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Hungary: 2nd H1N1 influenza death; a young man "without known disease"

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  • Hungary: 2nd H1N1 influenza death; a young man "without known disease"

    H1N1 influenza: Second death in Hungary

    BUDAPEST - Hungary has registered a second death related to influenza virus H1N1, a young man "without known disease," said Thursday the ministry of health.

    "Unfortunately, we confirm a second death in Hungary connected to the new flu. The second victim was a young man who lived in western countries. He was healthy, without known diseases, and did not belong to groups at risk" , announced the ministry's official website.

    "The autopsy confirmed the presence of the virus, the epidemiological review is ongoing," concludes the statement.

    Hungary had announced in late July its first fatal case of influenza H1N1 after the autopsy of a man of 41 years died of pneumonia July 15 had revealed the presence of the virus.

    Vaccination of the Hungarian population is expected to begin soon according to the ministry, which has ordered two million doses of vaccine for risk groups such as doctors, nurses, children and the elderly.

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Hungary: 2nd H1N1 influenza death; a young man "without known disease"

    google translated

    Healthy young Hungarian was the second victim-H1N1

    2009 09. 24th,

    A Southern Transdanubia the H1N1 virus in healthy young Hungarian second victim.

    The 34 year-old man fell dead on Wednesday, three weeks ago, there was nothing wrong and was not abroad in recent times.

    The first victim, a 41-year-old suffering from heart and lung Hungarian man. The Minister of Health that there are currently 205 Hungarian H1N1 patient, can the authorities, but the actual number of infections is much greater.

    Another death occurred in Hungary, a new type of flu - said on Thursday the ?NTSZ. The victim, a young man living in Southern Transdanubia, who were healthy, had no history of risk groups was not. The autopsy confirmed that the outbreak of the H1N1 virus. The epidemiological investigation is ongoing - ?NTSZ wrote in a statement.

    Tamas Szekely Minister of Health told a press conference in the afternoon: the 34-year-old man died unexpectedly in Tolna County home Wednesday. The coroner's autopsy of Justice requested. Then it was found that pneumonia was bleeding - one of the most common complication is the H1N1.

    The samples were taken after the diagnosis, so it was found that H1N1 virus-infected man. According to the minister of a better man because of an injury three weeks ago saw the GP, but it was not okay. The ?NTSZ examine the man's family and the duties involved in health care workers. The health minister said: The current information indicates that the man had not been abroad recently.

    Szekely said, is not yet an epidemic in Hungary. To date, 205 patient can, but the Minister of H1N1 infections is probably at least an order of magnitude higher, because many people do not go t?neteikkel doctor.

    The young Hungarian H1N1 second victim. The first victim's death on 22 July announced a national chief medical officer Ferenc Falus, the 41 year-old Hungarian man died a few days earlier, also due to the H1N1 virus. The man in the street Latvian poorly, suffered heart and lung disease, and only later was found during the autopsy that was infected.

    Friss hírek Magyarországról és a nagyvilágból, sport, technika, szórakozás, tudomány, kultúra. Az ORIGO a legfrissebb hazai és nemzetközi hírekkel szolgál olvasói számára.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      Re: Hungary: 2nd H1N1 influenza death; a young man "without known disease"


      Release date: 2009th September 24

      Budapest - Haemorrhagic pneumonia was in the 34-year-old man who died on Wednesday, and the autopsy revealed that the H1N1 virus was the organization. He was a second victim of the disease in Hungary.

      The end of next week or the week following the start from the beginning of the A/H1N1 virus vaccine administered in Hungary.

      This is the health minister said on Thursday kormányszóvivői leaflet.

      Tamás Székely, the man was apparently healthy, last visited the area three weeks ago, a doctor in a trivial injury. The recent period has not been abroad.

      He stressed that the young man's death is also very bad news, because it does not belong to any of the WHO published by risk groups.

      Response to a question stated that there is no epidemic in Hungary, 205 patients are known, but the infections may be more, but not everyone turns to the doctor.

      The autopsy showed the young man to the virus. The ÁNTSZ stated that he lived in Southern Transdanubia, were healthy. There was a fever, sick, and did not belong to any of the risk groups.

      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Re: Hungary: 2nd H1N1 influenza death; a young man "without known disease"

        Some more on the 2nd H1N1 influenza death in Hungary:

        google translated

        - snip -

        Anywhere, with anyone you may

        The second-Hungarian H1N1 victim's family said on Friday that the victim died Tengelice Tolna County, and before it was ill.

        "My son did not have any disease, there was no fever, no complaints, did not show any signs that [he] would be infected" - said on Friday the 34-year victim's father.

        Son of last Saturday morning, the children play outdoors, when dizzy, rosszull?tről complained and asked for help. The man collapsed in seconds.

        The autopsy found the cause of death in the first cardiac arrest, hemorrhagic pneumonia caused by the H1N1 virus later found - said the victim's father.

        The ?NTSZ regional manager said after the incident, the current information indicates that the infection of the deceased man had not passed. Since the death of more than seven days, the incubation period has expired, and has shown signs of a possible tov?bbfertőz?s would have been concerned. Sch?ffer, however, said: "Today, in Hungary, at any time, anywhere, anyone, young adults may also occur in the same case."

        Friss hírek Magyarországról és a nagyvilágból, sport, technika, szórakozás, tudomány, kultúra. Az ORIGO a legfrissebb hazai és nemzetközi hírekkel szolgál olvasói számára.
        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

