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Paraguay: 2023 Chikungunya

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  • Paraguay: 2023 Chikungunya


    Chikungunya in Paraguay: there are 12 people in intensive care
    The predominant arbovirosis has patients in critical care and in the neighboring country raises the alarm. They reported that in the last epidemiological week, 1,141 cases of chikungunya and seven of dengue were registered.
    January 28, 2023

    The persistence of chikungunya in the current season is becoming more evident with the numbers that are revealed every week. In the last 21 days, a total of 5,625 cases of chikungunya and 37 of dengue were registered.

    "If we look only at the last epidemiological week, we have 1,141 cases of chikungunya and seven of dengue," Dr. Guillermo Sequera, head of Health Surveillance, reported during the weekly report.

    Sequera does not rule out that the number is greater, since 30% are asymptomatic. Mild cases and those who are not going to consult are added.

    The large number of chikungunya cases are registered on par with the fifth wave of Covid in the country. However, while the virus that caused the pandemic shows a drop in numbers in the last three weeks, the arbovirosis continues to rise.

    Due to Covid, 73 people have been hospitalized in the last week. Of that amount, eight are in the ICU.

    For its part, there are 71 people hospitalized because of chikungunya. There are 12 patients in ICU due to arbovirosis.

    One of the inmates in intensive care is a child under one year of age. Regarding young children who enter the ICU, the director of Health Surveillance commented that they stay for one or two days and then leave the unit.

    Arbovirosis added more fatalities. Four people lost their lives from the disease. The total comes to five.

    "Of the five deceased, four were over 60 years old, and one was 34 years old with diabetes mellitus," he explained. The affected people are coming to health services very dehydrated, especially those over 70 years of age, he said.

    "Everything that can be done is done, but it is important to accompany them, urge them to drink water and not become dehydrated, in addition to consulting on time, that is essential."

    Health Surveillance is also evaluating five other deaths to determine their cause, he reported.

    Expansion. Asunción and Central continue to present themselves as the epicenters of the cases. However, more locations are being added.

    In Cordillera, Paraguarí, Presidente Hayes, Concepción, Alto Paraguay, among other departments, new cases are appearing.

    In Central, Limpio and Mariano Roque Alonso began with the first confirmations of those affected between October and November.

    "In the metropolitan area, it initially affected neighborhoods such as Zeballos Cué, Botánico, Loma Pytã and Trinidad. Then it spread to practically all the neighborhoods of Asunción. Today there is no neighborhood in the capital that does not have chikungunya," revealed the reference of Public Health.

    For its part, Covid continues to decline Of all the country's districts, none is at level 4 of community transmission.

    In the last week there were 413 new infections of the disease that began to be a pandemic three years ago.

  • #2


    Another Paraguayan girl is born with chikungunya from her mother
    Asunción, Feb 6 (Prensa Latina) A girl from the central Paraguayan city of Lambaré joined the group of local babies infected in recent days with chikungunya in the mother's womb, the online edition of the ABC Color newspaper reports today.

    February 6, 2023
    CST06:59 (GMT) -0500

    The first symptoms of the disease were noticed in the hospital of that town in the baby, daughter of Shirley Benitez and Ezequiel Liseras, when the doctors detected the condition in the mother and then performed a caesarean section to save the little girl's life.

    The woman was at 37 and a half weeks gestation and since then has been unsuccessfully seeking the admission of the newborn to a neonatal therapy room, which the Lambaré hospital lacks, where she remains confined, adds the publication.

    The parents say that they spent the first eight days of their daughter's life looking for her current pediatric therapy space at the Social Welfare Institute (IPS) hospital, although without neonatal care.

    Several children born with chikungunya and also infected by their mother with this condition have died in recent days in the country, among them the quadruplets who were born prematurely this Friday at the IPS hospital itself.

    Their mother, María Martínez, was recovering from the disease when she gave birth to the four babies, whose death followed that of another newborn on Thursday at the Itauguá National Hospital (39 kilometers east of this city) with a similar diagnosis. .

    The quadruplets, named Jonathan, Josué, Jonás and Joaquín, were also born by caesarean section, after only 30 weeks of the mother's gestation, weighed 1,100 kilograms each and were admitted to an intensive care room of the aforementioned medical entity.

    Paraguayan pediatric institutions hospitalize another five children suspected of suffering from arboviral diseases (transmitted by mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti and other arthropods) dengue and chikungunya.

    The other three infants are in the pediatric internal medicine ward of the same hospital, they show similar symptoms and one of them exhibited alarm signs for which he remained in intensive care for 48 hours preventively, according to the specialists.

    Ricardo Meza, a professor in the Department of Pediatric Emergencies at the Hospital de Clínicas in the capital, recalled that "we are already facing an endemic situation of dengue and chikungunya," so we must prevent signs such as fever, headache, joint and stomach pain, bleeding and bruises”.

    The increase in cases of chikungunya fever, which harms children under 10 years of age, people over 65 and patients with underlying pathologies, began days ago to affect pregnant women and their newborn children.

    The disease has proliferated throughout the world in recent times as never before, along with human activity, due to the development of trade and intercontinental travel, which favors vectors and hosts to interact, international organizations report.


    • #3

      Chikungunya: children under one year of age and older adults are the most affected by the disease
      PRESS 24 Feb, 2023 621

      The latest report from the General Directorate of Health Surveillance indicates that, in the last three weeks, 34,096 suspected arbovirosis were reported, among which 12,189 cases of chikungunya and 227 of dengue were confirmed.

      There are 215 people hospitalized for laboratory-confirmed chikungunya, of which 36 remain in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), 15 of them children under 1 year of age. Dr. Guillermo Sequera, general director of Health Surveillance, explained about the latest figures related to those hospitalized for the disease that “practically half of the cases are of very young children, one year old or less; and the other half are people aged 55 and over.

      Regarding the number of deaths from chikungunya, a total of 28 fatalities were recorded. Among them, there are five children under one year of age (1 girl and 4 boys) and 19 people over 60 years of age.

      In this regard, Dr. Sequera expressed "the two extremes of life are the ones that are most hospitalized and reach intensive care."

      He added that 90% of the cases of chikungunya continue to be concentrated in the metropolitan area, San Lorenzo (1461), Capiatá (805), Lambaré (785), Fernando de la Mora (735) and Luque (712) as the localities with the highest number of confirmed cases of the disease.

      At the level of the country's capital, Barrio Obrero (148), Sajonia (139), Santísima Trinidad (134), San Vicente (133) and Loma Pyta (119) appear as the main areas with confirmed cases of chikungunya.

      Another point highlighted by the general director of Health Surveillance is the need for women who have recently given birth to remain in hospitals for a few more days to verify that they do not present symptoms of chikungunya. He stressed that there are many cases of newborn children suffering from the disease. In this sense, he urged the doctors that, given the suspicion of a possible picture of the disease, the patient and the newborn child remain 4 to 7 more days in the health service to carry out the corresponding studies before come back home.

      Dr. Sequera stressed the importance of strengthening care for the most vulnerable populations in society, young children and the elderly. “There are a lot of mosquitoes, let's eliminate breeding sites, let's use mosquito nets mainly with small children; that adults use repellent and people with comorbidities, take care of themselves even more at times with many mosquitoes in the environment ”.


      • #4

        Chikungunya cases in Paraguay saturate pediatric capacities

        Asunción, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) The neonatal and pediatric capacities of Paraguayan public hospitals are completely saturated by children infected with the chikungunya arboviral disease, transmitted by mosquitoes, the Government reported today.

        March 2, 2023
        CST11:38 (GMT) -0500

        A group of nine children had to wait this Wednesday for a place with beds to admit them all, said the Minister of Health, Julio Borba, who confirmed the exhaustion of rooms and beds for minors with these and other pathologies.

        Hospital doctors are forced to evaluate which are the most serious cases to give them priority, so some do not get places as quickly as others, admitted the director of Health Networks, Dr. Leticia Pintos.

        The growing increase in minors infected with chikungunya caused the intensive care beds dedicated to this condition to triple and the normal ones to double, the specialist said.

        The director of Networks agreed with the Minister that the possibility of "outsourcing" the medical service to infants with the private sector, through expenses later assumed by the State, even if it was necessary, even, to resort to a court order.

        The last serious case, according to the authorities, was a newborn baby sick with chikungunya, who was admitted to a normal ward of a maternal and child hospital and had to be transferred urgently to a pediatric unit in another health center.

        Paraguay has suffered a hospital crisis in recent months due to the increase in people infected with this and other arboviral diseases such as dengue, infected by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and the balance in the child sector is at least five deaths.



        • #5

          There are 11,467 cases of chikungunya in recent weeks
          PRESS 10 Mar, 2023 322

          The report of the General Directorate of Health Surveillance indicates that the progressive increase in cases of this disease persists. In the last three weeks, 235 cases of dengue were also confirmed.
          Early consultation and elimination of mosquito breeding sites is emphasized to prevent the proliferation and spread of Aedes aegypti.

          In the last three epidemiological weeks evaluated (SE7, SE8, SE9) of this year, a total of 11,467 cases of chikungunya and 235 of dengue were recorded. The largest proportion of cases is concentrated in Central with 51% of the total cases, followed by the capital of Asunción, with 21% and the remaining 27%, distributed among the other departments.

          It is worth mentioning that the regions that show an increase in notifications in week 9 are Alto Paraná, Amambay, Guairá, Concepción and Ñeembucú, however, all the other departments register circulation of the disease.

          In Central, the districts with the highest proportion of cases are San Lorenzo (17%), Luque (17%), Capiatá (12%), Lambaré (11%) and Fernando de la Mora (9%). In Asunción, for its part, the neighborhoods with the highest number of cases are Obrero, San Pablo, Santísima Trinidad, Sajonia, San Vicente, Vista Alegre among others.

          Regarding age, it is important to highlight that the most affected age group is 20 to 39 years with 29%, followed by the group of 60 years and over with 24%. Thus, the predominance of cases in the female sex (58%).

          Cases in pregnant women

          The population of pregnant women is concentrated in the metropolitan axis, with the Central department (76%) being the most affected department with 226 cases, coming from Capiatá, Luque, San Lorenzo, Mariano Roque Alonso, Ñemby, Itauguá, Villa Elisa and Lambaré.

          In Asunción, for the last three epidemiological weeks, 39 cases (13%) were confirmed.


          Regarding hospitalized patients, the majority are grouped in the metropolitan area, that is, in Asunción and Central. The prevalence continues to be in adults 60 years and older, followed by people 29 to 39 years of age.


          Making a summary of deceased, to date there are 43 confirmed deaths, whose increase began to occur from EW 51 of the year 2022, however, the maximum peak, so far, was registered in week 8 of this year .

          Among the deceased, 8 are under 1 year old (4 newborns and 4 infants), 7 of them from the Central department and 1 from San Pedro. All were hospitalized and admitted to the intensive care unit.

          Thus, 35 deaths over 30 years of age were also registered, of which all presented some type of comorbidity. Arterial hypertension was the predominant cardiovascular disease.

          The mortality rate is 0.6 per 100,000 inhabitants and the case fatality rate is 0.1%.

          This State Portfolio is urged to continue with the elimination of mosquito breeding sites to mitigate the impact of arboviral diseases.


          • #6
            Also please see:

            Epidemiological Alert: Chikungunya increase in the Region of the Americas - PAHO/WHO - February 13, 2023


            • #7

              Paraguay chikungunya: More than half the cases reported are outside of Asunción and Central
              by News Desk
              April 2, 2023

              According to the report of the General Directorate of Health Surveillance, in the last three epidemiological weeks (EW 10, 11 and 12 of the year 2023), 14,588 cases of chikungunya have been reported, of which 49% are in Asunción and Central , and 51% in the interior of the country, with Alto Paraná being one of the first departments with the highest amount of the disease.

              “Alto Paraná worries us because, generally, in various regions, the level of notifications is not the same as Central and Capital. Less is reported, so if we are talking about this gap in notification, imagine the number of cases we are having”, remarked the general director of Health Surveillance, Dr. Guillermo Sequera...

