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Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

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  • #46
    Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

    Is there a chart anywhere showing whether this is cyclical? It seems there has been a lull in the number of H5N1 outbreaks and it is now building again.
    "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


    • #47
      Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

      GSGS has provided this one: but it is for humans and not complete. GS
      "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


      • #48
        Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


        Puluhan Ekor Ayam Mati Mendadak
        Jum'at, 22 Mei 2009 , 19:16:00

        Google translation:
        Dozens Dead Mendadak Ekor Chicken
        Friday, 22 May 2009, 19:16:00

        CIAMIS, (PRLM) .- Dozens chicken in the Village / District Cimaragas, Ciamis District, suddenly found dead. The cause of death of chickens is in progress since early this week, still the mind Riddles for citizens, because death is not preceded with the pain. Suspected poultry deaths have reached a number of about 100 chickens, the consequences of bird flu (avian influenza).

        Chickens that died suddenly occurred largely in Kampung Tunggal Rahayu, Village / District Cimaragas. Feared the incident would continue to be, because not all the chickens that died, does not burn or bury dead chickens. Even some people simply discard the chicken carcass in the river Citanduy.

        Information gathered "PRLM" in Kampung Tunggal Rahayu, Friday (22 / 5) some of the chickens that died was found among the property Aan Rohyandi (45), Mamat (52), Indin, Ny. Aah, Ny. Nonoh, Ny. Enuk and other. Meanwhile, some residents were forced to evacuate ayamnya also to place a more secure votes. They worry that the chicken is healthy disease that causes sudden death of chicken in it.

        According to Aan Rohyandi, death is not chicken didahului with signs of illness. Afternoon, continue, chickens look healthy, but the night has been found dead. Residents continued, just think of death is due to fight the disease attacks, similar to the ND (Newcastle Desease) or tetelo.
        "We tahunya be rude, just to see if the sign is different, because usually if the fight akan stiff neck, but this one does not. Siang healthy night of sudden death," said Aan, it is also justified Mamat. (A-101/A-50) ***


        • #49
          Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


          Outbreaks of Bird Flu and Flu Pigs Menace Batang
          Friday, 22 May 2009 12:46 WIB
          Author: Akhmad Safuan

          BATANG - MI: Batang regency, Central Java, are still vulnerable to the threat of bird flu and swine flu, outbreaks of bird flu attacked 10 villages in four districts, and although there were no cases of flu victims pigs, but pigs in the livestock center into a threat big enough, especially for pig farm worker centers in District Write.

          Information gathered in the Media Indonesia Batangm, Friday (22 / 5), the threat of outbreaks of bird flu and swine flu in Batang regency still is quite high, citizens in ten villages in four districts in the Trunk has dlu birds fell ill the village Banjiran, Sriglagah, Pandansari (District Warungasem). Village Watesalit, Cepokokuning, Kalisalah, Rowobelang (Kecamatan Batang City). Gringsingsari Village, Village Penangkan (District Wonotunggal) and Tombo Village (Keamatan Bandar) fell ill have been bird flu.

          "Thousands of poultry in the villages are forced to be liquidated because it is exposed to bird flu, while human sacrifice only a few people who had been treated in several hospitals," said the local health office.

          Head of Section Pemberantasan zymotic Public Health Widiyanto stem Bambang said besides the bird flu outbreak is still a threat, outbreaks of swine flu is also a threat to the next, especially for workers in the livestock center in the District Write. Stem.

          Although up to now have not found the victim, Bambang said, but to anticipate the outbreak that appears again Pemkab Trunk has formed a team of swine flu and bird flu, while also continue to do monitoring of the villages prone to attacks and pig breeders in this area. (AS/OL-02)

          Sent from my BlackBerry ? smartphone from Good Signal XL, nyambung Teruuusss ...!


          • #50
            Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


            Puluhan Ayam Mati Mendadak
            ? Warga Khawatir Gejala Flu Burung
            Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009 | 03:02 WIB

            Google translation:

            Chicken Mendadak Dozens Dead
            ? Concerned Citizen Bird Flu Symptoms
            Saturday, 23 May 2009 | 03:02 WIB

            CIAMIS, Tribun - The Single Rahayu Hamlet, Village / District Cimaragas, worries began to be stricken. This occurred following a head of tens of chicken (free-range chicken) owned by citizens of sudden death. The death of chickens in this beruntun during the last four days and without didahului first symptoms of the disease.

            "Suddenly the same morning has died. But when entering the enclosure or stored in a cage is still fresh, healthy shape. But the same morning already sprawling dead," said Aan Rohyandi (45), the Hamlet Single Rahayu RT 22/RW 09, Village / District Cimaragas, to the Tribune, Friday (22 / 5).

            One of the three chicken pelung kesayangannya, according Aan, died suddenly four days ago. Two other ekor evacuated environment to own a factory in Bojong, Cijeungjing. "The two tails after evacuated safely," said Aan.

            Aan addition, chickens belonging to other people also die suddenly without symptoms. One of them belong to Ny Aah chickens, three chickens died suddenly, everything chicken. Ny Chicken Nonoh property also died three tails, each one pelung chickens and two chickens kate. Ny Chicken owned Enok a dead head. Chicken is dead in the tree used to live. But three days ago, a chicken has been found dead under the sprawling trees.

            "Chicken owned Aah three dead chickens three days ago. The village is now in many chickens that died suddenly," said Mamat (50), neighbor Aah. According Aan, for four days last tens of chickens owned by residents in the neighborhood 22/RW 09 Single Hamlet Rahayu sudden death.

            "If this amount of chicken compatriot who has reached tens of dead chickens for four days. Each house has a sort of chicken have died each day. We fear this growing event. Makanya of Animal Husbandry hope soon to do research here. Do not, do not This related to the symptoms of bird flu, "Aan supplement.

            Without death Symptoms
            Compared with ND symptoms or disease tetelo or insufficient, according Aan, the symptoms of chicken death occurred four days last much different. "If a ND or tetelo residents already know, starting with the chickens that are less passionate, does not want to eat, suddenly the sound of his neck curved and tight-tight. But this time no symptoms, it
            arrived next morning dead. Enter the enclosure when still fresh, healthy shape but bergelimpangan morning dead in the enclosure, "said Aan.

            Aan added, dozens of chickens that died suddenly buried by their owners but also many who are removed to River Citanduy. "This accident near the village Citanduy. Thus, the chicken carcass that died many dihanyutkan simply to Citanduy. But there is also a buried or discarded to brush," he said. (STA)

            Suddenly Dead
            - Chicken dead at Hamlet Single Rahayu, Village / District Cimaragas
            - Occurred in four days
            - In general, chicken
            - No symptoms of illness and deat


            • #51
              Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


              Google translation:
              FB Kepung Madiun

              Monday, 25 May 2009 | 22:32 WIB

              MADIUN, - Seven of 27 villages in the City of Madiun, East Java, declared endemic bird flu virus (H5N1), said the Head of Animal Health Section, Department of Agriculture City of Madiun, Riyanto, in Madiun, Senin (25 / 5).

              The seven villages is Kelurahan Kelun, Tawangrejo, Kanigoro, for the District of Kartoharjo, and Kelurahan Banjarejo for the Park District, and the district Sogaten, Winongo, and Nambangan Kidul District Manguharjo in the region. "In the seven villages have many birds to chickens that suddenly died due to H5N1 virus attack. This note was held after the positive test result of bird flu virus," he said.

              According to him, during this year 2009 alone, at least 400 from 50 thousand head of poultry population in the City of Madiun positive H5NI virus infected. Because of this, he hopes that residents remain vigilant and to report to local officials if there is to know that chickens suddenly died. "We mengimbau awareness of citizens to immediately report the incident if there is a chicken-occurrence of sudden death," he said.

              He further added, that does not spread to the other cage birds, the incentive to diagnose as well as spraying a vaccine that birds are still alive.

              He also ask residents to impound unggasnya that is still healthy. "Season period that has this high humidity, is a supporting factor for berkembangbiaknya virus is H5N1," he said.

              Riyanto also guarantee the stock of vaccine for poultry or disinfektan in the Department of Agriculture City of Madiun enough. His side still have a stock of 300 liters disinfektan poultry. Of the stock, according to him, enough to be used against the population of poultry in the city of Madiun during this year.

              Meanwhile, one of the villages residents Banjarejo, Hadi Susanto, claim to know enough about the dangers and ways of prevention of transmission of H5N1 virus in cattle ayamnya.

              According to him, in the last few days many chickens that died suddenly own. "Chicken is my sudden death have seven tails. Besides I already report to the villages and districts, chicken-chicken that I die I have roasted and grave," he said.


              • #52
                Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

                Madiun, East Java ::: Outbreak in chickens

                May 26, 2009

                Madiun, East Java ? At least 7 from 60 bangkok chickens belong to Hadisantoso (55), resident of kelurahan Banjarejo, Kecamatan Taman, Madiun, suddenly died. This incident has been reported to Agriculture Service (Disperta). Officials confirmed H5N1 to the dead chickens by rapid test.

                "We burned all dead chickens", said Head of Animal Health Disperta madiun, Riyanto, Monday (25/5).

                Officials also disinfected chicken house. This disinfectant spraying will be continued in 2 days interval within a week.

                Total suddenly dead chicken and confirmed H5N1 positive from February to 25 May 2009, Riyanto said, are more than 400 chickens. This amount has been found in 8 kelurahans: Nambangan Kidul, Sogaten, Kanigoro, Kelun and Banjarejo.

                "After burning the dead chickens, we will continue to the sweeping of people who experience fever", he added.

                Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Berita Jatim.

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                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #53
                  Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                  Ayam Mati akibat Flu Burung Meningkat di Banyumas
                  Selasa, 26 Mei 2009 | 16:48 WIB
                  Laporan wartawan KOMPAS Madina Nusrat

                  Dead chickens due to Bird Flu increased in Banyumas
                  KOMPAS.COM / Ignatius SAWABI
                  Tuesday, 26 May 2009 | 16:48 WIB
                  Reports journalist Nusrat KOMPAS Madina

                  Banyumas, - In the last four months, at least 1,500 chickens have Banyumas in the sudden death due to bird flu. Amount higher than the previous year so that the feared death of poultry due to bird flu in Banyumas in this year will continue to increase.

                  In the year 2008, according to one officer Participative Disease Surveillance Response (PDSR) Bird Flu Banyumas Regency, Ishatmini, Tuesday (26 / 5), death of chickens only 2547 head. Compared to previous years, the number that is showing a decrease in mortality until 1000 ekor chickens.

                  However, four months later, the death of chickens due to bird flu increased quite rapidly. Just four months, the number of deaths that have already reached more than half the amount of the death of chickens in 2008.

                  Sepekan last, said Ishatmini, found 50 chickens in the village Sidamulih, District Rawalo, who died suddenly and positive with bird flu. "The local direct-chicken chicken destroy those who die of sudden it. Warga enough to understand it," he said.

                  However, efforts to pencegahanlah, according to him, which is still weak in the community. Many chickens are kept in a way diumbar. Kandang maintenance still integrates with the house. In fact, some are keeping chickens in the house. Things like this that become obstacles. Likewise diungkapkannya.

                  Because of this, along with the emergence of swine flu virus H1N1, according to Chief Executive of duties Husbandry and Fisheries Department Banyumas Hudi Utami, this government is now being intensified to increase awareness of breeder chickens in order to keep the Banyumas health and hygiene henhouse.

                  "Through the instructor and member of PDSR, we continue to provide counseling control the spread of bird flu.'s Problems Start pengandangan healthy, until disinfektan spraying on the cage," he said.

                  Added Ishatmini, far cattle pigs in Banyumas terlokalisasi new location in the three farms. Therefore, animals are still quite safe from the bird flu virus mutation, from chickens to cattle and pigs.

                  "However, to prevent the emergence of bird flu in pigs Banyumas, we still provide counseling to the breeder chickens and pigs in order to keep their flocks health. Health enclosure must also be fixed," he said.


                  • #54
                    Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                    Kelana Kota
                    26 Mei 2009, 09:28:39| Laporan Yandra Reddy Permana
                    100 Ekor Ayam di Bojonegoro Mati Akibat Flu Burung

                    Google translation:
                    Kelana Kota
                    May 26 2009, 09:28:39 | Reports Yandra Reddy Permana
                    100 Ekor Chicken Dead in Bojonegoro Due Bird Flu

           | More than 100 chickens of RT 12 RW 02 Desa Kandangan, Bojonegoro found positive fell ill virus Avian influenza (bird flu), according to Said lucky one among poultry breeders to report directly to the Animal Husbandry Department officials to be able to direct the officer followed up.

                    Chickens infected with the positive and burned to prevent transmission, reported JOE from Radio Suara Indah Bojonegoro net Voters in Surabaya, on Tuesday (26/05), Sahid ayamnya suspicious that some of this day to die. Laboratory test results appeared to represent a positive bird flu virus fell ill.

                    KASDAR Bojonegoro Animal Husbandry Department officials said often provide counseling and also spraying with disinfektan in the village regularly every three months.

                    TUKIWAN YUSA Head of Animal Husbandry Bojonegoro said akan move quickly if residents have reported a suspicious incident.

                    But the man who peluag still be small and so far only chickens are contagious bird flu. However TUKIWAN YUSA ask the team to continue to monitor the field. (Yrp / edy)


                    • #55
                      Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                      Wabah Flu Burung
                      200 Jagal Ayam Akan Dipindah ke Petukangan
                      Sejumlah TPA ilegal sebagian besar terdapat di pasar-pasar dan di pemukiman.
                      Selasa, 26 Mei 2009, 14:39 WIB
                      Maryadie, Zaky Al-Yamani

                      Google translation:

                      Bird Flu Outbreak
                      Chicken slaughterman 200 are moved to Petukangan
                      A number of illegal TPA is available in most markets and in the settlement.
                      Tuesday, May 26 2009, 14:39 WIB
                      Maryadie, Zaky Al-Yamani
                      (VIVAnews / Tri Saputro)

                      VIVAnews - City Government Administration Jakarta akan merelokasi 200 chicken abattoir (TPA) that are illegal in the eight districts. Hundreds of the TPA will be moved to Petukanganutara, South Jakarta, in upcoming year 2010.

                      "With the cutting of the chicken to Petukanganutara future in 2010, we expect can really take the case of bird flu from West Jakarta," said Kusdiana, the tribe of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Jakarta, Tuesday, 26 May 2009.

                      A number of TPA is illegal, connect Kusdiana, most are found in markets and in the residential community.

                      While the related relocation, Kusdiana explain, in Petukanganutara TPA is a development of the TPA will be built in the previous Kalideres.

                      Currently in the development of TPA Petukanganutara being conducted and targeted at the upcoming 2010 year is complete and ready to be inhabited.

                      Chicken abattoir Petukanganutara as a change from chicken abattoir in Kalideres cancel the exemption was built because of land constraints. "Pembangunanya akan completed in 2010 and can be used directly by the residents of West Jakarta and South Jakarta," he said as quoted the official government site Jawa.

                      He menuturkan, throughout January-May 2009, in West Jakarta is not found cases of bird flu.

                      Nevertheless, control continues to be made. For example, socialization, and the sweeping poultry certification.

                      For socialization, Sudin Jakarta Husbandry and Fisheries Western section involving livestock and fisheries in the district, officials from the village, and the management of local RT-RW.

                      In espionage, the public be kept poultry in the settlement because it is prohibited dangerous. And that's already there aturanya, namely Regulation No. 4 Year 2007 about the Maintenance and Control of circulation in the area of poultry DKI Jakarta.
                      ? VIVAnews


                      • #56
                        Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                        LINTAS KEDU-BANYUMAS

                        27 Mei 2009
                        Jalur Selatan
                        Puluhan Ayam Mati Mendadak

                        Google translation:
                        CROSS-KEDU Banyumas

                        May 27, 2009
                        South Channel
                        Chicken Mendadak Dozens Dead

                        MAGELANG - Dozens chickens die suddenly with indications similar to bird flu (avian influenza) in Semalen Hamlet, Village Ngadirojo Kec Secang and Tegalrandu Kec Grabag, Kabupaten Magelang. Residents and the village was to report it to Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Perterikan) and Public Health (Dinkes).

                        By''quick test, five of the nine dead chickens in Semalen positive bird flu. Similarly, 16 of 26 dead chickens in Tegalrandu,''said Ir H Tri Agung SY, Head Office Peterikan Kabupaten Magelang, yesterday.
                        For certainty, the Office of Peterikan awaiting laboratory test results veteriner Balai Besar in Jalan Wates, Yogyakarta.

                        Dinkes also established two command posts in Semalen and Tegalrandu during sepekan future. For control, the Department of Peterikan with squirt disinfektan. As anticipated, residents also requested poultry stall, biosecuriti, and improve the pattern of living clean and healthy (PHBS). (pr-72)


                        • #57
                          Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

                          Magelang, East Java ::: Outbreak in chickens

                          May 27, 2009

                          Magelang, East Java ? Dozens of chickens in Dusun Semalem, Desa Ngadirojo Kecamatan Secang and Tegalrandu Kecamatan Grabag, possibly infected by bird flu virus (avian influenza). Local people reported this incidence to Livestock and Fishery Service (Peterikan) and Health Service (Dinkes).

                          ?According by rapid test, five from nine in Semalem, and 16 from 26 dead chickens from Tegalrandu, tested positive bird flu?, said Tri Agung SY, Headof Peterikan Magelang. For confirmation, Peterikan is still waiting for laboratory test done by Veterinary Center, Wates, Yogyakarta.

                          Regarding to this, Health Service activated two reporting centers in Semalem and Tegalrandu for a week ahead. Peterikan officials have also done disinfection for control measures. They also messaged people to keep chickens in cage, biosecurity and to maintain self hygiene.

                          Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Suara Merdeka.


                          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                          • #58
                            Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

                            Gayo Lues, Aceh ::: Oubreak in chickens

                            Gayo Lues, Aceh ? Bird flu case found in Gampung Jawa and Kampung Kuta Lintang, Kecamatan Blengkejeren, Kabupaten Gayo Lues. Head of Agriculture Service, Amrulah Leman confirmed that some chickens had been tested positive bird flu infected.

                            According to Amrulah, this incidence was reported by the chicken owner?s neighbor, where then carried two dead chickens as evidence to Agriculture Service office.

                            Regarding to the finding, officials have been dispatched for further investigation. Agriculture Service also has temporarily banned any poultry supplies from outside to Blangkejeren.

                            Separately, Head of Livestock Division, Ibnu Hafid DVM said that they were working on the case.

                            Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Serambi News.


                            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

