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INDONESIA - Kalimantan Jan 17+

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  • INDONESIA - Kalimantan Jan 17+

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    "Citizen Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, bird flu suspect" -- police Brigadier Kepala DN -- in intensive RS Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan...

    Warga Balikpapan Suspect Flu Burung
    Rabu, 17 Januari 2007 | 13:03 WIB

    TEMPO Interaktif, Balikpapan: Seorang anggota polisi Brigadir Kepala DN, warga Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, ditemukan suspect flu burung. Penderita tengah mendapatkan perawatan intensif di Rumah Sakit Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan.

    "Pasien sudah pada katagori diduga karena gejalanya sama dengan penderita flu burung lainnya, yaitu sesak nafas, batuk pilek, dan suhu badannya panas terus menerus," kata Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Balikpapan, Dyah Muryani, Rabu siang ini.

    Menurut Dyah, Rumah Sakit Kanujoso Djatiwibowo sedang memastikan jenis penyakitnya melalui beberapa tes laboratorium. "Secepatnya akan diperoleh kejelasan," katanya.

    Supriyanti, keluarga korban yang bermukim di perumahan aparat kepolisian RT 32 Klandasan Ulu, mengatakan selepas bekerja korban mengeluhkan sakit kepala. Di dekat rumahnya, sekitar 10 meter, tetangganya memelihara ayam [chicken].

    Menurut Kepala Kantor Peternakan Balikpapan, Jularno, warga sebaiknya tidak memelihara unggas di tengah-tengah permukiman. Warga Balikpapan harus turut mewaspadai penyebaran virus flu burung, setelah di sejumlah wilayah dilaporkan ayam-ayam mati mendadak.

    Kepala Kepolisian Resor Kota Balikpapan, Ajun Komisaris Besar I Gde Sugianyar, turut prihatin virus flu burung menyebar di permukiman kepolisian. Dia menghimbau warga kepolisian meningkatan kesehatan lingkungan.

    ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

  • #2
    Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

    Thanks Theresa!


    • #3
      Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

      Toggletext down.

      More on the sus case from Kalimantan....

      Citizen Balikpapan suspect bird flu
      Panas Tubuh 40 degrees celsius, tujuh chicken tetangga mati mendadak

      Jan 17, 2007

      BALIKPAPAN - RS Umum (RSU) dr Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan ... patient ... suspect bird flu. Patient with the initials DN aforementioned ... 21.10 o'clock, menggunakan ambulance from RS Bhayangkara Balikpapan....


      Information ... (obtained by?) Kaltim Post ... DN ... citizen Klandasan Ulu, Balikpapan, Monday (1/15) evening ... 40 degrees....

      Something about 7 to 12 tails chicken neighbor DN ....

      Whole article here:
      ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


      • #4
        Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan


        East Kalimantan (Borneo):
        ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


        • #5
          Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

          Toggletext down.

          More on the sus case from Kalimantan....

          Member POLRES [police?] Balikpapan still looked after [in] intensive
          Jan 17, 2007

, Balikapapan: Dn, pasien yang diduga mengidap flu burung masih dirawat intensif di ruang isolasi Rumah Sakit Umum dokter Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Namun, tim dokter masih belum bisa memastikan Dn positif flu burung atau tidak. [However, team doctor still yet able memastikan [to say/confirm?] DN positive bird flu or not.]

          Ketua Tim Dokter RSU dokter Kanujoso Djatiwibowo dokter Ganda, baru-baru ini, mengatakan, sampel darah Dn sedang diperiksa di laboratorium. [Sample sent to the lab....] Selanjutnya sampel darah anggota Kepolisian Resor Kota Balikpapan itu akan dikirim ke Balai Penelitian Kesehatan Bogor untuk memastikan positif atau negatif flu burung. Sejauh ini, menurut Ganda, kondisi Dn mulai membaik. [...condition DN begin improve.] Suhu tubuh warga Asrama Polri Balikpapan itu berangsur normal.

          Ganda menambahkan, pasien mengalami gejala seperti penderita pneumonia serta radang tenggorokan berat. Sebelumnya, pasien tidak memiliki riwayat kontak dengan unggas. Namun, beberapa hari terakhir, lima ekor ayam milik tetangga korban mati mendadak.

          ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


          • #6
            Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

            Waiting for Toggletext...

            Satu Pasien Suspek Flu Burung Dirawat di Ruang Isolasi RSKD

            7 Ekor Ayam Tetangga Mati Mendadak

            BALIKPAPAN- Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda Kaltim geger. Salah seorang pasien yang masuk Senin (15/1) pagi kemarin diduga menderita penyakit flu burung atau avian influenza (AI). Masih belum diketahui penyebab pasien berinisial Dn (28) tersebut didiagnosa menderita penyakit flu burung. Beberapa dokter dan perawat di RS Bhayangkara tak mau berkomentar ketika ditanyakan hal tersebut.
            Kabar mengenai pasien flu burung tersebut datang dari rumah sakit plat merah RSKD Balikpapan. Sekitar pukul 20.30 Wita, satu mobil ambulance milik RSKD Balikpapan ditugaskan berangkat ke RS Bhayangkara Polda Kaltim. Jika hanya menjemput pasien dengan penyakit biasa saja, kepergian ambulance itu mungkin tak sampai membuat gempar. Namun yang membuat curiga, berbagai keperluan untuk penanggulangan pasien flu burung dikenakan para penjemput.

            ?Saya juga nggak tahu Mas, katanya ada pasien flu burung. Tapi ini, belum ada disuruh siap-siap nyambut pasiennya,? kata salah seorang penjaga di IRD RSDK Balikpapan seraya menambahkan kemungkinan pasien akan langsung dibawa ke ruang isolasi yang terletak di bagian belakang rumah sakit.

            Perhatian pun langsung ditujukan ke ruang isolasi. Kabar pasien flu burung itu ternyata cepat menyebar, sampai di sana, terlihat sudah ada beberapa wartawan elektronik nyanggong di depan pintu. Tak lama kemudian, sekitar setengah jam atau tepat pukul 21.10 Wita, pasien yang ditunggu pun datang. Ketika pintu dibuka, terlihat 4 orang penjaga dengan baju super tertutup keluar dari dalam mobil.

            Dan di atas pembaringan, terlihat seorang pasien tertidur kuyup dengan wajah pucat pasi. Meskipun matanya terbuka lebar, namun tak satu gerakan pun mampu dilakukan pria tersebut. Selain beberapa petugas paramedis berpakaian safety, dari dalam mobil keluar pria lain yang kemudian diketahui sebagai kakak kandung Dn. Pria bernama Purwanto tersebut menuturkan, adiknya itu baru sore kemarin dibawa ke RS Bhayangkara.

            Awalnya, kata pria yang malam itu menggunakan jacket coklat itu, Dn diserang demam tinggi. Menurut dokter, suhu badan adiknya itu mencapai 38 derajat. Untuk ukuran manusia, suhu tubuh setinggi itu sudah mendekati masa-masa kritis. ?Saya juga nggak tahu pertimbangannya apa. Apakah benar adik saya ini menderita flu burung. Tapi, dari dokter di RS Bhayangkara, saya diberi kabar kalau adik saya ini masih suspect,? kata Purwanto yang mengaku tinggal bersama adiknya di Kelurahan Klandasan Ulu itu.

            Sumber lain Metro yang mengaku dekat dengan Dn, sebelum terserang demam tinggi, di dekat rumah Dn memang pernah ada ayam yang mati. ?Saya nggak tahu persis Mas, tapi yang saya dengar begitu. Di sebelah rumah Dn, ada orang pelihara ayam. Kalau tidak salah ingat, baru beberapa hari ini 7 ayam orang itu mati,? kata sumber yang menolak keras namanya disebutkan.

            Dn sendiri, begitu tiba di RSKD Balikpapan langsung dimasukkan ke ruangan kecil yang di luarnya bertuliskan isolasi. Ruangan isolasi itu memang dikhususkan untuk pasien flu burung. Di dalam ruangan tersebut hanya terdapat satu buah ranjang dan beberapa perlengkapan medis khusus lainnya.

            Sejumlah instansi pemerintahan yang dimintai keterangan mengenai pasien flu burung tersebut seperti enggan memberikan komentar. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota (DKK) Balikpapan, drg Dyah Muryani yang dihubungi mengaku dirinya belum mengetahui kabar tersebut. ?Saya kok belum dengar ya. Nanti dulu Mas, saya pastikan dulu,? katanya.

            Begitupun dengan Kepala Kantor Peternakan Drh Jularno Purwolekso. Saat ditelepon Metro tadi malam, ia tidak mengangkat HP-nya. Begitupun pesan pendek yang isinya ingin mengkonfirmasi kepastian status pasien tersebut, tetap tidak dijawabnya. Pagi harinya Jularno sempat ditemui Metro di ruang kerjanya. Ia memastikan bahwa flu burung aman di Balikpapan.

            ?Insya Allah aman, soalnya penyemprotan sudah kami lakukan. Begitu ada kabar yang minta kandangnya disemprot, petugas langsung turun ke lapangan,? ujar dia.

            Namun ia mengakui, hingga saat ini pengadaan vaksin flu burung sebanyak 100.000 dosis yang dianggarkan lewat APBD belum tiba di Balikpapan. ?Vaksinnya sudah kami pesan sekarang jadi tunggu pengiriman saja. Program kami, Februari nanti program vaksinasi harus secara selektif terhadap ayam kampung berjalan,? tutur Jularno.

            Ditanya apakah ada kejadian ayam mati mendadak di Balikpapan, ia mengaku hasil pemeriksaan dari petugas baru sebatas kekhawatiran warga akan tertularnya flu burung. ?Belum ada laporan ayam yang mati mendadak, paling nelepon ke Kantor Peternakan sebatas nanyakan bagaimana tanda-tanda flu burung. Jadi hingga detik ini, Balikpapan aman dari flu burung,? jelas dia sambil menambahkan,?Sebelum vaksin datang, kami melakukan langkah penyemprotan disinfektan?.(rm-6/bai/yud)

            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


            • #7
              Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

              Originally posted by Theresa42
              Toggletext down.

              More on the sus case from Kalimantan....

              Member POLRES [police?] Balikpapan still looked after [in] intensive
              Jan 17, 2007

    , Balikapapan: Dn, pasien yang diduga mengidap flu burung masih dirawat intensif di ruang isolasi Rumah Sakit Umum dokter Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Namun, tim dokter masih belum bisa memastikan Dn positif flu burung atau tidak. [However, team doctor still yet able memastikan [to say/confirm?] DN positive bird flu or not.]

              Ketua Tim Dokter RSU dokter Kanujoso Djatiwibowo dokter Ganda, baru-baru ini, mengatakan, sampel darah Dn sedang diperiksa di laboratorium. [Sample sent to the lab....] Selanjutnya sampel darah anggota Kepolisian Resor Kota Balikpapan itu akan dikirim ke Balai Penelitian Kesehatan Bogor untuk memastikan positif atau negatif flu burung. Sejauh ini, menurut Ganda, kondisi Dn mulai membaik. [...condition DN begin improve.] Suhu tubuh warga Asrama Polri Balikpapan itu berangsur normal.

              Ganda menambahkan, pasien mengalami gejala seperti penderita pneumonia serta radang tenggorokan berat. Sebelumnya, pasien tidak memiliki riwayat kontak dengan unggas. Namun, beberapa hari terakhir, lima ekor ayam milik tetangga korban mati mendadak.

              Member District Police Balikpapan still looked after [in] intensive

              Jan 17, 2007

    , Balikapapan: Dn, the patient who it was suspected contracted bird flu was still being treated intensive in space Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo, Balikpapan, of the isolation of the doctor's Public Hospital of East Kalimantan.

              However, the team of the doctor still could not ascertain Dn positive bird flu or not.

              The chairman of the Team Doctor RSU the doctor Kanujoso Djatiwibowo the Dual doctor, recently, said, the sample of Dn blood was checked in the laboratory.

              Furthermore the sample of the member's blood police Resor the Balikpapan City will be sent to the Bogor Hall of the Health Research to confirm positive or negative bird flu.

              As far as this is concerned, according to Dual, the Dn condition began to improve.

              The Temperature of the resident's body of the Barracks Republic of Indonesia State Police Balikpapan gradually got normal.

              Dual added, the patient experienced the sign like the pneumonia sufferer as well as heavy laryngitis.

              Beforehand, the patient did not have the story of contact with the poultry.
              However, several last days, five chickens belonging to casualties's neighbour died suddenly.
              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

              ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


              • #8
                Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

                More from Kalimantan. Hat-tip, Pixie!

                toggletext-ed from Indonesia:

                The Balikpapan Municipal Government prepared the BAN maintained the POULTRY in HOUSING
                Jan 17, 2007

      , Balikpapan: The Government of the Balikpapan City planned to follow the Special Capital District Provincial Government to pass the regional regulation about the ban maintained the poultry in the settlement region. This plan was expressed in counselling about the bird flu danger in the police Post Resor the Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan, on Wednesday (17/1). Counselling was carried out following was treated by him a member City Subregional Police Balikpapan as a result of being expected [suspected] terjangkit bird flu in the Public Hospital of Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan.

                In this counselling was discussed by the prevention of the spread of the bird flu virus in the settlement environment. One of them by forbidding the resident to maintain the poultry in the settlement region, especially that was densely-populated him. The section head City Livestock Breeding Balikpapan Jularno will stress, in the near future, the Balikpapan Municipal Government will issue Regional Regulations about the ban maintained the poultry in the settlement. This plan was welcomed the Head City Subregional Police Balikpapan Ajun High Commissioner of Police Gde Sugianyar. He ordered his member who lived in the barracks to not maintain the poultry or destroy the available poultry.

                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                • #9
                  Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

                  Toggletext down.

                  From Kalimantan -- suspected case reportedly improves -- suspicious poultry deaths...

                  Patient suspected bird flu improved
                  Also, 10 chickens dead sudden in Muara Rapak; Kapolresta ban look after chickens in Asrama

                  Jan 18, 2007

                  ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                  • #10
                    Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

                    Originally posted by Theresa42
                    Toggletext down.

                    From Kalimantan -- suspected case reportedly improves -- suspicious poultry deaths...

                    Patient suspected bird flu improved
                    Also, 10 chickens dead sudden in Muara Rapak; Kapolresta ban look after chickens in Asrama

                    Jan 18, 2007

                    More from Kalimantan...

                    Not suspect, but observation
                    Citizen Balikpapan that diduga bird flu

                    Jan 18, 2007

                    Sample the area chicken negative
                    Dead sudden because disease tetelo

                    Jan 18, 2007

                    ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                    • #11
                      Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

                      Originally posted by Theresa42
                      Toggletext down.

                      From Kalimantan -- suspected case reportedly improves -- suspicious poultry deaths...

                      Patient suspected bird flu improved
                      Also, 10 chickens dead sudden in Muara Rapak; Kapolresta ban look after chickens in Asrama

                      Jan 18, 2007

                      toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

                      The patient Suspect Bird Flu Membaik
                      Again, 10 chickens died Suddenly in the Rapak Estuary City, Subregional Police Chief Ban maintained the Poultry in Asrama

                      Jan 18, 2007

                      Balikpapan - A the Day was treated in RSU isolation space Dr Kanujoso Djatiwibowo (RSUKD) Balikpapan, the DN condition, the patient suspect bird flu (avian influenza, AI) began to improve.

                      Received by information, the temperature of the DN body yesterday descended 36.2 levels from before 40 Celcius levels. The team of the doctor RSUKD and RS the policeman [RS Bhayangkara] who handled DN stated that the patient was 32 years old was attacked by the inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).

                      ?Setelah his blood yesterday (on Tuesday, Ed.) was checked by us, the illness he more leant towards pneumonia, but indeed his sign like flu burung,? said the Head of the policeman's Hospital Kompol Dr Imam Fatkhurrohman, in the gap inspected the DN house in police's Purwa barracks behind Mapolresta Balikpapan, on Wednesday (17/1).

                      Originally DN was indeed treated in RS the policeman [RS Bhayangkara] with the temperature of the body 40 levels celsius. Because of the existence of the AI sign so, continued Imam, RS the policeman afterwards sent traffic police's member (traffic police) City Subregional Police Balikpapan to RSUKD, on Tuesday night. ?Jadi according to our classification, suspect then not yet masuk,? continued Imam.

                      In the meantime the Head of the Livestock Breeding Office Balikpapan Jularno Purwoleksono stated, his side was still coordinating whether must be done by the extermination of the poultry in a radius of 1 Km from the DN residence. ?Masih was coordinated by us, because of results of his poultry inspection negatif,? clear Jularno. Around the DN house indeed had the poultry died suddenly.

                      City Subregional Police Balikpapan personally at once responded to this incident by gathering occupants of the barracks in the Mapolresta diamond conference room. They were given by the explanation of all the matters about the illness that was caused by the virus H5N1.

                      According to the Section Head the Health of the City (ET AL) Balikpapan Dr Dyah Murdanti, till yesterday was not yet found by the case of bird flu that spread from humankind to humankind. The case that was found was the spread from the poultry to humankind. At least had 3 susceptible AI groups, that is, the breeder, the seller, and the poultry breeder in the doll house. The prevention is, continued Dyah, in fact was simple enough, began to keep away the pen from the house, washed the hands after doing direct contact with the poultry, and when being cooked by his temperature must achieve 80 levels.

                      Die SUDDENLY

                      Sesebanyak 10 chickens in RT 74 Klamono, Muara Rapak District, Balikpapan North, was known died suddenly on last Wednesday. The ten chickens that were buried this belonging to H Ali, Sukyat, Ica, and Jaya.

                      The side of the City of the Health Service (ET AL) Balikpapan, the afternoon yesterday dropped the team off did spraying disinfektan to the chicken coop in and around this environment.

                      In the meeting in Mapolresta Balikpapan, police, ET AL, and the Livestock Breeding Office agreed proposed to the Municipal Government to immediately make the ban rule on the maintenance of the poultry in the house. ?Ini the step in anticipation like that has been carried out by the Jakarta government, West Java and Banten,? mentioned City Subregional Police Chief Balikpapan AKBP Gde Sugianyar.

                      City Subregional Police also dismissed the ban maintained the poultry in the area of the Purwa Mapolresta barracks. Moreover, next week, was done by the extermination of the poultry pen.

                      ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                      • #12
                        Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

                        Originally posted by Theresa42
                        Toggletext down.

                        From Kalimantan -- suspected case reportedly improves -- suspicious poultry deaths...

                        Patient suspected bird flu improved
                        Also, 10 chickens dead sudden in Muara Rapak; Kapolresta ban look after chickens in Asrama

                        Jan 18, 2007


                        Or increased?


                        • #13
                          Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

                          Originally posted by Richard McC

                          Or increased?
                          In this case it's actually improved -- membaik. His fever went down, apparently -- so he's improved.
                          ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                          • #14
                            Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

                  , Balikpapan: the Condition for the flattest patient bird flu had the initials DN that was treated intensive in the Kanuyoso Jatiwibowo Hospital, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, currently begins to improve.

                            DN, the member City Subregional Police Balikpapan this underwent the intensive maintenance for two days in Karamunting Isolation Space.

                            Currently, the temperature of his body was gradually normal. The hospital side took the sample of DN blood and sent him to the Hall of the Health Research in Jakarta.DN also underwent rontgent and still got the infusion liquid.

                            The chairman of the Team of the Handling of the Patient Hospital Bird Flu of Kanuyoso Doctor Syafak Hanung said, although the DN condition improved, but was not yet ascertained when he could be returned because still was waiting for results of the blood test of the Hall of the Health Research in Jakarta.(
                            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                            • #15
                              Re: INDONESIA - Kalimantan

                              When they refer to "flattest" patient, what do they mean?

                              "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation

