Fresh Nipah infected patient at KMCH
Hedait Hossain Molla, Khulna
Published at 05:52 pm January 17th, 2020
A fresh victim of Nipah virus has been admitted to Khulna Medical College Hospital (KMCH).
Twenty-year-old Rashida is undergoing treatment since January 11 at the hospital. She is the first patient after 2016, suffering from the fatal infectious disease.
“A medical board has confirmed her infection by Nipah virus. As Rashida’s infection is a risk to other patients, she is being treated separately at the hospital’s Medicine unit 1,” said SM Kamal Hossain, chief of KMCH Medicine Department...
Fresh Nipah infected patient at KMCH
Hedait Hossain Molla, Khulna
Published at 05:52 pm January 17th, 2020
A fresh victim of Nipah virus has been admitted to Khulna Medical College Hospital (KMCH).
Twenty-year-old Rashida is undergoing treatment since January 11 at the hospital. She is the first patient after 2016, suffering from the fatal infectious disease.
“A medical board has confirmed her infection by Nipah virus. As Rashida’s infection is a risk to other patients, she is being treated separately at the hospital’s Medicine unit 1,” said SM Kamal Hossain, chief of KMCH Medicine Department...