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Catalonia recorded its first case of resistance to antiviral

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  • Catalonia recorded its first case of resistance to antiviral

    Catalunya registra su primer caso de resistencia a un antiviral
    2 de diciembre de 2009.

    Catalunya ha registrado el primer caso de un paciente con gripe A resistente a un antiviral, aunque ya ha sido dado de alta y est? en estudio, seg?n confirmaron a Europa Press fuentes de la Conselleria de Salud.


    Catalunya ha registrado el primer caso de un paciente con gripe A resistente a un antiviral, aunque ya ha sido dado de alta y est? en estudio, seg?n confirmaron a Europa Press fuentes de la Conselleria de Salud.

    Las mismas fuentes explicaron que todos los casos del nuevo virus que revisten cierta gravedad se someten a un estudio para detectar si existe o no resistencia a los antivirales.

    La Conselleria puntualiz? que se trata de un caso aislado y que el paciente ya ha sido dado de alta del hospital.


    Fuente: Qu?

    Catalonia recorded its first case of resistance to antiviral
    December 2, 2009.

    Catalunya has recorded its first case of a patient with influenza A resistant to an antiviral, but has been discharged and is being studied, according to Europa Press sources have confirmed to the Regional Ministry of Health.


    Catalunya has recorded its first case of a patient with influenza A resistant to an antiviral, but has been discharged and is being studied, according to Europa Press sources have confirmed to the Regional Ministry of Health.

    The same sources explained that all cases of new viruses that are serious, undergoing some study to detect whether there is resistance to antivirals.

    The Conselleria stated that this is an isolated case and that the patient has been discharged from hospital.


    Source: Qu?

  • #2
    Re: Catalonia recorded its first case of resistance to antiviral

    Spain registers three cases of mutation of the influenza A virus

    One of those infected with the evolution of the H1N1 virus died

    Spain has seen three cases of influenza AH1N1 mutation in patients, one died, although it has not noticed any transmission, so that health authorities claim to have no relevance to public health. He explained the general director of Public Health and Foreign Health, Ildefonso Hernandez, during the presentation of the third stage of the information campaign on influenza A, starring people who have passed this disease.

    digital star / EFE


    In two cases, the mutation did not affect the virus structure and are similar to the first mutations identified in Norway a few weeks ago, that could cause more severe disease, according to Hernandez.

    There was also another case of mutation in a patient who showed resistance to Tamiflu, but whom other treatment was applied. The number of deaths from causes associated with influenza virus AH1N1 has risen to 169. The estimated rate of influenza in primary care clinic during the week of 22 to 28 November was of 243.71 cases per 100,000 population, indicating that there has been a slight decrease in the number of cases, since the rate of previous week was 371.68 cases.


    • #3
      Re: Catalonia recorded its first case of resistance to antiviral

      España estudia tres casos de mutación del A/H1N1 España ha registrado tres casos de mutación de la gripe A/H1N1 en pacientes, uno de ellos fallecido, aunque no se ha advertido ninguna transmisión de estas cepas a otras personas, por lo que las autoridades sanitarias aseguran que no tiene relevancia de salud pública.

      Spain registers three cases of mutation of the influenza A/H1N1 virus
      Monitoring services detect a drop in the spread for the first time since April
      The EMEA said that the vaccine may cause a slight fever in children

      Updated Friday 04/12/2009 13:48 (CET)
      MADRID .- Spain has recorded three cases of influenza A/H1N1 mutation in patients, one died, although it has not noticed any transmission of these strains to others, so that health authorities claim to have no relevance to public health.

      This is explained by the general director of Public Health and Foreign Health, Ildefonso Hernandez, during the presentation of the third stage of the information campaign on influenza A, starring people who have passed the disease and aims to highlight the symptoms are mild in most patients.

      In two cases, the mutation did not affect the virus structure and are similar to the first mutations identified in Norway a few weeks ago, that could cause more severe disease, according to Hernandez.

      In addition, there was another case of mutation in a patient who showed resistance to Tamiflu, but that he successfully applied the second of antivirals available for this disease, as recommended by the World Health Organization.

      Moreover, according to the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III influenza activity in Spain has declined for the first time since the start of the pandemic H1N1 virus last April and the latest information on the week of 22 to 28 November, resulted in decreased infections by 32% over the previous week.

      However, the authors of this weekly report warned that "the final descent of the wave pandemic influenza should be confirmed with the evolution of the same in the coming weeks."

      Geographically, the decline in influenza activity occurs first in Andalusia, Canary Islands, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Valencia and Melilla, the Balearic Islands and Ceuta while still pointing to a growing trend in influenza activity and indicates a Asturias stabilizing the same.

      Where children are descended
      In its distribution by age group, there was a significant decrease in the incidence of influenza in groups of 0-4 years (40% over the previous week), 5-14 years (43%) and 15-64 (32%). However, according to the report of the Surveillance Network, the incidence decreases also in the group older than 64 years, "albeit not significant.

      For its part, the European Medicines Agency has warned that there is a slightly increased risk that children who receive a vaccine available against the virus (Pandemrix) experience a few tenths of fever after the second puncture.

      This information pharmacovigilance also recommended that parents and medical devices monitor the temperature of minors to administer a fever reducer if necessary, and even shuffled the advisories are included in the product information.

