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Indonesia: 2012 HFMD outbreaks

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  • Indonesia: 2012 HFMD outbreaks


    Singapore flu threatens Depok residents
    The Jakarta Post | Wed, 02/08/2012 10:53 AM

    DEPOK: This rainy season, Singapore flu, or hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), has infected at least 11 Depok residents as of Tuesday.

    ?Eleven patients have come here. The figure does not include those who got checked at health clinics and other hospitals,? said Nur Afifah, the head of Bojongsari Public Health Center in Depok, as quoted by

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia: 2012 HFMD outbreaks


    Hand, Foot, Mouth Outbreak Hits Depok
    February 11, 2012

    Health authorities have reported an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease in Depok, with at least 26 cases reported among children between the ages of 4 months and 6 years.

    Tjandra Yoga Aditama, the Health Ministry?s director general for disease control and environmental health, said on Friday that the cases began on Jan. 7 and had incorrectly been reported by some media as Singapore flu...


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia: 2012 HFMD outbreaks


      Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012
      Gawat, Flu Singapura Mewabah di Kotim

      Google translation:

      Saturday, May 12, 2012
      Emergency, Singapore Flu Plague in Kotim

      Sampit, Central Kalimantan (bharatanews): After the bird flu that had horrendous, now turn to Singapore flu outbreak area of ​​Sampit, Kotawaringin East, Central Kalimantan. At least 12 children contracted the virus strain of enterovirus, trigger the flu.

      "The 12 children who got the flu in Singapore are generally aged 10 years and under," said Chief Medical Officer (DHO) Kotim District, Yuendri Irawanto yesterday.

      According to him, the number of patients is the result of data collection while the DHO Kotim conducted in a number of Community Health Centers (PHC), as well as information from physician practices in the city of Sampit.

      "The health office Kotim is still continuing to collect data on people with flu in Singapore and the expected number of patients will increase," he said.

      Singapore Flu, continued Yuendri, tends to attack children because their immune levels are still low. Whereas in adults, mostly immune to the type of the disease. Although not fatal, but the spread of flu singapore need to watch out to avoid the outbreak. Moreover, the disease will cause death for patients with a history or other diseases, such as poor nutrition and other health disorders.

      Described, the emergence of virus strains Enterovirus background temperature is erratic, and the disease can also attack the digestive system of the patient. The signs and symptoms on the first day the patient experienced mild diarrhea, vomiting, fever and flu. The peak of the disease is on the third day, the patient's body will appear in red patches on the skin.

      "To avoid the attack of the disease, we hope to live a healthy society always applies wherever located, whether at home or outside the home," he said.

      Red spots, said Yuendri, like allergies that appear in the body such as the palms, back of hands and soles of the feet, when pressed spots will disappear. Red spots can also appear in the mouth, tongue or throat. Similar to canker sores. If found signs like that, you should immediately see a doctor or health center.

      Reminded and cautioned that the virus strain of enterovirus infection in droplets, or indirectly by sprinkling the mouth and nose as well as dirt. For example, people with flu in Singapore sneezing or coughing near other people.

      "It spreads through unhygienic food. Children who often buy snacks on the outskirts of questionable hygiene school, "he said. (Rho)


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia: 2012 HFMD outbreaks

        SINGAPORE FLU Attack Citizens Wonogiri, DKK Ask The Community Alert

        Thursday, 17/5/2012

        Wonogiri- -Chief of the District Health Office (DKK) Wonogiri, dr H Wonogiri Widodo asked the public aware of the flu outbreak in Singapore. Admittedly, the current flu has been attacking several citizens of the City Cassava. If left untreated and can result in patient death.
        Head of DKK Wonogiri statement delivered when found sidelines of the opening of the exhibition title Wonogiri potential flagship product. "Singapore Flu is caused by viruses, similar to other flu illnesses. In Wonogiri there had been affected but we are still investigating. Whether the virus was imported from outside Wonogiri or virus that had been developed in Wonogiri, "he said Wednesday (16/05/2012).
        The characteristics
        Furthermore, he said residents should be wary of someone who Wonogiri exposed to 4 L, which is sluggish, weak, tired and weary. "The characteristics of the patient, hot, tired and out of red spots that lead to sunburn. Skin feels hot and itchy. "
        According to him, the disease can be anticipated in a way to maintain your diet. "The consumption of nutritious foods, get enough rest so that patients heal faster. The essence of healing is to increase endurance. '
        Admittedly, Singapore flu has struck one of the residents in the Village Wonokarto. "The patient fell ill after traveling from London to Singapore flu virus the possibility to import. The early symptoms of flu patients in Singapore is similar to the symptoms of measles and dengue because spots appear, only the difference spots of bird flu leads to a burning black. There are two ways, namely symptomatis or recognize the symptoms and support for enhance the immune system of data, "he explained.
        Widodo confirmed, the disease quickly spread. "Therefore, do not direct contact with patients. Transmission can be through a sprinkling of phlegm. "

