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First local swine flu death reported in Austria - NOT

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  • First local swine flu death reported in Austria - NOT


    First local swine flu death reported in Austria
    Health News
    Nov 10, 2009, 19:24 GMT

    Vienna - Swine flu claimed its first local victim in Austria Tuesday, as a 39-year-old man died in Salzburg province, the region's health chief Christoph Koenig confirmed.

    The Romanian man died of a heart attack at a hospital in Schwarzach, most likely a complication that resulted from his infection with the H1N1 virus, according to media reports.

    So far, only a handful of swine flu patients have faced serious complications in Austria, a Health Ministry spokeswoman told the German Press Agency dpa earlier.

    Last week, an 11-year-old girl from Italy died in an Austrian hospital in Innsbruck, where she had been transferred for treatment.

    The ministry reported 964 confirmed cases since the outbreak of the disease as of Monday, but virologists say the real number is much higher, with more than 10,000 estimated cases in Vienna alone. The country has a population of 8.4 million.
    "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

  • #2
    Re: First local swine flu death reported in Austria - NOT

    google translated

    Salzburg: The patient died not from H1N1

    17.11.2009 | 09:29 | (

    A week ago, a patient with H1N1 infection in the hospital is Schwarzach died
    but not the flu, but of a heart attack. This has the
    Pathological examination revealed.

    tha patient who has died in hospital a week ago Schwarzach (Pongau)
    is to satisfy all studies on the effects of an already one-two
    Day-old heart attack and died not on the new flu.

    anatomically could neither evidence of acute viral infection or a
    bacterial superinfection of the lungs to be found
    , said Univ.-Prof. Reinhard
    Lenzhofer Schwarzach from the hospital on Tuesday. Land Ambulance Director
    Christopher King had on 10 November promulgated through the media that in Salzburg
    The first swine flu victims there.

    The patient was on 7 November at 10 clock to the rescue with the sign of a
    incipient state of shock in the hospital. A short time later he died of
    Heart failure. He had already suffered several days of massive vomiting.

    Following the outcome of all pathological examinations were as
    Cause of a large anterior wall myocardial infarction are detected, which is about two days
    was old, and has ultimately led to cardiogenic shock, it was said in the statement
    Hospital Schwarzach. "The affected coronary artery was already before this
    Event was limited to about 90 percent. "As blockers cause of this
    acute vascular occlusion could the massive fluid loss through vomiting
    Framework of the H1N1 virus infection with subsequent dehydration be to blame.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

