Epidemiological situation:
During week 01/ 2014 , information was received influenza surveillance sentinel networks all integrated into the System Influenza Surveillance in Spain ( SVGE ) except for the Canary Islands and Ceuta. The evolution of influenza activity is increasing compared to the previous week in seven sentinel and stable networks in the rest . The incidence exceeded the baseline threshold this season in week 52/2013 in the networks of Aragón , Asturias and the Basque Country , while this week the threshold value networks Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León and Extremadura is exceeded . A sporadic level geocast noted in networks Asturias , Baleares, Castilla La Mancha , Catalonia, Extremadura , Madrid and La Rioja , Navarra and the local epidemic in Castilla y León and the Basque Country , the rest being mule . This influenza activity was mainly associated with the joint movement of the AH3 and A ( H1N1) flu in pdm09 guarded territory , predominantly in Navarra AH3 virus.
The overall incidence rate of influenza in week 01/ 2014 is 92.07 cases per 100,000, twice the rate of the previous week and for the first time exceeding the baseline threshold for the 2013-14 season. The evolution of influenza activity is increasing compared to the previous week ( rate ratio : 1.87 , 95% CI : 1.62 to 2.16 ) . A medium level of intensity of influenza activity, local media and a growing trend is noted .
As for evolution by age groups , a significant increase was observed in the incidence rates of flu in over 14 years , highlighting the marked increase in influenza activity in the beginning of the epidemic wave , in the group of over 64 years ( rate ratio : 1.84, 95% CI 1.15 to 3.02 ) .
The map of spatiotemporal spread of flu incidence of week 52/2013 intensified influenza activity is observed , especially in areas of the north and northwest and center of the peninsula . More information on the geographical analysis of the incidence of influenza is available at: vgripe.isciii.es / flu / I inicio.do
Flu outbreaks
Since the start of the 2013-14 season has been an outbreak of influenza A not subtyped . The reported outbreak occurred in week 46/2013 , in a school in the Balearic Islands, with 10 affected.
Surveillance of severe hospitalized confirmed cases of influenza
The monitoring protocol severe hospitalized confirmed cases of influenza ( CGHCG ) is available at the following link ISCIII : https://www.isciii.es/ISCIII/es/cont...ctubre2010.pdf
Since the beginning of the season have been reported 70 CGHCG by influenza A virus in 10 autonomous communities , of which 51 % are women. The highest number of cases recorded in groups of 45-64 years (44 % ) in the 15-44 years (26 %) and those over 64 years (21 %). 77% of the detections are subtipadas virus A ( H1N1)pdm09 and 23% virus A ( H3N2 ) .
71% (48/ 68) of patients had risk factors for influenza complications , the most prevalent chronic lung disease (20 % ) followed by diabetes ( 17% ), chronic cardiovascular disease ( 16%) and immunodeficiency ( 16 % ) . 86% of patients developed pneumonia and 52 % were admitted to ICU. 27% ( 11/40 ) of patients likely to be vaccinated had received a flu shot this season. Official recommendations for influenza vaccination collect administering the vaccine to anyone over 6 months of age with risk factors for influenza complications . 77% (47/ 61) of patients had received antiviral treatment and in 86 % of cases the treatment was administered just after 48h of symptom onset .
Mortality associated with influenza
Deaths in severe hospitalized confirmed cases of influenza
Since week 40/2013 there have been two deaths from swine flu confirmed in laboratories , one for influenza A ( H3) virus. The cases are a woman of 93 years and a man of 80. Both cases had risk factors for complications from influenza known and had received a flu shot this season.
Excess daily mortality from all causes
During the 2013-2014 season the Monitoring System of daily mortality ( MoMo ) in Spain includes all deaths recorded in 2,004 computerized civil registry , which represented 77 % of the Spanish population causes. Civil records included in the system are representative of all weather and all the country areas. The predictive model developed by MoMo is based on a restrictive model of historical averages. Overall mortality observed since the start of the 2013-14 season remained about expected predictive models according to the period between weeks 48 and 50 in which excess mortality observed over expected is appreciated. This excess was concentrated in the group over 74 years and represented 6.5 % compared to expectations .

During week 01/ 2014 , information was received influenza surveillance sentinel networks all integrated into the System Influenza Surveillance in Spain ( SVGE ) except for the Canary Islands and Ceuta. The evolution of influenza activity is increasing compared to the previous week in seven sentinel and stable networks in the rest . The incidence exceeded the baseline threshold this season in week 52/2013 in the networks of Aragón , Asturias and the Basque Country , while this week the threshold value networks Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León and Extremadura is exceeded . A sporadic level geocast noted in networks Asturias , Baleares, Castilla La Mancha , Catalonia, Extremadura , Madrid and La Rioja , Navarra and the local epidemic in Castilla y León and the Basque Country , the rest being mule . This influenza activity was mainly associated with the joint movement of the AH3 and A ( H1N1) flu in pdm09 guarded territory , predominantly in Navarra AH3 virus.
The overall incidence rate of influenza in week 01/ 2014 is 92.07 cases per 100,000, twice the rate of the previous week and for the first time exceeding the baseline threshold for the 2013-14 season. The evolution of influenza activity is increasing compared to the previous week ( rate ratio : 1.87 , 95% CI : 1.62 to 2.16 ) . A medium level of intensity of influenza activity, local media and a growing trend is noted .
As for evolution by age groups , a significant increase was observed in the incidence rates of flu in over 14 years , highlighting the marked increase in influenza activity in the beginning of the epidemic wave , in the group of over 64 years ( rate ratio : 1.84, 95% CI 1.15 to 3.02 ) .
The map of spatiotemporal spread of flu incidence of week 52/2013 intensified influenza activity is observed , especially in areas of the north and northwest and center of the peninsula . More information on the geographical analysis of the incidence of influenza is available at: vgripe.isciii.es / flu / I inicio.do
Flu outbreaks
Since the start of the 2013-14 season has been an outbreak of influenza A not subtyped . The reported outbreak occurred in week 46/2013 , in a school in the Balearic Islands, with 10 affected.
Surveillance of severe hospitalized confirmed cases of influenza
The monitoring protocol severe hospitalized confirmed cases of influenza ( CGHCG ) is available at the following link ISCIII : https://www.isciii.es/ISCIII/es/cont...ctubre2010.pdf
Since the beginning of the season have been reported 70 CGHCG by influenza A virus in 10 autonomous communities , of which 51 % are women. The highest number of cases recorded in groups of 45-64 years (44 % ) in the 15-44 years (26 %) and those over 64 years (21 %). 77% of the detections are subtipadas virus A ( H1N1)pdm09 and 23% virus A ( H3N2 ) .
71% (48/ 68) of patients had risk factors for influenza complications , the most prevalent chronic lung disease (20 % ) followed by diabetes ( 17% ), chronic cardiovascular disease ( 16%) and immunodeficiency ( 16 % ) . 86% of patients developed pneumonia and 52 % were admitted to ICU. 27% ( 11/40 ) of patients likely to be vaccinated had received a flu shot this season. Official recommendations for influenza vaccination collect administering the vaccine to anyone over 6 months of age with risk factors for influenza complications . 77% (47/ 61) of patients had received antiviral treatment and in 86 % of cases the treatment was administered just after 48h of symptom onset .
Mortality associated with influenza
Deaths in severe hospitalized confirmed cases of influenza
Since week 40/2013 there have been two deaths from swine flu confirmed in laboratories , one for influenza A ( H3) virus. The cases are a woman of 93 years and a man of 80. Both cases had risk factors for complications from influenza known and had received a flu shot this season.
Excess daily mortality from all causes
During the 2013-2014 season the Monitoring System of daily mortality ( MoMo ) in Spain includes all deaths recorded in 2,004 computerized civil registry , which represented 77 % of the Spanish population causes. Civil records included in the system are representative of all weather and all the country areas. The predictive model developed by MoMo is based on a restrictive model of historical averages. Overall mortality observed since the start of the 2013-14 season remained about expected predictive models according to the period between weeks 48 and 50 in which excess mortality observed over expected is appreciated. This excess was concentrated in the group over 74 years and represented 6.5 % compared to expectations .