Re: Ecologic Immunology of Avian Influenza (H5N1) in Migratory Birds
The tunnel sight finds no end ...
The tunnel sight finds no end ...
Bird flu: Main danger of livestock transports
VIENNA. New studies confirm cube assumptions since emerging the virus trunk H5N1: Of game birds, cubes do not separate danger for cube bird flu from poultry transportation go out. With the Ornitolenkongress Vienna also the topic bird flu in one treats.
During the spreading of the poultry plague or bird flu game birds play only a subordinated role. Which is already assumed since emerging also the virus trunk H5N1 dangerous for humans into the 1990er years, works by newer studies. With 6. Congress of the European Ornithologen of 24. until 29 August in Vienna is discussed the topic bird flu intensively, reported congress supervisor Hans Winkler of institute for Konrad Lorenz for comparative behavior research (KLIVV). The threat of many migratory birds forms a further emphasis by the climatic change.
Bird courses would leave trace of devastation
The fact that the bird flu plays a role under birds living in the wild hardly shows among other things the spreading data of the recent cases. If game birds would play a crucial role, then the regular bird courses would have to leave as it were a trace of devastation in the landscape. For instance in Africa would have itself in the autumn - if many kinds of bird from the breeding areas for instance in Europe arrive - which accumulate cases up of poultry plague. This is however not to be observed.
Are actionism lock up utilizable poultry
?The main danger during the spreading of the bird flu poultry transportation? form, thus for Winkler. To that extent it seems also strangely a little, if utilizable poultry is locked up with bird flu danger, in order to protect it against the game birds. For Winkler that is free little actionism, after the slogan: ?One must do something?. Bird flu still for a long time everything to the topic is not generally clarified game birds and, about whether and how the virus is spread, without the animals get sick or which viruses occur with game birds. Also with the bird flu virus there are more or less aggressive forms.
Climatic change for game birds more threateningly
For game birds substantially more threateningly than the bird flu virus the climatic change excludes itself anyhow. Already in the 1970er and 1980er years came it by extremely dry years in the African Sahel zone to inventory break-downs with many Langstreckenziehern, which winter in this area. ?There also protection efforts in the breeding areas in Europe do not use anything, if the animals die then in the winter in Africa?, so Winkler. After the situation of the Sahel zone improved around the year 2000 a little, a further aggravation of the situation is to be feared by the climatic change.
?Meteoroligists assume above all it becomes drier particularly in the western Africa?, so Winkler. Internationally there are efforts therefore in view of the recent developments that with protection programs breeding areas and winter areas with are always included.
Austria developing country in things bird customer and bird protection
Austria applies concerning bird customer and bird protection in as much as developing country as there are no nationally operated bird control rooms contrary to many neighbour states. In Austria data are usually honorary raised and converted to bird courses or inventory numbers. As it were as center applies the bird protection organization BirdLife, which is organized as association.
VIENNA. New studies confirm cube assumptions since emerging the virus trunk H5N1: Of game birds, cubes do not separate danger for cube bird flu from poultry transportation go out. With the Ornitolenkongress Vienna also the topic bird flu in one treats.
During the spreading of the poultry plague or bird flu game birds play only a subordinated role. Which is already assumed since emerging also the virus trunk H5N1 dangerous for humans into the 1990er years, works by newer studies. With 6. Congress of the European Ornithologen of 24. until 29 August in Vienna is discussed the topic bird flu intensively, reported congress supervisor Hans Winkler of institute for Konrad Lorenz for comparative behavior research (KLIVV). The threat of many migratory birds forms a further emphasis by the climatic change.
Bird courses would leave trace of devastation
The fact that the bird flu plays a role under birds living in the wild hardly shows among other things the spreading data of the recent cases. If game birds would play a crucial role, then the regular bird courses would have to leave as it were a trace of devastation in the landscape. For instance in Africa would have itself in the autumn - if many kinds of bird from the breeding areas for instance in Europe arrive - which accumulate cases up of poultry plague. This is however not to be observed.
Are actionism lock up utilizable poultry
?The main danger during the spreading of the bird flu poultry transportation? form, thus for Winkler. To that extent it seems also strangely a little, if utilizable poultry is locked up with bird flu danger, in order to protect it against the game birds. For Winkler that is free little actionism, after the slogan: ?One must do something?. Bird flu still for a long time everything to the topic is not generally clarified game birds and, about whether and how the virus is spread, without the animals get sick or which viruses occur with game birds. Also with the bird flu virus there are more or less aggressive forms.
Climatic change for game birds more threateningly
For game birds substantially more threateningly than the bird flu virus the climatic change excludes itself anyhow. Already in the 1970er and 1980er years came it by extremely dry years in the African Sahel zone to inventory break-downs with many Langstreckenziehern, which winter in this area. ?There also protection efforts in the breeding areas in Europe do not use anything, if the animals die then in the winter in Africa?, so Winkler. After the situation of the Sahel zone improved around the year 2000 a little, a further aggravation of the situation is to be feared by the climatic change.
?Meteoroligists assume above all it becomes drier particularly in the western Africa?, so Winkler. Internationally there are efforts therefore in view of the recent developments that with protection programs breeding areas and winter areas with are always included.
Austria developing country in things bird customer and bird protection
Austria applies concerning bird customer and bird protection in as much as developing country as there are no nationally operated bird control rooms contrary to many neighbour states. In Austria data are usually honorary raised and converted to bird courses or inventory numbers. As it were as center applies the bird protection organization BirdLife, which is organized as association.