and young children, we found no difference<SUP> </SUP>in adjusted rates of hospitalization at moderate-altitude compared<SUP> </SUP>with the low-altitude categories, yet the comparison between<SUP> </SUP>high and moderate altitude demonstrated a significantly elevated<SUP> </SUP>risk. The exploratory analysis to determine an altitude cut<SUP> </SUP>point for increased rates showed a significant relationship<SUP> </SUP>above 2500 m. Possibly, altitudes lower than 2500 m do not exert<SUP> </SUP>substantial physiologic effects to influence the course of RSV<SUP> </SUP>infection. The lowest mean elevation by ZCTA in Colorado is<SUP> </SUP>
1092 m.<SUP> </SUP>
The unadjusted rates were highest in the low-altitude category,<SUP> </SUP>which is the eastern portion of the state. Once adjusted, these<SUP> </SUP>rates were similar to those for the moderate-elevation category.<SUP> </SUP>The majority (84.6%) of Colorado's population lives in the urban,<SUP> </SUP>moderate altitude, where they likely have better access to health<SUP> </SUP>care and affiliated social services. Access to preventive and<SUP> </SUP>primary care health care services in low-income rural areas<SUP> </SUP>is limited. We attempted to adjust for increased distance from<SUP> </SUP>health care providers by creating a proxy for "rural" ZCTAs<SUP> </SUP>but may not have accounted for this confounding adequately.<SUP> </SUP>
The elevated incidence of unadjusted and adjusted RSV-associated<SUP> </SUP>hospitalizations in the low-altitude region of the state is<SUP> </SUP>somewhat puzzling. Multivariate analysis accounted for the racial,<SUP> </SUP>educational, and income differences. The disparity in the eastern<SUP> </SUP>region of the state (Fig 1) may be attributed to poorer baseline<SUP> </SUP>health status in the population. Both this region and the San<SUP> </SUP>Luis Valley, an area that is at moderate altitude and has elevated<SUP> </SUP>rates of RSV hospitalizations, have higher proportions of Hispanic<SUP> </SUP>individuals. These findings may be consistent with a culture-associated<SUP> </SUP>delay in access to care.<SUP>33?35</SUP> In addition, barriers reported<SUP> </SUP>by Hispanic parents to gaining access to care for children are<SUP> </SUP>transportation difficulties, language problems, and long wait<SUP> </SUP>times.<SUP>35</SUP> Undocumented immigrants may be at additional risk for<SUP> </SUP>delays in gaining access to health care.<SUP> </SUP>
The population in the low-altitude region was poorer and less<SUP> </SUP>educated compared with populations in areas at higher elevations.<SUP> </SUP>The concentration of poverty and educational level was a significant<SUP> </SUP>contributor to the final models. Poverty on American Indian<SUP> </SUP>reservations<SUP>10,15,36</SUP> has been implicated in higher rates of<SUP> </SUP>bronchiolitis hospitalizations. In other studies, however, low<SUP> </SUP>socioeconomic status and low maternal education have not been<SUP> </SUP>found consistently to be independent risk factors for RSV hospitalization.<SUP>13,14,17</SUP><SUP> </SUP>
Limitations of the Study
The use of a GIS to assign mean altitudes for ZCTAs on the basis<SUP> </SUP>of self-reported zip codes for patients was dictated by privacy<SUP> </SUP>restrictions that were placed on the hospital discharge data.<SUP> </SUP>Access to residential address and more detailed demographic<SUP> </SUP>data for patients would have allowed us to assign accurate altitudes<SUP> </SUP>to residences and analyze the data set with individual records,<SUP> </SUP>rather than using altitude and demographic data for ZCTAs as<SUP> </SUP>surrogates for data specific to individual patients. Because<SUP> </SUP>of these restrictions, this study would not have been possible<SUP> </SUP>without a GIS.<SUP> </SUP>
We were unable to account for household smoke and ambient levels<SUP> </SUP>of air pollutants as potential confounders. We did not adjust<SUP> </SUP>for preexisting medical conditions, although it seems unlikely<SUP> </SUP>that young children with chronic heart or lung conditions would<SUP> </SUP>live in greater proportions at higher elevations. We partially<SUP> </SUP>addressed the possible confounding of premature births by excluding<SUP> </SUP>hospital admissions for newborns. We could not account directly<SUP> </SUP>for differences in physician admitting practices. Rural practitioners<SUP> </SUP>may have a lower threshold for hospital admission for infants<SUP> </SUP>and young children who live some distance from emergency facilities.<SUP> </SUP>Adjusting for residence in rural and urban areas may not have<SUP> </SUP>accounted adequately for this possible confounding.<SUP> </SUP>
In this study, we used ICD-9-CM codes for identifying RSV infections,<SUP> </SUP>with no information on whether the diagnoses were confirmed<SUP> </SUP>by viral identification. Diagnosis of RSV infection without<SUP> </SUP>laboratory confirmation may be related to other factors that<SUP> </SUP>are correlated with altitude, such as income, race, and health<SUP> </SUP>insurance coverage. These factors may not have been accounted<SUP> </SUP>for adequately with our demographic variables.<SUP> </SUP>
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</TD><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%"> CONCLUSIONS </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellPadding=5 align=right border=1><TBODY><TR><TH align=left>
This study indicates that residence at a high altitude (above<SUP> </SUP>2500 m) is a risk factor for serious RSV lower respiratory tract<SUP> </SUP>illness in young children. We recommend that practitioners in<SUP> </SUP>mountainous regions consider this influence on the clinical<SUP> </SUP>course of RSV infection when treating patients. Families and<SUP> </SUP>caregivers could be educated about reducing risk for severe<SUP> </SUP>infection, appropriate interventions during illness, and signs<SUP> </SUP>of decompensation that requires immediate medical attention.<SUP> </SUP>Residence at high altitude, although a modest predictor, could<SUP> </SUP>also be considered when making prophylaxis decisions for high-risk<SUP> </SUP>children.<SUP> </SUP>
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</TD><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%"> ACKNOWLEDGMENTS </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
This study was supported in part by a grant from Medimmune Inc.<SUP> </SUP>
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</TD><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%"> FOOTNOTES </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Accepted May 2, 2005.
Address correspondence to Eric A.F. Simoes, MB, BS, DCH MD, Children's Hospital, Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 1056 E 19th Ave, Box B055, Denver, CO 80218. E-mail: eric.simoes@uchsc.edu<SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!-- var u = "eric.simoes", d = "uchsc.edu"; document.getElementById("em0").innerHTML = '<a href="mailto:' + u + '@' + d + '">' + u + '@' + d + '<\/a>'//--></SCRIPT>
<!-- null -->The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships<SUP> </SUP>relevant to this article to disclose.<SUP> </SUP>
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</TD><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%"> REFERENCES </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellPadding=5 align=right border=1><TBODY><TR><TH align=left>
<NOBR>Julie A. Choudhuri, RN, MSPH<SUP>a</SUP></NOBR>, <NOBR>Lorraine G. Ogden, PhD<SUP>a</SUP></NOBR>, <NOBR>A. James Ruttenber, MD, PhD<SUP>a</SUP></NOBR>, <NOBR>Deborah S.K. Thomas, PhD<SUP>b</SUP></NOBR>, <NOBR>James K. Todd, MD<SUP>a</SUP><SUP>,c</SUP><SUP>,d</SUP></NOBR> and <NOBR>Eric A.F. Simoes, MB, BS, DCH MD<SUP>d</SUP><SUP>,e</SUP></NOBR>
<SUP>a</SUP> Preventive Medicine and Biometrics
<SUP>d</SUP> Pediatrics, School of Medicine
<SUP>b</SUP> Department of Geography, University of Colorado and Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
<SUP>c</SUP> Epidemiology
<SUP>e</SUP> Pediatrics, Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado
PEDIATRICS Vol. 117 No. 2 February 2006, pp. 349-356 (doi:10.1542/peds.2004-2795)
<SUP>a</SUP> Preventive Medicine and Biometrics
<SUP>d</SUP> Pediatrics, School of Medicine
<SUP>b</SUP> Department of Geography, University of Colorado and Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
<SUP>c</SUP> Epidemiology
<SUP>e</SUP> Pediatrics, Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado
PEDIATRICS Vol. 117 No. 2 February 2006, pp. 349-356 (doi:10.1542/peds.2004-2795)
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#e1e1e1><TBODY><TR><TH vAlign=center align=left width="95%">ABSTRACT </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellPadding=5 align=right border=1><TBODY><TR><TH align=left>
OBJECTIVE. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is the<SUP> </SUP>foremost cause of serious lower respiratory tract infection<SUP> </SUP>in young children and infants. Because higher rates of hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>for bronchiolitis and pneumonia have been noted in high-altitude<SUP> </SUP>regions, we hypothesized that physiologic responses to altitude<SUP> </SUP>would predispose children to more severe illness from RSV infection.<SUP> </SUP>This study examined the effect of residential altitude on hospitalizations<SUP> </SUP>for RSV infection in Colorado from 1998 through 2002.<SUP> </SUP>
METHODS. A geographic information system was used to assemble<SUP> </SUP>data for altitude and demographic variables by zip code?tabulation<SUP> </SUP>areas. Data then were linked with hospital discharge data for<SUP> </SUP>RSV infections. Poisson regression models were developed to<SUP> </SUP>explore correlations between hospitalization rates and residential<SUP> </SUP>altitude, after adjustment for socioeconomic differences in<SUP> </SUP>the underlying population.<SUP> </SUP>
RESULTS. RSV-associated hospitalizations averaged 15.9 per 1000<SUP> </SUP>infants who were younger than 1 year and 1.8 per 1000 children<SUP> </SUP>who were 1 to 4 years of age per season. A multivariate analysis<SUP> </SUP>suggested that the rate of hospitalization for RSV-specific<SUP> </SUP>International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical<SUP> </SUP>Modification codes increased 25% among infants who were younger<SUP> </SUP>than 1 year and 53% among children who were 1 to 4 years of<SUP> </SUP>age for every 1000-m increase in altitude. The risk for RSV-associated<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization was highest at elevations above 2500 m.<SUP> </SUP>
CONCLUSIONS. High altitude above 2500 m is a modest predictor<SUP> </SUP>for RSV-associated hospitalization. Practitioners in these regions<SUP> </SUP>should consider additional efforts to educate parents about<SUP> </SUP>RSV infection and its prevention and the importance of early<SUP> </SUP>treatment.<SUP> </SUP>
<HR>Key Words: environmental factors ? epidemiology ? hospitalization rates ? respiratory syncytial virus ? risk factors
Abbreviations: RSV?respiratory syncytial virus ? CHA?Colorado Health and Hospital Association ? ICD-9-CM?International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification ? ZCTA?zip code?tabulation area ? GIS?geographic information systems ? RR?rate ratio
RESPIRATORYSYNCYTIALVIRUS (RSV) infection is the foremost<SUP> </SUP>cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants and young children,<SUP> </SUP>causing >100000 hospitalizations annually in the United States.<SUP>1</SUP><SUP> </SUP>A number of risk factors for RSV hospitalization have been identified,<SUP>2</SUP><SUP> </SUP>such as prematurity,<SUP>3</SUP> chronic pulmonary<SUP>4</SUP> or congenital heart<SUP> </SUP>disease,<SUP>5</SUP> immunodeficiency,<SUP>6?8</SUP> concurrent birth siblings,<SUP>9</SUP><SUP> </SUP>and Native American heritage.<SUP>10</SUP> Environmental risk factors include<SUP> </SUP>exposure to passive smoke,<SUP>11,12</SUP> household crowding,<SUP>13?15</SUP><SUP> </SUP>having older siblings in the home,<SUP>16</SUP> and child care attendance.<SUP>13,17</SUP><SUP> </SUP>
An unexplored environmental factor for severe RSV disease is<SUP> </SUP>residence at high altitude. We recently observed excess respiratory<SUP> </SUP>hospitalizations for RSV in a Colorado hospital at
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Hospitalization Data
Data for all hospitalizations for children who were younger<SUP> </SUP>than 5 years were obtained from the Colorado Health and Hospital<SUP> </SUP>Association (CHA) hospital discharge database for the years<SUP> </SUP>1998 through 2002. The CHA tracks hospital discharge data for<SUP> </SUP>76 of 88 hospitals in Colorado. Of the 12 hospitals that were<SUP> </SUP>missing from this database, only 3 admit children who are younger<SUP> </SUP>than 5 years for acute illness. Two are in rural areas, 1 of<SUP> </SUP>which usually transports children to a larger facility. All<SUP> </SUP>3 are located in moderate-altitude areas (1500?2500 m).<SUP> </SUP>
The variables that were obtained for individual patients from<SUP> </SUP>the CHA database included age, zip code of residence, admission<SUP> </SUP>dates, and International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision,<SUP> </SUP>Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) diagnostic codes. Case patients<SUP> </SUP>were defined as children who were 4 years and younger and had<SUP> </SUP>hospital discharge records with Colorado zip codes and RSV-associated<SUP> </SUP>ICD-9-CM code 079.6 (RSV), 466.11 (acute bronchiolitis due to<SUP> </SUP>RSV), or 480.1 (RSV pneumonia) recorded in the first 7 of 15<SUP> </SUP>potential diagnostic fields (to produce rates comparable with<SUP> </SUP>previous work<SUP>1</SUP>). Only 18 (<0.3%) additional cases would have<SUP> </SUP>been added if diagnoses from all 15 fields were used. Diagnoses<SUP> </SUP>for newborn hospitalization were excluded from the analysis.<SUP> </SUP>
In statistical analyses, the cases were stratified by patient<SUP> </SUP>ages <1 year and 1 to 4 years. For ensuring that observations<SUP> </SUP>most likely represented RSV, hospitalizations were limited to<SUP> </SUP>admissions for the 6 months of January through May and December<SUP> </SUP>(the Colorado RSV season<SUP>19</SUP>) for 5 consecutive years. As the<SUP> </SUP>CHA database did not include individual identifiers, it was<SUP> </SUP>possible that there were multiple admission records for a single<SUP> </SUP>RSV infection. We excluded duplicate admissions for patients<SUP> </SUP>who were discharged to an acute care facility by matching records<SUP> </SUP>on zip code, birth year, birth month, and gender. Of the original<SUP> </SUP>7089 admission records identified, 113 duplicates from transfers<SUP> </SUP>were removed.<SUP> </SUP>
Geographic and Demographic Data
The geographic unit for this study was the 2000 US Census 5-digit<SUP> </SUP>zip code?tabulation area (ZCTA), which approximates US<SUP> </SUP>Postal Service zip code boundaries. ZCTAs comprise smaller geographic<SUP> </SUP>areas than counties and therefore yield more precise altitude<SUP> </SUP>estimates.<SUP> </SUP>
Data for household income, household size, education level,<SUP> </SUP>and race/ethnicity were obtained for each ZCTA from the 2000<SUP> </SUP>US Census. Because prison populations exerted a strong influence<SUP> </SUP>on data for socioeconomic status in some geographic areas,<SUP>20</SUP><SUP> </SUP>we adjusted for the presence of a prison within a ZCTA in our<SUP> </SUP>multivariate analyses. Data for 14 zip codes, including 4 cases,<SUP> </SUP>were excluded because they could not be located within the study<SUP> </SUP>ZCTAs. An additional 29 cases were excluded because they were<SUP> </SUP>located in ZCTAs with population estimates of 0 for their corresponding<SUP> </SUP>age group. Our geographic analysis was conducted with the remaining<SUP> </SUP>6943 cases. Patients from zip codes without corresponding census<SUP> </SUP>demographics were reassigned to the study ZCTA that represented<SUP> </SUP>the same geographic area. This accounted for the reassignment<SUP> </SUP>of 38 zip codes with 141 cases.<SUP> </SUP>
We created a variable with the geographic information systems<SUP> </SUP>(GIS) to identify urban and rural ZCTAs. Census 2000 TIGER/Line<SUP> </SUP>files with Colorado ZCTA boundaries were overlaid with the Census<SUP> </SUP>2000 Urbanized Areas file using ArcView 8.3 (ESRI Inc, Redlands,<SUP> </SUP>CA).<SUP> </SUP>
ZCTA boundaries that intersected urban area polygons were selected<SUP> </SUP>and coded as urban. The remaining was coded as rural.<SUP> </SUP>
The mean elevation for each ZCTA was estimated with the GIS<SUP> </SUP>using data from a US Geological Survey digital elevation model<SUP> </SUP>(2001) with elevations for the centroids of a grid composed<SUP> </SUP>of squares with 30-m sides. To minimize the effect on mean altitude<SUP> </SUP>of mountains within ZCTAs, we assumed that there were no residences<SUP> </SUP>above 3200 m and excluded altitudes above this level from the<SUP> </SUP>calculations of the mean altitude for ZCTAs. For stratified<SUP> </SUP>analyses, we used the following predetermined altitude categories:<SUP> </SUP>low (<1500 m), moderate (1500?2500 m), and high (>2500<SUP> </SUP>m) elevations.<SUP> </SUP>
Statistical Analysis
Univariate and multivariate Poisson regression models were used<SUP> </SUP>to model the association between altitude and RSV-associated<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization rates in infants who were younger than 1 year<SUP> </SUP>and children who were 1 to 4 years of age. The ZCTAs were the<SUP> </SUP>unit of analysis. The dependent variable was the total number<SUP> </SUP>of RSV-associated hospitalizations during the 1998?2002<SUP> </SUP>RSV seasons, counted separately for infants and young children,<SUP> </SUP>within each ZCTA. The corresponding 2000 mid-year population<SUP> </SUP>estimate of the number of infants and children who lived in<SUP> </SUP>each ZCTA were included as an offset variable to model the rate<SUP> </SUP>of RSV-associated hospitalizations. The analyses were performed<SUP> </SUP>using the SAS 8.2 Genmod procedure (SAS Institute Inc, Cary,<SUP> </SUP>NC). Altitude was examined as both a continuous and a categorical<SUP> </SUP>variable.<SUP> </SUP>
Potential confounders that were considered for inclusion in<SUP> </SUP>the multivariate models were differences in the underlying populations<SUP> </SUP>measured at the ZCTA level. These included the distribution<SUP> </SUP>(the proportion of individuals in each category of each factor)<SUP> </SUP>of gender, age, race, ethnicity, education level, and household<SUP> </SUP>size; the proportion of households that lived below 150% of<SUP> </SUP>the poverty level; the median income for the ZCTA; and indicator<SUP> </SUP>variables for whether the ZCTA was urban or contained a prison.<SUP> </SUP>
A backward elimination procedure from a model saturated with<SUP> </SUP>all potential confounders was used. During each step, the least<SUP> </SUP>significant variable was determined for removal using the likelihood<SUP> </SUP>ratio
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Population Demographics by Altitude
The mean (range) elevation of the ZCTAs in the 3 prospectively<SUP> </SUP>chosen altitude categories was as follows: low 1318 m (1093?1497<SUP> </SUP>m), moderate 2008 m (1503?2477 m), and high 2714 m (2513?3027<SUP> </SUP>m). There were statistically significant differences in the<SUP> </SUP>population demographics across the 3 altitude categories (Table<SUP> </SUP>1). The lowest altitude region, representing the mainly agricultural<SUP> </SUP>eastern half of the state, had the largest proportion of people<SUP> </SUP>who were older than 65 years (13%), people who reported Hispanic<SUP> </SUP>ethnicity (26%), adults with less than a high school education<SUP> </SUP>(21%), and households that were living below 150% of the poverty<SUP> </SUP>level (25%). Demographics from the high-altitude region revealed<SUP> </SUP>a population with the lowest proportion of youths aged 0 to<SUP> </SUP>19 years (25%) and highest median income level (US$45214). There<SUP> </SUP>were more rural ZCTAs at the lowest (92 of 103; 89%) and highest<SUP> </SUP>(93 of 96; 97%) altitudes compared with moderate altitude (150<SUP> </SUP>of 282; 53%), whereas 90% (132 of 146) of the urban ZCTAs were<SUP> </SUP>located in the moderate-altitude category.<SUP> </SUP>
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</NOBR> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>TABLE 1 Demographic Data for ZCTAs According to Altitude Category: Colorado, 2000
RSV Hospitalization Rates
During the RSV seasons of 1998?2002, infants accounted<SUP> </SUP>for 4847 (70%) of the RSV-associated hospitalizations, with<SUP> </SUP>a median age of 3 months. Children who were 1 to 4 years of<SUP> </SUP>age had 2129 RSV-associated hospitalizations with a median age<SUP> </SUP>of 20 months. Approximately one half of the infants (2420 of<SUP> </SUP>4847; 49%) and children (1158 of 2129; 54%) were non-Hispanic<SUP> </SUP>and white. Racial information was "unknown" or coded as "other"<SUP> </SUP>for roughly 20% of cases. The ratio of boys to girls was 1.3:1<SUP> </SUP>(2764:2083) in infants and 1.2:1 (1144:985) in older children.<SUP> </SUP>As the CHA racial categories do not match the census categories,<SUP> </SUP>we did not determine rates of disease by race. The mid-year<SUP> </SUP>2000 population in Colorado infants who were younger than 1<SUP> </SUP>year was 61040, which yielded an overall unadjusted rate of<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization for RSV at 15.9 per 1000 infants per season.<SUP> </SUP>Children who were 1 to 4 years of age had a corresponding mid-year<SUP> </SUP>population of 233918. The mean unadjusted RSV hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>rate was 1.8 per 1000 children per season. Trends of annual<SUP> </SUP>rates by age strata, in our study, showed consistency over the<SUP> </SUP>5-year study period.<SUP> </SUP>
Unadjusted and adjusted rates by the predetermined altitude<SUP> </SUP>exposure categories are reported in Table 2. Infants who were<SUP> </SUP>younger than 1 year had higher hospitalization rates compared<SUP> </SUP>with children who were aged 1 to 4 years. The highest unadjusted<SUP> </SUP>rate was for infants at the lowest altitude at (20.9 per 1000<SUP> </SUP>infants per season). The lowest unadjusted rate for both age<SUP> </SUP>categories occurred in the moderate-altitude category.<SUP> </SUP>
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</NOBR> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>TABLE 2 Unadjusted and Adjusted<SUP>a</SUP> RSV-Associated Rates of Hospitalization According to Altitude: Colorado, RSV Seasons 1998?2002
Multivariate Analysis
In the multivariate models, the rate of hospitalization for<SUP> </SUP>RSV-specific ICD-9-CM codes increased 25% (rate ratio [RR]:<SUP> </SUP>1.25; P = .005) among infants who were younger than 1 year and<SUP> </SUP>53% (RR: 1.53; P < .001) among children who were 1 to 4 years<SUP> </SUP>of age for every 1000-m increase in mean altitude of the ZCTA.<SUP> </SUP>ZCTA characteristics that were adjusted for in both models included<SUP> </SUP>the population distribution of education level, households that<SUP> </SUP>were living below 150% of the poverty level, and race.<SUP> </SUP>
The adjusted models suggested a positive linear relationship<SUP> </SUP>between rates of hospitalization and ZCTA elevation. However,<SUP> </SUP>when altitude was examined categorically, an increased risk<SUP> </SUP>was observed only for ZCTAs at the highest elevations, above<SUP> </SUP>2500 m. Infants who were living in ZCTAs at high altitude had<SUP> </SUP>a 30% higher rate of hospitalization (RR: 1.30; P = .018) than<SUP> </SUP>those who were living at moderate elevation, and 1- to 4-year-olds<SUP> </SUP>who were living at high altitude had an 80% increase in their<SUP> </SUP>hospitalization rate (RR: 1.80; P < .001). Infants who resided<SUP> </SUP>at high altitude had a rate that was 22% higher (RR: 1.22; P<SUP> </SUP>= .122) than those at low altitude, whereas children at high<SUP> </SUP>altitude had a 62% increase in their rate of hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>(RR: 1.62; P = .004) when compared with residents at low altitude.<SUP> </SUP>There were no significant differences between hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>rates for those who were living at moderate altitude as compared<SUP> </SUP>with those who were living at low altitude for infants (RR:<SUP> </SUP>0.94; P = .480) or for children (RR: 0.90; P = .393). Maps (Fig<SUP> </SUP>1) display the geographic distribution of adjusted hospitalization<SUP> </SUP>rates by ZCTA, with the high-altitude region outlined.<SUP> </SUP>
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</NOBR> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>FIGURE 1 Adjusted (for race, education level, and poverty level in ZCTAs) RSV-associated hospitalization rates in infants and children, Colorado, averaged over the RSV seasons 1998?2002. <SUP>a</SUP> High-altitude boundary contains ZCTAs with mean altitude >2500 meters.
An exploratory analysis was performed to examine other altitude<SUP> </SUP>cut points. Figure 2 displays RRs by decile of elevation. The<SUP> </SUP>lowest rates of RSV-associated hospitalization were in ZCTAs<SUP> </SUP>with a mean altitude of
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</NOBR> </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left>FIGURE 2 Adjusted (for race, education, and poverty level in ZCTAs) rate ratios for RSV-associated hospitalizations according to altitude. <SUP>a</SUP> Of the RRs reported here, only the highest altitude category is significant (P < .05) for infants and the RRs in the 2 highest altitude categories for children.
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Our RSV hospitalization rates were lower than those reported<SUP> </SUP>in national statistics of 31.2/1000 infants and 2.3/1000 for<SUP> </SUP>children aged 1 to 4 years.<SUP>1</SUP> In a Tennessee Medicaid population,<SUP> </SUP>the RSV hospitalization rate was 40.8/1000 infants and 29.5/1000<SUP> </SUP>low-risk infants.<SUP>22</SUP> Our rates may reflect the more specific<SUP> </SUP>ICD-9 codes (079.6, 466.11, or 480.1) that we chose to define<SUP> </SUP>an RSV-associated hospitalization, compared with the more general<SUP> </SUP>codes used in other studies that included bronchiolitis (466.1)<SUP> </SUP>and viral pneumonia with no organism specified (480.9),<SUP>1,10,22</SUP><SUP> </SUP>in addition to the RSV-specific codes.<SUP> </SUP>
The effect of altitude on hospitalization rate was stronger<SUP> </SUP>in children than in infants. The explanation for this observation<SUP> </SUP>may lie in the shorter length of exposure to altitude for infants,<SUP> </SUP>as compared with older children, and their subsequent ability<SUP> </SUP>to compensate for altitude exposure. In a small cohort of neonates<SUP> </SUP>who were born at 3100 m, Niermeyer et al<SUP>23</SUP> described normal<SUP> </SUP>to moderately elevated indices for pulmonary artery pressures<SUP> </SUP>and lower arterial oxygen saturation readings in the first week<SUP> </SUP>of life. These values returned to normal ranges within a few<SUP> </SUP>months. However, because infants decompensate more readily with<SUP> </SUP>illness than older children, there may be a lower threshold<SUP> </SUP>for admission to a hospital and, hence, less of a difference<SUP> </SUP>in hospitalization rates at different altitudes for infants.<SUP> </SUP>
The normal physiologic effects of altitude on the respiratory<SUP> </SUP>tract of infants and children are multiple. Baseline oxygen<SUP> </SUP>saturation values decrease for infants and young children who<SUP> </SUP>live at increasing altitudes,<SUP>24?26</SUP> an expected response<SUP> </SUP>to lower barometric pressure and decreased fraction of inspired<SUP> </SUP>oxygen. Nasal obstruction and impaired ciliary activity, exhibited<SUP> </SUP>at high altitude,<SUP>27</SUP> in conjunction with low humidity, can impair<SUP> </SUP>the ability to clear respiratory secretions associated with<SUP> </SUP>RSV. Hypoxemia stimulates pulmonary vasoconstriction, leading<SUP> </SUP>to increased vascular permeability and pulmonary congestion.<SUP>28</SUP><SUP> </SUP>This pulmonary vasoconstriction may be enhanced with RSV infection<SUP> </SUP>as illustrated in animal models.<SUP> </SUP>
RSV infection in a nonhuman primate model (the bonnet monkey<SUP> </SUP>Macaca radiata) demonstrates severe bronchiolar edema and alveolitis<SUP> </SUP>along with an exuberant peribronchovascular inflammation.<SUP>29</SUP><SUP> </SUP>In these animals, there seems to be pulmonary arteriolar hyperplasia<SUP> </SUP>7 days after infection. These findings were subsequently described<SUP> </SUP>in newborn rats.<SUP>30</SUP> Besides the pathologic changes, rat pups<SUP> </SUP>are much more susceptible to pulmonary edema when exposed to<SUP> </SUP>hypoxemia if the animals were infected with Sendai virus compared<SUP> </SUP>with controls (Sendai virus infection in rats mimics RSV infection<SUP> </SUP>in humans).<SUP> </SUP>
This observation has also been extended to children, and an<SUP> </SUP>association has been found with preexisting inflammatory illnesses<SUP> </SUP>including upper respiratory tract infection in children who<SUP> </SUP>develop high-altitude pulmonary edema at altitudes above 2500<SUP> </SUP>m.<SUP>31</SUP> Finally, a small but significant lower mean oxygen saturation<SUP> </SUP>was seen in infants and toddlers with upper respiratory infection<SUP> </SUP>at an altitude of 1500 m.<SUP>32</SUP><SUP> </SUP>
For both infants and young children, we found no difference<SUP> </SUP>in adjusted rates of hospitalization at moderate-altitude compared<SUP> </SUP>with the low-altitude categories, yet the comparison between<SUP> </SUP>high and moderate altitude demonstrated a significantly elevated<SUP> </SUP>risk. The exploratory analysis to determine an altitude cut<SUP> </SUP>point for increased rates showed a significant relationship<SUP> </SUP>above 2500 m. Possibly, altitudes lower than 2500 m do not exert<SUP> </SUP>substantial physiologic effects to influence the course of RSV<SUP> </SUP>infection. The lowest mean elevation by ZCTA in Colorado is<SUP> </SUP>
The unadjusted rates were highest in the low-altitude category,<SUP> </SUP>which is the eastern portion of the state. Once adjusted, these<SUP> </SUP>rates were similar to those for the moderate-elevation category.<SUP> </SUP>The majority (84.6%) of Colorado's population lives in the urban,<SUP> </SUP>moderate altitude, where they likely have better access to health<SUP> </SUP>care and affiliated social services. Access to preventive and<SUP> </SUP>primary care health care services in low-income rural areas<SUP> </SUP>is limited. We attempted to adjust for increased distance from<SUP> </SUP>health care providers by creating a proxy for "rural" ZCTAs<SUP> </SUP>but may not have accounted for this confounding adequately.<SUP> </SUP>
The elevated incidence of unadjusted and adjusted RSV-associated<SUP> </SUP>hospitalizations in the low-altitude region of the state is<SUP> </SUP>somewhat puzzling. Multivariate analysis accounted for the racial,<SUP> </SUP>educational, and income differences. The disparity in the eastern<SUP> </SUP>region of the state (Fig 1) may be attributed to poorer baseline<SUP> </SUP>health status in the population. Both this region and the San<SUP> </SUP>Luis Valley, an area that is at moderate altitude and has elevated<SUP> </SUP>rates of RSV hospitalizations, have higher proportions of Hispanic<SUP> </SUP>individuals. These findings may be consistent with a culture-associated<SUP> </SUP>delay in access to care.<SUP>33?35</SUP> In addition, barriers reported<SUP> </SUP>by Hispanic parents to gaining access to care for children are<SUP> </SUP>transportation difficulties, language problems, and long wait<SUP> </SUP>times.<SUP>35</SUP> Undocumented immigrants may be at additional risk for<SUP> </SUP>delays in gaining access to health care.<SUP> </SUP>
The population in the low-altitude region was poorer and less<SUP> </SUP>educated compared with populations in areas at higher elevations.<SUP> </SUP>The concentration of poverty and educational level was a significant<SUP> </SUP>contributor to the final models. Poverty on American Indian<SUP> </SUP>reservations<SUP>10,15,36</SUP> has been implicated in higher rates of<SUP> </SUP>bronchiolitis hospitalizations. In other studies, however, low<SUP> </SUP>socioeconomic status and low maternal education have not been<SUP> </SUP>found consistently to be independent risk factors for RSV hospitalization.<SUP>13,14,17</SUP><SUP> </SUP>
Limitations of the Study
The use of a GIS to assign mean altitudes for ZCTAs on the basis<SUP> </SUP>of self-reported zip codes for patients was dictated by privacy<SUP> </SUP>restrictions that were placed on the hospital discharge data.<SUP> </SUP>Access to residential address and more detailed demographic<SUP> </SUP>data for patients would have allowed us to assign accurate altitudes<SUP> </SUP>to residences and analyze the data set with individual records,<SUP> </SUP>rather than using altitude and demographic data for ZCTAs as<SUP> </SUP>surrogates for data specific to individual patients. Because<SUP> </SUP>of these restrictions, this study would not have been possible<SUP> </SUP>without a GIS.<SUP> </SUP>
We were unable to account for household smoke and ambient levels<SUP> </SUP>of air pollutants as potential confounders. We did not adjust<SUP> </SUP>for preexisting medical conditions, although it seems unlikely<SUP> </SUP>that young children with chronic heart or lung conditions would<SUP> </SUP>live in greater proportions at higher elevations. We partially<SUP> </SUP>addressed the possible confounding of premature births by excluding<SUP> </SUP>hospital admissions for newborns. We could not account directly<SUP> </SUP>for differences in physician admitting practices. Rural practitioners<SUP> </SUP>may have a lower threshold for hospital admission for infants<SUP> </SUP>and young children who live some distance from emergency facilities.<SUP> </SUP>Adjusting for residence in rural and urban areas may not have<SUP> </SUP>accounted adequately for this possible confounding.<SUP> </SUP>
In this study, we used ICD-9-CM codes for identifying RSV infections,<SUP> </SUP>with no information on whether the diagnoses were confirmed<SUP> </SUP>by viral identification. Diagnosis of RSV infection without<SUP> </SUP>laboratory confirmation may be related to other factors that<SUP> </SUP>are correlated with altitude, such as income, race, and health<SUP> </SUP>insurance coverage. These factors may not have been accounted<SUP> </SUP>for adequately with our demographic variables.<SUP> </SUP>
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This study indicates that residence at a high altitude (above<SUP> </SUP>2500 m) is a risk factor for serious RSV lower respiratory tract<SUP> </SUP>illness in young children. We recommend that practitioners in<SUP> </SUP>mountainous regions consider this influence on the clinical<SUP> </SUP>course of RSV infection when treating patients. Families and<SUP> </SUP>caregivers could be educated about reducing risk for severe<SUP> </SUP>infection, appropriate interventions during illness, and signs<SUP> </SUP>of decompensation that requires immediate medical attention.<SUP> </SUP>Residence at high altitude, although a modest predictor, could<SUP> </SUP>also be considered when making prophylaxis decisions for high-risk<SUP> </SUP>children.<SUP> </SUP>
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This study was supported in part by a grant from Medimmune Inc.<SUP> </SUP>
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Accepted May 2, 2005.
Address correspondence to Eric A.F. Simoes, MB, BS, DCH MD, Children's Hospital, Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 1056 E 19th Ave, Box B055, Denver, CO 80218. E-mail: eric.simoes@uchsc.edu<SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!-- var u = "eric.simoes", d = "uchsc.edu"; document.getElementById("em0").innerHTML = '<a href="mailto:' + u + '@' + d + '">' + u + '@' + d + '<\/a>'//--></SCRIPT>
<!-- null -->The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships<SUP> </SUP>relevant to this article to disclose.<SUP> </SUP>
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