<object id="tts_flash" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0" classid="clsid<img" src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" title="Big Grin" smilieid="3" class="inlineimg" border="0"></object>Friday, July 30, 2010, 09:35:00
Inflammation But Not Bird Flu
Mempawah-Pontianak District Health Office Head, Dr Hj MPH Armini said the illnesses suffered by district residents Toho just sore throat. That's not the kind of bird flu virus as it is feared the public. "We're not sure what kind of virus. Definitive results are still in the laboratory diagnostics, "mention with Drh Buntaran, Plt Kadis Tannak after attending a plenary session speech LKPj.Dengan Regents of the symptoms that I Armini, said his company is prevention by providing immunization and antibiotics to prevent inflammation of the throat to the resident Takong and surrounding areas for free.
"It's not bird flu. But the sore throat, "tegasnya.Drh Bntaran added, if there is no bird flu and the typical affected area of the throat. To anticipate his side has lowered Takong team and its surroundings, in order to check on residents who holds a farm, if anyone has died or others. "In character we are on guard. Karenanaya, urged residents who have cattle, take prompt steps and actions, if they see no abnormalities in cattle immediately reported to the nearest officer, "he advised.Buntaran explicitly mentioned, during this time symptoms of bird flu and swine flu does not exist.
Every time there are indications of new developments or, provincial Animal Health Department constantly monitor and falls. Case with Distannak Pontianak regency.
Pontianak regency still empty and lab results are still empty of bird flu or flu symptoms babi
.Dia added, before the coming of Ramadan 1431 H, Agriculture and Livestock, also check the stock market and the needs of meat, chicken and eggs in the near future will soon be recorded and expanded supply of rice, vegetables with expectations ahead of the major fast food until Lebaran needs can always be fulfilled.
Buntaran definite mention, the stock of food until late next Lebaran is still sufficient. Rice inventories are still quite adequate.
Inflammation But Not Bird Flu
Mempawah-Pontianak District Health Office Head, Dr Hj MPH Armini said the illnesses suffered by district residents Toho just sore throat. That's not the kind of bird flu virus as it is feared the public. "We're not sure what kind of virus. Definitive results are still in the laboratory diagnostics, "mention with Drh Buntaran, Plt Kadis Tannak after attending a plenary session speech LKPj.Dengan Regents of the symptoms that I Armini, said his company is prevention by providing immunization and antibiotics to prevent inflammation of the throat to the resident Takong and surrounding areas for free.
"It's not bird flu. But the sore throat, "tegasnya.Drh Bntaran added, if there is no bird flu and the typical affected area of the throat. To anticipate his side has lowered Takong team and its surroundings, in order to check on residents who holds a farm, if anyone has died or others. "In character we are on guard. Karenanaya, urged residents who have cattle, take prompt steps and actions, if they see no abnormalities in cattle immediately reported to the nearest officer, "he advised.Buntaran explicitly mentioned, during this time symptoms of bird flu and swine flu does not exist.

Pontianak regency still empty and lab results are still empty of bird flu or flu symptoms babi

Buntaran definite mention, the stock of food until late next Lebaran is still sufficient. Rice inventories are still quite adequate.