Number of patients on trolleys nears record due to flu outbreak
Total of 536 people awaiting hospital beds on Wednesday, INMO says
6 minutes ago Updated: about a minute ago
Paul Cullen
The number of people on trolleys in hospitals across the State is approaching record levels as the health system struggles to deal with a rise in admissions caused by flu.
There were 536 patients on trolleys on Wednesday morning when at least two hospitals issued warnings to patients to stay away if possible.
The continuing rise in overcrowding has prompted fears among health bosses that the current record number of 601 patients on trolleys could be broken shortly...
Number of patients on trolleys nears record due to flu outbreak
Total of 536 people awaiting hospital beds on Wednesday, INMO says
6 minutes ago Updated: about a minute ago
Paul Cullen
The number of people on trolleys in hospitals across the State is approaching record levels as the health system struggles to deal with a rise in admissions caused by flu.
There were 536 patients on trolleys on Wednesday morning when at least two hospitals issued warnings to patients to stay away if possible.
The continuing rise in overcrowding has prompted fears among health bosses that the current record number of 601 patients on trolleys could be broken shortly...