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France: 2024 Meningitis

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  • France: 2024 Meningitis


    One student dies of bacterial meningitis, thirteen contact cases identified by ARS
    Photo of Admin Admin16 hours ago​

    In a press release from the Hauts-de-France regional health agency, the public health agency said one student died following “bacterial meningitis.”

    A student at the Catholic University of Lille died after contracting bacterial meningitis, the Hautes-de-France regional health agency said this Friday, February 9...

  • #2
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    Landes: a 4-year-old child dies from meningitis

    By Aude Courtin and Christophe Cibola
    Published on 03/21/2024 at 8:45 p.m.
    Updated 03/21/2024 at 9:16 p.m.

    The voice of the mayor of Saint-Cricq-Chalosse, Aimée Laborde, conveys the emotion. The village mourns “the flight of [a] little princess”, who died at the age of 4 on Monday March 18, 2024 “in the evening, at Bordeaux University Hospital, following Haemophilus non B meningitis”. Information confirmed this Thursday March 21 by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Nouvelle-Aquitaine. “The ARS received the results from the National Reference Center, it is a serotype F”, completes the communication from the regional agency.

    Transferred to Bordeaux

    The child, who was enrolled in the middle section of nursery school, showed the first signs of infection at midday on Friday March 15. First referred to a doctor at the end of the day, then admitted to the Mont-de-Marsan hospital, the little girl was then transferred to Bordeaux, given the worsening of her state of health, according to information from the municipality.

    Still according to the municipality, since the disease was detected as “bacterial” and “not viral” in origin, no class was closed. Psychological monitoring has been put in place for children, parents and teachers.

    Psychological support

    “It is with great emotion that we inform you” of the death. “In this context, particular attention is being paid to students today and in the days to come. Specific support is organized, in particular with the presence of the school psychologist on the RPI", writes, in a press release sent to parents Tuesday March 19, the teaching team of the Intercommunal Educational Group of this Chaloissian sector, to the east of the department near Hagetmau.

    The Municipal Council, municipal staff, all members of the Saint-Cricquoise Sports Union and the Saint-Cricq-Chalosse Festival Committee testify, in funeral notices published Thursday March 21, 2024 in “Sud Ouest” , of their “immense sadness”. The little girl's dad is one of the deputy mayors of the town of Saint-Cricq in Chalosse.

    The events scheduled for this weekend in the town have all been canceled. Many Landes associations showed “their sympathy and sent their condolences” following the sudden death of this little girl.

    On the evening of Thursday March 21, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Health Agency had not communicated additional information.


    • #3
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      • #4
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        A case of meningococcus detected at La Prat's high school in Cluny

        A. W. - Today at 11:26

        At the start of the week, a case of invasive meningococcal infection was detected at La Prat's high school in Cluny. Meningococci are bacteria that can cause very serious illnesses such as meningitis or septicemia.

        On Monday, the parents of high school students were informed by the high school principal, who wanted to be reassuring. The message was accompanied by a letter from the Regional Health Agency, which indicates that it has drawn up “the list of people who must benefit from preventive treatment with antibiotics”.

        According to the ARS, “closing or disinfecting the premises is unnecessary”. “Students can continue to attend the establishment normally.”

        En début de semaine, un cas d’infection invasive à méningocoque a été détecté au sein du lycée La Prat’s de Cluny. Les méningocoques sont des ...


        • #5
          Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	1 Size:	32.8 KB ID:	989063
          Location of Corsica within France

          Translation Google

          A case of purpura fulminans treated at the Ajaccio hospital center

          Press release
          April 19, 2024

          A young child was admitted to the Ajaccio hospital center today for purpura fulminans, suggesting an invasive meningococcal infection. His state of health, considered worrying, required a transfer by medical plane to Marseille in the afternoon.

          In conjunction with all the services concerned (Ajaccio hospital center, Maternal Child Protection of the Corsican Community, referring doctor of the crèche and town hall of the municipality concerned) the ARS carried out epidemiological investigations making it possible to identify and to preventively treat contact persons at risk in the family, medical and nursery spheres. Sixty contacts, including 31 children, have been identified and have received or will receive antibiotic treatment tomorrow at the latest to prevent the occurrence of any new cases. This prophylactic treatment with antibiotics helps prevent the occurrence of serious forms, cut the chains of transmission and thus limit the risk of epidemics.

          What to do:

          Do not go to the emergency room or a pharmacy without having first been contacted by a doctor or nurse from the ARS. In case of symptoms (see below) call 15.

          In fact, preventive treatment with antibiotic therapy is only available on prescription. This will be issued to you if you are identified as a person at risk, that is to say if you have had close (less than one meter face to face) and prolonged (more than an hour) contact with the sick person in the last 10 days . People close to at-risk contacts are not contacts and therefore do not require treatment.

          For children in the crèche, a specific organization is put in place in conjunction with the crèche director, the referring doctor and the PMI services. The children's parents have been informed and must go to the appointment given to them with their child's vaccination record.

          Reminder of the most evocative signs
          1. severe headache (headache), accompanied by fever
          2. sensitivity to light (photophobia);
          3. neck stiffness, aches and fatigue;
          4. red or purplish subcutaneous spots (purpura) on the body;
          Faced with these symptoms, call 15
          Invasive meningococcal infections (IMI) are infections caused by bacteria that can have serious consequences. These infections are part of Notifiable Diseases (NOD). The ARS underlines the responsiveness of all the services concerned, in particular the Ajaccio hospital center, which by declaring this case without delay made it possible to manage this health alert situation.

          Un enfant en bas âge a été admis au centre hospitalier d’Ajaccio ce jour pour un purpura fulminans en faveur d’une infection invasive à méningocoque. Son état de santé jugé préoccupant a nécessité un transfert en avion sanitaire sur Marseille dans l’après-midi.


          • #6
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            Child affected by purpura fulminans in Ajaccio: all contact cases treated, indicates the ARS

            By the editorial staff
            Published on 04/20/24 at 05:02 - Updated on 04/20/24 at 05:32

            The ARS of Corsica ensures that all contact cases received Friday April 19 or will benefit this Saturday from “prophylactic treatment with antibiotics”. The condition of the child concerned and transferred to Marseille is said to be "slightly improving" this Saturday.

            Following the emergency admission of a young child to the Ajaccio hospital center , then his transfer by medical plane to Marseille for a case of meningococcal purpura fulminans on Friday April 19, the ARS indicates that the state of The child's health is "slightly improving" this Saturday, April 20.

            Purpura fulminans is a generalized infection caused by the meningococcus bacteria . It causes a rapid deterioration of health and the appearance of red or purplish spots. This is a life-threatening emergency .

            In all, sixty contacts, including 31 children, were identified by the ARS in the child's entourage, particularly within the crèche in which he was cared for, an establishment in the town of Olmeto (Corsica). -from South). This Saturday, the ARS assures Corse-Matin that all contact cases benefited yesterday, Friday April 19, or will benefit this Saturday, April 20 from "prophylactic treatment with antibiotics" , which "makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of forms serious, cut the chains of transmission and thus limit the risks of epidemics.


            Case of meningitis in Olmeto: “a serious illness but very low contamination between individuals”

            Written by Dominique Moret And Alain Stromboni
            Published on04/20/2024 at 6:57 p.m.

            Olmeto's young child who was admitted to Ajaccio hospital and then transferred to Marseille contracted meningitis purpura fulminans. Although this bacterial disease can have very serious consequences, its capacity for transmission between individuals remains "extremely low", says Doctor Edeline Coinde. The pediatrician, also vice-president of the Council of the Order of Physicians of Corsica-du-Sud, mentions this type of meningococcus.

            France 3 Corsica: Olmeto's young child hospitalized in Ajaccio then transferred by medical plane to Marseille suffers from meningitis purpura fulminans. How does this infectious disease present? What are the symptoms ?

            Edeline Coinde: Purpura fulminans is a bacterial disease. Purpura is characterized by blood coming out of the vessels and getting into the tissues. Therefore, when you put a glass on it, this red stain that appeared does not disappear. When you spread the skin, it doesn't disappear either. With these red spots, that is to say this purpura which comes out, there is simultaneously a fever. It is therefore the first symptom that exists in children and adults as well. Purpura tends to spread very quickly and very significantly. This is why we speak of purpura fulminans. We must act quickly because time is running out.

            This meningitis is therefore bacterial. What are the consequences in terms of treatment and spread of the disease?

            In terms of treatment, it is a disease that will respond to antibiotics, knowing that this specific disease will actually cause an infectious shock: it will therefore be necessary to treat the shock and the infection which can develop separately. Regarding contamination between individuals, it is extremely low. It is very rare that we have two cases in the same space-time, if I may say so.

            For you, there would be no danger on the scale of a territory or a municipality?

            It is exceptional that we have two cases. We can never say “zero” in medicine, but there is indeed a very small risk that we will have two cases of purpura fulminans on the island in the near future.

            For a person suffering from the disease, what are the consequences?

            It's extremely serious. There is a mortality rate that is very, very high: 75% mortality among children under 2 years old. Beyond that, it’s around 50, 60% for children and older adults. There is therefore a high mortality rate. Often, mortality occurs within the first 24 hours, due to septic shock. Subsequently, in certain children, there may be peripheral damage requiring amputation. You can also have deafness, as well as other symptoms.

            What about vaccination in general against meningococci?

            There are several strains of meningococcus: for meningococcus C, children are currently vaccinated; This vaccine is mandatory from 4 months. Then there is a reminder. Children are therefore protected against meningococcus C.

            There are other meningococci circulating in France, such as B. For this, a vaccine has been offered and strongly recommended for several years for children. Other strains are circulating elsewhere in the world and are starting to circulate here: these are W, A and Y. Currently, we actually have a vaccine against this that we are proposing . For a month, the High Authority of Health has recommended doing so to children under one year old and adolescents. These are actually the two peaks where we have meningitis with purpura fulminans.

            L'enfant en bas âge d'Olmeto qui a été admis à l'hôpital d'Ajaccio puis transféré à Marseille a contracté une méningite purpura fulminans. Si cette maladie bactérienne peut avoir des conséquences très graves, sa capacité...


            • #7
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              Meningitis cases in the student community of Grenoble: update and recommendations

              Press release
              September 30, 2024

              Since September 16, 2024, 3 cases of invasive meningococcal infections (meningitis) have been reported to the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Health Agency. The 3 people, students in Grenoble, were hospitalized. People who were in close contact with them received preventive treatment.

              Invasive meningococcal infections (IMI) are diseases caused by bacteria that can, in some cases, lead to meningitis. Transmission occurs through direct, close and prolonged contact with a sick person or a healthy carrier.
              IMI mainly affects young children and young adults.


              Between September 16 and 20, 2024, three students from Grenoble were hospitalized following meningitis. Their state of health is now reassuring. No new cases have been reported since September 20.

              The subjects identified as contacts - among the relatives and classmates of these three students - were informed and received preventive antibiotic treatment.

              Faced with this situation, the ARS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Grenoble student health service have decided to organize a vaccination campaign by mid-October.

              The students concerned will be informed directly as soon as the practical arrangements are finalized (logistical organization, care, etc.).

              Recognizing the symptoms of IMM

              The disease most often manifests itself by the following signs: fever, severe headaches, often accompanied by vomiting.

              Two symptoms should particularly alert you:
              1. a high fever that is poorly tolerated,
              2. and/or one or more rapidly appearing red or purplish spots (purpura).
              The sick person may also have impaired consciousness, a pale or even gray facial color, diarrhea in addition to fever and vomiting, intolerance to light or noise, stiff neck, significant aches, great fatigue, significant drowsiness, eye paralysis or even convulsions.

              If these symptoms appear, contact 15 immediately.

              Getting vaccinated against IIMs

              Vaccination against meningococcus B is the most effective measure to prevent the occurrence of new cases and complications. It has been recommended since 2022 for infants: 1st dose at 3 months, 2nd dose at 5 months, booster at 12 months.

              Health authorities recommend vaccination against meningococcus type B when several cases occur in the same geographical area, even if the population has not necessarily been in very close contact with the initial cases.

              In this case, the aim of vaccination is to eliminate the risk of reintroduction of the bacteria and the appearance of new cases in the community in the long term.

              The vaccination consists of a first injection and a booster with a delay of at least one month between the two injections.

              Learn more:
              - on the situation in Grenoble
              - on general information on Meningococcus B: symptoms, risks and prevention

              Depuis le 16 septembre 2024, 3 cas d'infections invasives à méningocoque (méningites) ont été signalés à l’Agence régionale de santé Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Les 3 personnes, étudiantes à Grenoble, ont été hospitalisées. Les personnes qui ont été en contact étroit avec elles ont reçu un traitement préventif.


              • #8
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                A case of meningitis detected at the Joseph-d'Arbaud school in Aix-en-Provence, a vaccination campaign launched

                From Nelly Assénat
                Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 5:43 p.m.
                By France Blue Provence , France Blue

                A vaccination campaign is being organized from this Friday at the Joseph-d'Arbaud school in Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône) following the reporting on Monday of a case of invasive meningococcal infection in an adult.

                A case of invasive meningococcal infection (meningitis) was reported to the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Health Agency by the Aix-en-Provence hospital center on Monday, September 30. It concerns a school life assistant at the Joseph D'Arbaud primary school in Aix-en-Provence, in the Jas-de-Bouffan district. The investigation carried out on Monday evening made it possible to identify the contacts at risk: the children accompanied by this assistant, the direct class neighbors of these children and certain members of staff and the City.

                "All these people were informed of the situation and received preventive treatment with antibiotics to avoid the onset of the disease ," the ARS said in a press release. A medical permanence was organized within the school, in the presence of health professionals, which made it possible to deliver prescriptions to the parents of students and to answer their questions. An information meeting is organized on site from this Thursday evening.
                Vaccination campaign organized in the school

                As the patient is affected by a bacterial strain, not covered by the meningococcal vaccine provided for in the children's vaccination schedule, a vaccination campaign is being organized by the ARS and offered from this Friday, October 4, to the entire school, students and professionals.

                Invasive meningococcal infection is one of the diseases that must be reported . As was the case this Monday, cases must be reported by clinicians and biologists to the Regional Health Agency, which searches for contact subjects around the cases and implements preventive measures.

                Meningitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord, resulting from an infection. In France, serious meningococcal infections affect around 500 people per year, mainly infants, young children aged 1 to 4 and adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 24.

                Une campagne de vaccination est organisée dès ce vendredi à l'école Joseph-d'Arbaud d'Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône) après le signalement lundi d’un cas d’infection invasive à méningocoque sur une adulte.


                • #9
                  Please see new thread:

                  France: 2025 Meningitis

