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Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 17 deaths, all monitoring completed, outbreak declared over

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  • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

    Originally posted by Treyfish View Post
    Breaking: Ebola Death Toll Rises, 176 New Infections Suspected

    The Ministry of Health has Wednesday confirmed what appeared in the international media last night that two more Ebola victims had passed away at Kagadi Government Hospital in Kibaale district.

    The first death was a female who had earlier tested positive for Ebola while the other was a new admission in the isolation facility. This brings the total number of dead to 16 since the onset of the outbreak that stared in Nyanswiga LCI in Nyamarunda Parish of Nyamarunda sub-county, Kibaale district in July,” said General Health Services Director Dr K Lwamafa.
    Currently, there are two confirmed cases of Ebola and 16 unconfirmed admitted at the hospital isolation facility.
    “The patients are receiving the appropriate treatment from the medical expert team.
    A total of 14 samples were yesterday July 31st picked from the patients admitted at the isolation facility, bringing the total number of samples collected since the outbreak to 30. The samples are currently being investigated at the Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe,” added Lwamafa.
    The Ministry of Health Surveillance team in Kibaale district is actively and closely following up to 176 people suspected to have got into contact with the dead and sick. These contacts have not shown any signs of the disease but continue to be monitored,” he further noted. One more sample was picked from a patient in Mbarara district and is being tested at the Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe.
    “The Ministry of Health continues to urge the public to avoid unnecessary movements and gatherings especially in Kibaale and neighbouring districts. The Ministry of Health response team is on alert to respond to any suspect cases,” cautioned Lwamafa.
    District Health Officers have been asked to reactivate their taskforces and be on alert of any suspicious disease or death.
    Health workers are reminded to observe the required medical measures as they attend to suspicious patients.
    “The Ministry assures the general public that the epidemic is being managed appropriately and will be contained. The public should continue to be vigilant but without creating unnecessary fear and panic. Ebola presents with fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, headache, measles-like rash, red eyes, and sometimes with bleeding from body openings,” added Lwamafa.
    This article is about the contact list. There are 176 on the contact list who are being monitored. That is different than "suspected" cases.

    Hyping this situation for ratings is disgusting and an insult to all those who are dealing with this serious event.


    • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

      Transportation of an infected body to in Kanungu district for burial

      From post 145 above ----

      Kemitumba Mackline was a health care worker who apparently died from Ebola on Monday, July 30, in Kigadi, Kibaale District, where she was working. According to the report her body was taken for burial to Nkunda village in Nyanga Sub County, in Kanungu District, by relatives, perhaps without proper precautions. She was buried on July 31, 2012.

      This action could cause the spread of Ebola to Southwestern Uganda. See map below.

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      • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

        Ebola killed 18 people in Uganda

        August 1st, 2012 by Tomas HajekTomas HajekBrno, Czech Republic, Europe

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        An Ugandian man in Kasese city newspapers with title about Ebola virus outbreak.

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        An Ugandian man in Kasese city newspapers with title about Ebola virus outbreak.

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        Most of all ugandian newspapers write on wensday 1st of August 2012 about Ebola. Virus killed already 18 people in Uganda untill saturhday when the new outbreak anounced ugandian goverment.

        Tat is the third outbreak in this country in the las decade. First causes were in Kibaale region another patients, fourteen, were moved to Mulago hospital in Kampala from Mbarara city


        • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

          Two Ebola patients dead, as more people are admitted in Kibaale

          First published: 20120801 11:21:05 AM EST<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->

          The Ministry of Health says that two more deaths were last evening recorded at Kagadi Government Hospital in Kibaale district.
          The first death was a female who had earlier tested positive for Ebola while the other was a new admission in the isolation facility.
          This brings the total number of dead to 16 since the onset of the outbreak that started in Nyanswiga LCI in Nyamarunda Parish of Nyamarunda sub-county, Kibaale district in July.
          The Acting director General health service Dr. Dennis Rwamafa says that currently there are two confirmed cases of Ebola and 16 unconfirmed admitted at the hospital isolation facility.
          The patients are receiving the appropriate treatment from the medical expert team.
          A total of 14 samples were yesterday July 31<SUP>st</SUP> picked from the patients admitted at the isolation facility bringing the total number of samples collected since the outbreak to 30.
          The samples are currently being investigated at the Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe.
          The Ministry of Health Surveillance team in Kibaale district is actively and closely following up to 176 people suspected to have got into contact with the dead and sick.
          These contacts have not shown any signs of the disease but continue to be monitored. One more sample was picked from a patient in Mbarara district and is being tested at the Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe.
          The Ministry of Health continues to urge the public to avoid unnecessary movements and gatherings especially in Kibaale and neighboring districts. The Ministry of Health response team is on alert to respond to any suspect cases.
          District Health Officers have been asked to reactivate their taskforces and be on alert of any suspicious disease or death. Health workers are reminded to observe the required medical measures as they attend to suspicious patients.
          The Ministry assures the general public that the epidemic is being managed appropriately and will be contained


          • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

            2 more Ebola deaths in Uganda, officials say
            From David McKenzie, CNN
            updated 11:25 AM EDT, Wed August 1, 2012

            Kagadi, Uganda (CNN) -- Two more people have died in Uganda's Ebola outbreak, officials working at a hospital said Wednesday.
            This brings the death toll to 16 people. They died in an outbreak that began in the Kibaale district in western Uganda.
            One of the two latest deaths was of a 14-year-old boy whose nine relatives also have died in the outbreak in the district's Nyanswiga village, where the first case is thought to have been.

            The two died in a hospital in Kagadi, a town close to the Congolese border. About three dozen suspected cases have been reported, World Health Organization spokesman Tariq Jasarevic said Tuesday.
            Twitter: @RonanKelly13
            The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


            • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

              PRESS RELEASE ON THE RECENT OUTBREAK OF THE EBOLA VIRUS IN KIBAALE, WESTERN UGANDA<?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>
              The Government of Uganda would like to assure the public that the recent outbreak of the Ebola Virus (Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever) in the district of Kibaale, Western Uganda is under control and all necessary steps to treat the infected patients as well as control the outbreak are being taken.<o:p></o:p>
              As has been already reported the outbreak was first confirmed by the Ugandan Virus Research Institute in Entebbe, Uganda. This speedy confirmation was enabled by the recent acquisition of specialist diagnostic equipment. Immediately upon confirmation of the outbreak the Ministry of Health contacted the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Ministry is now working tirelessly with the WHO and CDC in order to tackle this outbreak. Response plans at the national and district levels have been finalized and a national task force coordinated by the Ministry of Health has been re-activated. In Kibaale, the affected district, a task force has been formed to better coordinate the field response. The neighboring districts have been put on high alert about the outbreak and asked to step up surveillance of all illnesses suspected to be caused by the Ebola virus.<o:p></o:p>
              As this virus is spread by contact with bodily fluids from infected persons adherence to certain practices in infected areas can altogether eliminate the threat. Those living in the infected area have been asked to refrain from any unnecessary bodily contact and steps have been taken to ensure that:<o:p></o:p>
              ? All patients infected or suspected to have been infected by the disease are being treated in a specially designed isolation ward;<o:p></o:p>
              ? All medical workers in contact with those infected or suspected to have been infected are properly equipped with necessary supplies and personal protective gear;<o:p></o:p>
              ? All hospitals handling patients infected or suspected to have been infected implement strict barrier nursing procedures to eliminate the possibility of cross contamination and<o:p></o:p>
              ? All persons suspected to have died from the virus are buried by healthcare professionals.<o:p></o:p>
              Adherence to these steps is being carefully monitored by the joint task force.<o:p></o:p>
              As a precaution, schools in the Kibaale district have been closed for summer vacation early and those who have been known to have had physical contact with persons infected by the virus or suspected to have been infected are being monitored for a 21 day period-the incubation period of the virus.<o:p></o:p>
              To date there have been 14 suspected deaths, three of which have been confirmed from the Ebola virus. Nine of the deceased were from the one family and a further two of the confirmed deaths are accounted for by the healthcare professional that attended on the infected family and her young child. There are 36 suspected cases of infection and these patients are receiving the highest possible care and attention.<o:p></o:p>
              The Ministry of Health, having been guided by the WHO and the CDC, is now confident that this minor outbreak has been contained. Indeed at all times the WHO advised that trade and tourism remain unrestricted in Uganda. Nonetheless the Ministry of Health shall continue to be vigilant and shall monitor the situation carefully taking all necessary precautions. <o:p></o:p>



              • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                Ebola Outbreak in Uganda, as of 01 August 2012

                On 24 July 2012, the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Uganda notified WHO of an outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever from Kibaale district, midwestern Uganda. The first case belonged to a family in Nyanswiga village in Nyamarunda sub-county in Kibaale district.
                As of 31 July, 2012, a total of 38 cumulative cases, including 16 deaths have been reported. Laboratory investigations conducted at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Entebbe, Uganda, confirmed Ebola virus.
                The Ministry of Health, Uganda has activated the National Task Force that is meeting daily to review progress and also provide daily media briefs. The Kibaale district Ebola Task Force has also been formed to better coordinate field response. The neighboring districts have been put on high alert about the outbreak and to step up surveillance.

                A team of experts from MoH, WHO, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) MSF Spain, MSF Holland, Red Cross is in Kibaale to support the response operations. All possible contacts that were exposed to the suspected and confirmed cases are being identified for active follow up. The necessary supplies and logistics required for supportive management of patients are being mobilized.

                Kibaale hospital has established an isolation ward for suspected, probable and confirmed cases. Currently, there are 18 cases admitted on the isolation ward. Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) Holland has mobilized resources for setting up an isolation centre at the hospital. Although the MoH and Mulago Hospital have mobilized some staff to manage the isolation centre, more are urgently needed.
                WHO is supporting the Ministry of Health response to the outbreak. To date, WHO has deployed epidemiologists and provided essential equipment for personal protection and safe disposal of bodies. Additional experts that will arrive in the next 48 hours include a logistician and an epidemiologist.
                Control activities already in place are active case finding and contact tracing, enhanced surveillance and reinforcing infection control practices case management, social mobilization and coordination meetings.
                WHO does not recommend that any travel or trade restrictions be applied to Uganda.




                • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                  Tanzania warns citizens of Ebola virus risk

                  August 01, 2012
                  The Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has urged citizens to take precautions following the deaths of at least 25 people from the Ebola virus in Uganda, Tanzania's Daily News reported Wednesday (August 1st).

                  "The people are advised not to panic, as so far we have not received any case within our borders. We advise them to report to a nearby health centre in case they come across anyone with Ebola symptoms," a statement from the ministry's acting permanent secretary Regina Kikuli said.
                  She said the Mara, Mwanza, Kagera, Kigoma and Rukwa regions should be on high alert.
                  Kikuli reassured Tanzanians that protective measures have been taken, including issuing directives on diagnosing the disease to regional health professionals and distributing protective clothing to doctors for use in cases of suspected Ebola.
                  Kenya issued similar instructions to medical officials earlier this week and also appealed for citizens to remain calm

                  This is not the first time today I saw the number 25. We already had up to 19 dead at 1 time. I am not jiving with official number, for the record.



                  • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                    Ebola deaths in Uganda rise to 15, more cases feared
                    Agence France-Presse

                    08/01/2012 14:34 GMT
                    KAMPALA, Aug 1, 2012 (AFP) - At least 15 people have died in Uganda from the deadly Ebola virus with the toll likely to rise further, the health ministry said Wednesday.
                    Ebola broke out in early July in Uganda's western Kibale district, some 200 kilometres (120 miles) from Kampala, and around 50 kilometres from the border with Democratic Republic of Congo.
                    "Two more deaths were last evening recorded at Kagadi Government Hospital in Kibale district... The first death was a female who had earlier tested positive for Ebola," said Dennis Lwamafa, Uganda's director general for health services.
                    The other death, a "new admission", was feared to have also been due to Ebola, although tests had yet to confirm the exact cause, Lwamafa said in statement.
                    A health worker from western Uganda last week fell sick and travelled to Kampala, later dying in hospital. It was the first time the killer virus, one of the most virulent diseases in the world, had hit the city of 1.5 million.
                    A sample has also been collected from a patient in Mbarara, another district of western Uganda, some 100 kilometres from Kibale -- and it is currently being analysed.
                    In Kibale, health workers are monitoring "two confirmed cases of Ebola and 16 unconfirmed admitted at the hospital isolation facility," Lwamafa said.
                    In addition, 178 people remain under surveillance in the district, he added.
                    Ebola, which can cause both internal and external bleeding, spreads by direct contact with the blood or other body fluids of infected persons, according to the World Health Organisation.
                    The rare haemorrhagic disease, named after a small river in DR Congo, killed 37 people in western Uganda in 2007 and at least 170 in the north of the country in 2000.
                    Neighbouring nations -- including Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and Tanzania -- have also moved to reassure the public, warning people to report to health centres in case of Ebola-like symptoms.
                    "The people are advised not to panic, as so far we have not received any case within our borders," Tanzanian health ministry official Regina Kikulishe said.
                    "We advise them to report to a nearby health centre in case they come across anyone with Ebola symptoms."
                    South Sudan's Minister of Health Michael Milly Hussein said health workers were alerted to "ensure that all suspected cases are detected on time."
                    Kenya and Rwanda made similar warnings.



                    • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                      Uganda Ebola on rise‎
                      The new cases bring the cumulative total of those infected to 33, including 16 who have died since the outbreak of Ebola virus.

                      Health officials have so far tracked down 176 contacts that are being followed up on a daily basis to ensure that any developing Ebola signs are treated immediately According to health officials, 16 samples have been collected by the team of experts in western Uganda from people suspected of having the disease for analysis while surveillance continues.

                      Seven doctors who were attending to a clinical officer with the Ebola virus and other members of staff have been withdrawn from service and are being monitored by health officials.

                      According to the country?s commissioner for health services, the doctors and members of staff who have been withdrawn from service will be kept out for twenty one days to allow medical experts monitor their biological patterns.

                      The Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni has in a matter of national emergency warned all Ugandans to guard against promiscuity and body contact as one of the ways experts believe the Ebola virus spreads from one person to another.

                      Doctors across the country are increasingly getting worried about the fast spreading hemorrhagic Ebola virus as the death toll rises to 16 in just one week
                      Doctors without borders have already arrived in the country to help the team of experts from W.H.O in the west of the country to contain the outbreak.



                      • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                        Outbreak Notice
                        Ebola in Uganda

                        This information is current as of today, August 01, 2012 at 16:45 EDT
                        Released: August 01, 2012
                        What Is the Current Situation?

                        The Ugandan Ministry of Health (MOH) has reported an outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in the Kibaale District of western Uganda. As of July 31, there have been 38 cases and 16 deaths. Five cases have been laboratory confirmed.
                        What Is Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever?

                        Ebola hemorrhagic fever (Ebola HF) is a rare and deadly disease. The disease is native to several African countries and is caused by the Ebola virus. It is spread by direct contact with blood and/or body fluids of a person infected with Ebola virus. It is also spread by contact with a contaminated object or infected animal.
                        Symptoms include fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, sore throat, and weakness, followed by diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Skin rash, red eyes, and internal and external bleeding may be seen in some patients.
                        How Can Travelers Protect Themselves?

                        There is no vaccine for Ebola and no specific treatment. Although travelers are at low risk for the disease, it is important to take steps to prevent Ebola HF.
                        • Practice good hygiene. Avoid contact with blood and body fluids of infected people. Do not handle items that may have come in contact with an infected person?s blood or body fluids.
                        • Avoid contact with animals.
                        • Seek medical care if you develop fever, headache, achiness, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, rash, or red eyes.
                        • Health care workers who may be exposed to people with the disease should follow these steps:
                        Clinician Information:

                        Ebola is a notifiable condition in the United States. Diagnosing Ebola HF in a person who has been infected only a few days is difficult because early symptoms, such as red eyes and a skin rash, are nonspecific to the virus and are seen in patients with other diseases that occur much more frequently. However, if a person has the symptoms described above, and infection with Ebola virus is suspected, isolate the patient and notify local and state health departments and CDC.
                        Antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing, IgM ELISA, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and virus isolation can be used to diagnose a case of Ebola HF within a few days of the onset of symptoms. Persons tested later in the course of the disease or after recovery can be tested for IgM and IgG antibodies; the disease can also be diagnosed retrospectively in deceased patients by using immunohistochemistry testing, virus isolation, or PCR.
                        There is no standard treatment for Ebola HF. Patients receive supportive therapy that consists of balancing the patient?s fluids and electrolytes, maintaining their oxygen status and blood pressure, and treating them for any complicating infections.
                        Additional Information:

                        Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (CDC Viral Special Pathogens Branch)
                        Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (CDC Yellow Book)



                        • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                          Strange disease kills five people in Ntungamo, seven hospitalised
                          Ms Florence Mbabazi, a victim of strange disease at Kitwe Health Centre IV in Ntungamo
                          Posted Thursday, August 2 2012 at 01:00

                          Five people in Kibutamo Village in Kitwe Town Council, Ntungamo District have died of a strange disease in the past two weeks and seven others are admitted at a health centre. Kenneth Kwoshaba 22, who was working as a security guard in Kamwenge, died on July 17. Benon Rumanzi, 45, a close neighbour, died three days later.
                          Faraziya Katayomba, 93, another resident of the village, died three days later. Jovance Katongana, 42, died last Saturday while Geoffrey Turyahebwa, 21, died on Sunday.

                          Mr Eliphaz Tayebwa, the area village vice chairperson, told visiting Ntungamo district health officials on Tuesday that the deceased were vomiting, had headache, fever, and were complaining of too much heat.

                          The Ntungamo District Health Officer, Dr Benon Bamuturaki, said they cannot rule out Ebola and have sent samples from the patients to the virus research centre at Entebbe to ascertain the disease. “We can’t say this is not Ebola before we carry out necessary tests. However, the symptoms of Ebola we know are different from these ones,” Dr Bamuturaki said.

                          Seven others were admitted to Kitwe Health Centre with similar symptoms. A special ward for the people suffering from the strange ailment has been created the health centre.

                          Dr Bamuturaki asked residents to avoid contact with the affected people. Meanwhile, Kanungu District leaders have asked residents to report any suspected Ebola cases to the concerned authority immediately.
                          Two people who died of Ebola in Kibaale District where the disease broke out recently, have been buried in Kanungu District. Robert Byomugabe, who had gone to visit his sick sister in Kibaale also got infected and died. He was buried in Kabimbiri, Kanungu on July 28. Mackline Kemitumba passed away in Kibale and her body was transported and buried in Nkunda Village in Nyanga Sub-county on Tuesday.
                          The LC5 chairperson, Ms Josephine Kasya, asked people should be careful in handling the dead, especially those who pass away from their homes. More than 30 Ebola cases have been registered in western region and Kampala since the hemorrhagic fever broke out in Kibaale District last week.



                          • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                            There is tension in Ibanda district after one person died of Ebola-like symptoms at Ibanda hospital.


                            There is tension in Ibanda district after one person died of Ebola-like symptoms at Ibanda hospital.


                            • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                              Ebola: Parliament Bans Group Visits
                              By Nixon Segawa 18 minutes ago


                              The Ministry of Health is also investigating other 176 Ebola cases as the disease, spreads from Kibaale to other districts of Mubende, Ibanda, Isingiro, Mbarara, Ntungamo and Kampala.

                              [The 176 is the total number of people under monitoring; most of them have shown no symptoms. Notable is the list of districts here; I think this may include some suspects we have not previously heard from. Keep in mind there are a wide variety of other illnesses that may be mistaken for Ebola. - alert]


                              • Re: Uganda: Ebola Sudan identified in 14-18 deaths including Healthcare worker in Kibaale out of 36 total suspected cases, 4 confirmed

                                Updated Suspected and Confirmed Uganda Ebola Fatalities August 2, 2012

                                According to post 62 the Ebola outbreak started in Nyanswiga village, Nyamarunda sub-county and the first two hospitalized cases were reported from Kagadi Hospital on July 7, 2012. At least nine members of the same family died (post 39, 41) and perhaps two more from the same family died as well, likely between July 7 and July 24 (post 1).

                                Preliminary List of Confirmed and Suspected Ugandan Ebola Fatalities

                                1. Yostus Isoke (64M), Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                2. Byaruhanga Isoke , child of Yostus Isoke, Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                3. Fred Isoke (M?), child of Yostus Isoke, Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                4. Roggers Byaruhanga, child of Yostus Isoke, Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                5. Doreen Nantongo ( F?) child of Yostus Isoke, Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                6. Win Mbavazi, (Isoke family member) Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                7. Tumumanye Kisembo Kusiima Byaruhanga, Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                8. Other Yostus Isoke family member, Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                9. Other Yostus Isoke family member, Nyanswiga village (post 9, 156)

                                10. Yostus Isoke Family Member 10? (post 1)

                                11. Unknown person or Yostus Isoke Family Member 11? (post 1)

                                12. Lovinsa Kabwimukya, (42) Nyamarunda sub-county (post 41)

                                13. Milca Ninsima (3-4 months) child of Claire Muhumuza (post 69, 115)

                                14. Claire Muhumuza, a clinical officer in Kagadi died on July 20, 2012 at Mulago Hospital, Kampala (post 71, 102, 124)

                                Uganda Minister of Health announces 14 deaths, 10 from same family, as of July 31 (post 115)

                                15. Nicholas Asingwire (5), from Kenga village in Kagadi sub-county, died at home, July 30, 2012 (post 117, 126, 131)

                                16. Frediano Nsabimaana, from Nyamugusa in Bwamiramira sub-county, died at home, July 30, 2102 (post 117, 126, 131)

                                As of July 31, 2012, 16 deaths have been reported (WHO post 157)

                                17. Susan Nabulya, from Burunzi village, Kibaale District died July 30? (post 131)

                                18. Kato (12) of Nyamarunda village, Kibaale District died July 30? (post 131)

                                19. Robert Byomugabe visited sick sister (Kemitumba Mackline??) in Kibaale and died. He was buried in Kabimbiri, Kanungu District on July 28 (post 162)

                                20. Kemitumba Mackline, HCW worker in Kagadi, died July 30. Her body was transported to Nkunda village in Nyanga sub-county, Kanungu District, where she was buried on July 31 (post 136)

                                NOTE: this list does not contain the five fatalities reported from Ntungamo District reported in post 162 as potential Ebola cases.

