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Egypt - Menoufia, Alexandria, Damietta, Dakahlia More positives along with new suspects, class rooms closed.

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  • Egypt - Menoufia, Alexandria, Damietta, Dakahlia More positives along with new suspects, class rooms closed.

    Victims of growing swine flu وفاة خمس حالات .. The death of five cases .. إغلاق مدارس وفصول بالقاهرة والمنوفية ودمياط والدقهلية Closure of schools and classes in Cairo, Menoufia, Damietta, Dakahlia

    كتب - عبداللاه هاشم: Books - Hashim Abdella:

    اعلنت وزارة الصحة عن وفاة 5 حالات جديدة بأنفلونزا الخنازير ليصل عدد الوفيات في مصر حتي الآن إلي 117 حالة. The Health Ministry announced the death of 5 new cases of swine flu, bringing the number of deaths in Egypt so far to 117 cases.
    أكد د. Dr.. عبدالرحمن شاهين المستشار الإعلامي لوزير الصحة ان حالات الوفاة الخمسة لرجل يبلغ من العمر 55 عاما من محافظة السويس ولسيدة تبلغ من العمر 37 عاما من محافظة الفيوم ولسيدة تبلغ من العمر 41 عاما من محافظة البحر الأحمر ولرجل يبلغ من العمر 28 عاماً من القاهرة ولسيدة تبلغ من العمر 36 عاماً من سوهاج. Rahman Shaheen Media Advisor to the Minister of Health said the deaths of the five men at the age of 55 years of Suez Governorate and a lady 37 years old, from Fayoum and the old lady 41 years of the Red Sea and the old man, 28, of Cairo, old lady 36-year-old from Sohag.
    علي صعيد الاصابات بالمدارس قرر د. On the level of injuries in school decided to d. فتحي البرادعي محافظ دمياط اغلاق فصلين دراسيين بمدرستين بفارسكور ورأس البر لاكتشاف حالات اصابة ايجابية لتلميذين. Fathi Mohamed ElBaradei, Damietta Governor closed two semesters Bmdrstein Pfarschor land and capital to discover the cases positive for pupils.
    كما اصدر المهندس سامي عمارة محافظ المنوفية قرارا باغلاق فصل بإحدي المدارس بمنوف لإصابة تلميذة بالمرض. Also issued a Building Engineer Sami Governor Monofiya decision to close the chapter Menouf city organized a school pupil to hit the disease.
    وقرر اللواء سمير سلام محافظ الدقهلية اغلاق مدرسة بمدينة طلخا لمدة 15 يوما و5 فصول أخري بمدارس في المنصورة وميت غمر. And decided to Governor General Samir peace Dakahlia Talkha school in the city shut down for 15 days, 5 chapters of the other schools in Mansoura and Mitt immersion.
    وأصدر د. And issued an. عبدالعظيم وزير محافظ القاهرة قرارا باغلاق 3 مدارس و11 فصلا. Azim Wazir, Cairo Governor decision to close 3 schools and 11 classrooms.
    من ناحية أخري اكدت تحاليل المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة ايجابية 8 حالات بالغربية وتم احتجازهم بمستشفيات المحافظة. Meanwhile, the laboratory tests are positive, the central Ministry of Health 8 cases were detained hospitals Gharbia Governorate. واحتجز مستشفي حميات الاسكندرية 12 حالة للاشتباه. He was detained Alexandria Fever Hospital 12 cases of suspicion.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Menoufia, Alexandria, Damietta, Dakahlia More positives along with new suspects, class rooms closed.

    By the emergence of positive cases of swine flu
    إغلاق مدارس وفصول بالمحافظات Closure of schools and classes in the governorates
    احتجاز عدة حالات للاشتباه في إصابتهما Several cases of detention on suspicion of injuries

    واصلت أنفلونزا الخنازير تغلغلها في المحافظات حيث تم إغلاق أكثر من فصل واكتشاف أكثر من حالة اشتباه. The continued infiltration of swine flu in the provinces have been shut down more than the separation and the discovery of more than one suspected case.
    دمياط نادر عمارة: Damietta rare architecture:
    أمر د.محمد فتحي البرادعي محافظ دمياط إغلاق فصلين دراسيين بالمدرسة الاعدادية بفارسكور ومدرسة اللغات برأس البر بدمياط لاكتشاف حالات إيجابية لطالبين. Is d. Fathi Mohamed ElBaradei, the Governor of Damietta to close two semesters Pfarschor middle school and language school with a land Damietta to detect positive cases to students.
    وعلي صعيد آخر بلغت الحالات الإيجابية بدمياط لطلاب المدارس منذ بداية العام الدراسي 85 حالة تم شفاؤهم تماماً. On the other hand amounted to positive cases in Damietta for school students since the beginning of the school year 85 cases were cured completely.
    وكان مستشفي الصدر بدمياط قد احتجز طالبة بهندسة الاسكندرية "ر. أ. ه" والتلميذة "س. م" بمدرسة محمد عبده للاشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير. The Chest Hospital had been detained in Damietta, Alexandria engineering student "t. A. E" schoolgirl "x. M" at the Mohamed Abdo on suspicion of swine flu.
    المنوفية عبدالغفار العيسوي: Menoufia Ghaffar al-Issawi:
    قرر المهندس سامي عمارة محافظ المنوفية غلق فصل بمدرسة الاسكافية الخاصة بمنوف لمدة 15 يوماً لإصابة التلميذة منار عبدالحميد "13 سنة" Decided to engineer Sami Amara Governor Monofiya close the chapter on school Alaskafip Menouf city organized for a period of 15 days to hit the schoolgirl Mannar Abdul Hamid "13 years"
    الغربية علي أبودشيش: Bank on Oboudecic:
    أكدت نتائج تحاليل المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة إيجابية 8 حالات للاشتباه في إصابتهم بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير وذلك بعد شعورهم بارتفاع في درجة الحرارة The results of laboratory tests are the central Ministry of Health has been positive, 8 cases with suspected disease of swine flu, after feeling a rise in temperature
    الدقهلية مكتب المساء: Dakahlia Office evening:
    قرر سمير سلام محافظ الدقهلية إغلاق مدرسة المنصورة كولدج بمدينة طلخا لمدة 15 يوماً. Samir peace governor decided to close the school Dakahlia Mansoura College Talkha city for 15 days. وإغلاق 5 فصول أخري بخمس مدارس في مدينتي المنصورة وميت غمر لمدة 15 يوماً أيضاً. And close the chapters of the 5 other five schools in the towns of Mansoura and Mitt immersion for 15 days as well.
    قال د.أحمد أبوالعينين وكيل مديرية الصحة بالمحافظة: إن ذلك يأتي لتنفيذ الإجراءات الوقائية ضد فيروس "إيه إتش 1 إن 1" المعروف عالمياً بأنفلونزا الخنازير. Dr. Damietta and Ahmad Under the Department of Health to maintain: That comes to the implementation of preventive measures against HIV, "eh HP 1 The 1" world-renowned swine flu.
    الإسكندرية جابر مدني: Gaber Alexandria civilians:
    احتجز مستشفي حميات الاسكندرية "12" حالة اشتباه إصابة بأنفلونزا الخنازير منهم طفل عمره أربعة شهور ونصف الشهر وطالبان بجامعة الاسكندرية طالبة بالفرقة الأولي بكلية الطب وآخر بالفرقة الثالثة بكلية الهندسة و"5" سيدات تتراوح أعمارهن ما بين 24 و41 سنة وباقي الحالات لرجال تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين 21 و22 سنة. Detained Alexandria Fever Hospital "12" suspected case of swine flu infection, including a child aged four and a half months and the Taliban, a student at the University of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Division the first and the last third division at the Faculty of Engineering and "5" Women between the ages of 24 and 41 years and the rest of the cases of men aged between 21 and 22 years.
    العاشر أيمن عبدالعزيز: X Ayman Abdul-Aziz:
    احتجز مستشفي التأمين الصحي بالعاشر من رمضان 5 حالات للاشتباه في إصابتهم بأنفلونزا الخنازير وهم إسلام أشرف محمد طالب ثانوي ومحمد محمود شوقي طالب وآية محمود شوقي وآدم عفيفي عبدالوهاب 6 سنوات وأحمد عفيفي عبدالوهاب 3 سنوات وتم إجراء التحاليل المعملية للتأكد من إصابتهم. Detained hospital health insurance Tenth of Ramadan, 5 cases of suspected bird Islam pigs are called secondary Ashraf Mohamed, Mohamed Mahmoud Shawky student Aya Mahmoud Shawky, Adam Afifi Abdul Wahab 6 years and Ahmed Afifi Abdul Wahab 3 years was conducted laboratory tests to make sure that injury.
    كفر الشيخ - عبدالقادر الشوادفي : Kafr El-Sheikh - Abdulkadir Shawady:
    أكدت نتيجة التحاليل الفنية لوزارة الصحة اصابة حالتين جديدتين بأنفلونزا الخنازير وهما عبير علي محمود 25 سنة ربة منزل ومقيمة بإحدي قري مركز الرياض وسلوي السيد عبدالعاطي 22 سنة ممرضة بوحدة الكلي الصناعي بمستشفي كفر الشيخ العام. Confirmed the result of a technical analysis of the Ministry of Health wounded two new cases of swine flu and are Abeer Ali Mahmud 25 years old housewife and resident in one village in Riyadh, Salwa, Mr. Abdel Ati, 22, a nurse unit total industrial General Hospital, Kafr El-Sheikh.


    • #3
      Re: Egypt - Menoufia, Alexandria, Damietta, Dakahlia More positives along with new suspects, class rooms closed.

      The first death from bird and swine in Safaga
      Tuesday, December 29th, 2009 - 14:03

      Minister of Health
      India started just and Mohi Abadi, Ashraf Hamed

      Said Dr.. Ahmed Ali Mabrouk, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, the Red Sea for the death of the first case to maintain the city of Safaga woman named Sana Mohammed Abdul Latif Taya 42 years where she was infected with disease symptoms in the high temperature and shortness of breath and after the sample was taken for analysis was transferred to Cairo and died soon after arrival.

      The sister was also injured symptoms of the disease, was transferred from Safaga to the Fever Hospital in Hurghada pending the outcome of the analysis.

      Prevailed in a state of terror and fear among the citizens of Safaga and intensify the Preventive Medicine Department headed by Dr.. Mohammed Rufai its efforts to provide staff nurses injected schoolchildren dosages and swine flu vaccine were vaccinated on men and officers of the Traffic Department dealing with the public.

      In Alexandria, closed today for St. Vincent School of Languages in Alexandria area of the park after the emergence of a number of cases infected with swine flu, and decides to close the school for 15 days to be back on Jan. 14 in response to the seventh day, which was uncovered on Thursday past the emergence of human cases of the disease and rejection of those responsible for school closed for fear of rejection Alohal their children at a time when the school refused to recognize the students and analyzes Walt conducted by a factor of special and proved to have the disease.

      In the West, Dr.. Sharif Hammouda Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Gharbiya positive 10 new cases of disease, swine flu after the result of their samples, which confirms bird infected pigs were eating Altaymflo drug and isolation premises for the sampling of contacts and send them to central laboratories of the Ministry of Health to show the extent of illness, whether or not .

      Held the Tanta Fever Hospital rhetorical Abdul Samad Al Abed, 33, from the second district stadium, Tanta, was detained both Zine El Abidine Zine El Maati Abu 4 years from the village center paved the Naga camp, and Mustafa Abdul-Majid, aged 54, from Al-Mahalla El-Deeb, a hospital was a peaceful area and Mr. Abdul motive 3 years Qotour Hospital Center.

      Fever Hospital and detained Mahala 3 cases they Fatima Nur al-Din 3 and a half years of the manor Noureddine center camp, and faith Fathi Abdel-Halim, 21 years from the locality of the tower and the Mahalla al-Mahmoud Mahrous Abdel Moneim 3 years from the village of Kafr Dmtno.

      As the result of samples of pupils Nada Haitham Lotfy Dewidar 7 years from the stadium, and Abdul-Rahman Youssef Abdel-Rahman 5 and a half years was positive and also infected with swine flu hospital students were detained and released Tanta Minshawi year students who own distinct language school in Tanta.

      And also the result of samples of student Noordin Mohammad Suhaimi 8 years of the village of Suhaim Balsntp positive.

      On the other hand, Fathi Heras, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education Gharbiya decision to close the School of Languages distinct Tanta, suspension of classes for a period of two weeks and released her decision to close.

      It was also decided to close Chapter 2-3 elite private school Bsheim for two weeks and the suspension of the study.

