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Egypt - Dakahlia, six new confirmed cases of H1N1.

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  • Egypt - Dakahlia, six new confirmed cases of H1N1.

    Heres another article that states in arabic that testing is being done on suspect cases and the results are coming up negative then a second test was being run on another swab by the ministry of health.

    arabic article via

    إصابة 6 بأنفلونزا الخنازير فى الدقهلية 6 wounded in the swine flu Dakahlia
    الأحد، 19 ديسمبر 2010 - 12:28 Sunday, December 19, 2010 - 12:28

    عدد كبير من المشتبه فى إصابتهم تم احتجازهم

    Large number of suspects of having been detained
    الدقهلية ـ محمد صالح Dakahlia Mohammed Saleh

    أكدت نتائج تحاليل المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة إصابة 6 حالات جديدة بفيروس الأنفلونزا المستجدة بالدقهلية، فى حين احتجزت مستشفيات المحافظة أمس 13 شخصاً جدد للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بالفيروس بينهم 6 أطفال. The results of laboratory tests the central Ministry of Health injury 6 new cases of influenza virus emerging Dakahlia, while detained in hospital to maintain yesterday 13 people on suspicion of new HIV infection, including 6 children.

    وبلغ عدد الحالات المحتجزة فى مستشفى الكلى بالمنصورة 4 وهم: محمد الشحات (36 سنة) ونبيه محمد (87 سنة) وإبراهيم محمد (9 سنوات) والسيد حسن (26 سنة). The number of cases retained in the kidney hospital in Mansoura 4 They are: Mohamed El-Shahat (36 years) and the Prophet Muhammad (87 years) and Ibrahim Muhammad (9 years) and Mr. Hassan (26 years).

    تم احتجاز حالتين بمستشفى أجا وهما: هانم السيد (45 سنة) وسليمان عبد العزيز (41 سنة) وفى مستشفى الحميات 3 حالات هم: أسماء محمد (14 سنة) ورنا هشام (18 سنة) وجمال عبد المحسن (49 سنة) وتم احتجاز رجائى محمد (3 سنوات) بالمستشفى العام القديم وريم هشام (سنتان) بمستشفى شربين وهيام محمود (سنة ونصف) بمستشفى شربين. Two were detained Hospital aja, namely: Hanim Mr. (45 years) and Suleiman Abdel Aziz (41 years) and in hospital, fever, 3 cases are: the names of Muhammad (14 years) and Rana Hisham (18 years) and Gamal Abdel-Mohsen (49 years old) were detained Ragaee Mohammed (3 years) the General Hospital of old and Reem Hisham (two years) and hospital Sherbin Hayam Mahmoud (a year and a half) Hospital Sherbin.
    تم أخذ ماسحة منهم جميعا وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية لتحليلها فيما وصلت نتائج تحاليل 11شخصاً كان يشتبه فى إصابتهم بالفيروس، إلا أن الماسحة الأولى أكدت خلوهم منه فتم أخذ الماسحة الثانية لتحليلها. Swab was taken of all of them and sent to the central laboratory for analysis with the results of tests and found 11 people who were suspected of contracting the virus, but the scanner first confirmed they are free to take him Vtm second scanner for analysis.

    وقامت مديرية الصحة تحت إشراف الدكتور مجدى حجازى "مدير الطب العلاجى" بنقل جهازى نقل صناعى من مستشفى الصدر إلى كل من مستشفى طلخا والمستشفى الدولى لمواجهة حالات الإصابة بالأنفلونزا المستجدة كما تم زيادة عدد الأسرة والاهتمام بغرف العزل لاستقبال الحالات المصابة. The Department of Health under the supervision of Dr. Magdy Hegazy "Director therapeutic" transfer of two industrial moving from hospital to the chest of each hospital and the hospital Talkha international to meet the emerging cases of influenza have been increasing the number of family rooms and interest to receive the isolation of infected cases.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Dakahlia, six new confirmed cases of H1N1.

    Detained Hospitals in Dakahlia 26 cases suspected of being infected with influenza virus emerging 'swine flu H1N1', the largest number being held since the beginning of this winter, where she was detained International Hospital in Mansoura 8 cases, are Lehman Abdul Salam (63 years) and Mr. Ahmed (34 years) and Ahmed Mr. (54 years), Mohamed Suleiman (56 years), Mohamed Ibrahim (54 years) and Munira Ramadan (58 years), Ahmed Samir (22 years) and just Abed Rabbo (50 years).

    Have been detained Adel Mohamed Hospital Sherbin, Mohamed Abou El-Maati (47 years) and Ihsan Zaki (3 years) and his affairs Ahmed (43 years) and Hassan Saleh (13 years) Fever Hospital and Ahmed Dessouky (8 months) Hospital Nabrouh General, Mohamed Mohamed (60 years) Hospital fading, and Iqbal Mahmood (57 years old) Hospital Talkha.

    In Ghamr, was detained 7 cases, they Amina Khalid (7 months) and a princess Ashour (21 years) and Rasha Mohammed (22 years) and Basma Abdullah (25 years), Mohamed Abdel-Azim (18 years) and Magdy Mustafa (55 years) and the child Mohammed Calculated (one year).

    The hospital held Dekerness two cases, two Faten Mohammad (50 years) and green Rajab (50 years).

