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Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th to Oct 20th, 2007

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  • #91
    Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

    Originally posted by Commonground View Post
    After that last translation ordeal - I would take the sentences and translate them word for word with a dictionary.
    I can't understand these nurses dying either?
    I agree we have to be carefull with translations. And translations of translations.That is what happened with the other report yesterday: to far drifted away from the original text.

    But in this case: keduanya meninggal dunia is

    "both of them / the two of them

    died/expired / left this world" .

    No doubts here on the translation.


    • #92
      Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

      Detik news reports negative testresults, with quote's from Supari herself, in the midst of the Idul Fitri celebration.

      - no mentioning of the condition or alternative diagnosis, or death of the two nurses initials NI and MR

      - they were not attending the bird flu patient who died (earlier reports say they did)

      - there is no human-to-human bird flu in Indonesia

      toggletext out, translation later.

      Info berita terbaru hari ini baik peristiwa, kecelakaan, kriminal, hukum, berita unik, Politik, dan liputan khusus di Indonesia dan Internasional


      • #93
        Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

        No, I translated it word for word, and it's exactly like your article.
        I have found nothing at my sites that I cover.


        • #94
          Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

          Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
          Detik news reports negative testresults, with quote's from Supari herself, in the midst of the Idul Fitri celebration.

          - no mentioning of the condition or alternative diagnosis, or death of the two nurses initials NI and MR

          - they were not attending the bird flu patient who died (earlier reports say they did)

          - there is no human-to-human bird flu in Indonesia

          toggletext out, translation later.

          I tried some translation, not all words could be translated, however it seems clear enough I hope.

          12 / 10 / 2007 14 : 52 wib

          2 nurses in RS Awal Bross negative bird flu

          ramadhian fadillah-detikcom

          Jakarta-2 nurses in RS Awal Bross were mentioned as suspect bird flu..
          However the result of the laboratorium test proved negative result.

          The diagnosis of the nurses is negative, we have received confirmation said Minister of Health Siti Fadilah Supari in celebrations sela-sela in fitri idul in kediamannya Denpasar jl, kuningan, Jakarta, Friday (12 / 10 / 2007)

          Both nurses, namely NI and MR were known to suffer from high fever symptoms.Like suspects of bird flu. It was reported too both of them fell ill after taking care of a patient who die from bird flu.

          Apart from this she also declared that at this moment there is no direct human-to-human bird flu contamination.

          Relating to this subject the minister of Health insisted ?that the nurses were not the ones who took care of the bird flu patient?

          Therefore not yet exists spreading direct; that is the spreading Human-to human does not exist untill now, Tandasnya.


          • #95
            Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

            This is from okezone, seems to have been posted after the article on the death of the two nurses. Dutchy, could you please check on the sentence I have in red?

            QDT Translation:

            Minister of Health to say something by way of disagreement flu bird contagious human-to-human transmission

            Jakarta: Spreading return/once again case/cases flu bird in Indonesia happen/take place after patient suspect died world in Pekanbaru, Riau. Minister of Health (menkes) Siti Fadilah Supari to take opposition existence spreading virus put out that human-to-human transmission.

            Guess/Anticipate as human to human transmission that but actually the case is not yet there until now," statement Minister of Health Siti Fadilah Supari in rumah dinas, Jalan Denpasar Raya, Jakarta Selatan, Friday (12/10/2007)

            According to her when/if there is one poultry that infected then may cause very fast towards catching towards that other. Last, virus from poultry that be able to transmit human being manner direct.

            "The manner of infection direct no/not mean/be significant menularkan to human being," made clear again.
            Towards/For/On behalf of total cases flu bird in land water/liquid attain 108 cases and 87 people among died world. Victim latest is person female who has the initials L (44) resident Complex Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI), Kelurahan Lembah Damai, Kecamatan Rumbai, Pekan Baru, Riau. (ism)

            Menkes Bantah Flu Burung Menular Antarmanusia
            Siswanto - Okezone

            JAKARTA - Merebaknya kembali kasus flu burung di Indonesia terjadi setelah pasien suspect meninggal dunia di Pekanbaru, Riau. Menteri Kesehatan (menkes) Siti Fadilah Supari membantah adanya penularan virus mematikan itu antarmanusia.

            "Yang diduga sebagai human to human transmition itu padahal belum ada sampai sekarang," ujar Menkes Siti Fadilah Supari di rumah dinas, Jalan Denpasar Raya, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (12/10/2007).

            Menurutnya, bila ada satu unggas yang terinfeksi maka dapat menyebabkan sangat cepat untuk menular ke yang lain. Akhirnya, virus dari unggas itu dapat menularkan manusia secara langsung.

            "Dengan penularan langsung, bukan berarti menularkan ke manusia," tegasnya lagi.

            Untuk total kasus flu burung di tanah air mencapai 108 kasus, dan 87 orang diantaranya meninggal dunia. Korban terakhir adalah seorang wanita berinisial L (44) warga Komplek Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI), Kelurahan Lembah Damai, Kecamatan Rumbai, Pekan Baru, Riau. (ism)
            Last edited by Commonground; October 12, 2007, 05:05 AM. Reason: translated a word


            • #96
              Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

              Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
              I tried some translation, not all words could be translated, however it seems clear enough I hope.

              12 / 10 / 2007 14 : 52 wib

              2 nurses in RS Awal Bross negative bird flu

              ramadhian fadillah-detikcom

              Jakarta-2 nurses in RS Awal Bross were mentioned as suspect bird flu..
              However the result of the laboratorium test proved negative result.

              The diagnosis of the nurses is negative, we have received confirmation said Minister of Health Siti Fadilah Supari in celebrations sela-sela in fitri idul in kediamannya Denpasar jl, kuningan, Jakarta, Friday (12 / 10 / 2007)

              Both nurses, namely NI and MR were known to suffer from high fever symptoms.Like suspects of bird flu. It was reported too both of them fell ill after taking care of a patient who die from bird flu.

              Apart from this she also declared that at this moment there is no direct human-to-human bird flu contamination.

              Relating to this subject the minister of Health insisted “that the nurses were not the ones who took care of the bird flu patient”

              Therefore not yet exists spreading direct; that is the spreading Human-to human does not exist untill now, Tandasnya.
              toggletext translation

              2 nurses in RS Awal Bros the Bird Flu Negative

              Ramadhian Fadillah - detikcom

              Jakarta - 2 nurses were in RS Awal Bross named as suspect bird flu.
              However results of the laboratory test against both of them proved results of the negative.

              The "Diagnosis against the nurse was negative." We already confirmation there, said Menkes Siti Fadilah Supari in Idul Fitri celebration gaps in his residence in Street Denpasar, Kuningan, Jakarta, on Friday (12/10/2007).

              The two nurses namely NI and Mr was known suffered the sign of the hot fever was similar suspect bird flu.

              Reported also by both of them suffered was sick after treating a patient who died because of bird flu.

              About this was very firm Menkes denied him.

              The nurse evidently not that treated the bird flu patient, she added.

              Moreover she also said till at this time in Indonesia did not have the spread of direct bird flu from between humankind.

              "Be still not yet having the spread directly, so that was expected by the spread between humankind in fact is not yet now" , she stated.

              Info berita terbaru hari ini baik peristiwa, kecelakaan, kriminal, hukum, berita unik, Politik, dan liputan khusus di Indonesia dan Internasional


              • #97
                Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                So, no nurses have died?

                The article like many others stressed that the suspect cases have a negative test. Do we have a approximation of the number of people who have died of bird flu had a negative initial test? My recall is that is more than 10%.
                Thought has a dual purpose in ethics: to affirm life, and to lead from ethical impulses to a rational course of action - Teaching Reverence for Life -Albert Schweitzer. JT


                • #98
                  Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                  @ Commonground # 95:

                  This report is toggletexted in post # 88, except for the last sentences. Edit: TT 'd the complete Okezone report now @ # 88.

                  (TT is off and on..) This last sentence quotes the official number of confirmed bird flu victims in "the motherland" (tanah air = ground and water = motherland). It says 108, should be 109, including the 12 yo boy in Tangerang.

                  Looking at the time this report was published: later than the other report indeed.

                  I am still confused, no confirmation of the death of the nurses. No reports yet on their present condition or an alternative diagnosis.

                  We will have to wait and see.


                  • #99
                    Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                    Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
                    Friday, 12/10/2007 12:18 WIB

                    Nurses from RS Awal Bross that died Negative Bird Flu

                    Burung Siswanto - Okezone

                    Jakarta - the Department of the Health denied two nurses in RS Awal of the Brooch, Pekanbaru, Riau died because infected by bird flu.

                    After being carried out by the inspection, was not found by the existence of the virus H5N1.

                    "I already confirmation evidently the bird flu negative," said Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari in gaps open house in the service house, Street Denpasar Raya, Southern Jakarta, on Friday (12/10/2007).

                    To be known, two nurses in RS Awal Bross, Pekanbaru died.

                    Suspected, both of them died after carrying out the maintenance to the patient suspect bird flu in this hospital.

                    "The nurse evidently not that treated the bird flu patient," added the minister for this heart specialist.

                    Could be reported, the two patients that also the nurse had carried out direct contact with suspect bird flu.
                    Berita terkini dan terbaru hari ini, terpercaya dan terlengkap. Okezone membahas Politik, Ekonomi, Travel, Lifestyle, Selebriti, Bola, Sports sampai berita Internasional

                    Original text for reference:

                    Perawat RS Awal Bros yang Meninggal Negatif Flu Burung
                    Siswanto - Okezone

                    JAKARTA - Departemen Kesehatan membantah dua perawat di RS Awal Bros, Pekanbaru, Riau meninggal karena terjangkit flu burung. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan, tidak ditemukan adanya virus H5N1.

                    "Saya sudah konfirmasi ternyata negatif flu burung," ujar Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari di sela-sela open house di rumah dinas, Jalan Denpasar Raya, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (12/10/2007).

                    Untuk diketahui, dua perawat di RS Awal Bros, Pekanbaru meninggal dunia. Diduga, keduanya meninggal dunia setelah melakukan perawatan kepada pasien suspect flu burung di rumah sakit tersebut.

                    "Perawat itu ternyata bukan yang merawat pasien flu burung," tambah menteri spesialis jantung ini. Sempat diberitakan, kedua pasien yang juga perawat itu pernah melakukan kontak langsung dengan suspect flu burung. (ism)
                    If you follow the link of the original report, you will see it is changed at the website of Okezone: original is above, now it says:

                    Jum'at, 12/10/2007 12:18 WIB
                    Perawat RS Awal Bros Negatif Flu Burung
                    Siswanto - Okezone

                    JAKARTA - Departemen Kesehatan menyatakan hasil tes laboratorium dua perawat di RS Awal Bros, Pekanbaru, Riau yang sebelumnya berstatus suspect flu burung tidak ditemukan adanya virus H5N1.

                    "Saya sudah konfirmasi ternyata negatif flu burung," ujar Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari di sela-sela open house di rumah dinas, Jalan Denpasar Raya, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (12/10/2007).

                    Untuk diketahui, dua perawat di RS Awal Bros, Pekanbaru sebelumnya diduga terjangkit virus flu burung, setelah melakukan perawatan kepada pasien suspect flu burung di rumah sakit tersebut. Sempat diberitakan, kedua pasien yang juga perawat itu pernah melakukan kontak langsung dengan suspect flu burung.

                    "Perawat itu ternyata bukan yang merawat pasien flu burung," tambah menteri spesialis jantung ini. (ism)

                    No reference anymore to the death of the nurses.

                    Edit, new text toggletext translated:

                    Friday, 12/10/2007 12:18

                    Nurses RS Awal Bros Bird Flu Negative

                    Siswanto Okezone

                    Jakarta - the Department of the Health stated results of the laboratory test of two nurses in RS Awal of the Brooch, Pekanbaru, of Riau that beforehand berstatus suspect bird flu was not found by the existence of the virus H5N1.

                    “I already confirmation evidently the bird flu negative”, said Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari in gaps open house in the service house, Street Denpasar Raya, Southern Jakarta, on Friday (12/10/2007).

                    To be known, two nurses in RS Awal of the Brooch, Pekanbaru was beforehand expected infected by the bird flu virus, after carrying out the maintenance to the patient suspect bird flu in this hospital.

                    Could be reported, the two patients that also the nurse had carried out direct contact with suspect bird flu.

                    The nurse evidently not that treated the bird flu patient, added the minister for this heart specialist.
                    Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; October 12, 2007, 08:56 AM.


                    • Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                      There you go. Thanks Dutchie!!


                      • Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                        Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
                        If you follow the link of the original report, you will see it is changed at the website of Okezone: original is above, now it says:

                        Jum'at, 12/10/2007 12:18 WIB
                        Perawat RS Awal Bros Negatif Flu Burung
                        Siswanto - Okezone

                        JAKARTA - Departemen Kesehatan menyatakan hasil tes laboratorium dua perawat di RS Awal Bros, Pekanbaru, Riau yang sebelumnya berstatus suspect flu burung tidak ditemukan adanya virus H5N1.

                        "Saya sudah konfirmasi ternyata negatif flu burung," ujar Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari di sela-sela open house di rumah dinas, Jalan Denpasar Raya, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (12/10/2007).

                        Untuk diketahui, dua perawat di RS Awal Bros, Pekanbaru sebelumnya diduga terjangkit virus flu burung, setelah melakukan perawatan kepada pasien suspect flu burung di rumah sakit tersebut. Sempat diberitakan, kedua pasien yang juga perawat itu pernah melakukan kontak langsung dengan suspect flu burung.

                        "Perawat itu ternyata bukan yang merawat pasien flu burung," tambah menteri spesialis jantung ini. (ism)

                        No reference anymore to the death of the nurses.
                        There have been prior reports in the past that have been wrong (by calling suspect or confirmed patients dead patients) or initial negative tests on infected patients.

                        The current status of the two nurses should be pretty clear, but the reports remain inconsistent.


                        • Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                          Originally posted by Thornton View Post
                          So, no nurses have died?

                          The article like many others stressed that the suspect cases have a negative test. Do we have a approximation of the number of people who have died of bird flu had a negative initial test? My recall is that is more than 10%.
                          I'm sorry Thornton, I don't keep the statistics. My list I currently have takes in September, and Ida Khodijah (30) Adm: 9/18 to RSHS Bandung Sadikin in West Java died on 9/22, and tested negative.


                          • Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                   (Reuters) - A 12-year-old Indonesian boy has died of bird flu, taking the total death toll from the disease in the country to 88, a health ministry official said on Saturday.

                            Another official at the ministry's bird flu centre had earlier said was not clear how the boy, from Tanggerang city in West Java, contracted the virus, but that some chickens had died in his neighborhood.
                            "A team has conducted an investigation to find out how the boy got infected and we are waiting for the result," the bird flu centre's Daswir Nurdin said.
                            The most common way to contract the deadly virus is through sick fowl.
                            The disease is endemic in the bird population in most parts of Indonesia, where millions of backyard fowl are kept in close proximity to humans and where education campaigns often do not reach remote areas.
                            Indonesia has had 109 confirmed cases of human bird flu, 88 of them fatal, the highest in the world.


                            • Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                              Indonesian 12-year-old boy dies from bird flu
                              JAKARTA(AP): An Indonesian boy died from bird flu in the capital on Saturday, bringing the country's death toll from the virus to 88, the Health Ministry said.

                              The 12-year-old junior high school student from Tangerang, on Jakarta's southwestern outskirts, died after being treated for five days at Persahabatan Hospital - a designed bird-flu hospital in Jakarta - said Daswir Nurdin of the ministry's bird flu center.

                              "He was reported to have (had) contact with dead chickens close to his school," Nurdin said, adding that the boy first developed breathing problems and a fever on September 30 and initially visited a local clinic.

                              The boy was brought to Persahabatan on Tuesday, Nurdin said.

                              "His death raised Indonesia's death toll of bird flu to 88" deaths out of 109 cases, he said.

                              Indonesia has been hardest hit by the virus since it began ravaging poultry stocks across Asia in 2003. Its human death toll now accounts for almost half of the recorded 200 fatalities worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.


                              • Re: Indonesian Human Cases Oct 5th+

                                Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
                                If you follow the link of the original report, you will see it is changed at the website of Okezone: original is above, now it says:

                                Jum'at, 12/10/2007 12:18 WIB
                                Perawat RS Awal Bros Negatif Flu Burung
                                Siswanto - Okezone

                                JAKARTA - Departemen Kesehatan menyatakan hasil tes laboratorium dua perawat di RS Awal Bros, Pekanbaru, Riau yang sebelumnya berstatus suspect flu burung tidak ditemukan adanya virus H5N1.

                                "Saya sudah konfirmasi ternyata negatif flu burung," ujar Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari di sela-sela open house di rumah dinas, Jalan Denpasar Raya, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (12/10/2007).

                                Untuk diketahui, dua perawat di RS Awal Bros, Pekanbaru sebelumnya diduga terjangkit virus flu burung, setelah melakukan perawatan kepada pasien suspect flu burung di rumah sakit tersebut. Sempat diberitakan, kedua pasien yang juga perawat itu pernah melakukan kontak langsung dengan suspect flu burung.

                                "Perawat itu ternyata bukan yang merawat pasien flu burung," tambah menteri spesialis jantung ini. (ism)

                                No reference anymore to the death of the nurses.

                                Edit, new text toggletext translated:

                                Friday, 12/10/2007 12:18

                                Nurses RS Awal Bros Bird Flu Negative

                                Siswanto Okezone

                                Jakarta - the Department of the Health stated results of the laboratory test of two nurses in RS Awal of the Brooch, Pekanbaru, of Riau that beforehand berstatus suspect bird flu was not found by the existence of the virus H5N1.

                                ?I already confirmation evidently the bird flu negative?, said Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari in gaps open house in the service house, Street Denpasar Raya, Southern Jakarta, on Friday (12/10/2007).

                                To be known, two nurses in RS Awal of the Brooch, Pekanbaru was beforehand expected infected by the bird flu virus, after carrying out the maintenance to the patient suspect bird flu in this hospital.

                                Could be reported, the two patients that also the nurse had carried out direct contact with suspect bird flu.

                                The nurse evidently not that treated the bird flu patient, added the minister for this heart specialist.
                                Are we (they) talking about two different sets of two nurses? Are/were there the two nurses that treated Linda that were sick but tested negative AND two other nurses from the hospital that died but (according to Supari) didn't treat Linda (and, therefore, they couldn't possibly have had bf according to Supari). ??

                                BTW -- that original headline is still visible on Google even though the original article is gone:

                                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

