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India: "Tomato Flu" outbreak in children feared to be new variant of hand, foot, and mouth disease

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  • India: "Tomato Flu" outbreak in children feared to be new variant of hand, foot, and mouth disease


    Red blisters, fever, dehydration are signs of Tomato fever that's affecting kids in Kerala. Find out more
    ET OnlineLast Updated: May 11, 2022, 06:18 PM IST

    As if the fear of Covid is not bad enough, now a new flu is doing rounds, and the worst affected by it are children. The flu called 'Tomato flu' or 'Tomato fever' has already been detected in Kerala, where 80 kids have been affected by this mystery ailment, causing neighbouring states like Tamil Nadu to put their guards up, to prevent it from spreading.

    If you are hearing the name of this flu for the first time, let us tell you that this flu or fever is mostly experienced by children...

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    • #3
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      Tomato flu: why this name?

      ByGenevieve Andrianaly

      Since the beginning of May, the tomato flu has been spreading in India.

      Published on 06.16.2022 at 12:46 p.m

      82. This is the number of infants infected with tomato flu, also known as "tomato fever", in India. These cases were recorded in the state of Kerala on May 6. "It is not a fatal disease, but it is contagious and can spread from person to person, although the true ways in which the infection spreads are still being studied," he said . Dr. Subhash Chandra, an assistant professor of internal medicine at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences in Kochi, told India Today .

      Unknown causes

      According to the Indian media, this viral disease, caused by a virus and mainly observed in children under 5 years old, is endemic in Kerala. "Its exact cause is not yet known," the post read. In 2007, when the tomato flu appeared, experts assumed that the condition was a sequel to dengue fever and chikungunya, since its symptoms are similar to those of these two pathologies. Recently, some virologists have suggested that "tomato fever" could be a new form or variant of the so-called "foot-hand-mouth" infection, which mainly affects toddlers.

      Why is this disease called the "tomato flu"?

      This viral pathology bears this name because it manifests itself by small red and spherical rashes, which look like small tomatoes. These pimples, painful and extremely contagious, appear on the hands, feet and mouth of young children and cause them to itch. Tomato flu also causes high fever, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, severe fatigue and dehydration.

      How to treat it?

      For now, there is no treatment to cure tomato flu. Currently, doctors are trying to treat the symptoms of the disease. "Patients who develop tomato fever should drink plenty and stay in bed, as is advised for other viral fevers, to keep the body hydrated and well rested ," Dr. Subhash Chandra said.


      • #4
        Tomato fever or HFMD virus in Kerala? Know causes and symptoms of Head, Foot and Mouth Disease

        Last Updated: May 15, 2022, 10:08 AM IST

        Zee Media Bureau

        New Delhi: Amid panic due to the infamous Tomato fever outbreak in Kerala, some health experts suggested that the fever/flu cases being reported in southern India are not Tomato flu but are caused by a virus variant of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD). While the symptoms in both the condition more or less remain the same, Dr Jacob John, a prominent virologist told BBC that the fever shouldn't be called Tomato flu as it is a classic case of HFMD outbreak, which has been reported in Kerala before as well. Meanwhile, as panic ad concerns continue to grow around Tomato Fever or HFMD, here's all you need to know about this condition. ...


        • #5
          Tomato Fever: Feed a lot of water to infected children, take a bath by mixing...

          Last Updated: May 14, 2022, 11:13 AM IST

          Pritam Saha
          • The Kerala government has formed a 24-member team to treat the children suffering from tomato flu.
          • To supervise the spread of tomato flu 3 teams have been formed, revenue inspector, health inspector, and police.
          • If you see the slightest symptoms, do not leave it behind, go to the doctor immediately.
          Tomato fever is a rare virus that attacks only children. Especially those under the age of five. However, it is not yet confirmed whether this (unknown fever) is viral or dengue, chikungunya. Most of the children have had problems with rashes, skin irritation and dehydration. The problem of blisters in some parts of the body has also been seen.

          Tomato Fever: Where the Name comes from

          Tomato flu is named after this blister. The blisters look like red, wheeled tomatoes. It is still growing in Kollam so far. However, health officials have warned that it may soon spread to other parts of Kerala. The mysterious disease is also called Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.

          Tomato Fever: Measures to avoid infection

          1. Feed a lot of water to infected children and it must be boiled and cooled water.

          2. Blisters or rashes will not be scratched in any way.

          3. It is important to maintain proper hygiene. Utensils, clothes and other items used by the infected persons must be sanitised to prevent the flu from spreading.

          4. You have to take a bath by mixing something that is resistant to germs in lukewarm water.

          5. If you see the slightest symptoms, do not leave it behind, go to the doctor immediately.

          ... Health officers in the border districts of Mysuru, Udupi, Dakshina Kannada, Chamarajanagar and Kodagu have been directed to step up vigil in the out-patient department of public and private hospitals and daily travellers from Kerala.

          Tomato flu is self-limiting and there is no specific drug for it. Doctors say symptoms will resolve overtime on their own but care has to be taken. ...

          Tomato Flu: Most of the children have had problems with rashes, skin irritation and dehydration. The problem of blisters in some parts of the body has also been seen.


          • #6

            Warning over brand new ‘tomato flu’ virus detected in India that infects 82 children
            By Chris Krogh Last updated Aug 19, 2022

            Doctors in India have sounded the alarm over a new virus dubbed ‘tomato flu’ that has infected dozens of children.

            The infection was spotted in May in the southern state of Kerala and it is feared to be a new variant of hand, foot, and mouth disease.

            Experts are also probing whether it is the after-effect of a mosquito-borne infection but they have not ruled out an entirely new pathogen.

            So far 82 children under five have been diagnosed with tomato fever since May and a further 26 youngsters up to age 10 are suspected cases.

            The infection gained its name because it causes an ‘eruption’ of red painful blisters across patients’ bodies that ‘gradually enlarge to the size of a tomato’.

            Most patients also suffer high fever and intense joint pain, but fatigue, sickness and diarrhoea have also been reported.

            Doctors say it is ‘very contagious’ and they fear it could spill into adult populations if the current outbreak is not brought under control...


            • #7

              Indian gov't issues advisory on hand, foot and mouth disease
              Xinhua, August 24, 2022

              NEW DELHI, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- Indian government has issued an advisory to states on hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), commonly known as tomato flu, officials said Wednesday.

              The advisory was issued by the federal health ministry on Tuesday evening after over 100 cases of the disease were reported from four states, namely Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Haryana...

