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Argentina: Alert after Q Fever cases in Entre Rios

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    started a topic Argentina: Alert after Q Fever cases in Entre Rios

    Argentina: Alert after Q Fever cases in Entre Rios


    They issue an alert for Q Fever in Entre Ríos: what is it about
    February 10, 2022 by nenroll

    In the city of Diamante, Entre Ríos, 11 workers were infected by an outbreak of Q Fever. 10 of them had to be hospitalized.

    After this situation, the Ministry of Health of the Nation issued an epidemiological alert

    The 11 affected workers presented symptoms of headache (64%), myalgia (64%), fever (55%) and cough (37%). Meanwhile, the “referred diagnosis was pneumonia in 36%”.

    According to the Ministry in charge of Carla Vizzotti, all the workers showed a “favorable evolution after receiving antibiotic treatment with different therapeutic schemes.” The outbreak was as a result of the “closing of a ventilation hood in the work environment shared by all the workers” who were infected.

    In this sense, they assured that it was possible to determine that the disease developed after “direct contact with animal tissues and fluids” and “due to poor use of personal protection equipment and insufficient ventilation of some work sectors, and humidity conditions and potential areas where fluids could collect. All those affected worked in the “same slaughter area for beef and pork in the refrigerator.”..