More and more districts in Bangkalan who had entered the bird flu endemic.
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</TD></TR><TR><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 10px; FONT-WEIGHT: normal" id=att_fotocaption align=left>Flu Burung Kian Menyebar di Bangkalan </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
SURABAYA POST - District Bangkalan great potential bird flu. Especially with the operation of Suramadu Bridge, which makes the Madurese community mobility more intense.
Proved, two years ago, only three districts affected by bird flu endemic, but now seven of the 18 districts have signed endemic bird flu. Districts that have a positive bird flu endemic district of Jakarta, Burneh, Geger, Kamal, Socah, Tanah Merah, and AROSBAYA. Feared, all the districts in the area Madura entrance to this bird flu.
"Mobility Madurese community is very high now. So the possibility of the spread of bird flu virus, including the swine flu, high enough. We must anticipate them, "said Chief Dispertanak Bangkalan, Ellija Rosijana, Tuesday (24/11).
While Dispertanak power to control bird flu is very limited. And the threat is very serious virus. "To overcome this problem, we train skilled workers to cope with bird flu and other pandemic influenza. In this month, 400 people from district officials, representatives of village communities to be trained in five locations. Coaches from Jakarta, "he said.
They will be the spearhead of the leading treatment of avian flu and other pandemic influenza. "Prevention of bird flu and swine flu is not only government dependents. Communities also need to get involved, "he said
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
SURABAYA POST - District Bangkalan great potential bird flu. Especially with the operation of Suramadu Bridge, which makes the Madurese community mobility more intense.
Proved, two years ago, only three districts affected by bird flu endemic, but now seven of the 18 districts have signed endemic bird flu. Districts that have a positive bird flu endemic district of Jakarta, Burneh, Geger, Kamal, Socah, Tanah Merah, and AROSBAYA. Feared, all the districts in the area Madura entrance to this bird flu.
"Mobility Madurese community is very high now. So the possibility of the spread of bird flu virus, including the swine flu, high enough. We must anticipate them, "said Chief Dispertanak Bangkalan, Ellija Rosijana, Tuesday (24/11).
While Dispertanak power to control bird flu is very limited. And the threat is very serious virus. "To overcome this problem, we train skilled workers to cope with bird flu and other pandemic influenza. In this month, 400 people from district officials, representatives of village communities to be trained in five locations. Coaches from Jakarta, "he said.
They will be the spearhead of the leading treatment of avian flu and other pandemic influenza. "Prevention of bird flu and swine flu is not only government dependents. Communities also need to get involved, "he said