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Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008 - Mar/21/2008

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  • Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008 - Mar/21/2008

    Old Thread

    Indonesian father and son suspected of bird flu infection: doctor

    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->Jakarta (ANTARA News) - A nine-year-old boy and his father have been admitted to a hospital in Indonesia, suspected of having bird flu, a medic said Sunday.

    Both were admitted to the Dr. Muwardi general hospital in the Central Java city of Solo on Saturday showing all the symptoms of infection, Reviono, who heads the hospital's bird flu unit, told AFP.

    He said the pair had buried chickens that had died after being infected with H5N1, while several chickens in their neighbourhood had also tested positive for the disease.

    Both have been put in the hospital's isolation ward and blood and tissue samples will be sent to the health ministry laboratory in Jakarta on Monday, he added.

    Two positive results are needed before Indonesian authorities confirm a human bird flu infection.

    Indonesia has the highest number of human bird flu casualties in the world, with 105 killed by the disease.

    The father and son were referred from a hospital in nearby Klaten district where they live, Reviono said.

    Experts fear the virus, which is usually spread directly from birds to humans, could mutate into a form easily transmissible between people, sparking a deadly global pandemic.

    Eleven people have died of bird flu in Indonesia this year, 10 of them from Jakarta and its surrounding areas. (*)<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

    "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

    Two Klaten residents were it was suspected flattest bird flu

    The bird flu illness currently strikes Klaten, Central Java.
    At least currently two residents are treated in the Public Hospital of Daerah Doctor Muwardi, Solo, Central Java, because of being suspected of being affected by bird flu.
    In the meantime in Enrekang, South Sulawesi, hundreds of chickens died suddenly.
    Two patients who were treated in RSUD Doctor Muwardi were the father and the child had the initials S (37 years) and i that was nine years old.
    Both of them the resident Cawas, Klaten.
    The two patients entered the hospital in the afternoon yesterday.
    They experienced the hot sign high and breathless.
    At this time the patient was treated in special isolation space the maintenance of bird flu.
    The doctor who treated the two suspeck bird flu, the doctor Yusuf Subagyo stated, the two patients had it was suspected experienced contact with the poultry that was expected flattest the virus H5N1.
    Around the patient's house indeed was gotten by several chickens that died.
    And was based on results of the research Sub- Dinas Peternakan Kabupaten Klaten, the chicken that died around the patient's house positf was infected by bird flu.
    The sudden death of the chicken also happened in the Lewaja Village, Kabupaten Enrekang.
    The Dinas official of the local Health immediately carried out the inspection and took the sample of chicken blood that died.
    Results of the inspection showed, the chicken chicken died because of the Nd virus not the bird flu virus or H5N1.
    To prevent the spread continuing, the official of Livestock Breeding of the Service at once burnt and buried the chicken that died.


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

      Bapak dan Anak di Solo Diduga Terkena Flu Burung
      Minggu, 2 Maret 2008 | 02:01 WIB

      Solo, Kompas - S (38) dan anaknya, IFH (9), warga Dusun Kedungampel, Desa Kedungampel, Kecamatan Cawas, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah, dinyatakan terduga (suspect) flu burung. Sejak Sabtu (1/3), mereka dirawat di ruang isolasi Rumah Sakit Dr Moewardi, Solo, Jateng.

      Ketua Tim Medik Penanganan Flu Burung RSUD Dr Moewardi, dr Reviono SpP, mengungkapkan, S dan IFH merupakan pasien rujukan dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Klaten. Dari hasil pemeriksaan, saturasi oksigen mereka masih bagus, 99-100 persen, dan kadar leukosit normal.

      Meski demikian, mereka tetap dinyatakan terduga flu burung karena ada riwayat kontak dengan unggas mati mendadak. Hasil rontgen pun menunjukkan adanya pneumonia, meskipun minimal. ?Menurut informasi dari Klaten, hasil tes unggas mati, positif flu burung,? katanya.

      Kamis lalu, di Dusun Krajan, Desa Banding, Kecamatan Bringin, Kabupaten Semarang, Jateng, juga ditemukan kasus flu burung, menyusul mati mendadaknya sejumlah ayam milik warga. Karena itu, kemarin, sebanyak 542 ayam dan 379 butir telur ayam milik warga Dusun Krajan dimusnahkan secara massal oleh Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Semarang.

      Koordinator Tim Pengendali Flu Burung Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Semarang, Rovinus Goa, mengatakan, pihaknya belum bisa memastikan penyebab penyebaran virus flu burung di Krajan. ?Saat musim hujan, temuan unggas yang terkena virus ini biasanya memang meningkat,? ujarnya.

      Wakil Bupati Semarang Siti Ambar Fathonah menyatakan, pemilik ayam yang ayamnya dimusnahkan secara massal itu akan diberi ganti rugi. ?Warga pasti akan mendapat ganti rugi. Tapi membutuhkan waktu karena perlu proses administrasi,? katanya.

      Tanggal 23 Februari lalu, di Tegal, Jateng, juga ditemukan kasus serupa. Saat itu, ayam kampung milik warga juga mati mendadak. Setelah dilakukan uji cepat diketahui ayam yang mati itu terjangkit flu burung.


      Istri S, Sugiyatmi, menuturkan, dua dari tiga ayam peliharaannya mati mendadak sekitar lima hari lalu. Di sekitar tempat tinggal mereka, sejak sepekan lalu, terjadi kematian ayam mendadak. ?Suami saya kemudian batuk pilek dan panas sekitar tiga hari lalu. Sempat ke mantri hari Jumat. Anak saya kemarin ikut panas. Saya kira cuma masuk angin, karena yang batuk pilek lebih dulu sebenarnya saya,? ungkap Sugiyatmi, yang menunggui kedua pasien tersebut di rumah sakit.

      Awal Februari, Alif Tri Anggoro Putro (17), pasien flu burung asal Kedungringin, Soko, Miri, Sragen, Jateng, juga dinyatakan positif flu burung. Alif meninggal 10 Februari di RS Dr Moewardi setelah dirawat satu hari. (eki/gal)

      Sumber berita :


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

        S (38) and his child, IFH (9), the resident of the Kedungampel Village, Desa Kedungampel, of Kecamatan Cawas, Kabupaten Klaten, Central Java, was stated was expected (suspect) bird flu.
        Since Saturday (1/3), they were treated in space of the Hospital isolation Dr Moewardi, Solo, Central Java.
        Chairman Tim of the Medic the Handling of Bird Flu of RSUD Dr Moewardi, Dr Reviono SpP, said, S and IFH were the reconciliation patient from the Health Service of the Klaten Regency.
        From results of the inspection, saturasi their oxygen was still good, 99-100 percent, and the level of normal leucocyte.
        Nevertheless, they continued to be stated was expected by bird flu because of having the story of contact with the poultry died suddenly.
        Results x-rayed then showed the existence of pneumonia, despite minimal.
        Last Thursday, in the Krajan Village, Desa Banding, Kecamatan Bringin, Kabupaten Semarang, Central Java, also was found by the case of bird flu, following died the suddenness of several chickens belonging to the resident.
        Therefore, yesterday, as many as 542 chickens and 379 items of the chicken egg were belonging to the resident of the Krajan Village destroyed in a mass fashion by the Peternakan Service and fisheries of Kabupaten Semarang.
        The co-ordinator the Team of the Manager of Dinas Peternakan Bird Flu and fisheries of Kabupaten Semarang, Rovinus Goa, said, his side still could not ascertain the cause of the spreading of the bird flu virus in Krajan.
        "Saat the rain season, the poultry findings that are affected by this virus usually indeed increased," he said.

        The representative of the Semarang regent siti amber fathonah said, the owner of the chicken that his chicken was destroyed in a mass fashion that will be given by compensation.
        "Warga will definitely receive compensation.
        But needed time because of needing the process of administration," he said.
        Last February 23, in Tegal, Central Java, also was found by the similar case.
        At that time, the nonpedigreed chicken belonging to the resident also died suddenly.

        After being carried out by the fast test it was known the chicken that died that terjangkit bird flu.

        The wife S, Sugiyatmi, said, two from his three kept chickens died suddenly around five previous days.
        Around their residence, since last week, the death of the sudden chicken happened.
        "Suami I afterwards the cough pilek and hot around the last three days.
        Could to the official on Friday.
        My child yesterday was hot.
        Was thought by me only caught a cold, because that the cough pilek more previously in fact I,
        " revealed Sugiyatmi, that tended the two patients in the hospital.
        Early February, Alif Tri Anggoro Putro (17), the bird flu patient from Kedungringin, Soko, Miri, Sragen, Central Java, also was stated positive bird flu.
        Alif died on February 10 in RS Dr Moewardi after being treated one day.


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

          Two residents in the Kedungampel Village, Kecamatan Cawas, Kabupaten Klaten (Central Java), the Bang, 38, and IF, 9, was stated was expected by bird flu.
          The father and this child are currently treated in RS Dr Muwardi Solo.
          They were it was suspected flattest the virus H5N1 this followed the sudden death 37 kept chickens the resident including property of casualties, last Thursday (27/2).
          By direct then casualties menyembelih his chicken to be cooked.
          From the inspection, was proven chicken blood that died medadak was stated positive terjangkit the bird flu virus.
          The resident had the story of contact with the positive poultry bird flu was at once given medicine tamiflu.
          The section head the Prevention of the Bersumber Binatang Illness (P2B2) the Service of Kesehatan Klaten Herry Martanto when being met by the Indonesian Media, on Monday (3/3), justified the existence of the case of bird flu that emerged in this area.
          "From investment" of the "Health of the team of the Service, only two were from five people checked that entered the category was expected by bird flu."
          And, the same day, on Saturday (1/3), was reconciled to RS Dr Muwardi Solo.
          They at once entered isolation space, said Herry.


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

            hat-tip Mojo

            2 Klaten residents suspect AI, the content of leucocytes declined
            The solo (Expose)
            Two residents Kedungampel Kulon, Cawas, of Klaten, that is the Primary School, 37 and IF 9, was stated suspect avian influenza (AI).

            They were treated in RSUD Dr Moewardi since Saturday (1/3).
            The condition for two patients till Sunday (2/3), stable the alias did not yet improve.

            Moreover leucocytes of the two patients who were the father and the child descended.

            This was revealed by the Medical Team of AI RSUD Dr Moewardi, Dr Reviono SpP, when being met Expose, on Sunday, in RSUD. generally their condition was stable.
            However, the content of leucocytes in blood both of them experienced the decline.

            For his leucocytes Primary School from 9,000 was 5,000.
            Whereas for IF, his leucocytes from 7,000 became 3,500.
            For normal humankind, the content of leucocytes reached 4,000-10,000.

            At this time we continued to monitor his condition, said he.
            Named by Reviono, was based on the inspection early the two patients were at once treated in space of the bird flu isolation.

            When entering RSUD the patient experienced the high fever, the cough and pilek.

            The patient also it was known had the story of contact with the poultry that died suddenly, stressed he.

            Information that was assembled Expose mentioned, the sign suffered the illness that was similar to AI was experienced the Primary School that was the IF father since last Thursday (28/2).

            Initially, around the Primary School house in Cawas many chickens that died suddenly.

            By several residents, the chicken that was directly sick disembelih and was cooked.
            Most did not have five chickens belonging to the Primary School that also died suddenly.

            Relatives of the Primary School that tended in RSUD, Sujarwo, 41, said, last Thursday, the Primary School family cooked the chicken that has been sick.
            The Sd chicken also died.

            That did not yet die was cooked and eaten, said Sujarwo.
            He said, after eating the chicken last Thursday, initially the Primary School that felt was sick.
            Not long afterwards the first child the Primary School, IF also fell ill.

            Sujarwo said, the illness of his two relatives was marked feverishly that was high.
            It was further that Sujarwo said, on the Saturday the condition both of them increasingly descended.

            He added, on Saturday morning, the team from the Kesehatan Service and Sosial Welfare (DKKS) held the inspection to the resident and during so the condition for the Primary School and IF were checked.

            He stressed, at that time, the Primary School and IF were checked, also was taken the sample of his blood.
            After that, continued he, the team from DKKS at once brought the Primary School and IF to Moewardi.

            In the meantime Kasubdin Pencegahan of the Eradication of infectious diseases of DKKS Klaten drg Agus Susanto that it was confirmed permitted his side, on Saturday, to send two people suspect AI to RSUD Dr Moewardi.

            He claimed in Klaten not only very much was found suspect AI, during 2005 and 2006 had also been available.

            The incident occurred again in 2008, because of 2007 then Klaten nihil suspect AI. Terpisah, around 142 chickens in Sidowarno, Wonosari, Klaten for the last four day died suddenly.

            In the meantime the wife Sumanto, NY Tutik admitted to having a headache and nauseas after cleaning his property chicken coop.

            One of the residents Sidowarno, Sumanto, explained several chickens that died it was known experienced the shoal in the head.

            Several other chickens went out mucus from the nose so as this resulted in the local resident anxious terjangkit bird flu.

            Asked the chicken carcass that died, Sumanto claimed throw away to the River of Bengawan Solo.
            The village head Sidowarno, Rujito Suprayogo, regretted the delay of the report about the incident.


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

              Reports of Increased Survival in Bird Flu Patients Taking Tamiflu
              03/03/2008 07:00

              BASEL, Switzerland, March 3 /PRNewswire/ --

              Physicians from countries worst-affected by the deadly bird flu (H5N1 influenza virus) have reported an increased survival rate in patients treated with the oral antiviral Tamiflu (oseltamivir).

              These data reinforce the World Health Organization (WHO) advisory that Tamiflu is the only antiviral strongly recommended for the treatment of humans infected with the H5N1 virus.

              The physicians' report was revealed this week at the International Symposium on Respiratory Viral Infections (ISRVI) in Singapore.(1)

              According to the WHO the H5N1 virus has already killed 234 people in 12 countries.(2)

              Tamiflu is the only antiviral reported to have been used against H5N1 in humans outside the laboratory and actually in the field.

              In Indonesia, of the total of 119 H5N1 human cases reported, - 22 survived an 18 percent survival rate overall.

              Of these, 33 patients received no Tamiflu, all of whom died.

              Tamiflu was administered to 86 patients with a 26 percent survival rate overall.

              Time from onset of illness to initiation of treatment appeared to influence survival.

              Of the 2 patients who received Tamiflu within 24 hours of illness onset both survived.

              55 percent survived if given the drug within four days (6/11), and 35 percent survived if given Tamiflu within six days (13/37)3. The survival rate of those receiving it later than 6 days after illness onset was 18 percent (9/49)2
              (1) Antivirals and therapeutics session, X International symposium on Respiratory Viral infections, Singapore, Sunday 2nd March 2008
              (2) World Health Organization. Cumulative Number of Confirmed Human Cases of Avian Influenza A/(H5N1) Reported to WHO. 28 February 2008
              This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!



              • #8
                Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

                Update on the father and son, condition did not change, not better, not worse; no testresults yet.

                Terduga Flu Burung, 2 Warga Klaten Belum Membaik

                Senin, 3 Maret 2008 - 10:13 wib

                Menhan Diminta Klarifikasi Kasus Laskar Wataniyah

                SOLO - Dua warga Kedungampel Kulon, Cawas, Klaten, Jawa Tengah, masih dirawat di ruang isolasi RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo. Keduanya divonis terduga (suspect) AI atau flu burung setelah dirawat sejak Sabtu 1 Maret lalu.

                "Secara umum masih sama. Kondisi kedua pasien belum membaik," jelas Ketua Tim Penangulangan Penyakit Flu Burung RSUD Dr Moewardi Reviono, Senin (3/3/2008).

                Reviono mengatakan, kedua pasien bapak anak masing-masing SD (37) dan IF (9), masih mendapat perawatan intensif di ruang isolasi. Apalagi, keduanya mempunyai riwayat kontak dengan ayam yang mati mendadak.

                Menurut dia, saat ini pihaknya masih menunggu hasil dari Laboratorium Litbangkes Depkes. Hasil dari Lab Litbangkes akan diketahui apakah kedua pasien tersebut positif flu burung atau tidak. Yang jelas, keduanya sejak dirawat mempunyai gejala flu burung. Seperti demam dan juga batuk.

                "Kedua pasien sempat mengalami penurunan leukosit. Hari ini kami akan kembali memeriksanya," ujarnya.

                Soal kemungkinan keduanya positif AI, Reviono tidak bisa memastikannya tanpa ada bukti, yakni hasil lab.

                Hanya saja, suspect AI belum tentu positif AI. Reviono berharap keduanya membaik. Jika kondisi tubuh membaik, kemungkinan besar keduanya negatif AI. Hanya saja, untuk memastikan, pihaknya menunggu hasil laboratorium. (Sumarno/Sindo/jri)


                • #9
                  Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

                  Post #133:
                  If condition body improved prospect big both negative AI. Just only, to determine his side to wait results laboratory.
                  Not necessarily. See Post #132:

                  Reports of Increased Survival in Bird Flu Patients Taking Tamiflu
                  If they improve, that does not mean they were negative. Tamiflu can also skew the test results. NEJM reported that blood tests are not accurate in determining infection.


                  • #10
                    Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

                    U.S. EMBASSY WARDEN MESSAGE

                    February 29, 2008

                    U.S. Embassy Jakarta
                    U.S. Consulate General Surabaya
                    U.S. Consulate Medan

                    Warden Message - Update on Avian Influenza

                    The U.S. Embassy would like to provide U.S. citizens with an update on the current status of Avian Influenza A (H5N1) in Indonesia.

                    Human infections with the Avian Influenza virus H5N1 have occurred with regularity in Indonesia since the first documented cases in June of 2005. Sporadic isolated cases and occasional family clusters have emerged across Java and in areas of Sumatra. For the most part, victims had exposure to dead or dying poultry. It is likely that this trend will continue in the coming months while the disease is contained in poultry. The World Health Organization (WHO) has not upgraded its threat risk, and there is no documented evidence that the virus has changed into a more dangerous pathogen able to move efficiently from one person to another. While cases of H5N1 virus infection of humans remain extremely rare, the Embassy is providing this update to help U.S. citizens make informed decisions concerning the health of their families and employees.

                    Avian influenza A (H5N1) is endemic among poultry in Indonesia. As of February 26, 2008, the WHO has recorded a total of 129 confirmed human H5N1 cases and 105 deaths. Of the total, 20 cases and 13 deaths occurred in 2005, 55 cases and 45 deaths occurred in 2006, 42 cases and 37 deaths occurred in 2007, and 12 cases and 10 deaths have been reported this year.

                    Indonesian and WHO health authorities continue to investigate cases of patients with H5N1 infection. Isolated viruses have not shown mutations that make them more easily transmitted among humans. The Embassy encourages all Americans traveling to or living in Indonesia to monitor local news reports about avian influenza outbreaks and to consult with their health care providers about prevention of avian influenza and steps to take in case of possible exposure to avian influenza. Dead and dying poultry should be avoided and hand washing with warm water and soap encouraged. Most human cases of H5N1 have occurred through direct contact with sick or dead poultry.

                    The H5N1 virus has been identified in environment samples such as bird feces, and infection has been seen in a diversity of bird species including wild ducks, quail and other birds. Evidence of viral infections has also been documented in swine and felines in Indonesia.

                    The Embassy further encourages Americans resident in Indonesia to be vigilant about food preparation and the handling of poultry or eggs and to wash hands after touching uncooked poultry or poultry products. A number of pathogens can reside in uncooked poultry and eggs in addition to influenza.

                    As with any natural disaster, a pandemic may disrupt mobility, as well as access to food, water and medication. The Embassy urges Americans to be prepared for adverse events at all times with adequate supplies. We encourage all Americans to review the newly updated guidance on Avian Influenza at, which includes ?Remain in Country during a Pandemic.?

                    Americans can obtain updated information on avian influenza, including country specific information about Indonesia and other Asian countries, from the websites listed below. Links to these websites, as well as regularly updated Q's and A's about avian influenza, are also available on the Embassy's website at


                    • #11
                      Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

                      February 26, 2008

                      U.S. Coast Guard Issues Advisory to Indonesia on Port Security

                      Bahasa Indonesia

                      Jakarta -- The United States Coast Guard issued a Port Security Advisory (PSA) today for the majority of Indonesian ports, requiring ships visiting Indonesian ports to undergo extra security procedures before being allowed to visit U.S. ports.

                      The U.S. Coast Guard issues PSAs for countries that do not comply with the International Ship and Port Facility (ISPS) Code security standards. Indonesia is a signatory to the ISPS Code. However, sixteen Indonesian ports were exempted from the PSA requirements, including the ports that comprise most of the major international shipping facilities in Indonesia.

                      Ships that visit non-exempt ports within five port calls could be denied entry into U.S. ports if they do not comply. The Advisory takes effect March 11, 2008.

                      The U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Embassy are committed to helping Indonesia improve its port security and meet ISPS standards. Over the last two years, the Singapore-based U.S Coast Guard representative has visited Indonesia over twenty times, working closely with the Directorate of Sea Transportation (DGST) and ports to increase awareness and training on port security. A U.S Coast Guard Liaison is scheduled to come to Jakarta this year to provide assistance on a wide range of maritime issues, including port security.

                      The sixteen port facilities that the U.S. Coast Guard found in compliance with ISPS have been exempted from the PSA. They are: PT Terminal Peti Kemas Surabaya, Banjarmasin Port, PT Pertamina Unit Pemasaran III, Pertamina Unit Pengolahan V Balikpapan, Senipah Terminal Total E&P Indonesia Balikpapan, Caltex Oil Terminal Dumai, Pelindo II Conventional Terminal Jakarta, Jakarta International Container Terminal, PT Pupuk Kaltim Bontang, PT Badak Bontang, PT Indominco Mandiri Bontang, Pertamina Unit Pengolahan II Dumai, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Cabang Dumai, Semarang International Container Terminal, Belawan Multi-Purpose Terminal, PT Multimas Nabati Asahan.

                      For more information on the U.S. Embassy activities in Indonesia, please visit the Embassy website at:


                      • #12
                        Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

                        Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:56 am Post subject:
                        February 26, 2008
                        U.S. Coast Guard Issues Advisory to Indonesia on Port Security
                        USCG ? conditions of entry re vessels from Indonesia

                        The US Coast Guard issued a notice stating that, effective March 10, it will impose conditions of entry on vessels arriving from Indonesia. With the exception of vessels arriving from certain named ports, any vessel arriving in the United States that called in Indonesia during its previous five port calls must demonstrate the following:

                        (1) that it implemented measures in accordance with the ship?s security plan equivalent to Security Level 2;

                        (2) that each access point to the vessel was guarded and that the guards had total visibility of the exterior to the ship while in the Indonesian port;

                        (3) that it attempted to execute a Declaration of Security;

                        (4) that it logged all security actions in the ship?s log;

                        (5) that it reported such actions to the USCG Captain of the Port (COTP) prior to arrival in the United States; and

                        (6) that each access point to the vessel is guarded and that the guards have total visibility of the exterior to the ship during US port calls.

                        Note: Similar conditions of entry have been imposed on ships arriving in the United States from Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, and Mauritania.

                        73 Fed. Reg. 10042 (February 25, 2008).


                        • #13
                          Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

                          Update on the father and son in hospital: their condition improves.

                          Can not find earlier reference in this year to the two fatalities from Semarang.

                          Wednesday, March 5, 2008 4:09 PM

                          Bird flu blamed for two deaths in Central Java

                          Suherdjoko , The Jakarta Post , Semarang | Wed, 03/05/2008 2:18 PM |

                          The Archipelago

                          The avian flu scourge claimed several victims in Central Java earlier this year, bringing the death toll to 10 at present, a local health official says.

                          Of four patients believed to have been infected with the disease, two of them (from Kendal and Sragen) have died, while the others were undergoing treatment at Moewardi Hospital in Surakarta, Central Java Health Office head Hartanto told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday.

                          "The condition of the other two patients--both from Klaten--is improving, according to reports I received this afternoon," Hartanto said.

                          The two dead victims received treatment at Hermina Hospital in Semarang.

                          "We made concerted efforts to prevent a bird-to-human (virus) transfer by educating the public through the media and brochures.

                          "The health office has also worked with the United Nations Child Education Fund and provincial husbandry agency to familiarize school children with the dangers of bird flu and its prevention," Hartanto said.

                          His office distributed Tamiflu drugs to health agencies throughout the province, Hartanto said.

                          "They will be distributed to community health centers in all regions," he added.

                          The two patients at Moewardi Hospital were identified as S, 38, and his child IFH, 9.

                          The two bring the total number of suspected cases of human bird flu infection in the province to 13, ten of which have died.

                          According to data from the National Commission on Bird Flu (dated Feb. 3, 2008), at a national level there have been 126 cases of humans contracting avian influenza with 103 fatalities, making Indonesia the most bird-flu prone of all countries in the world.

                          In Central Java, the virus has infected 23 of 35 regencies and mayoralties since 2005, while data from the agricultural ministry shows it has hit 161 regencies across the country.

                          Despite the ten deaths in Central Java, the province has never conducted mass poultry culls, except of infected birds in Semarang, Boyolali, Magelang, Sragen, Kendal and Demak.

                          Authorities Monday conducted a cull in Kedungampel village, Klaten, following the confirmed discovery of bird flu infected free-range chickens last week, when many chickens died abruptly.

                          Subsequently, two residents believed to be infected by the virus were taken for treatment at Moewardi Hospital.

                          Central Java Husbandry Agency head Kusmaningsih said mass culls were based on directives.

                          "If we cull the entire poultry population, it would have an adverse impact on farmers breeding healthy chickens, especially during harsh times like these," Kusmaningsih said, "so we must cull the birds selectively."

                          Bird flu virus usually spreads during the rainy season, he added.

                          In fact, the H5N1 strain dies when exposed to sunlight or heat for any extended period, Kusmaningsih said. However, the virus could reappear in damp conditions, like the current rainy season, he said.

                          "We have urged rural authorities to distribute information on the risks of bird flu. Everyone must have a clean lifestyle," Kusmaningsih added.

                          The provincial husbandry agency has so far provided 16 million doses of locally-produced bird flu vaccine and 8,000 liters of disinfectant to poultry farmers.


                          • #14
                            Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

                            I count 11 dead, the mother & daughter condition unknown and Istiono (56) being treated.

                            This isn't counting the father and son who are:SD (37) dan IF (9)?
                            The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


                            • #15
                              Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Feb 4, 2007+

                              Originally posted by mixin View Post
                              I count 11 dead, the mother & daughter condition unknown and Istiono (56) being treated.

                              This isn't counting the father and son who are:SD (37) dan IF (9)?
                              The numbers in this article are not updated I think.

                              The two deaths from Semarang are not confirmed, as far as I know.

