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Netherlands: 2022 - 2023 H5N1 Bird flu in poultry

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  • #46
    A new case of H5N1 avian influenza was recently found in the central Israeli city of Yehud • "Within living memory, no avian influenza has affected wild birds in the same capacity"

    Same event as above but in news format with a little more information.

    ​​​​​​A new variant of the H5N1 subtype of highly pathogenic avian influenza has been spotted in the Netherlands, the Wageningen Bioveterinary Research Institute at Wageningen University reported on Thursday.
    The variant was spotted in Renswoude in the central Netherlands. It is similar to other versions of the H5N1 subtype that has been spreading in Europe and the Americas since 2021, but includes a new version of the PB1 gene segment in the virus. The new PB1 segment seems to be the result of the virus mixing with a low pathogenic version of avian influenza, according to the research institute.
    The new variant has also been spotted in several dead wild ducks and geese found in the Netherlands since November. It is unclear as of yet if the reassortment of the PB1 segment has changed any properties of the virus, such as pathogenicity, transmissibility, severity, etc.
    "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."

