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San Marino: Covid-19 - 735 cases, 42 deaths

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  • San Marino: Covid-19 - 735 cases, 42 deaths

    Health emergency coordination group: update of 27 February 2020

    Feb 27 2020
    The Coordination Group for health emergencies, at the end of today's meeting, confirms the first case of infection with a new coronavirus (COVID-19) in a San Marino citizen, which was widely expected to happen due to the characteristics of the virus; this circumstance did not therefore surprise the table for the management of this emergency.

    It is an 88-year-old person with chronic polypathology, previously hospitalized in the Infectious Diseases department of the "Infermi" Hospital in Rimini on February 25, due to an already compromised clinical picture. Confirmation of positivity to the new coronavirus was communicated this morning to the ISS Health Department. The epidemiological investigation shows that the patient did not travel abroad or even to the red areas of northern Italy.

    The operational protocols already prepared in compliance with the ordinances issued and which transpose the indications of the international bodies in particular of the WHO and which in a highly precautionary way include the maximum surveillance and prophylaxis measures of public health were immediately activated. At this moment, a health team is reconstructing all the close contacts of the person considered at risk, on which the measures set out in the ordinance n.1 of 22 February 2020 and the operating protocol adopted at the health level are being applied.

    In compliance with current provisions, the doctor who assisted the positive patient with COVID-19 was placed in home quarantine together with his family members; and everyone is doing well right now. A substitute medical practitioner has already been identified by the Primary Care Department. Citizens are informed that the patient has never visited the Health Center of Borgo Maggiore and that the hospital environments where he passed through for the first checks have been sanitized.

    Citizens are reminded that in case of respiratory ailments, accompanied or not by fever, it is necessary to contact their doctor or the Medical Guard by telephone and not to go to the Emergency Department or Health Centers.

    For information, contact 0549 994001 or the Interforce Operations Center on 0549 888888 for any reports. The invitation to San Marino citizens is renewed to spontaneously limit routine access to the hospital or to the clinics of territorial medicine, which are operational for emergencies and priority activities.
    Last edited by kiwibird; March 5, 2020, 06:58 AM.

  • #2
    Coronavirus: the San Marino hospitalized in Rimini has died

    This afternoon, informs the group coordinating health emergencies , has died patient Marino 88enne result positive to the new coronavirus COVID-19 . The man was hospitalized in the Infectious Diseases ward of the "Infermi" hospital in Rimini from 25 February last and presented a complex clinical situation for various pathologies even before the infection. His condition plummeted today. The Coordination Group sends "deep condolences and sincere closeness" to the San Marino family and friends.

    In San Marino, out of 25 swabs, 8 cases were positive and 17 were negative. Among the 4 patients, they are in the San Marino hospital : 3 in the new wing set up and one in the Intensive Care Unit . Three patients were treated at home . 76 home quarantines on close family and contacts are also ongoing . It is, the coordination specifies, "a measure applied as a precaution to protect personal and public health and the subjects are all followed by territorial medicine". One patient was discharged, still no healing.

    Nel pomeriggio di oggi, informa il Gruppo coordinamento emergenze sanitarie,? ? deceduto il paziente sammarinese 88enne risultato positivo al nuovo...


    • #3

      March 2, 2020
      Coronavirus, a new case in San Marino

      SAN MARINO (ITALPRESS) - The Coordination Group for health emergencies has announced the update of data on infection with the new coronavirus COVID-19. This is the situation: 8 positive cases (a new case), of which 4 admitted to the Hospital of San Marino (3 of which in the new wing on the 2nd floor of the "F" scale and 1 in isolation in Intensive Care), 4 at your home; 1 death (in Rimini; 29 total swabs carried out, of which 17 negative results, 9 positive and 3 awaiting outcome; 80 home quarantines on close contacts including family, friends and health care network. During the night it was issued the new ordinance (No. 3 of 1 March 2020) by the Secretary of State for Health which also updated the health provisions. Among the various measures contained, the changes to the quarantine, which is reduced to 14 days compared to 20 previous, in strict correspondence with the international indications (WHO) and the respect of which will also be guaranteed by the Law Enforcement. A further expansion of the new hospital area for the assistance of patients positive for the infection and who need At the same time, a structure is being set up inside the State Hospital with a dedicated path on suspected cases that need clinical and diagnostic tests and are awaiting swab confirmation. (ITALPRESS). sat / com 02-Mar-20 14:42


      • #4

        Coronavirus: there are 6 new cases of positive patients found in San Marino. The total number of infections therefore rises to 21.

        The Coordination Group on Health Emergencies reported, explaining that 15 people are currently hospitalized in the State Hospital (3 of them in the intensive care unit). The total number of home quarantines reaches 116.
        "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


        • #5
          Un brusco ritorno alla realtà, dopo i timidi segnali positivi intravisti nella giornata di ieri. Nelle ultime 24 ore – in Repubblica - sono stati registrati...

          Coronavirus: 36 cases, 10 more than yesterday

          Over the past 24 hours, Titan has witnessed an upsurge in infections. The point on the coronavirus in this morning's press conference in the hospital
          An abrupt return to reality, after the timid positive signs glimpsed yesterday. In the last 24 hours - in the Republic - 10 new coronavirus infections have been recorded . Significant number, if parameterized to a small reality like San Marino; where the cases reach 36 .

          Data pitted this morning by the Director of the Health Authority; who stressed that hospitalizations - at the Nosocomio di Cailungo - rose to 25 : 5 of which in intensive care , with severe symptoms; the others in the hospitalization arranged in the appropriate wing of the hospital. 11, however, people in isolation in their homes
          "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


          • #6

            Pur nella complessità del momento, in conferenza stampa il clima si alleggerisce quando il gruppo di coordinamento annuncia i primi due pazienti guariti dal...

            Despite the complexity of the moment, at a press conference the climate lightens when the coordination group announces the first two patients recovered from the Coronavirus . A result that gives hope after the recent deaths; five have died since the beginning of the emergency. Six are the new virus positives and 73 are the total cases. The latest update then talks about 53 hospitalized , including nine in intensive care, between intensive and sub-intensive care. Even this last step, with the sub-intensive, bodes well . "Another sign of change", defined the director of the Health Authority, Gabriele Rinaldi.
            "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


            • #7
              The New Zealand Herald is reporting;

              SAN MARINO
              Confirmed cases: 119
              Deaths: 11

              "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


              • #8
                With the Urp Office - he said - he thought about the possibility of using drones to control, even if the decision has not yet been taken. So the death toll does not worsen from Covid 19 to San Marino which stands still at 14, while there are 17 new positive swab patients. A number, specified Rinaldi, which also reflects the not always homogeneous timing with which the test results are obtained. 126, however the total cases, of which 62 treated in hospital and 12 of these - 3 more than yesterday - in intensive care .
                Rinaldi recalled that from March 14, therefore in a few days, 39 patients were discharged from the hospital and taken to their home in isolation, to which must be added the 4 fully recovered . The Director of the authority today wanted to praise the logistics, which supports the frontline health and therefore the pharmaceutical sector, the hospital reception, the technicians, the staff working in the kitchen.
                "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                • #9
                  Dr. Gabriele Rinaldi , director of the ISS Health Authority, updates on the Covid-19 situation in San Marino. There is a sad fact: there are six new deaths, one woman and five males. Overall, 20 deaths have occurred since the beginning of the infection. Nine new cases in the past 24 hours, two resignations. According to the data provided, 62 are hospitalized, 12 of whom are under intensive care, while 74 are at home. 11 swabs awaiting feedback. the quarantines390: 18 health workers are active, two of the police. “We - reaffirms Dr. Rinaldi - have always classified a death from Covid-19, even if serious illnesses were in progress. Cases where Coronavirus may have accelerated heart failure. And not everyone does this.
                  "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                  • #10
                    SAN MARINO. Twelve new cases today communicated by the Coordination Group for health emergencies that bring coronavirus infections to San Marino from the beginning of the epidemic to 183, including 20 deaths (today none), excluding 4 healings (none today). 67 are hospitalized in the San Marino hospital (13 in intensive care with severe symptoms, 4 females and 9 males, 54 in isolation hospitalizations predisposed with moderate symptoms, 29 males and 25 females) and 96 in isolation at home. 55 discharged home for improved clinical conditions, 424 home quarantines on close contacts including family, friends and health personnel (389 lay people, 30 health workers, 5 law enforcement officers), 425 quarantines completed. Total activated quarantines: 849.
                    "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                    • #11
             States 223 confirmed infected and 21 people have died.
                      Figures confirmed here;
                      "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                      • #12
                        San Marino 230 25
                        230 confirmed cases and 25 fatalities
                        "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                        • #13

                          SAN MARINO. Two more deaths reported today by the San Marino emergency coordination group. They are two San Marino 76 and 83 year olds. The results of the swabs carried out in recent days lead to 239 cases of contagion since the beginning of the epidemic, nine more than yesterday. 51 are hospitalized (15 in
                          Resuscitation with severe symptoms, 6 females and 9 males, 36 in isolation hospitalizations predisposed with moderate symptoms, 20 males and 16 females) and 143 in home isolation (68 females, 77 males). 30 deaths, 21 healed, 92 home discharged due to improved clinical conditions, 426 home quarantines on close contacts including family, friends and healthcare personnel (382 lay people, 37 health workers, 7 law enforcement officers), 738 quarantines completed for a total of 1164 activated quarantines
                          "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                          • #14
                            SAN MARINO. Two San Marino citizens aged 69 and 82 died and seven new infections. The Coordination Group for Health Emergencies communicates the update of data on the new Covid-19 coronavirus infection to today: in total since the beginning of the epidemic there are 246 positive cases, 47 hospitalized at the San Marino Hospital (13 in Resuscitation with severe symptoms, 6 females and 7 males, 34 in isolation hospitalizations predisposed with moderate symptoms, 19 males and 15 females) and 146 in home isolation (70 females, 76 males). 32 total deaths, 26 recovered (six more than yesterday), 93 home discharged due to improved clinical conditions, 426 home quarantines on close contacts including family, friends and healthcare personnel (384 lay people, 35 health workers, 7 Forces Order)
                            "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."


                            • #15
                              San Marino is a small nation in Central Italy with a population of ~34k. They have had 32 deaths, nearly one in a thousand citizens have died of COVID-19 since January, regardless of the attack rate. Pretty sobering.
                              "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa of Calcutta

