Indonesia - Ministry of Health - Human Bird Flu Reports 2015
Computer translation
March 31, 2015
Reporting on Bird Flu Cases 198 and 199
Bird Flu Case Report ? 198 and 199 Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health announced two new cases of bird flu have been confirmed by the Center for Biomedical and Health Technology Association, Agency for Health Research and Development.
The first case of an employee initials TS (L, 40), a resident of Tangerang City, Banten province. On March 15th 2015, cases began to complain of not feeling well, but still working. Dated March 17, 2015, symptoms of fever, cough with phlegm and outpatient treatment to a private hospital. Dated March 21, 2015 TS Hospital emergency room treatment to other private, chest X-ray results showed pleuropneumonia dextra. Because fixed fever and cough accompanied by weakness and nausea, at night the case back to the hospital for treatment and was admitted with a diagnosis of pleural effusion work dextra et causa pneumonia. On March 23, 2015, the case of worsening and admitted to the ICU with a diagnosis of pleural effusion dextra, pneumonia and liver dysfunction. The next day the case dated March 24, 2015 increased breathlessness and diagnosed as Suspect Bird Flu, and the worse and died at 16:25 pm. Dated March 25, 2015, stating Balitbangkes laboratory results TS PCR positive cases of H5N1.
The second case MAIPS initials (L, 2 years) is a subsidiary of TS cases, lived one house with his parents. Dated March 11, 2015, symptoms of fever, cough and runny nose then went to a private hospital and treated. On March 16, 2015, the case was discharged from hospital, but at home complaining of bloating and cough. Circumstances of the case there is no change, the case complained of breathlessness and referred to other private hospitals. Because of deteriorating, dated March 26, 2015, the case was referred to the Friendship Hospital hours of 2:40 pm and died at 04:10 pm. Dated March 26, 2015, stating Balitbangkes PCR laboratory test results MAIPS Positive H5N1 cases.
Team DG and PL, Research and Development Agency, the City Health Office of Tangerang and Tangerang Health Center, the Rapid Response Unit Animal Diseases Strategic (URCPHMS) - Ministry of Agriculture has conducted an epidemiological investigation into the homes of people and the environment. In case the house does not have a good pet birds or other, but in the neighborhood there are many cases of people who maintain ornamental birds and pigeons. Possible risk factors in the case, among others, domestic poultry cases neighbors around the house; Contact directly and indirectly with domestic poultry brother of cases in the district. Bogor.
With the increase in these two cases, from 2005 until the news was published, the cumulative number of bird flu cases in Indonesia is 199 cases with 167 deaths.
Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health dr. Mohamad Subuh, MPPM as the National Focal Point for the International Health Regulations (IHR) has been informed about the case to the WHO.
The Government together with the whole community has made various efforts to control bird flu since 2005. In the period of 10 years (2005-2014) looks downward trend avian influenza in animals and humans. During the nine months from June 2014 until February 2015 no cases of Avian Influenza in Indonesia.
The success of AI control is determined by the role and support of the entire community, especially the role of society in prevention efforts. Attempts to do the community is to avoid contact with sick birds or sudden death; maintain personal and environmental hygiene to behave clean and healthy living; and recognize the symptoms of Bird Flu are fever / high heat, cough and sore throat. If there are signs of AI immediately go to the clinic or hospital.
MAI and TS Positive Bird Flu
April 17, 2015
Early April 2015 the Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health announced two new cases of bird flu have been confirmed by the Center for Biomedical and Health Technology Association, Agency for Health Research and Development. With the increase in these two cases, from 2005 until the news was published, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of Avian Influenza in Indonesia is 199 cases with 167 deaths.
Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health dr. Mohamad Subuh, MPPM as the National Focal Point International Health Regulations (IHR) has been informed about the case to the WHO.
The first case initials MAI (Male, 2 years and 6 months), resident of Tangerang of Banten province. Dated March 7, 2015, had a fever and was taken to visit Bogor Regency. Dated March 11, 2015, the case of high fever, cough and runny nose then went to a private hospital and was treated for five days. On March 16, 2015, the case came out of the hospital, but on March 17, 2015 the case was taken to look crowded so other private hospital and treated. Case conditions increasingly congested so the next day referred and treated in private hospitals that have pediatric ICU facilities. On March 24 were diagnosed as suspected Avian Influenza and dated March 26, 2015, the case was referred to the hours of 02:40 pm Friendship Hospital, and died at 04:10 pm. Dated March 26, 2015, stating Balitbangkes laboratory results MAI PCR positive cases of H5N1.
The second case an employee initials TS (Male, 40 years and 11 months), the father of the case MAI, lived one house with his son. Dated March 17, 2015, began to arise symptoms of fever and cough. Case felt pain conditions gain weight so that later went to a private hospital on March 21, 2015 early morning and diagnosed ISPA. In the morning the case back to the hospital for treatment of other private and go home with a diagnosis of ARI. At night the case of a treatment to the same hospital with complaints of breathlessness and was hospitalized with a diagnosis pleuropneumonia dextra. On March 23, 2015 night, case experience worsening and admitted to the ICU with a diagnosis of suspected Avian then performed taking specimens to be sent to Balitbangkes on March 24, 2015 case conditions worsened and died at 16:25 pm. Dated March 25, 2015 stating Balitbangkes laboratory results TS PCR positive cases of H5N1.
Team DG and PL, Research and Development Agency, the City Health Office of Tangerang and Tangerang City Health Center, the Rapid Response Unit Animal Diseases Strategic (URCPHMS) The Ministry of Agriculture has conducted an epidemiological investigation. Results of the epidemiological investigation found possible risk factors in the case, among others indirect contact with poultry around the house of cases; Direct and indirect contact with the market environment in Tangerang; Direct and indirect contact with poultry in the district of Bogor, where all three of these risk factors according to the results of the Ministry of Agriculture detected positive Avian Influenza / H5.
Computer translation
March 31, 2015
Reporting on Bird Flu Cases 198 and 199
Bird Flu Case Report ? 198 and 199 Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health announced two new cases of bird flu have been confirmed by the Center for Biomedical and Health Technology Association, Agency for Health Research and Development.
The first case of an employee initials TS (L, 40), a resident of Tangerang City, Banten province. On March 15th 2015, cases began to complain of not feeling well, but still working. Dated March 17, 2015, symptoms of fever, cough with phlegm and outpatient treatment to a private hospital. Dated March 21, 2015 TS Hospital emergency room treatment to other private, chest X-ray results showed pleuropneumonia dextra. Because fixed fever and cough accompanied by weakness and nausea, at night the case back to the hospital for treatment and was admitted with a diagnosis of pleural effusion work dextra et causa pneumonia. On March 23, 2015, the case of worsening and admitted to the ICU with a diagnosis of pleural effusion dextra, pneumonia and liver dysfunction. The next day the case dated March 24, 2015 increased breathlessness and diagnosed as Suspect Bird Flu, and the worse and died at 16:25 pm. Dated March 25, 2015, stating Balitbangkes laboratory results TS PCR positive cases of H5N1.
The second case MAIPS initials (L, 2 years) is a subsidiary of TS cases, lived one house with his parents. Dated March 11, 2015, symptoms of fever, cough and runny nose then went to a private hospital and treated. On March 16, 2015, the case was discharged from hospital, but at home complaining of bloating and cough. Circumstances of the case there is no change, the case complained of breathlessness and referred to other private hospitals. Because of deteriorating, dated March 26, 2015, the case was referred to the Friendship Hospital hours of 2:40 pm and died at 04:10 pm. Dated March 26, 2015, stating Balitbangkes PCR laboratory test results MAIPS Positive H5N1 cases.
Team DG and PL, Research and Development Agency, the City Health Office of Tangerang and Tangerang Health Center, the Rapid Response Unit Animal Diseases Strategic (URCPHMS) - Ministry of Agriculture has conducted an epidemiological investigation into the homes of people and the environment. In case the house does not have a good pet birds or other, but in the neighborhood there are many cases of people who maintain ornamental birds and pigeons. Possible risk factors in the case, among others, domestic poultry cases neighbors around the house; Contact directly and indirectly with domestic poultry brother of cases in the district. Bogor.
With the increase in these two cases, from 2005 until the news was published, the cumulative number of bird flu cases in Indonesia is 199 cases with 167 deaths.
Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health dr. Mohamad Subuh, MPPM as the National Focal Point for the International Health Regulations (IHR) has been informed about the case to the WHO.
The Government together with the whole community has made various efforts to control bird flu since 2005. In the period of 10 years (2005-2014) looks downward trend avian influenza in animals and humans. During the nine months from June 2014 until February 2015 no cases of Avian Influenza in Indonesia.
The success of AI control is determined by the role and support of the entire community, especially the role of society in prevention efforts. Attempts to do the community is to avoid contact with sick birds or sudden death; maintain personal and environmental hygiene to behave clean and healthy living; and recognize the symptoms of Bird Flu are fever / high heat, cough and sore throat. If there are signs of AI immediately go to the clinic or hospital.
MAI and TS Positive Bird Flu
April 17, 2015
Early April 2015 the Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health announced two new cases of bird flu have been confirmed by the Center for Biomedical and Health Technology Association, Agency for Health Research and Development. With the increase in these two cases, from 2005 until the news was published, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of Avian Influenza in Indonesia is 199 cases with 167 deaths.
Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health dr. Mohamad Subuh, MPPM as the National Focal Point International Health Regulations (IHR) has been informed about the case to the WHO.
The first case initials MAI (Male, 2 years and 6 months), resident of Tangerang of Banten province. Dated March 7, 2015, had a fever and was taken to visit Bogor Regency. Dated March 11, 2015, the case of high fever, cough and runny nose then went to a private hospital and was treated for five days. On March 16, 2015, the case came out of the hospital, but on March 17, 2015 the case was taken to look crowded so other private hospital and treated. Case conditions increasingly congested so the next day referred and treated in private hospitals that have pediatric ICU facilities. On March 24 were diagnosed as suspected Avian Influenza and dated March 26, 2015, the case was referred to the hours of 02:40 pm Friendship Hospital, and died at 04:10 pm. Dated March 26, 2015, stating Balitbangkes laboratory results MAI PCR positive cases of H5N1.
The second case an employee initials TS (Male, 40 years and 11 months), the father of the case MAI, lived one house with his son. Dated March 17, 2015, began to arise symptoms of fever and cough. Case felt pain conditions gain weight so that later went to a private hospital on March 21, 2015 early morning and diagnosed ISPA. In the morning the case back to the hospital for treatment of other private and go home with a diagnosis of ARI. At night the case of a treatment to the same hospital with complaints of breathlessness and was hospitalized with a diagnosis pleuropneumonia dextra. On March 23, 2015 night, case experience worsening and admitted to the ICU with a diagnosis of suspected Avian then performed taking specimens to be sent to Balitbangkes on March 24, 2015 case conditions worsened and died at 16:25 pm. Dated March 25, 2015 stating Balitbangkes laboratory results TS PCR positive cases of H5N1.
Team DG and PL, Research and Development Agency, the City Health Office of Tangerang and Tangerang City Health Center, the Rapid Response Unit Animal Diseases Strategic (URCPHMS) The Ministry of Agriculture has conducted an epidemiological investigation. Results of the epidemiological investigation found possible risk factors in the case, among others indirect contact with poultry around the house of cases; Direct and indirect contact with the market environment in Tangerang; Direct and indirect contact with poultry in the district of Bogor, where all three of these risk factors according to the results of the Ministry of Agriculture detected positive Avian Influenza / H5.