[Fonte: Eurosurveillance, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Eurosurveillance, Volume 19, Issue 12, 27 March 2014 / Rapid communications
Increase in scarlet fever notifications in the United Kingdom, 2013/2014
R Guy<SUP>1</SUP>, C Williams<SUP>2</SUP>, N Irvine<SUP>3</SUP>, A Reynolds<SUP>4</SUP>, J Coelho<SUP>1</SUP>, V Saliba<SUP>1</SUP>, D Thomas<SUP>2</SUP>, L Doherty<SUP>3</SUP>, V Chalker<SUP>1</SUP>, B von Wissmann<SUP>4</SUP>, M Chand<SUP>1</SUP>, A Efstratiou<SUP>1</SUP>, M Ramsay<SUP>1</SUP>, T Lamagni <SUP>1</SUP>
<SUP>1</SUP>Public Health England, London, United Kingdom - 2Public Health Wales, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom - 3Public Health Agency, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom - 4Health Protection Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Citation style for this article: Guy R, Williams C, Irvine N, Reynolds A, Coelho J, Saliba V, Thomas D, Doherty L, Chalker V, von Wissmann B, Chand M, Efstratiou A, Ramsay M, Lamagni T. Increase in scarlet fever notifications in the United Kingdom, 2013/2014. Euro Surveill. 2014;19(12):pii=20749. Available online: http://www.eurosurveillance.org/View...rticleId=20749
Date of submission: 24 March 2014
Increases in scarlet fever above usual seasonal levels are currently being seen across the United Kingdom. Medical practitioners have been alerted to the exceptional increase in incidence. Given the potential for this to signal a population increase in invasive group A streptococcal disease, close monitoring of invasive disease is essential.
Eurosurveillance, Volume 19, Issue 12, 27 March 2014 / Rapid communications
Increase in scarlet fever notifications in the United Kingdom, 2013/2014
R Guy<SUP>1</SUP>, C Williams<SUP>2</SUP>, N Irvine<SUP>3</SUP>, A Reynolds<SUP>4</SUP>, J Coelho<SUP>1</SUP>, V Saliba<SUP>1</SUP>, D Thomas<SUP>2</SUP>, L Doherty<SUP>3</SUP>, V Chalker<SUP>1</SUP>, B von Wissmann<SUP>4</SUP>, M Chand<SUP>1</SUP>, A Efstratiou<SUP>1</SUP>, M Ramsay<SUP>1</SUP>, T Lamagni <SUP>1</SUP>
<SUP>1</SUP>Public Health England, London, United Kingdom - 2Public Health Wales, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom - 3Public Health Agency, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom - 4Health Protection Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Citation style for this article: Guy R, Williams C, Irvine N, Reynolds A, Coelho J, Saliba V, Thomas D, Doherty L, Chalker V, von Wissmann B, Chand M, Efstratiou A, Ramsay M, Lamagni T. Increase in scarlet fever notifications in the United Kingdom, 2013/2014. Euro Surveill. 2014;19(12):pii=20749. Available online: http://www.eurosurveillance.org/View...rticleId=20749
Date of submission: 24 March 2014
Increases in scarlet fever above usual seasonal levels are currently being seen across the United Kingdom. Medical practitioners have been alerted to the exceptional increase in incidence. Given the potential for this to signal a population increase in invasive group A streptococcal disease, close monitoring of invasive disease is essential.