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Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

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  • Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

    Previous Indonesian Animals/Poultry thread:


    Virus Flu Burung Telah Menyebar ke Siak

    Google translation:
    Bird Flu virus has spread to Siak

    Thursday, 9 April 2009 | 05:27 WIB

    Pekanbaru, Kompas - After the spread in the city of Pekanbaru and Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau, bird flu virus began to appear in the Kampar regency. The spread of the virus is quite fast tempo and in three days, or until yesterday, has three regions with the virus, namely Telukmasjid Village, Desa Teluk Batil, and Kelurahan Sungai Apit.

    "Yesterday seven chickens died suddenly in Kelurahan Sungai Apit. Top event, the Animal Husbandry Siak down the team to perform tests on chickens that died. In fact taken from the sample, the positive poultry bird flu virus contagious, "said Camat Apit River Indra Atmaja are calling Wednesday (8 / 4).


    According to Indra, the test results directly distributed to the community and the team with the Animal Husbandry Department officials have made the district steps to reduce the spread of antisipatif.

    All village heads, the head of the RT, RW, and collected the head of the citizens in order to mengimbau vigilant against the spread of the virus.

    Animal Husbandry team is doing spraying the enclosure in the location-coop of the property.


    In particular, among the residents in three villages with a virus, Indra mengimbau so that destruction of poultry was conducted immediately. On Wednesday some people have to destroy poultry peliharaannya.

    However, Indra said, most other people would feel unggasnya objections to destroy.

    They requested the government to provide compensation to the chicken that will be destroyed.

    "We do not not want to give compensation, but there is no budget for it. As government officials, we have delivered the message to citizens how danger incurred due to bird flu. The whole procedure is also a response is made, including providing information to citizens. Notice also submit through our mosques. If people object to ayamnya destroyed, we can not impose, "said Indra.


    In the year 2009, the bird flu virus in the province of Riau calm again after 2008.

    Case of bird flu was first found in the Village Dundangan, Pangkalan kuras District, Regency Pelalawan, months ago in March.

    At the end of March, the virus that ate off the victim a child under five named Ibn Saputra Revelation (3), City of Pekanbaru.

    In some places, than in the province of Riau, this virus began to be reported back the birds.

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


    Langsa kembali terindifikasi flu burung
    Saturday, 11 April 2009 06:06 WIB

    Google translation:

    Langsa back terindifikasi bird flu

    Saturday, 11 April 2009 06:06 WIB
    Waspada ONLINE

    Langsa - After Feburuari January to 2009 found approximately 785 chickens died due to positive with bird flu, prompting the team quickly (PDSR) Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Agriculture, Forestry and Marine City Langsa case back to find bird flu (Avian Influenza) in the two local residents of different settlements. One of them in the village of Pondok Keumuneng, Kec. Langsa Baro and one in Desa Paya Bujok Tunong, Kec. Langsa West, City of Langsa.

    According to Puskeswan Langsa East, which also joined the team in Participatory Desease Surveillence Response (PDSR), Drh. M. He accompanied Safriono Edi, Waspada to last night, the back and find identify cases of bird flu infected chickens on the property of the community in two separate places.

    Originally the team get a report from the village of huts Keumuning, in the name of Pak Geger, who said peliharaannya chickens suddenly died. To ensure the report, the government is directly down to the location.

    "After reviewing the chicken belonging to the dead pack Geger using Rapid Test (Arigen HVI) (tool Identify bird flu virus-red), two red lines on the tool shows this positive infected poultry disease that is very dangerous," he said.

    Then the team's PDSR Langsa West led Drh. Intan Mutia, also found similar cases. Chickens in the village of Paya Bujok Tunong (complex Regent-red) after review with the tool rapidtes, also experienced a positive bird flu cases.

    Memgantisipasi to spread the virus, the spraying has been conducted using drugs Desin Fectan the henhouse citizens. Then the chicken is still alive and likely ditulari disease are also notified to the owner for mengarantinanya for 15 days in the cage.

    "Most likely in 15 days, the other chickens will die one by one, because if only 1 chickens died because of the positive bird flu, the chicken should be a one-chicken shed destroyed immediately, so that does not transmit virusnya in animals belonging to other people," Safiyono call.

    (ARD / wsp)


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


      Radar Banyuwangi
      [ Jum'at, 10 April 2009 ]
      Warga Cemas, Tetelo Dikira Flu Burung

      Google translatio:

      Radar Banyuwangi
      [Friday, 10 April 2009]
      Residents worry, Tetelo Dikira Bird Flu

      SITUBONDO - The virus of avian influenza (AI) or bird flu continues meneror residents Situbondo. Yesterday (9 / 4), turn of Tanjung Pasir Dusun, Desa Tanjung Kamal, District Mangaran, the thrill. For, ten chickens belonging to the local people die suddenly. Residents also burn and bury the dead chickens.

      Ten chickens that died suddenly it was owned by three citizens RT 01/08, Dusun Tanjung Pasir, Tanjung Kamal. Namely, the property of Farida four, five chickens belonging Bu Atun, and a property Suryani. Chance, henhouse that three people close enough. "Sorenya still healthy, Pak. After dawn prayers, I see a chicken I was dying. Not long after death," said Bu Atun yesterday.

      He was the fear after five chickens belonging to neighbor-joining follow-up dead. Residents to report incidents directly to the District and village officials Mangaran.
      "Once receiving the report, we report directly to the Animal Husbandry Situbondo. We worry, it is bird flu," said Camat Mangaran Imam Darmaji.

      After obtaining the report, a number of officers Animal Husbandry (Disnak) led by the Head of Situbondo Disnak drh Gaguk Musdijiyanto perform rapid test (rapid test) on the chicken carcass that died. "The rapid test showed negative. So, his death is not caused by bird flu," said Gaguk.

      Former Kabid keswan is suspected, the ten chickens died from the virus desease Newcastle (ND) or disease tetelo alias pelaran. According to him, which caused the clinical symptoms of the virus-like bird flu ND.
      ND can also cause sudden death in poultry. Only, type of ND virus are not zoonosis. "That is, can not be transmitted to humans," he explained. (Gaz / jpnn / bh)
      > swap


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

        Bird flu virus spreads in Riau after boy's death

        Rizal Harahap , The Jakarta Post , Pekanbaru | Sat, 04/11/2009 1:42 PM | The Archipelago

        The bird flu virus has spread within Sungai Apit district in Siak regency, Riau, following the death of a child infected with the virus at the end of March, says a local official, adding prevention measures were being hampered by residents' reluctance to cull their poultry.

        District chief Indra Atmaja said the spread of the virus was only discovered following reports of poultry dying abruptly on April 4.

        "After checking by a team of veterinarians, two of the chickens tested positive for bird flu. A day earlier, we received reports that 12 chickens owned by other residents had died suddenly," Indra told The Jakarta Post by phone on Wednesday.

        He added the virus had spread to Teluk Masjid and Teluk Batil villages and Sungai Apit subdistrict.

        "Seven chickens died suddenly the previous day in Sungai Apit subdistrict, while in Teluk Masjid and Teluk Batil the number has reached 29," he said.

        "Based on field tests conducted by the Siak Animal Husbandry Agency, the chickens tested positive for bird flu."

        Indra said the test results had been publicized through village chiefs and neighborhood unit chiefs to raise residents' awareness of the risk of infection.

        The team from the Siak Animal Husbandry Agency has sprayed residents' poultry cages with disinfectant to prevent the virus from spreading further.

        Indra also urged residents to cull their poultry. However, he said only few residents were willing, while most would only do so if paid to.

        "It's not that we don't want to, but the district office has no such budget for the purpose. For now, we can only remind the residents, including through sermons at mosques, of the risks of bird flu. We cannot force the residents to cull their poultry if they don't want to," he said.

        The bird flu virus has spread within Sungai Apit district in Siak regency, Riau, following the death of a child infected with the virus at the end of March, says a local official, adding prevention measures were being hampered by residents' reluctance to cull their poultry
        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


          Radar Banyuwangi
          [ Sabtu, 11 April 2009 ]
          Rawan AI, Pastikan Penyemprotan

          Google translation:
          Radar Banyuwangi
          [Saturday, 11 April 2009]
          Prone to AI, Ensure Spraying

          SITUBONDO - Although not believed due to virus Avian Influenza (AI) or bird flu, the death of 10 chickens in Dusun Tanjung Pasir, Desa Tanjung Kamal, District Mangaran, still make Animal Husbandry (Disnak) Situbondo alert. To anticipate the possibility of the emergence of AI viruses, quickly Disnak immediate spraying disinfectant.

          Target spraying is pen-cage birds belong to the people close to the cage 10 chickens that died. "We must remain cautious spread of AI virus. Death 10 chickens will be followed by spraying, although the rapid test results negative AI," said Head Disnak Situbondo, drh. Gaguk Musdijiyanto, yesterday.

          As known, 10 chickens belonging to Tanjung Pasir Dusun people who died suddenly the bird flu is negative. Certainty after the Disnak perform rapid test (rapid test) to sample the chicken died. Disnak suspect death 10 chickens was due to virus Newcaslte Desease (ND) or disease tetelo alias pelaran. The clinical impact of this disease is similar to the AI. However, ND does not include zoonosis or disease that can spread to humans.

          According Gaguk, the geographic area Mangaran District including areas prone to AI virus attacks. Handling that appear after the neighbors, Kecamatan Panji, a positive status of the AI outbreak. Moreover, the area also Mangaran closer to the coast, so it tends to be a river headwaters which also flows from Panji District. "Therefore, we still do akan spraying disinfectant in the region. The clear, in the near future," Gaguk firm. (Gaz / tank)


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


            Radar Kediri
            [ Kamis, 16 April 2009 ]
            Flu Burung Serang Kandat
            Puluhan Ekor Ayam Warga Mati Mendadak

            machine translation:
            The Kediri radar
            [on Thursday, April 16 2009]
            Serang Bird Flu Kandat
            Dozens Of tails of the Resident's Chicken died Mendadak

            Kediri - the bird flu Virus it was indicated attacked the Purworejo Village, Kandat. Dozens of tails of the nonpedigreed chicken belonging to the resident died suddenly in a changing manner. According to Toyib Sarip, one of the residents, after being checked used rapid test by the doctor and the team from the Service of Kehewanan Kabupaten Kediri, the chickens were stated positive was attacked.

            Toyib admitted to the first time learning his chickens died last Tuesday (7/4). At that time, seven were spread out on the land. The next day, followed eight other tails. "The total had my 15 chickens that died," he said to the Kediri Radar yesterday.

            Because his body turned blue, Toyib worried was attacked by the bird flu virus. Moreover, the similar matter was experienced belasan the chicken belonging to his neighbour. Therefore, he at once buried his poultry.

            He then reported the incident to the community health centre and the village office. His afternoon, the official from the Kesehatan Service and the Service of Kehewanan Kabupaten Kediri came. "After being learnt my chicken was positive bird flu, I and the family were at once examined by the doctor." Praise the Lord healthy all, continued Toyib.

            The official also sprayed disinfectant in the Toyib house and surrounding area. However, apparently, the virus attack did not yet stop. In the last two days, seven chickens belonging to Sujak that was kept precisely on the west of the Toyib house also dying suddenly. Following tomorrow him six tails. "All was at once burnt by us," said Nurul, 24, the child Sujak.

            The official from the animal service then again came and sprayed the disinfectant liquid. But, again and again, that still could not mengentikan the spreading of the virus. Yesterday, when Nurul will show his chicken coop to the Kediri Radar, suddenly his one chicken died again. "Well this died also."
            This means that my chicken remained at two very small, he said while indicating two chickens that just were approximately one months old.

            It was confirmed this newspaper reporter, the official of the Manager Observation of the Illness and the Dinas Immunisation of the Health of the Regency Kediri Suyanto denied it that the virus attack in Purworejo, Kandat has been positive bird flu. According to him, from the inspection of the chicken carcass, that attacked just the virus H5.

            Whereas to confirm whether also was infected by the virus N1 or bird flu, must be waiting for results of the Veteriner inspection of the Hall laboratory in Jogja. "Now did not yet go out," he said, yesterday.

            Then, what the action dinkes if later really positive H5N1? Suyanto answered, in accordance with the standard of the handling of the bird flu virus, all the poultries in a radius of 300 metre from the location of the discovery of the case must be destroyed.

            At this time, dinkes also was supervising the community around the Toyib house. In a period of ten days, they will monitor whether having the resident who was sick as a result of being attacked by the bird flu virus or not. "As far as this is concerned was not yet found," said Suyanto. (ut/hid)


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


              Unggas di Pidie Mati Mendadak
              16 April 2009

              machine translation:

              The poultry in Pidie Mati Mendadak
              on April 16 2009

              SIGLI - Dozens Of poultry (the chicken and the duck) kept the resident in Gampong Seurekui Cebrek, Kecamatan Glumpang Baro, Pidie it was reported died suddenly. The local resident expected the death of this livestock as a result of being affected by the bird flu pest. However the Pertanian Service and Perternakan Pidie admitted to not yet knowing the existence of this case.

              Nurhayati (50) the resident Gampong Seureukui Cebrek to the Veranda, on Wednesday (15/4) said, the kept animal like the chicken and the duck has a last week died suddenly. Himself did not know definitely the cause of the death of the chicken and the duck. Because, the death of the livestock uptil now had never happened. ?Kadang-sometimes our chicken one day died one, strangely the death in the night hari,? said Nurhayati.

              Said, the death of the kept animal belonging to him continues to happen, in fact currently his kept chicken died all.
              ?Kami hoped for the existence of serious attention from the relevant service. Because who knew the death of our kept animal, was infected by the plague of bird flu. And this really we cemaskan,? Nurhayati words.

              The similar matter was said by Ramlah and the other resident that also experienced their livestock animal already many that died. ?Ayam and my kept duck died semua,? Ramlah words.

              Section Head Pertanian and Perternakan Pidie, Ir M Nasir that was contacted the Veranda, on Wednesday (15/4) said, his side did not yet know about the existence of the kept livestock animal the resident Gampong Seurekui that died suddenly.
              ?Saya would menyuruhkan my official in the subdistrict to be able to descend to the field carried out the checking of the death of the chicken and the duck belonging to the resident who died itu,? said M. Nasir that still was in Jakarta. (nr)


              • #8
                Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +

                18/04/2009 12:50 wib - Actual Regional
                Bird flu suspected
                In Tegal, Hundreds Dead Chicken Mendadak

                Slawi, CyberNews. In the period of the last two days, hundreds of chickens in several districts of sudden death. Death of the chickens fell ill due to suspected bird flu virus. Events that occur in the Village Banjarwaru, Tarub and Village Randusari and Surakidul, both in District Pagerbarang.

                Between the two districts, the death of animals birds occur most often in the Village Banjarwaru, Tarub. Total number of no more than 200 types of layer chickens belonging to one of the villagers, who died suddenly Jamal. Meanwhile, in District Pagerbarang, chickens that died there are a number of tens, which is owned by some villagers.

                According to village residents Banjarwaru, Danang (28), there are about 200 types of chicken tails more layer of sudden death. About it, he does not know exactly. There are allegations, the chicken's death occurred because the bird flu virus. "Chicken is dead this salivate. Death chicken layer since this happened two days ago or Thursday (16 / 4)," he said.
                He said, the information is not submitted to the Office of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (DPPK) Kabupaten Tegal. However, the issue is expected to be immediately followed up by related agencies. Because, when people fear that the death merebak in the village.
                Similar incident also occurred in the Village Randusari. One of the residents, Lani (27), said the four dead chickens own without a clear cause. "Not to know, why my chickens died suddenly. Some of my neighbors are also experiencing similar things," he said.
                Some of the poultry owners should merelakan ayamnya dead, among other Waryo (6), Ridam (50) and Ijah (40). They lost between three to 10 chickens. When ditotal, there are a number of the dozens of dead chickens in his village since two days ago or Thursday (16 / 4). Head DPPK Kabupaten Tegal drh Bambang Hariyadi Kasi and Animal Health drh Abdi Manaf confirmed can not relate to this. When contacted, the phone does not selulernya active.


                • #9
                  Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                  Kematian Unggas di Pidie Akibat Penyakit ND
                  19 April 2009, 09:47 Nanggroe Administrator

                  Google translation:

                  Poultry deaths in the Pidie Diseases Due ND (Newcastle Disease)
                  19 April 2009, 09:47 Nangroe Administrator

                  Sigli - Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Pidie, the results confirm observations of poultry (chicken and duck) residents who died of a sudden, not because of outbreaks of bird flu (Avian Influenza). Death of poultry, the result set penyaki ND (Newcastle Disease) aka taeun manok disease. "We have made a cross check directly to the field, the cause of death of poultry Gampong Seureukui Cebrek, District Glumpang Baro not positive outbreaks of bird flu, but the disease ND," said Kabid Health Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Pidie, Sofyan to Serambi Mansur, Friday ( 17 / 4) in Sigli.

                  Serambi be like, on Thursday (16 / 4), dozens of poultry (chicken and duck) peliharaan citizens in Gampong Seurekui Cebrek, District Glumpang Baro, Pidie sudden death was reported. Local residents suspect the death of livestock are affected due to pest bird flu. However, Agriculture and Pidie Perternakan not claim to know the case. Sofyan Mansur explains, ND outbreaks of diseases that attack poultry residents, the transition often occurs when the dry season to rainy season.
                  Where the process of transmission the virus can occur due to direct contact between the birds infected with ND healthy birds, and through the influence of wind. "Thus, disease outbreaks are common ND each climate change, frequent occur when scrolling season Maulid the Prophet Muhammad. ND virus is not contagious in humans, only birds fellow, "said Sofyan.

                  It is said, to anticipate the outbreak of disease that attacks the birds ND residents, sejatinya breeder poultry peliharaan keep the place so clean, good pens and feed the birds. Also on poultry vaccination continuously three times a week. "We also menyerankan order to bury the dead birds that die due to ND. This is one of the effective stop ND outbreak cycle, so that does not spread on the other birds, "he explained. In addition, said Sofyan, a special bird flu outbreaks of the disease (Avian Influenza), which attacks the birds up to now has not occurred in Pidie. The characteristics of the positive poultry bird flu infected, said Sofyan, the spots on the blue crest (red-lambing) birds. Then, spots of blood on the leg and foot crevasse poultry, and bleeding in the skin of poultry. "We mengimbau, if people find these characteristics in the chicken, then reported to us immediately. Because outbreaks of bird flu can be infectious in


                  • #10
                    Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                    Disnak Beli Pendeteksi AI
                    Tuesday, 21 April 2009
                    24.282 Ekor Unggas Berisiko, 27 Dimusnahkan

                    Machine translation:
                    Disnak Beli Pendeteksi AI
                    on Tuesday, on April 21 2009
                    24,282 tails of the Berisiko Poultry, 27 Dimusnahkan

                    Palembang - South Sumatra including in 20 areas in Indonesia that berstatus the sporadic area of the development of the case avian influenza (AI) or that was closer was known with bird flu. Since the beginning 2009 up to now, in South Sumatra has been recorded by 8 cases of the poultry that was expected tertular the AI virus.

                    ?Di South Sumatra could have several cases, but we unlike in the other province. In South Sumatra this his characteristics sopradis saja,? said Section Head Peternakan (Disnak) South Sumatra, Ir Asrillazi Rasyid was accompanied by Kasubdin Keswan, drh I Wayan T during training the continuation of Participatory Desease Surveillance and Response (PSDR) that was spread in 15 regencies/the city in South Sumatra in the Sandjaja Hotel, yesterday.

                    The AI case that had happened since last January till now, that is in the Bukit Baru District, Kecamatan IB I, Palembang, last January 5. Terindikasi had the case of bird flu with the number of risky poultries tertular totalling 6,340 tails of the nonpedigreed chicken kind.

                    ?Namun after we descended, there is none that dimusnahkan,? added Asrillazi. Then, in the OKU Regency covered the incident in four subdistricts. On January 19 in the Subdistrict Baturaja Timur, none was risky and not there are those that was destroyed. On February 5 in the Peninjauan Subdistrict, the risky poultry tertular 12,540 tails of the nonpedigreed chicken, but not there are those that was destroyed.

                    ?Nah, on February 17 in the Sinar Peninjauan Subdistrict with the risky poultry tertular 1,650 tails of the nonpedigreed chicken, where totalling 12 tails dimusnahkan,? he exclaimed. That not to mention in in Kecamatan Peninjauan on March 11, where 2,128 tails of the risky nonpedigreed chicken tertular bird flu. However, none was destroyed. In the OKUS Regency, the case of bird flu was to the poultry found in the Tiga Dihaji Subdistrict on January 25. As many as 700 nonpedigreed chickens were risky tertular bird flu. ?Sebanyak four tails dimusnahkan,? Asrillazi words.

                    On February 24 in the Muara Dua Subdistrict. As many as 924 nonpedigreed chickens were risky tertular. However, none was destroyed. Finally in the Penukal Subdistrict, the Muara Enim Regency. The number of poultries that was destroyed by as many as 11 chickens.

                    According to Asrillazi, from several cases that happened this not to spread to humankind. From the number of risky poultries tertular then just a few that were destroyed to prevent expanded him the case of this bird flu.

                    ?Lain him succeeded in being handled by us immediately before spreading and dangerous.
                    Praise the Lord, at this time in the condition aman,? beber him. At this time, Disnak South Sumatra did not only increase the official's knowledge, but was trying to equip equipment in the laboratory so that could do pendeteksian early the AI case.

                    ?Jadi, we must not send the sample to the laboratory in Lampung. As much as can be done we the test previously in the laboratory kita,? he stated. The budget that was put forward in APBD 2009 this as big as Rp175 million. The fund will be utilised to buy the special implement the early detector the case of bird flu in South Sumatra. Now, Mr Munir Sammy, training specialist the envoy FAO said, attention of the world for the handling of the AI case in Indonesia was big enough. Both from the aspect of financial and technical. ?Untuk the fund support, Indonesia got millions dollar. This program was the continuous program and must be supported to be full so that freest from flu burung,? pungkas him. (46)


                    • #11
                      Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                      Cipatat Endemi Flu Burung
                      Disnakkan Anggarkan Rp 900 Juta untuk Cegah Penyakit Hewan

                      Google translation:
                      Cipatat endemi Bird Flu
                      Disnakkan budget Rp 900 Million to Prevent Animal Diseases

                      NGAMPRAH, (PR) .-
                      Kecamatan Cipatat endemi expressed as the spread of the virus Avian influenza (AI). Section, since March 30 have found 136 cases of sudden death of poultry in two villages namely Village 3 RW 1 RW Cipatat and Ciptaharja of 282 birds. In addition, two residents have stated suspect bird flu.

                      It was raised Kabid Health Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department Kab. Bandung Barat, Ir. Edi Saputra contacted after the response to bird flu in Kampung Andir RT 2, RW 14, Desa Ciptaharja, Kec. Cipatat, Monday (6 / 4). According to Edi, the spread of H5N1 virus was so quickly from one region to another. This is indicated by the number of cases of sudden death of birds.

                      "One of the environmental hygiene is faktornya. Many birds that hang around and not let dikandangkan. In addition, factors that bring traffic manure and poultry from other regions also become one of the causes of the spread of bird flu in the district. Cipatat," he said.

                      Meanwhile, the head Disnakkan, drh. Adiyoto contacted the separate states, Kec. Cipatat is one area that has a number of viruses spread of bird flu than the highest Kec. Ngamprah and Kec. Padalarang.

                      "Each region has the potential spread of bird flu virus is the same. So, can not be claimed Cipatat as a transit area," he said.


                      According Adiyoto, the spread of bird flu virus in the twelve districts in Kab. Bandung Barat other is sporadic. Kec. Dent who had been infected bird flu now spreading low numbers.

                      "We have done socializing and prevention of bird flu in each district. Responsnya different, there is also that it is still not mengkandangkan unggasnya," he said.

                      Meanwhile, Kasi Animal Health, drh. Wiwin Apriyanti the twelve birds died suddenly at RT 2, Rw 14, Kp. Andir, Ciptaharja Village. Meanwhile, ten other tails didepopulasi suddenly as positive with bird flu virus through the rapid test.

                      One of the poultry owners, Isom Sofandi (70) of RT 2, RW 14, said poultry own dead from Friday (3 / 4). He suspected the death ayamnya because tetelo. Monday until yesterday, the total eleven dead poultry own tails.

                      Response to the spread of bird flu virus, and said Edi, has Disnakkan allocates Rp 900 million fund. Allocation of these funds not only for bird flu virus, but the spread of infectious animal diseases like rabies and antraks. (A-183) ***


                      • #12
                        Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                        Radar Jember
                        [ Jum'at, 24 April 2009 ]
                        Ribuan Ayam Potong Dibakar

                        Radar Jember
                        [Friday, 24 April 2009]
                        Thousands Cut Chicken burned

                        JEMBER - The bird flu continues to percolate in Jember Regency. When the previous Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Marine Pemkab Jember 12 districts spread positive bird flu, now there is one district that is declared positive fell ill, that is, the area District Arjasa.

                        According to Sudarsono, Kabid Keswan (Animal Health) at the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Jember, in the region Arjasa, found that hundreds of chickens died suddenly and finally burned. He said, there is a possibility, the spread of bird flu comes from the region Pakusari.

                        Remember this, from a search carried out, in the region Pakusari also found thousands of pieces of chicken owned Dodot, 45, of Village Pakusari, District Pakusari, the bird flu fell ill and eventually burned. Before thousands of chickens destroyed, it appeared that some chickens have been sold to the region Arjasa and Jelbuk. From where possible spread of bird flu occurred in the region Arjasa.

                        Officers know the chickens fell ill after bird flu tests on dead chickens.
                        After the stated positive bird flu, officials with the Animal Husbandry Office Polsek Pakusari lend a hand to secure the 3 Sak disembelih chicken that has been prepared and sold in the region Arjasa.

                        Meanwhile, the bird flu virus also attacks the Sumuran Hamlet, Village Klompangan, District Ajung. This is known after many chickens that died of a sudden. After the test, chickens fell ill of bird flu positive.

                        Based on data collected, there are at least 8 people in the neighborhood in the Village 02/RW II Klompangan reported the sudden death ayamnya. According Awi, 40, of Village Klompangan, from 10 villages own chickens, three chickens died suddenly.

                        "Because all fear death and loss, the remaining seven chickens I sell to traders. I do not know if the dead birds that fell ill flu. Of loss, I am selling all," he said to the officer.

                        Meanwhile, the chickens had already died, he said, is buried behind the house. To know is not the property of chicken fell ill Awi bird flu, officials were forced to dig the chicken is already buried. After the test, the chicken is positively affected by bird flu.

                        "After ledir tests conducted at the mouth of the dead chickens fell ill bird flu positive. Then burned," said Sudarsono, Kabid Keswan.

                        To note, 12 districts fell ill stated positive bird flu cover, District Kalisat, Panti, Jenggawah, Ajung, Pakusari, Sumbersari, Tempurejo, Mumbulsari, Sukorambi, Patrang, Ambulu, and Tanggul. (Fri)


                        • #13
                          Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                          Ratusan Ekor Ayam Mati Mendadak
                          Sabtu, 25 April 2009 03:17:49

                          Google translation:
                          Hundreds Ekor Chicken Dead Mendadak
                          Saturday, 25 April 2009 03:17:49

                          Yesterday (24 / 4), veterinarians have come down to location and conduct the examination. However, there is no known definitive cause of death of the birds. Camat Talo Small, Marhakidinata M Pd, said the incident began to haunt the people that began around the beginning of March ago.

                          Chicken-chicken chicken who diversified the population is only a beginning to die. Day-to-day chicken next to join any other death. According to the calculation of the incident was reported to camat already more than 100 tails.

                          Camat it is said, the incident also is now not only the type of poultry chicken only. Even a bird turtledove peliharaan citizen also died of sudden death as a process that hundreds of chickens.
                          "After this issue was reported to district residents, we have a direct view veterinarian. But now it is not yet known, because the sample ayamnya dead still to be taken in the lab, "said Marhakidinata. (444)
                          > swap


                          • #14
                            Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                            Radar Jember
                            [ Minggu, 26 April 2009 ]
                            Penyebaran Flu Burung Merata
                            Hampir Separo Kecamatan di Jember Terserang

                            Google translation:
                            Radar Jember
                            [Sunday, 26 April 2009]
                            Equitable spread of Bird Flu
                            Almost half the districts in Jember fell ill

                            JEMBER - The bird flu in the Jember area concerned. Distribution of growing from one district to another district. Now, there were already 14 districts of 31 districts in the Jember stated positive bird flu fell ill. While previously, Animal Husbandry (Disnak) Pemkab Jember have spread only 13 districts only. This means that almost half of the district fell ill bird flu virus.

                            The certainty of the 14 districts of positive bird flu fell ill after Disnak and Dinkes (Public Health) Pemkab Jember get lab results on the test sample, causes the death of hundreds of chickens owned by residents in some districts.

                            Dinkes ask people to remain vigilant. Although, until now has not been found in human infection.

                            To note, 14 districts affected by the stated positive bird flu include Ajung, Arjasa, Pakusari, Sempusari, Panti, Jenggawah, Tempurejo, Mumbulsari, Sukorambi, Patrang, Ambulu, Sukowono, Kalisat, and Tanggul.

                            "I hope there is no transmission AI (Avian influenza) in humans. To this positive status only applies to poultry," said Maulana Olong Fadjri, head of Public Health (Kadinkes) Pemkab Jember. However, he requested that the public remain vigilant, to avoid contact with poultry, especially in the region near the positive AI.

                            In addition, he requested that each community cautious general flu symptoms that may arise.

                            As body temperature increases, shortness of breath, bronchitis, which is the day the more severe or acute. For a map of the spread of AI in Jember is widespread and prevalent in each region, both Jember west, north, south, and east. From their own side, is menyiagakan health centers in each district with the healer while drugs, namely Tamiflu capsule.

                            Medicine, he said, only to strengthen the patient in the interim period, before referred to the hospital. If given in time, patients can be cured, but if given less than 2 times 24 hours, people will not tertolong.

                            "For the stock to secure at this time, as has never been used. We hope that the capsule does not need to be used, which means there is no bird flu patients in Jember," he said.

                            Vigilance against the possibility of AI infection in humans, is also done with Dinkes epidemiology survey. Namely, the survey is ongoing, continues in a certain period of time, for 10 days, to observe the condition of public health centers around the occurrence of the death of poultry, up to 100 meters radius.

                            "Surveys for this view, there are not, members of the public who suffer the symptoms that lead to the symptoms of AI," he said. For, the handling can save the patient immediately. (lie)


                            • #15
                              Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals April 9, 2009 +


                              Dharmasraya Diserang Flu burung
                              Senin, 27 April 2009
                              Ayam Mati Mendadak, Legiman Suspect

                              Google translation:
                              Dharmasraya Diserang bird flu
                              Monday, April 27, 2009
                              Dead chicken Mendadak, Legiman suspect

                              Dharmasraya, METRO - Diserang bird flu, Legiman (50) get in the Inpatient Pukesmas Rumbai River for two days, while, as many as 20 were forced to own chickens destroyed to prevent the disease with death after 30 chickens died suddenly.

                              "Outbreak of disease has been on the attack in the Dharmasraya akir-akir this make people worried. Before Rumbai River residents fell ill, a few days ago also kenagarian Timpeh District residents who fell ill Timpeh. In fact, the victim was taken to the opportunity to be treated, "said Disda one community to the river Rumbai POSMETRO yesterday.

                              "Until this day, conditions have improved Legiman, even he is allowed to go home.
                              That is, now people Rumbai River and Dharmasraya in general have more vigilant to avoid the disease is frightening, "said Idisda, one of the teams that participated in handling the incident.

                              Meanwhile, the Head of Public Health Dharmasraya dr lily Yarma acknowledge, sudden death of chickens in Central Jorong Tangah Rumbai the River District. Related chickens that died suddenly Husbandry and Health Department came down to the field, and even had to burn the dead chickens. "The owner is treated as Legiman patient bird flu, a new victim However suspect (suspected-red) has not been positive with bird flu.

                              Nevertheless we still do control, "said the lily when contacted this newspaper, yesterday. Lily accompanied Kabag PR Syaril add Sada, Public Health and Animal Husbandry mengimbau citizens through the extension of government in the district in order to incarcerate their chickens, so that the spread of flu is not widespread. (Tib / boy)

