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Sinaloa MX-Called to care for children with chickenpox

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  • Sinaloa MX-Called to care for children with chickenpox

    Spanish to Eng. translation
    Called to care for children with chickenpox


    CULIAC?N .- The General Hospital of Culiac?n urges parents to be aware of their children this winter season by the chickenpox virus, announced Gustavo Gaxiola Meza.
    The head of the HGC said symptoms of the disease can be confused with the flu, so it is advisable to ask your doctor to rule out or confirm the disease.
    "It manifests with fever, irritability, dry cough, malaise, poor appetite among others, are very similar to the flu, the only difference is that there are small blisters," he said.
    The care must be taken with the child with chickenpox are carefully wash the blisters, avoid scratching other body parts, and that can get infected easily, he said.
    The groups at highest risk for this disease are babies, infants, adolescents, and also people who have a chronic degenerative disease such as cancer, diabetes, as well as children and adults with malnutrition.
    "The person with the disease should be kept at rest, drink plenty of fluids, we recommend the consumption of citrus fruit, you should also avoid going to crowded places to avoid spreading it to others," he said.

    Symptoms of chickenpox ...
    _ Fever.
    _ Irritability.
    _ Dry cough.
    _ Discomfort.
    _ Lack of appetite.
    _ Small blisters on the skin.

    Recommendations when they have the disease:
    _ Save rest.
    _ Drink plenty of fluids.
    _ Consuming citrus.
    _ Wash blisters careful not to pop them.
    _ Avoid scratching other body parts.
    _ Do not go to crowded places.