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Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military

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  • Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military

    С субботы Интернет мусолит новость: в воинской части в Острогожске новобранцы слегли от неизвестной инфекции - бронхита, или пневмонии, или того и другого

    In the military part of Voronej epidemic of pneumonia?

    Вот так поработаешь на сквозняке и сляжешь на пару недель. So will work on the draft and slyazhesh for a couple of weeks.
    Фото: Александр ТКАЧЕВ Photo: Alexander TKACHEV С субботы Интернет мусолит новость: в воинской части в Острогожске новобранцы слегли от неизвестной инфекции - бронхита, или пневмонии, или того и другого Saturday spend the Internet news: the military part of Ostrog slegli recruits from an unknown infection - bronchitis or pneumonia, or both

    Татьяна ТЕЛЬПИС — 05.08.2009 Tatiana TELPIS - 05.08.2009
    Журналисты «отправили» на больничные койки 120 солдат из 1200 проходящих службу в части - каждого десятого. Journalists «send» on a hospital bed 120 of the 1200 soldiers serving in the part - each tenth. И сообщали, что, по разным данным, 30 или And reported that, according to various sources, 30 or
    50 из них срочно перевезли в Воронеж в гарнизонный военный госпиталь. 50 of them are urgently transferred to Voronezh in garrison military hospital. Причина мора - якобы плохие условия в казармах, где нет даже теплой воды. Reason Mora - allegedly poor conditions in barracks, where not even warm water.

    Мы начали разбираться в ситуации в понедельник утром. We began to understand the situation on Monday morning. Ближе к вечеру стало ясно, что особой опасности и эпидемии как таковой, возможно, нет. Towards the evening it became clear that the particular risk and the epidemic itself, perhaps not. В госпитале пояснили: всплеск разного рода болезней среди новобранцев - обычное дело, а эти ребята - как раз с летнего призыва. In the hospital explained: a surge of different kinds of disease among new recruits - a common, but these guys - just with the summer recruitment.

    - Мы называем это «прогнозируемая сезонная заболеваемость», - сказали медики. - We call it the «projected seasonal incidence», - said doctors. - Солдаты из разных регионов, акклиматизация, адаптация к новым условиям... - Soldiers from different regions, acclimatization, adaptation to new circumstances ... Ни о какой эпидемии речь не идет. Of any epidemic, it is not. К нам каждый день привозят солдат - кого на лечение, кого просто на проверку. To us, each day brought the soldiers - who are on treatment, one just to check. Из Острогожска последний раз, действительно, поступили парни с пневмонией. Of Ostrog last, indeed, did the guys with pneumonia. Но не 50 - столько и в автобусе не поместятся! But 50 - and so the bus does not fit! И даже не 30 - порядка десяти человек... And not even 30 - about ten people ...

    Зато позиция самой части оставляет много вопросов. But the position of the parts leaves a lot of questions. Военные заняли глухую оборону. Military defense took the dead. Единственное, удалось из них выдавить, что заболевших «ГОРАЗДО меньше 120» и что «командование держит ситуацию на контроле». All of them managed to squeeze out that sick «'s much less than the 120» and the «command keeps monitoring the situation on the». Вчера, когда даже после официального запроса с нами снова отказались общаться, мы позвонили в министерство обороны. Yesterday, when even after an official request to us once again refused to talk, we are called to the Ministry of Defense. Там о «ситуации» в воронежском Острогожске вообще были не в курсе, но после нашего обращения начали разбираться. There, on the «situation» in Voronezh Ostrog in general were not aware of, but after the treatment began to understand. Однако на момент подписания номера в печать войсковая часть отчиталась перед высшим руководством примерно так же, как и перед нами: мол, болеют, но не до такой же степени! However, at the time of the signing of a number of print military unit reported to top management about the same as us: they say, get sick, but not to the same extent! Точные данные даже министру сразу отрапортовать не смогли - обещали собрать... Accurate data, even the Minister immediately otraportovat have not been able to - promised to build ...

    «Комсомолка» тоже будет их ждать. «Komsomolka» will also have to wait. А пока обращаемся к нашим читателям: если ваши близкие служат в Острогожске и вы знаете, что на самом деле творится со здоровьем солдат, позвоните нам в редакцию (4732) 72-79-27 . In the meantime, turn to our readers: If your loved ones serving in Ostrog, and you know what is really happening to the health of soldiers, call us at editor (4732) 72-79-27. Мы вовсе не пытаемся уличить военных во лжи или раздуть липовую сенсацию. We are not trying to found the military of lying or fan lime sensation. Просто слишком часто приходится начинать заметки словами «в армии снова погиб солдат...». Just too often have to start the note the words «Army soldiers died again ...».
    Last edited by alert; August 10, 2009, 03:25 PM. Reason: fixed link

  • #2
    Re: Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military


    Soldiers in the Voronezh region continued massive pain pneumonia and bronchitis
    10.08.2009 8:37

    Some soldiers believe that they tested a new vaccine against porcine influenza.

    August 4, from the military part of the city of Ostrog 20115, which was sworn in 1200, two buses were brought to the hospital with 50 soldiers defeat the respiratory tract. August 7, the same bus drivers had to make two flights, were taken to hospital 90 more patients, reported IA "

    Despite this, the military prosecutor of Voronezh Taldykin Alexander said that the disease of soldiers are episodic.

    Came from the military, soldiers - srochniki told that there are still about 100 of their sick colleagues.

    CONSCRIPTS said on arrival at the service of them all done on two pricks at various forearm supposedly "against rubella. Sami soldiers feel that they tested a new vaccine against porcine influenza. Some remembered that when they went to the duty station, a sergeant warned them that they did not drink the water in the barracks, and drank only water in the canteen.

    According to doctors of Voronezh, in cases of such diseases Ostrog happen every day.

    The military prosecutor's office of Voronezh, from 28 July to 3 August and massive incidence of soldiers followed, and decided that it was in the hospital 33 patients, and the epidemic threshold of disease is not exceeded.


    • #3
      Re: Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military

      Originally posted by Shiloh View Post

      CONSCRIPTS said on arrival at the service of them all done on two pricks at various forearm supposedly "against rubella. Sami soldiers feel that they tested a new vaccine against porcine influenza. Some remembered that when they went to the duty station, a sergeant warned them that they did not drink the water in the barracks, and drank only water in the canteen.
      Oh wow. I couldn't find any other sources on that one. Nice find. Even if they didn't test a new vaccine, that is very likely the agent involved here.


      • #4
        Re: Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military

        That link doesnt show anything about this incident.
        Wotan (pronounced Voton with the ton rhyming with on) - The German Odin, ruler of the Aesir.

        I am not a doctor, virologist, biologist, etc. I am a layman with a background in the physical sciences.

        Attempting to blog an nascent pandemic: Diary of a Flu Year


        • #5
          Re: Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military

          Wrong link. Try this one:

          С субботы Интернет мусолит новость: в воинской части в Острогожске новобранцы слегли от неизвестной инфекции - бронхита, или пневмонии, или того и другого


          • #6
            Re: Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military

            Google Translation of post #5

            in military custody Voronej epidemic pneumonia? </ a>
            In the military part of Voronej epidemic of pneumonia?

            Saturday spend the Internet news: the military part of Ostrog slegli recruits from an unknown infection - bronchitis or pneumonia, or both
            Tatiana TELPIS - 05.08.2009

            Journalists ?send? on a hospital bed 120 of the 1200 soldiers serving in the part - each tenth. And reported that, according to various sources, 30 or
            50 of them are urgently transferred to Voronezh in garrison military hospital. Reason Mora - allegedly poor conditions in barracks, where not even warm water.

            We began to understand the situation on Monday morning. Towards the evening it became clear that the particular risk and the epidemic itself, perhaps not. In the hospital explained: a surge of different kinds of disease among new recruits - a common, but these guys - just with the summer recruitment.

            - We call it the ?projected seasonal incidence?, - said doctors. - Soldiers from different regions, acclimatization, adaptation to new circumstances ... Of any epidemic, it is not. To us, each day brought the soldiers - who are on treatment, one just to check. Of Ostrog last, indeed, did the guys with pneumonia. But 50 - and so the bus does not fit! And not even 30 - about ten people ...

            But the position of the parts leaves a lot of questions. Military defense took the dead. All of them managed to squeeze out that sick ?'s much less than the 120? and the ?command keeps monitoring the situation on the?. Yesterday, when even after an official request to us once again refused to talk, we are called to the Ministry of Defense. There, on the ?situation? in Voronezh Ostrog in general were not aware of, but after the treatment began to understand. However, at the time of the signing of a number of print military unit reported to top management about the same as us: they say, get sick, but not to the same extent! Accurate data, even the Minister immediately otraportovat have not been able to - promised to build ...

            ?Komsomolka? will also have to wait. In the meantime, turn to our readers: If your loved ones serving in Ostrog, and you know what is really happening to the health of soldiers, call us at editor (4732) 72-79-27. We are not trying to found the military of lying or fan lime sensation. Just too often have to start the note the words ?Army soldiers died again ...


            • #7
              Re: Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military

              There was a thread about similar pneumonias in mil. camps ru. months before this pandemic starts, and I think anothr time after, dismissed as a result of harsh cold weather.

              Such pneumonias cruises in other countries also, during the season 08-09, but was dismissed as other microbial illnesses, instead of be placed in some other picture.

              So, the health staff there knows if it is the result of this flu.

              The WHo stated that they stil will "track" the spreadings into areas of low pandemic incidence.

              Are they submited something about, or are concentrated mostly on the "feeding" questions ...


              • #8
                Re: Mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like illness among Russian military

                Has anybody died? is the symptoms severe?

