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Poland - 22-year-old man died, infected with H1N1 - total 6

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  • Poland - 22-year-old man died, infected with H1N1 - total 6

    He died on 22-year-old patient at A/H1N1

    On the night in hospital in Człuchowie (Pomorskie) died 22-year-old, who was ill with influenza type A/H1N1. The virus was not a direct cause of his death. A young man suffered from pneumonia, and genetic diseases. The country reported 580 new cases of the virus.

    The patient was able to very severe. Outlook for survival was very difficult, because the patient had a very high stress, neurological defects, including congenital - the hospital said. 22-year-old was to Czluchow transferred from a hospital in Warsaw.

    Tomasz Misztal, he said the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, A/H1N1 virus was not the direct cause of death, because the man was sick with pneumonia and was burdened with GM.

  • #2
    Re: Poland - 22-year-old man died, infected with H1N1

    Deceased person infected with A/H1N1

    guu 23-11-2009,

    Chief Sanitary Inspectorate announced the death of 22-year old man, in which confirmed the presence of A/H1N1 virus

    Tomasz Misztal, he said the GIS A/H1N1 virus was not the direct cause of death, because the man was sick with pneumonia and was burdened with GM.

    Patient died yesterday evening at a hospital in Człuchowie (Pomorskie province). On Saturday, laboratory tests confirmed the presence of virus in his body.

    The sixth died on a person infected with A/H1N1. Until now, the Polish territory has been confirmed about 580 new cases of influenza.

    Co dwudziesty pracownik pracuje w szarej strefie. Dla połowy z nich jest to jedyna forma zarobkowania

