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Guadeloupe - Dengue outbreak 2024

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  • Guadeloupe - Dengue outbreak 2024

    Translation Google

    Upsurge in dengue cases in Guadeloupe

    April 12, 2024

    In Guadeloupe, the circulation of the virus continues to intensify within the archipelago. Visits to emergency rooms for dengue syndrome are increasing. In Saint-Barthélemy: the situation is evolving in the territory with an increase in the number of cases recorded in recent weeks.

    📈🦟 A regular increase in the number of reported cases is thus noted.

    Public Health France considers that Guadeloupe is now in the epidemic phase (phase 4 level 1 of PSAGE* dengue).

    The recommendations “empty, spill, throw away” are more necessary than ever and concern us all, both individually and collectively, to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds.

    Implementing these recommendations is everyone’s business.

    We remind you that in the event of the appearance of suggestive symptoms (high fever and/or headaches and/or aches, etc.):
    - it is important to consult a doctor and avoid taking aspirin and anti-inflammatories.
    - it is recommended to use anti-mosquito body products, long clothing, mosquito nets to limit transmission to those around you.

    The ARS continues most of its actions in the fight against vectors:
    1. 🔎 Maintaining reinforced epidemiological surveillance in conjunction with Public Health France
    2. 💬 Implementation of communication actions
    3. 😷 Strengthening interventions and actions around patients
      The ARS recalls that the effectiveness of these measures will, however, be very limited without firm involvement of all public actors but also of the population.

  • #2
    Translation Google

    Dengue circulation still active in Guadeloupe

    By RCI web 06/28/2024 - 06:00

    Even if the epidemic is in a declining phase in the archipelago, the circulation of dengue remains active according to the latest epidemiological update from Public Health France.

    Dengue fever still circulating in Guadeloupe

    From June 17 to 23, 125 cases suggestive of dengue fever were identified by doctors from the Sentinelles network. As well as 7 trips to the emergency room and one hospitalization. This is less than the previous week (from June 10 to 16): 160 suggestive cases, 12 visits to the emergency room and one hospitalization.

    However, these figures need to be qualified. Indeed, according to Public Health France, an increase in the number of cases clinically suggestive of dengue has been observed for two weeks in the city with 140 weekly cases on average compared to around sixty weekly the previous two weeks.

    The circulation of dengue viruses is still active in the archipelago. It is therefore necessary to maintain vigilance and even strengthen actions to combat the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

    55 serious cases of dengue fever

    Since the start of the epidemic at the end of July 2023, an estimated 15,110 patients have consulted community physicians for dengue syndrome. 1,356 visits to the emergency room for suspected dengue fever were recorded, of which 191 (14%) were followed by hospitalization.

    Fifty-five serious cases of dengue fever have been reported, 24 of which were in children. Pediatric services have also reported cases of severe thrombocytopenia. The data are currently being consolidated.

    Among the 55 severe cases of dengue, 7 deaths directly attributable to dengue have been reported. Since the beginning of the epidemic, three deaths occurring at home related to dengue have been recorded.


    • #3
      Translation Google
      Increase in dengue cases in Guadeloupe

      Updated on 09/10/2024

      The epidemiological situation for dengue fever in recent weeks has required close attention from the Regional Health Agency of Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy (ARS) and Public Health France (SPF).

      A significant increase in the number of confirmed cases has been observed.
      Since mid-August 2024, approximately 80 cases of dengue fever have been biologically confirmed each week, with 260 suggestive clinical cases recorded during the week of September 16.

      Unlike previous dengue epidemics, serotype 3 of the virus is currently dominant, a first in Guadeloupe since the start of epidemiological surveillance . The population is therefore considered "naive" in the face of the strain currently circulating in the department.

      Faced with this emerging epidemic, the ARS is renewing its message of collective mobilization to slow the proliferation of mosquitoes and eliminate larval breeding sites.


      • #4
        Dengue fever in the Antilles. Update as of October 17, 2024.

        Published on October 18, 2024
        Updated on October 18, 2024

        Key points

        • All indicators have been progressing for several weeks with values ​​for community medicine data exceeding seasonal thresholds.
        • Following consultation with the technical committee for monitoring dengue fever (14/10/2024), Public Health France Antilles considers that the epidemiological situation of dengue fever corresponds to phase 2 level 2: outbreak(s) with potential for development or multiple outbreaks with epidemiological link(s) between them.
        • *The indicators for week S41 should be interpreted with caution given the social context (blockages, roadblocks) limiting access to healthcare services.
        • The current dengue situation corresponds to a very active circulation of the virus.
        • Following consultation with the technical committee for monitoring dengue fever (05/10/2024), Public Health France Antilles considers that the epidemiological situation of dengue fever corresponds to phase 3: epidemic risk, clinically suggestive cases exceeding the maximum expected level.
        Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin
        • The situation is calm. Phase 1 of PSAGE dengue: sporadic cases and isolated outbreaks or without epidemiological link(s).

        PDF 1.55 MB


        Excerpt from the PDF link above:


        At the beginning of October, an increase in the number of cases clinically suggestive of dengue fever is observed in community medicine, with nearly 520 estimated cases per week over the last two weeks (2024-40 and 2024-41) compared to an average of 200 cases estimated per week in September (2024-36 to 2024-39). The seasonal threshold (80 weekly cases) of clinical cases has been exceeded [Figure 5].
        Dengue activity in hospitals has been increasing since the start of the school year, increasing, on average, from around twenty emergency room visits for suspected dengue per week (weeks 2024-36 to 2024-38) to around forty between weeks 2024-39 and 2024-41. Last week, 35 emergency room visits for suspected dengue were recorded, three of which were followed by hospitalization and 10 concerned children under 15 [Figure 6].
        An increase in the number of biologically confirmed cases recorded each week is also observed with around a hundred cases recorded on average per week since mid-September (2024-37 to 2024-41) (data as of 10/16/2024).

        In comparison, the period 2024-32 to 2024-36 (August-early September) recorded 73 confirmed cases per week on average.

        Since September (2024-36 to 2024-41), 23% of confirmed cases have concerned those under 15 [Figure 7].

        The positivity rate in the city (Synergibio) has been around 50% in the last two weeks, 2024-40 and 2024-41 (compared to 55% over the period 2024-38 to 2024-39).

        The virus is circulating almost throughout the archipelago [Figure 8].​

        In addition, between 07/24/2024 and 09/24/2024, the DENV3 serotype was identified in 85% of the 68 samples analyzed by the Pasteur Institute of Guadeloupe. Over a more recent period (from 09/24/204 to 10/14/2024), among 62 samples analyzed, 97% are DENV3. The other serotype identified is DENV2 over both periods. As a reminder, since the beginning of epidemiological surveillance of dengue fever in Guadeloupe, the DENV3 serotype has never been the cause of an epidemic outbreak and, during the last dengue epidemic in 2023-2024, the DENV2 serotype was the majority.

        Last edited by Pathfinder; October 18, 2024, 12:34 PM.


        • #5
          Translation Google

          Dengue fever epidemic declared in Guadeloupe

          The management committee chaired by the regional prefect confirmed on Thursday "the transition to the epidemic phase for dengue fever".

          Le Monde with AFP

          Published today at 05:38, modified at 07:56

          Guadeloupe has entered "the epidemic phase for dengue fever" with a rare serotype, which could cause "a high number of cases" , according to an official press release, released on Thursday evening, November 14, calling for everything to be done to "minimize" the impact of the disease.

          Meeting during the day, the management committee chaired by the regional prefect confirmed "the transition to the epidemic phase for dengue fever" , specifies this joint press release from the prefecture, the Association of Mayors of Guadeloupe and the regional health agency of Guadeloupe and the Northern Islands.

          The authorities are launching "an appeal for the mobilization of all stakeholders involved" in the fight "to try to minimize the impact of this disease" in the coming weeks.

          This year, "a serotype of the dengue virus that has circulated little over the last twenty years" , DENV3, has caused authorities to fear "risks of serious forms" and "a high number of cases" if "resolute control or prevention actions are not implemented" , according to the press release.

          Fight against stagnant water

          Among 62 samples analyzed between the end of September and mid-October, “97% are DENV3” , according to the latest bulletin from Public Health France.

          The seasonal threshold of clinical cases (80 weekly cases) has been greatly exceeded. At the end of October, it was estimated at 540 in community medicine, more than double the number in September.

          In hospital, Public Health France noted in October "an average of 40 weekly visits to the emergency room for suspected dengue fever, compared to 25 in September" .

          The joint statement from the authorities recalled that it was "essential" to combat stagnant water, which allows the larvae of the disease vector, the mosquito, to develop. This stagnant water is often "located around or in homes" and may have been "fed by recent heavy rains" , the statement insisted.

          Wearing covering and loose clothing is recommended

          The authorities also recommend "wearing covering and loose clothing" , the use of "an approved repellent product" and the use of pre-impregnated mosquito nets.

          The territory is also facing the emergence of a new type of mosquito "highly competent to transmit all arboviruses (dengue, chikungunya, Zika)" , according to a press release from the community and the ARS, published at the end of October. These Aedes albopictus larvae were spotted for the first time in the Lorient district of Saint-Barthélemy, in the north of Guadeloupe, it was specified.

          Dengue fever, which can cause high fever, body aches and fatigue, is a potentially fatal infectious disease.

          Le Monde with AFP

          Le comité de gestion présidé par le préfet de région a acté, jeudi, « le passage en phase épidémique pour la dengue ».

          Increase in dengue cases in Guadeloupe

          November 14, 2024

          In Guadeloupe, the circulation of the virus continues to intensify within the archipelago. Visits to emergency rooms for dengue syndrome are increasing.

          📈🦟 A steady increase in the number of reported cases is thus observed.

          Faced with this epidemic which started with a DENV3 serotype of the dengue virus which has not circulated much over the last twenty years, the Health Agency of Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy wishes to draw everyone's attention to the risks of serious form or a high number of cases to be expected if resolute control or prevention actions are not developed.

          The recommendations “empty, spill, throw away” are more necessary than ever and concern us all, both individually and collectively, to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds.

          The implementation of these recommendations is everyone's business.

          We remind you that in the event of the appearance of suggestive symptoms (high fever and/or headaches and/or body aches, etc.):

          - it is important to consult a doctor and avoid taking aspirin and anti-inflammatories.
          - it is recommended to use anti-mosquito body products, long clothing, mosquito nets to limit transmission to those around you.

          The ARS is continuing most of its actions in vector control:

          🔎 Maintenance of reinforced epidemiological surveillance in conjunction with Public Health France

          💬 Implementation of communication actions

          😷 Strengthening interventions and actions around patients

          The ARS points out that the effectiveness of these measures will, however, be very limited without the firm involvement of all public stakeholders and also the population.

          En Guadeloupe, la circulation du virus continue de s’intensifier au sein de l’archipel. Les passages aux urgences pour syndrome de dengue sont en augmentation.

          DENGUE EPIDEMIC Everyone's mobilization is necessary!

          Updated on

          The management committee chaired by the regional prefect met this Thursday, November 14 at the prefecture, to confirm the transition to the epidemic phase for dengue fever. Accompanied by the director general of the ARS and elected officials from the municipalities, the authorities wanted to launch an appeal for the mobilization of all stakeholders involved in the fight: from citizens at home to institutions welcoming the public, including health professionals and businesses, to try to minimize the impact of this disease in the coming weeks.

          Faced with this epidemic, a serotype of the dengue virus that has not circulated much over the last twenty years, the regional health agency wishes to draw everyone's attention to the risks of severe form or a high number of cases to be expected if resolute actions of control or prevention are not implemented. The agency renews its message of mobilization.

          At the start of the tourist season and on the eve of the end-of-year festivities, it is essential to combat mosquito vectors and the breeding grounds for larvae that develop in reservoirs located around or in homes and which may be fed by recent heavy rains.

          It is imperative to protect yourself against mosquito bites by wearing covering and loose clothing; to use an approved repellent product to apply to all exposed parts of the body (except the face). This protection is essential when you are affected by the disease.

          It may be useful to also use a pre-impregnated mosquito net installed above the bed to protect against mosquitoes during naps or at night or on windows and openings to protect interior spaces.

          If necessary, use an approved insecticide against adult mosquitoes, respecting the conditions of use indicated on the product.

          Use air conditioning if available to limit the circulation of mosquitoes in the home.

          Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if symptoms (fever, headache, vomiting, fatigue, pain) persist for more than 3-4 days.

          Self-medication with paracetamol must respect the maximum daily doses (3 g in adults).

          In any case, avoid taking aspirin.



          • #6
            Translation Google

            In Guadeloupe, call for “general mobilization” against an unprecedented dengue epidemic

            The dengue epidemic has been declared in Guadeloupe, caused this time by a rare serotype, DENV-3, raising fears of a high number of cases and "an embolization of hospital services" according to the ARS.

            Ouest France
            In Guadeloupe, Cécile RÉMUSAT.
            Published on 20/11/2024 at 09:58

            "The embolization of hospital services is what we are trying to absolutely avoid in the weeks and months to come. Today, the situation is not dramatic, but we must do everything to ensure that it does not become so." Patrick Saint Martin, director of health security at the Regional Health Agency (ARS), weighs his words, while the dengue epidemic was declared on November 14 in Guadeloupe .

            "This is an unprecedented phenomenon: an epidemic that is flaring up while the one from 2023-2024, during which serotype 2 was the majority, ended in mid-July," explains Lucie Léon, epidemiologist at Santé Publique France. The new epidemic is thus caused by a much rarer serotype than in previous years: DENV-3, "which has not circulated for more than 20 years," underlines Patrick Saint-Martin.

            There are four strains of dengue fever, a mosquito-borne virus. Therefore, people who contracted the disease in July with serotype 2 may again contract the virus due to serotype 3.

            DENV-3 "can cause damage, our number of immunized people is very low, and it is a virus that can cause many more cases of dengue than usual," explains Patrick Saint-Martin. While the disease can go unnoticed, with 50 to 80% of cases being asymptomatic, it can also cause serious forms, including dengue hemorrhagic fever.

            “The more you increase the number of cases, statistically the more serious forms you will have,” explains Patrick Portecop, director of SAMU Guadeloupe.

            "The situation concerns us [...] people who have absolutely no immunity can pay a heavy price: children, patients at risk, elderly people some of whom are taking treatments that can reduce their immunity, sickle cell patients, people with kidney failure and any patient with comorbidities."
            Destroy larval breeding sites

            "We, the mayors, are here to mobilize the population and take collective measures to prevent the spread of the virus," says Jeanny Marc, mayor of Deshaies, representative of the association of mayors of Guadeloupe. The goal: to encourage everyone to destroy larval breeding sites near their homes, i.e. stagnant water in the smallest corners, down to the smallest flower pot.

            "We are currently going around the schools to check the condition of the gutters, also to check for ELVs (Editor's note: end-of-life vehicles), stagnant water in certain gutters. But the population knows very well what to do when they know that they need to be mobilized," reassures the elected official.

            According to the latest epidemiological bulletin from Public Health France, from October 28 to November 10, "nearly 400 clinically suggestive cases of dengue fever were recorded each week in community medicine" and "40 weekly visits" were recorded in emergency rooms for suspected disease.

            "Five were followed by hospitalization and 15 concerned children under 15 (including two followed by hospitalization)" according to the bulletin.

            The previous epidemic, due to serotype 2, caused “7 deaths” according to Public Health France.


            • #7
              Translation Google

              The worrying progression of dengue fever in Guadeloupe

              By RCI Web 11/29/2024 - 4:56 p.m. • Updated 11/30/2024 - 12:35 a.m.

              The latest epidemiological bulletin published by Public Health France on November 28, 2024 confirms that Guadeloupe is facing an intensification of the dengue epidemic.

              Guadeloupe is in phase 4 level 1 of the Epidemic Surveillance, Alert and Management Program (PSAGE), which corresponds to a confirmed epidemic. A measure that can be explained by sharply increasing figures.

              The week of November 18 to 24, 2024 (week 47) marks a record with 860 clinically suggestive cases , an increase of 86% compared to the average of the previous four weeks (460 weekly cases). Since the start of the epidemic, declared in September 2024 (week 37), 5,040 cases have been recorded.

              Strong hospital activity

              Hospitals in Guadeloupe reported 49 weekly emergency room visits for suspected dengue fever over the past four weeks, a high but stable level. From November 18 to 24, 2024, nine hospitalizations followed these visits, six of which involved children under 15 years of age.

              These figures are a reminder that the pediatric population is particularly vulnerable, representing 47% of emergency room visits for dengue fever.

              The predominant DENV-3 serotype

              Virological analyses confirm the almost exclusive presence of the DENV-3 serotype since the beginning of the epidemic. This serotype is often associated with severe forms of the disease in people who have not been previously exposed, increasing the risk of complications.

              In this context, Public Health France insists on the importance of preventive measures:

              Destroy larval breeding sites , such as stagnant water around homes.

              Protect yourself from mosquito bites by using repellents, mosquito nets and wearing long clothing.
              Consult a doctor if you experience any symptoms (fever, muscle pain, headache).

              Two serious cases have been reported since the start of the epidemic. These forms require hospitalization in intensive care and are a reminder of the potential seriousness of this disease.


              • #8
                Translation Google

                In Guadeloupe, the dengue epidemic persists despite a significant slowdown

                By RCI Web 13/12/2024 - 05:49

                Guadeloupe remains in the dengue epidemic phase, even if the indicators show a recent downward trend.

                Since the start of the epidemic in September 2024 (week 37), Guadeloupe has recorded 6,180 cases clinically suggestive of dengue fever. However, recent data published by Public Health France for week 49 (from December 2 to 8, 2024) show a decrease in reported cases for the second consecutive week.

                The number of medical consultations for suspected dengue fever fell to 520 cases, compared to 630 in week 48 and 860 in week 47. This decrease is consistent with a slight stabilization of emergency room visits, which remain at around 40 per week. Of these visits, 32% concern children under 15 years of age, reflecting the significant impact of the disease on this age group. 14 of the 40 emergency room visits required hospitalization, marking an increase compared to previous weeks.

                DENV-3 serotype still dominates

                Virological analyses confirm the predominance of the DENV-3 serotype. This serotype has been linked to major epidemics in the region in the past. This reinforces the importance of continued surveillance. The positivity rate of biological tests remains high, fluctuating between 38% and 54% since October.

                Despite these positive signs, the epidemic remains active, with six serious cases recorded since its beginning, including one death directly attributed to dengue fever. These serious cases, although few in number, highlight the need for careful monitoring of patients' clinical developments.

                Health authorities stress the importance of prevention, particularly through the destruction of breeding sites to reduce the population of vector mosquitoes. The active participation of residents is crucial to limit the spread of the virus.

