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Positive poultry deaths due to bird flu
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 16:38 WIB
Bandarlampung (ANTARA News) - The head of Bandarlampung City Agriculture Service Agustini MM said the results of the laboratory stated that poultry that died suddenly in Campang Raya Village, Bandarlampung City, were positive for the H5N1 bird flu virus.
"The results of laboratory tests that have been known, these birds have positive H5N1," he said when contacted in Bandarlampung on Wednesday.
With the positive results of the lab, the Department of Agriculture appealed to the community to remain vigilant, especially for residents who have chickens or poultry and always pay attention to the cleanliness of the cage and the environment of the maintenance area.
He said, he had sent a circular letter to the sub-district heads throughout Bandarlampung City to anticipate the local environment by cleaning the cages of domestic poultry and temporarily asking poultry not to be left first.
Agustini added that chicken traders in the markets had been given information and warnings not to sell chickens that died suddenly because they were feared to have been hit by the H5N1 virus.
"In the markets we have sprayed it, even the traders have socialized it. If needed, we will also vaccinate their poultry," he said.
He gave an example of the poultry that was attacked by this virus with the characteristics of the comb developing blackish color, there were spots on the chicken feet, and removing mucus from the members of the chicken's body.
For that, he said, it was hoped that the community would not consume these poultry and should be burned and buried with a radius of 10 meters from the location of the enclosure.
"For the people, do not be afraid to consume chicken, because our team has supervised to the market, which is important to be careful and remain vigilant," Agustini said. *