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Croatia confirms 4th swineflu death, previously healthy man

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  • Croatia confirms 4th swineflu death, previously healthy man

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    Četvrta žrtva svinjske gripe: 33-godišnjak izvan rizične skupine!

    Zagreb, 12.11.2009.,

    Vlada hitno nabavlja dva nova respiratora za Kliniku 'Fran Mihaljević'.

    U Hrvatskoj je potvrđen još jedan smrtni slučaj povezan s pandemijskom gripom, a riječ je o 33-godišnjem pacijentu koji je petog dana bolesti u teškom stanju iz sisačke Opće bolnice premješten u Kliniku za zarazne bolesti 'dr. Fran Mihaljević', s dijagnozom primarne influence i pneumonije, te ARDS-om (akutnim respiratornim distresom), izvijestili su danas iz Stožera za praćenje pojavnosti nove gripe Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi. Radi se o prvoj smrti osobe koja nije spadala niti u jednu rizičnu skupinu, tj. nije bolovao niti od jedne kronične bolesti.

    U priopćenju se navodi i kako su od pojave virusa u Hrvatskoj do danas zabilježena 2523 slučaja oboljenja od pandemijske gripe, a 100.000 doza antivirusnih lijekova distribuirano je na teren. Ti su lijekovi besplatno dostupni kod liječnika opće odnosno obiteljske medicine i namijenjeni su rizičnim slučajevima.

    Naručeni novi respiratori
    Vlada je unatoč krizi izdvojila milijun i 200.000 kuna za dva nova posebna respiratora namjenjena djeci koja su rizična skupina, a koji će biti dostavljeni bolnici 'dr. Fran Mihaljević'. 'Ovog trenutka imamo 33 respiratora koji čekaju distribuciju na mjesta ako i gdje bude veća opasnost od navale', kazao je na sjednici Vlade ministar Milinović.

    Distribuirano 90.000 doza cjepiva
    Na sastanku Stožera za praćenje pojavnosti nove gripe izviješteno je da je jučer distribuirano dodatnih 90.000 doza cjepiva protiv sezonske gripe, dok će u iduća dva tjedna biti distribuirano daljnjih 120.000 doza cjepiva.

    Do kraja idućeg tjedna prioritet u cijepljenju protiv sezonske gripe imaju kronični bolesnici i osobe starije od 65 godina, stoji u priopćenju koje je potpisao ministar zdravstva i socijalne skrbi Darko Milinović.

    The fourth victim of swine flu: 33-year-old outside the risk groups

    Zagreb, 12.11.2009., 20:05 | D. Ma.

    The government urgently acquire two new respirator for the Department 'Fran Mihaljevic

    Croatia has confirmed one death associated with pandemic flu, and it is a 33-year-old patient who was the fifth day of the disease in serious condition from the County General Hospital moved to the Clinic for Infectious Diseases' Dr Fran Mihaljevic ', with a primary diagnosis of influenza and pneumonia, and ARDS-om (acute respiratory distress), reported today from the Headquarters to monitor the appearance of new flu Department of Health and Welfare. It is the first death of a person who has not belonged to any one risk group, ie not suffered from any chronic disease.

    The statement also states that the appearance of the virus in Croatia today reported 2523 cases of the disease pandemic influenza, and 100,000 doses of antiviral drugs is distributed to the field. These medications are freely available for general physicians and family medicine and are intended for high-risk cases.

    Ordered a new respirators
    The government has allocated one million despite the crisis and HRK 200,000 for two new special respirators designed for children who are at risk groups, which will be delivered to the hospital ', etc. Fran Mihaljevic '. 'At this moment we have 33 respirators, which are awaiting distribution to the places where and when to be higher risk of attack, "said the prime minister Milinovic session.

    Distributed 90,000 doses of vaccine
    At the meeting of Staff for monitoring the incidence of new flu was reported yesterday that distributed additional 90,000 doses of the vaccine against seasonal flu, while the next two weeks will be distributed a further 120,000 doses of vaccine.

    By the end of next week priority in vaccination against seasonal influenza with chronic patients and people older than 65 years, said in a statement signed by the Minister of Health and Welfare Darko Milinovic.

    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Croatia confirms 4th swineflu death, previously healthy man

    Obitelj i prijatelji ?okirani zbog smrti mladića od svinjske gripe

    ? Nije pio, nije pu?io, bio je sna?ne građe i ?ivio je zdravo. Mislili smo da je prehlađen, a zavr?io je u komi. Nisam ga vidio, nisam stigao! - kroz suze ka?e ?eljkov prijatelj Davor Buban.

    Autor: Jasmina Grgurić/VLM13.11.2009

    Četvrta ?rtva svinjske gripe ne mo?e biti samo brojka u statistici, jer se u nju ionako ne uklapa. On je 33-godi?nji ?eljko Mu?a iz ?abna pokraj Siska, koji u svojih 13 godina sta?a u petrinjskoj Ciglani nikad nije bio na bolovanju. Tuga Ljubice i Jandre je tim veća, jer će u subotu u 13.30 sati na mjesnom groblju u Selima morati pokopati svoga sina, do prije neki dan fizički jakog i zdravog mladića. U ?oku je i djevojka Marica, s kojom je u vezi bio sedam godina. Zbog slabog srca ocu Jandri morala je već nekoliko puta dolaziti Hitna pomoć.

    Umjesto u?asnutih roditelja snage je jedva smogao govoriti ?eljkov najbolji prijatelj, koji je prekjučer tragično izgubio svojega vjenčanog kuma.
    ? Nije pio, nije pu?io, bio je sna?ne građe i ?ivio je zdravo. Ostao sam u ?oku kad mi je pro?li utorak poslao poruku da je u jako kritičnom stanju i da ne mo?e govoriti. Zvao sam ga da se dogovorimo za kolinje. Mislili smo da je prehlađen, a zavr?io je u komi. Nisam ga vidio, nisam stigao! - kroz suze ka?e Davor Buban.

    U ?oku su i radni kolege. Za vrijeme njihova posjeta ?eljkov brat Danijel sređivao je papire za prijenos tijela. Čitavo selo zavila je tuga zbog ove tragedije i nepravde. Svi oni smatraju da je trenutačno u Hrvatskoj ugro?eno na tisuća ?ivota jer nije učinjeno sve ?to je trebalo da se ljudi za?tite.

    ?eljkov je stric uvjeren u nečiji krivicu, iako prije vremena ne ?eli suditi nikome.
    ? Za?to prvo netko mora umrijeti da bi se i?ta pokrenulo? Je li moralo doći do toga da četvrta ?rtva bude zdrava i mlada osoba - pita se ?okirani ?eljkov stric Marko Mu?a.

    Family, friends shocked by the death of a young man from the swine flu

    - Not drinking, not smoking, was strong material, and was healthy. We thought it was cold, and ended up in a coma. I have not seen it, I have arrived! - Said through tears ?eljkov friend Davor Bubani.

    Author: Jasmina Grgurić / VLM 13.11.2009

    The fourth victim of swine flu can only be a figure in the statistics, because in it already does not fit. He is 33-year-old husband from Zeljko ?abno near Sisak, who in his 13 years service in Petrinjska Brickyard has never been on sick leave. Sadness and Ljubica Jandre is the greater, as will be Saturday at 13:30 hours at the local cemetery in the villages have to bury your son, till the other day physically strong and healthy young man. The shock and the girl Gretel, with whom he was about seven years. Due to poor heart Jandre father had several times come to an ambulance.

    Instead u?asnutih parents barely mustered the strength to speak ?eljkov best friend, who before yesterday tragically lost his wedding godfather.
    - Not drinking, not smoking, was strong material, and was healthy. I remained in shock when I was last Tuesday sent a message that is in very critical condition and unable to speak. I called him to discuss the kolinje. We thought it was cold, and ended up in a coma. I have not seen it, I have arrived! - Through tears says Davor Bubani.

    In the shock and work colleagues. During their visits ?eljkov brother Daniel sređivao the paperwork to transfer the body. The whole village was wrapped sorrow at this tragedy and injustice. All of them believe that it is currently in Croatia on the endangered thousands of lives since it is not done all that is needed to protect people.

    ?eljkov uncle convinced of someone's guilt, even before the time not to judge anyone.

    - Why the first one must die to anything started? Is it must come to the fact that the fourth victim to be healthy and young people - asks the shocked ?eljkov uncle Marko man.

    – Nije pio, nije pušio, bio je snažne građe i živio je zdravo. Mislili smo da je prehlađen, a završio je u komi. Nisam ga vidio, nisam stigao! - kroz suze kaže Željkov prijatelj Davor Buban.
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

