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Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute, 148 confirmed flu fatalities, 6,216 hospitalizations

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  • Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute, 148 confirmed flu fatalities, 6,216 hospitalizations

    In week 40 the Robert Koch-Institute has started its regular weekly reporting on influenza and activity of respiratory illness (ARI) in Germany regarding the influenza season 2010-2011:

    Report (Oct. 2-10, 2010):

    Low and even decreasing ARI activity, Influenza virus had not been found in any of the 9 samples (nasopharyngeal swabs), sent to the national reference center.

    Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Lage

    Die Aktivit?t der akuten Atemwegserkrankungen (ARE) ist bundesweit in der 40. KW 2010 im Vergleich zur Vorwoche leicht gesunken. Die Werte des Praxisindex liegen in allen AGI-Regionen im Bereich der Hintergrund-Aktivit?t.
    Im NRZ wurden in der 40. KW 2010 in keiner der 9 eingesandten Sentinelproben Influenzaviren nachgewiesen.

    Full report (In German):
    Kalenderwoche 40 (02.10 bis 08.10.2010)
    Last edited by german-docter; October 31, 2010, 01:42 AM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

    Working group on influenza at the Robert Koch-Institute: week 41

    Report (Oct. 9-15, 2010):
    There is a small increase in the activity of respiratory illnesses (ARI) in Germany, but it remains on a low background-level. In week 41, seven samples (nasopharyngeal swabs), that had been sent to the national reference center, were tested positive for influenza virus (pcr), but only one of them was pandemic influenza H1N1.

    Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Lage
    Die Aktivit?t der akuten Atemwegserkrankungen (ARE) ist bundesweit in der 41. KW 2010 im Vergleich zur Vorwoche leicht gestiegen. Der Praxisindex liegt in allen AGI-Regionen im Bereich der Hintergrund-Aktivit?t.
    Im NRZ wurde in der 41. KW 2010 in einer der sieben eingesandten Sentinelproben ein pandemisches Influenzavirus (H1N1) 2009 nachgewiesen.
    Dem RKI wurden f?r die 41. Meldewoche sechs F?lle mit nicht subtypisierter Influenza A-Virus-Infektion und zwei F?lle mit Influenza B-Virus-Infektion ?bermittelt. (Datenstand: 19.10.2010)
    Die Influenza-Aktivit?t in Deutschland ist zurzeit auf sporadische Nachweise beschr?nkt.

    Full report (in German):
    Kalenderwoche 41 (09.10. bis 15.10.2010)
    Last edited by german-docter; October 31, 2010, 01:41 AM. Reason: typo


    • #3
      Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

      Working group on influenza at the Robert Koch-Institute: week 42

      Report (Oct. 16-22, 2010):
      Compared to the previous week. the level of the ?activity of respiratory illnesses (ARI)? remained unchanged in Germany. Influenzaviruses (PCR) were detected in only two of the 15 samples (nasopharyngeal swabs), sent to the national reference center, One of these had been pandemic Influenza A H1N1 and the second has been Influenza B. And RKI received notification of one case of pandemic Influenza H1N1 in week 42 as well.

      Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Lage
      Die Aktivit?t der akuten Atemwegserkrankungen (ARE) ist bundesweit in der 42. KW 2010 im Vergleich zur Vorwoche gleich geblieben. Der Praxisindex liegt in allen AGI-Regionen im Bereich der Hintergrund-Aktivit?t.
      Im NRZ wurden in der 42. KW 2010 in zwei der 15 eingesandten Sentinelproben Influenzaviren nachgewiesen, ein pandemisches Influenzavirus (H1N1) 2009 sowie ein Influenza-B-Virus.
      Dem RKI wurde f?r die 42. Meldewoche eine Influenza A (H1N1) 2009-Virus-Infektion ?bermittelt. (Datenstand: 26.10.2010)

      Die Influenza-Aktivit?t in Deutschland ist zurzeit auf sporadische Nachweise beschr?nkt.

      Full report (in German):
      Kalenderwoche 42 (16.10. bis 22.10.2010)


      • #4
        Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

        Working group on influenza at the Robert Koch-Institute: week 43

        Report (Oct. 23-29, 2010):
        Compared to the previous week. the level of the ?activity of respiratory illnesses (ARI)? has slightly decreased in Germany. Influenzaviruses (PCR) were detected in two of the 17 sentinel-samples (nasopharyngeal swabs for the purpose of surveillance), sent to the national reference center. One of these had been (seasonal) Influenza A H3N2 and the second has been Influenza B.

        Robert Koch-Institute has received notification of five cases of pandemic Influenza H1N1 in week 43. Pandemic influenza H1N1 definitely has been confirmed by nasopharyngeal swabs in two cases, and in three cases there has been a distinct epidemiological link to these confirmed cases.

        Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Lage
        Die Aktivit?t der akuten Atemwegserkrankungen (ARE) ist bundesweit in der 43. KW 2010 im Vergleich zur Vorwoche leicht gesunken. Der Praxisindex liegt in allen AGI-Regionen im Bereich der Hintergrund-Aktivit?t.

        Im NRZ wurden in der 43. KW 2010 in zwei der 17 eingesandten Sentinelproben Influenzaviren nachgewiesen: ein Influenza A(H3N2)-Virus sowie ein Influenza B-Virus.

        Dem RKI wurden f?r die 43. Meldewoche insgesamt f?nf Influenza-F?lle ?bermittelt, davon drei epidemiologisch best?tigte F?lle mit Kontakt zu einem laborbest?tigten Fall. Bei den laborbest?tigten F?llen handelte es sich um zwei pandemische Influenza A (H1N1) 2009-Infektionen (Datenstand: 02.11.2010).
        Die Influenza-Aktivit?t in Deutschland ist weiterhin auf sporadische Nachweise beschr?nkt.

        Full report (in German):
        Kalenderwoche 43 (23.10. bis 29.10.2010)


        • #5
          Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

          Working group on influenza at the Robert Koch-Institute: week 44

          Report (Oct. 30 ? Nov. 5, 2010):
          The activity of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) remained on an unchanged and stable level. None of the 13 samples, which were sent to the national reference centre, had been tested positive for influenza. RKI received notification of two confirmed influenza-cases, in which influenza A was detected (subtypes unknown).

          Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Lage Die Aktivit?t der akuten Atemwegserkrankungen (ARE) ist bundesweit in der 44. KW 2010 im Vergleich zur Vorwoche stabil geblieben. Der Praxisindex liegt in allen AGI-Regionen weiterhin im Bereich der Hintergrund-Aktivit?t.
          Im Nationalen Referenzzentrum f?r Influenza (NRZ) wurden in der 44. KW 2010 in keiner der 13 eingesandten Sentinelproben Influenzaviren nachgewiesen.
          Dem RKI wurden f?r die 44. Meldewoche zwei klinisch-labordiagnostisch best?tigte Influenza-F?lle ?bermittelt. Es handelte sich um nicht subtypisierte Influenza A-Infektionen (Datenstand: 09.11.2010).
          Die Influenza-Aktivit?t in Deutschland ist weiterhin auf sporadische Nachweise beschr?nkt.

          Full report (in German):
          Kalenderwoche 44 (30.10. bis 05.11.2010)


          • #6
            Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

            Epidemiological bulletin 45/2010

            Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 (pandemische Influenza)

            Not pharmakologische intervention measures in budgetary case report: Heavy course of an infection with a pregnant comment of the RKI
            Subject to registration infection illnesses: Topical statistics 42-nd week in 2010 (data state: 10th November, 2010) ARES / INFLUENZA: To the situation in the 44-th week

            Sie haben eine Internetseite des Robert Koch-Instituts gewählt, die leider nicht oder nicht mehr existiert. Am besten Sie besuchen unsere Startseite (klicken Sie dazu einfach links oben auf das RKI-Logo) und folgen dem gewünschten Pfad – über die horizontale Hauptnavigation, die A-Z-Module oder das Inhaltsverzeichnis am Fuß der Seite. Sollten Ihnen darüber hinaus fehlerhafte Links auffallen, wären wir für einen Hinweis an das Postfach Webmaster dankbar.


            • #7
              Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

              Working group on influenza at the Robert Koch-Institute: week 46

              Report (Nov. 13 ? Nov. 19, 2010):
              The activity of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) now has increased. In the federal state of Hesse another index, the doctor?s practice index, has slightly increased either, but it remained on background level in other regions. None of the 26 samples, which were sent to the national reference centre, had been tested positive for influenza. RKI received notification of two confirmed influenza-cases, in which influenza A was detected (pandemic H1N1 influenza in one case, subtype unknown in the second case).

              Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Lage
              Die Aktivit?t der akuten Atemwegserkrankungen (ARE) ist bundesweit in der 46. KW 2010 im Vergleich zur Vorwoche gestiegen. Der Praxisindex liegt in Hessen im geringf?gig erh?hten Bereich. In allen anderen AGI-Regionen jedoch weiterhin im Bereich der Hintergrund-Aktivit?t.
              Im Nationalen Referenzzentrum f?r Influenza (NRZ) wurden in der 46. KW 2010 in keiner der 21 eingesandten Sentinelproben Influenzaviren nachgewiesen.
              Dem RKI wurden f?r die 46. Meldewoche zwei klinisch-labordiagnostisch best?tigte Influenza-F?lle ?bermittelt: eine nicht subtypisierte Influenza A-Infektion sowie eine Influenza A(H1N1) 2009-Infektion (Datenstand: 23.11.2010).
              Die Influenza-Aktivit?t in Deutschland ist weiterhin auf sporadische Nachweise beschr?nkt.

              Full report (in German):
              Kalenderwoche 46 (13.11. bis 19.11.2010)


              • #8
                Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

                Working group on influenza at the Robert Koch-Institute: week 50

                Report (Dec. 04 ? Dec. 10, 2010):
                The activity of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) remains on a stable, slightly increased level. Ten of the 34 samples, which had been sent to the national reference centre, were tested positive for influenza (A (H1N1) =6, A (H3N2) =2, B=2). From week 40 to week 50 RKI received notification of a total of 110 cases of influenza, and 26 of them had been hospitalized (24 percent).

                Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Lage Die Aktivit?t der akuten Atemwegserkrankungen (ARE) ist bundesweit in der 50. KW 2010 im Vergleich zur Vorwoche stabil geblieben und liegt bundesweit im geringf?gig erh?hten Bereich. Der Praxisindex liegt in den drei AGI-Gro?regionen Mitte, S?den und Norden ?ber der Hintergrundaktivit?t, in der Gro?region Osten im Bereich der Hintergrundaktivit?t.
                Im Nationalen Referenzzentrum f?r Influenza (NRZ) wurden in der 50. KW 2010 in zehn (29 %) von 34 eingesandten Sentinelproben Influenzaviren nachgewiesen: sechs Influenza A(H1N1) 2009-Viren, zwei Influenza A(H3N2)-Viren sowie zwei Influenza B-Viren. Au?erdem wurden in drei (9 %) der 34 Sentinelproben Respiratorische Synzytial-Viren (RS-Viren) nachgewiesen (Datenstand: 21.12.2010).
                Dem RKI wurden von der 40. bis zur 50. Meldewoche 110 klinisch-labordiagnostisch best?tigte Influenza-F?lle ?bermittelt, davon waren 26 (24 %) hospitalisiert (Datenstand: 21.12.2010).
                Die gestiegene Positivenrate im NRZ (29 %, bei einem 95 % Vertrauensbereich von 15 bis 47 %) und die leicht erh?hte ARE-Aktivit?t insbesondere im Westen Deutschlands k?nnen als erste Anzeichen der beginnenden Grippewelle in Deutschland gewertet werden.

                Full report (in German):
                Kalenderwoche 50 (04.12. bis 10.12.2010)


                • #9
                  Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

                  Working group on influenza at the Robert Koch-Institute: week 52

                  Report (Dec. 18 ? Dec. 31, 2010):
                  In the last week of 2010 the activity of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) has been on a moderately increased level. 24 of the 69 samples, which had been sent to the national reference centre, were tested positive for influenza:

                  Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) = 16 (67 %),
                  Seasonal Influenza A (H3N2) = 1 (4 %),
                  Influenza B = 7 (29 %).

                  From week 40 to week 52 RKI received notification of a total of 269 cases of influenza, and 55 of them had been hospitalized (20 percent).
                  Data timestamp: Jan. 4, 2011

                  Die Aktivit?t der akuten Atemwegserkrankungen (ARE) war bundesweit in der 51. KW im Vergleich zur Vorwoche leicht gesunken und ist dann in der 52. KW 2010 auf ein moderat erh?htes Niveau angestiegen. Der Anstieg ist jedoch zumindest teilweise auf ein j?hrlich zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr beobachtetes ge?ndertes Konsultationsverhalten mit einer generellen Verschiebung zugunsten akuter Erkrankungen zur?ckzuf?hren. Der Praxisindex liegt in den drei AGI-Gro?regionen S?den, Norden (West) und Osten im moderat erh?hten Bereich, in der Gro?region Mitte (West) im deutlich erh?hten Bereich.

                  Im Nationalen Referenzzentrum f?r Influenza (NRZ) wurden in der 51. und 52. KW 2010 in 24 von 69 eingesandten Sentinelproben Influenzaviren nachgewiesen: 16 (67 %) Influenza A(H1N1) 2009-Viren, ein (4 %) Influenza A(H3N2)-Virus und 7 (29 %) Influenza B-Viren. Die Positivenrate stieg von 26 % in der 51. KW auf 45 % in der 52. KW (Datenstand: 04.01.2011). Dem RKI wurden von der 40. bis zur 52. Meldewoche 269 klinisch-labordiagnostisch best?tigte Influenzaf?lle ?bermittelt, davon waren 55 (20 %) hospitalisiert (Datenstand: 04.01.2011). Die Grippeaktivit?t in Deutschland steigt weiter an.

                  Full report (in German):
                  Kalenderwochen 51 und 52 (18.12. bis 31.12.2010)


                  • #10
                    Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute

                    German to English translation
                    Summary of current situation
                    The activity of acute respiratory disease (ARE) is the nation in the 1 KW decreased compared to last week, is well above the values from before the holidays and the New Year. The practice is located in the index AGI large regions south and center (West) in the moderately elevated range in most regions of the North (West) and East in the slightly elevated range. The values of the consultation incidence has increased in all age groups.
                    The National Influenza Reference Centre (NRZ) were in the 1 KW 2011, 50 (positive rate 45%) detected the 110 submitted Sentinel Samples influenza viruses: 39 (78%) influenza A (H1N1) 2009 viruses, one (2%) influenza A (H3N2) virus and ten (20%) influenza B Viruses (data as of 12/01/2011).
                    The RKI has been since the 40th Reporting week (MW) 2010 593 laboratory-confirmed clinical influenza cases submitted, of which 124 (21%) hospitalized (data as of 11/01/2011). Increased flu activity is recorded increase in the south and west of Germany.


                    Reporting data to the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
                    For the first Reporting week (MW) 2011 was submitted a total of 166 cases of influenza to the RKI: 138 clinical-laboratory-confirmed influenza A cases (94 influenza A (H1N1) infection in 2009 and 44 not subtypisierte influenza A infections), 12 not to A or B evidence, and 16 differentiated laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza B infection. The influenza A infections were each detected by antigen detection or PCR. 13 of influenza B infections were detected by PCR with three other antigen detection. Are not differentiated from A and B influenza infections were detected with PCR. 43 (26%) patients were hospitalized.
                    The age distribution for the 40th since the MW reference definition according to the RKI received, laboratory diagnosis confirmed cases is shown in Table 4 (data as of 11/01/2011).

                    German to English translation
                    Of the 593 influenza cases listed in Table 4 was for 124 cases (21%) indicated that they hospitalized were (19 influenza B cases, 97 influenza A cases (including 47 as subtypisiert H1N1) and eight not after influenza A and B differentiated cases). Influenza disease has not in all cases, the His training ground. The high Hospitalisierungsquote in the previously submitted for the 2010/11 season
                    Cases is probably due to the fact that in severely ill patients, the diagnosis has been saved had laboratory diagnosis, and thus provided in accordance with the Infection Protection Act.
                    From the Table 4 below was given for seven cases of influenza cases that after influenza
                    A (H1N1) infection, 2009-died: three cases from Lower Saxony, 3 cases from Bavaria and one Case from Saxony.


                    Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                    The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                    • #11
                      Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute, 7 confirmed fatalities

                      German to English translation
                      Week 2 (08.01. Until 01/14/2011)
                      Summary assessment of the epidemiological situation
                      The activity of acute respiratory disease (ARE) is the nation in the 2nd KW compared to last week lower, but above the values from the time before Christmas and the New Year. The Practice index is the AGI greater region in the east of the background activity in other major regions the slightly elevated range. The consultation incidence in the age group of 0 - to 4 -
                      Olds and the 5 - to 14-year-olds increased in all other age groups decreased the values. The National Influenza Reference Centre (NRZ) were in the 2nd KW 2011, 104 (positive rate 54%) of the 194 samples submitted Sentinel influenza viruses found: 90 (86%) influenza A (H1N1) 2009-virus, one (1%) influenza A (H3N2) virus and 13 (12%) influenza B viruses (data as of 01/18/2011).
                      The RKI has been since the 40th Reporting week (MW) 2010 total 1760 clinical-laboratory-confirmed Influenza cases submitted, of which 356 (20%) hospitalized. Overall, since the
                      40. MW 18 deaths with influenza A (H1N1) transmitted infection in 2009. None of the deceased cases to the information available for the vaccination (15/18), was vaccinated against influenza (data as of 01/18/2011). With rising number of entries is at the population level, yet a slightly increased burden of disease recorded by influenza.


                      Reporting data to the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
                      For the 2nd Reporting week (MW) 2011 was submitted a total of 858 cases of influenza to the RKI: 704 clinical-laboratory-confirmed influenza A cases (468 influenza A (H1N1) infection in 2009, three influenza A (H3N2) infection and 233 non subtypisierte influenza A infections), 84 not to A or B differentiated evidence, and 70 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza B infection. 168 (20%) patients were hospitalized.
                      Overall, since the 40th KW 2010 1760 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases to the RKI transmitted, of which 540 not subtypisierte influenza A infections, 879 influenza A (H1N1) 2009, 9 influenza A (H3N2), 185 influenza B and 147 not after influenza A or B infections differentiated (data 18/01/2011).

                      At 356 of these cases (20%) indicated that they were hospitalized: 292 influenza A cases (including subtypisiert 195 as H1N1), 40 influenza B cases and 24 not after influenza A and B differentiated Cases. The influenza disease must be not in all cases, the basic instruction. The high Hospitalisierungsquote in the previously transmitted cases for the 2010/11 season is likely to attributed that in severely ill patients, the diagnosis more secure laboratory diagnosis and was thus reported in accordance with the Infection Protection Act.
                      For 18 cases it was stated that after they influenza A (H1N1) infection, 2009-died: five Cases from North Rhine-Westphalia, four cases from Bavaria, four cases from Lower Saxony, three cases from Saxony and two cases of Baden-Wuerttemberg. None of the cases died, for information on the vaccination present (15/18 page 40 MW), was vaccinated against influenza.


                      Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                      The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                      • #12
                        Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute, 18 confirmed fatalities

                        German to English translation
                        Week 3 (15.01. until 21/01/2011)
                        Summary assessment of the epidemiological situation
                        The activity of acute respiratory disease (ARE) is the nation in the 3rd KW compared to last week remained stable. The index is practice in all major regions in the AGI-slightly elevated range.
                        The consultation incidence in the age group of 0 - to 14-year-olds continue - to 4-year-olds and the 5 increased in all other age groups decreased the values.
                        The National Influenza Reference Centre (NRZ) were in the 3rd KW 2011, 129 (positive rate 59%) of the 217 samples submitted Sentinel influenza viruses detected: 102 (79%) influenza A (H1N1) 2009-viruses and 27 (21%) influenza B viruses (data as of 01/25/2011).
                        The RKI has been since the 40th Reporting week (MW) 2010 total 4658 clinical-laboratory-confirmed Influenza cases submitted, of which 757 (16%) hospitalized. Overall, since the 40. MW 25 deaths with influenza A (H1N1) transmitted infection in 2009. None of the deceased cases to the information available for the vaccination (21/25), was vaccinated against influenza (data as of 25/01/2011).
                        For further increase in entry numbers remain low in the population level as in the previous week, only one increased disease burden of influenza occurred in the outpatient setting.


                        Reporting data to the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
                        For the 3rd Reporting week (MW) of 2011 were a total of 1844 laboratory-confirmed clinical influenza cases sent to the RKI: 1524 Influenza A cases (including 918 influenza A (H1N1) infection in 2009, Influenza A (H3N2) infection and 605 non subtypisierte influenza A infections), 180 not to A
                        and B, differentiated and 140 cases with evidence of influenza B infection. 248 (13%) patients were hospitalized (data as of 01/25/2011). Overall, since the 40th MW 2010 4658 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases to the RKI transmitted, of which 1458 is not subtypisierte influenza A infection, 2363 Influenza A (H1N1) 2009, 16 Influenza A (H3N2), 413 influenza B and 408 not after influenza A or B infections differentiated (Data as of 25/01/2011).
                        In 757 of these cases (16%) given was that they were hospitalized: 644 influenza A cases (including subtypisiert 440 as H1N1), 64 influenza B cases and 49 not after influenza A and B, differentiated Cases. The influenza disease must be not in all cases, the basic instruction. The high Hospitalisierungsquote from the reported cases is probably due to the fact that in critically ill patients, the diagnostic laboratory diagnosis more secure and thus under IfSG has been transmitted.

                        For 25 cases it was stated that after they influenza A (H1N1) infection in 2009 died: 7 Cases from North Rhine-Westphalia, 5 cases in Bavaria, 4 cases from Lower Saxony, Saxony of 3 cases, 4 cases from Baden-Wuerttemberg and Hesse in 2 cases. None of the cases died, for the information to
                        Vaccine available (21/25 page 40 MW), was vaccinated against influenza.

                        Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                        The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                        • #13
                          Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute, 25 confirmed H1N1 fatalities

                          German to English translation
                          Week 4 (22.01. until 28/01/2011)
                          Summary assessment of the epidemiological situation
                          The activity of acute respiratory disease (ARE) is the nation in the 4th KW compared to last week increased. Practice index is the AGI Great North Region (West) in the moderately elevated range.
                          In all other major regions of the AGI-practice index is slightly increased. The consultation incidence is in the age group of 0 - to 4 - year-olds and 5 - to 14 - year-olds increased significantly.
                          The National Influenza Reference Centre (NRZ) were in the 4th KW 2011, 144 (positive rate 61%) of the 237 samples submitted Sentinel influenza viruses detected: 110 (76%) influenza A (H1N1) 2009-viruses and 34 (24%) influenza B viruses (data as of 01/02/2011).
                          The RKI has been since the 40th Reporting week (MW) 2010 total 7811 clinical-laboratory-confirmed Influenza cases submitted, of which 1206 (15%) hospitalized. Overall, since the 40. MW 41 deaths with influenza infection (including 38 cases of A (H1N1) 2009-subtypisiert) submitted. None of the deceased cases exist for which information on vaccination (33/41), was against influenza vaccinated (data as of 01/02/2011). The increase in influenza activity in the population is mainly by an increased burden of disease
                          causes in the age group of infants and school children.


                          Reporting data to the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
                          For the 4th Reporting week (MW) 2011, a total of 1854 clinical-laboratory-confirmed influenza cases sent to the RKI: 1454 Influenza A cases (including 970 influenza A (H1N1) infection in 2009 and 484 not subtypisierte influenza A infections), 208 not to A or B evidence, and differentiated 192 cases with an influenza B infection. 266 (14%) patients were hospitalized (data 02/01/2011).
                          Overall, since the 40th MW 2010 7811 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases to the RKI transmitted, of which 2245 is not subtypisierte influenza A infection, 4080 Influenza A (H1N1) 2009, 16 Influenza A (H3N2), 734 influenza B and 736 not after influenza A or B infections differentiated
                          (Data as of 01/02/2011).
                          In 1206 these cases (15%) indicated that they were hospitalized: 1020 Influenza A cases (Including 714 subtypisiert as A (H1N1) 2009), 96 influenza B cases and 90 non-after influenza A or B differentiated cases. The influenza disease must be not in all cases, the basic instruction. The
                          high initial Hospitalisierungsquote from the reported cases dropping steadily for weeks, probably because of the flu season now more cases with moderate and mild disease courses be secured laboratory diagnosis, and thus transmitted under Infection Protection Act.
                          41 cases indicated that following influenza A infection have died, including 38 cases of influenza A (H1N1), 2009, after two non-influenza A and B differentiated cases and not a case of subtypisierter influenza A. None of the deceased cases exist for which information on vaccination (33/41 page 40 MW), was vaccinated against influenza.


                          Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                          The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                          • #14
                            Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute, 41 confirmed flu fatalities

                            German to English translation
                            Week 5 (29.01. Until 04/02/2011)
                            Summary assessment of the epidemiological situation
                            The activity of acute respiratory disease (ARE) is the nation in the 5th KW compared to last week increased. The practice is located in the index AGI large regions north (west), south and east in the moderate elevated range. In the United AGI Region (West) on the practice index is significantly increased. The consultation incidence in the age group of 0 - to 4-year-olds declined slightly in the oldest age group remained stable. In the other age groups, they continued to rise.
                            The National Influenza Reference Centre (NRZ) were in the 5th KW 2011, 153 (positive rate 59%) of the 260 samples submitted Sentinel influenza viruses detected: 125 (82%) influenza A (H1N1) 2009-virus, one (1%) influenza A (H3N2) virus and 27 (17%) influenza B viruses (data as of 08/02/2011).
                            The RKI has been since the 40th Reporting week (MW) 2010 Total 12 691 laboratory-confirmed clinical Influenza cases submitted, of which 1817 (14%) hospitalized. Overall, since the 40. MW 55 deaths with influenza infection (50 cases of A (H1N1) 2009-subtypisiert) submitted. 43 (98%) of the 44 deceased cases that are known information about the vaccination status, were not against Influenza vaccination (data as of 08/02/2011). The significant increase in influenza activity in the population is in the 5th KW by increased Disease burden in the age group of school children and young adults caused.


                            Reporting data to the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
                            For the 5th Reporting week (MW) 2011, a total of 2416 clinical-laboratory-confirmed influenza cases sent to the RKI: 1874 Influenza A cases (including 1365 influenza A (H1N1) infection in 2009,
                            Influenza A (H3N2) infection and 508 non subtypisierte influenza A infections), 236 not to A and B, differentiated and 306 cases with evidence of influenza B infection. 324 (13%) patients were hospitalized (data as of 08/02/2011).
                            Overall, since the 40th MW 2010 12691 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases to the RKI transmitted, of which 3523 is not subtypisierte influenza A infection, 6754 Influenza A (H1N1) 2009, 17 influenza A (H3N2), influenza B in 1249 and 1148 not by influenza A or B infections differentiated (data08/02/2011).
                            In 1817 these cases (14%) indicated that they were hospitalized: 1542 Influenza A cases (including 1100 as A (H1N1) 2009 subtypisiert), 144 influenza B cases and 131 not after influenza A or B differentiated cases. The influenza disease must be not in all cases, the basic instruction. The
                            high initial Hospitalisierungsquote from the reported cases dropping steadily for weeks, probably because of the flu season now more cases with moderate and mild disease courses be secured laboratory diagnosis, and thus transmitted under Infection Protection Act.
                            was for 55 cases indicated that they died after influenza infection, including 50 cases of Influenza A (H1N1), 2009, after three non-influenza A and B differentiated cases and two cases of non- subtypisierter influenza A. 43 (98%) of the 44 deceased cases for which information on vaccination
                            , There were not vaccinated against influenza.

                            Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                            The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                            • #15
                              Re: Influenza and ARI activity in Germany 2010 - 2011: weekly reports from the Robert Koch-Institute, 55 confirmed flu fatalities

                              German to English translation
                              Week 6 (05.02. until 02/11/2011)
                              Summary assessment of the epidemiological situation
                              The activity of acute respiratory disease (ARE) is the nation in the 6th KW compared to last week decreased slightly. Practice index in the United AGI Region (West) and south in the clear elevated range. In the AGI large region north (west) and east of the practice index is increased moderately.
                              The National Influenza Reference Centre (NRZ) were in the 6th KW 2011, 180(positive rate 61%) of the 294 samples submitted Sentinel influenza viruses detected: 124 (69%) influenza A (H1N1) 2009-viruses and 57 (31%) influenza B viruses (data as of 15/02/2011).
                              The RKI has been since the 40th Reporting week (MW) 2010 Total 18 405 clinical laboratory diagnosis confirmed influenza cases submitted, of which 2621 (14%) hospitalized. Overall, since the 40. MW 61 deaths with influenza infection (including 56 cases of A (H1N1) 2009-subtypisiert) submitted. 48(98%) of the 49 deceased cases that are known information about the vaccination status, were not against Influenza vaccination (data as of 02/15/2011).
                              The peak of flu season for all of Germany seems to be reached in a few regions or have already passed on.


                              Reporting data to the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
                              For the 6th Reporting week (MW) of 2011 were 2,886 laboratory-confirmed clinical influenza cases sent to the RKI: 2,178 influenza A cases (including 1615 influenza A (H1N1) infection in 2009, Influenza A (H3N2) infection and 562 non subtypisierte influenza A infections), 282 not to A and B, differentiated and 426 cases with evidence of influenza B infection. 459 (16%) patients were hospitalized (data as of 02/15/2011).

                              Overall, since the 40th MW 2010 18.405 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases to the RKI transmitted, of which 4906 is not subtypisierte influenza A infections, 9.800 influenza A (H1N1) 2009, 19 Influenza A (H3N2), influenza B 2007 and 1673 not by influenza A or B infections differentiated (Data as of 15/02/2011).
                              In 2621 these cases (14%) indicated that they were hospitalized: 2,221 influenza A cases (Including subtypisiert 1604 as A (H1N1) 2009), 234 influenza B cases and 166 not after influenza A and B, differentiated cases. The influenza disease must be not in all cases, the basic instruction.
                              was for 61 cases indicated that they died after influenza infection, including 56 cases of Influenza A (H1N1), 2009, after three non-influenza A and B differentiated cases and two cases of non- subtypisierter influenza A. 48 (98%) of the 49 deceased cases for which information on vaccination
                              , There were not vaccinated against influenza.
                              Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                              The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.

