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Spain - Three people died this week from new flu in Catalonia (#77,#78,#79)

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  • Spain - Three people died this week from new flu in Catalonia (#77,#78,#79)

    Moren tres persones en una setmana per grip nova a Catalunya

    ACN - 12/11/2009

    La taxa d'incid?ncia de s?ndromes gripals registrades per la xarxa sentinella ?s de 483,77 per cada 100.000 habitants, augmentant respecte la setmana passada, quan era de 289,5 casos per cada 100.000 habitants.

    Segons Salut, el virus circula 'amb molta intensitat', i s'observa una ?mplia circulaci? d'altres virus respiratoris. En concret, un 70% correspon al nou virus de la grip i un 30% a d'altres virus respiratoris. Fins ara, han mort dotze persones a Catalunya a causa de la grip nova.

    D'altra banda, la taxa d'incid?ncia ?s superior en el grup d'edat de 5-14 anys.

    Pel que fa a la vigil?ncia de casos produ?ts pel nou virus de la grip A (H1N1), la majoria han presentat un quadre gripal lleu, amb una recuperaci? en pocs dies. Des de l'aparici? del virus de la grip A(H1N1), a Catalunya s'han produ?t un total de 130 casos greus, 78 dels quals ja han estat donats d'alta hospital?ria. En aquests moments, es troben ingressats a la UCI 22 casos greus

    Al llarg de la setmana que va del 4 al 10 de novembre, s'ha observat una lleugera disminuci? del nombre d'urg?ncies ateses tant als hospitals d'aguts (68.033, que suposa un decrement del 2,04% respecte a la setmana anterior) com als infantils (4.971, que suposa un decrement del 2,51% respecte a la setmana anterior). Tot i aix?, el nombre de pacients ingressats des d'urg?ncies ?s superior al de la setmana anterior, tant pel que fa a adults (6.505, que suposa un increment del 6,55%) com als infantils (393, que suposa tamb?, un increment d'un 3,15%).

    Les visites als centres d'atenci? prim?ria que s'han realitzat en tota la setmana han estat 838.801, aquesta xifra ?s similar a la setmana anterior. Tot i aix?, continua la tend?ncia de major increment d'activitat en el tram d'edat de 0 a 14 anys (31,3%). En els centres d'atenci? continuada s'han realitzat 51.877, que representa una activitat similar a la setmana anterior.

    Sanitat Respon, mitjan?ant el tel?fon 902111444, durant tot el mes d'octubre va rebre 7.652 consultes associades a simptomatologia sobre la s?ndrome gripal. Nom?s en el per?ode de l'1 a l'11 de novembre, aquest mateix servei ha rebut 6.725 consultes de ciutadans pel mateix motiu, el que indica un ?s creixent d'aquest tel?fon per part dels ciutadans.

    Three people died this week from new flu in Catalonia

    ACN - 12/11/2009

    The incidence of ILI is registered by the sentinel network of 483.77 per 100,000 people, increasing respect last week when it was 289.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

    According to Health, the virus circulates 'intense', and observed a wide circulation of other respiratory viruses. Specifically, 70% corresponds to the new influenza virus and 30% for other respiratory viruses. So far twelve people in Catalonia died due to the flu new.

    Moreover, the incidence is higher in the age group of 5-14 years.

    Regarding the monitoring of new cases caused by influenza virus A (H1N1), most have presented a mild flu-like box, with a recovery within days. Since the emergence of influenza virus A (H1N1), in Catalonia there were a total of 130 serious cases, 78 of which have already been discharged from hospital. At present there are 22 cases in ICU serious

    Throughout the week from 4 to 10 November, observed a slight decrease in the number of emergencies attended both acute hospitals (68,033, representing a decrease of 2.04% over the previous week ) as the children (4,971, representing a decrease of 2.51% over the previous week).

    However, the number of patients admitted from the ED is higher than the previous week, both for adults (6,505, an increase of 6.55%) as the children (393, which is also an increase of 3.15%).

    Visits to primary health care centers that have been made throughout the week were 838,801, this figure is similar to the previous week. However, the trend of greater increase of activity in the age range of 0 to 14 years (31.3%). In continuing care centers have made 51,877, which represents an activity similar to the previous week.

    Health Information Line by phone 902111444, throughout the month of October received 7652 queries associated with symptoms of influenza-like illness. Only in the period 1 to 11 November, this service has received 6725 inquiries from citizens for the same reason, indicating a growing use of this phone by citizens.

    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Spain - Three people died this week from new flu in Catalonia

    Two women of 63 and a 68 bring to 12 the number of deaths from influenza A in Catalunya

    All had previous pathologies, according to the Conselleria de Salut de la Generalitat in a statement. The number represents a considerable increase compared to the deaths so far in a week in which, moreover, the incidence rate has doubled, from 289.5 cases per 100,000 population to the 483.77 - as well as the number of patients in intensive care units (ICU) from nine to 22

    These data are complemented by the stabilization of visits to primary care centres (PAC), around 838,000 in a week, and with the increase of phone calls to the number authorized by the Ministry, answered questions from the 1st November to the 11th almost as many calls during the month of October, which would mean that people are spending time at home when they feel they have flu, following the advice of the Health Service, and only going to health centres with a more serious case.

    So far there have been 130 severe cases in Catalonia, of which 78 have been discharged, 12 died, 22 remain hospitalized in the ICU and the remaining 18 are have been admitted to the general wards.


    • #3
      Re: Spain - Three people died this week from new flu in Catalonia

      These are Spain deaths #77, #78 and #79. It would great if some mod could edit title to reflect it.

      Thank you!

