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Egypt,Health warns of Closure of any hospital refused to receive the influenza cases.

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  • Egypt,Health warns of Closure of any hospital refused to receive the influenza cases.

    Translation: Arabic ? English
    الصحة تحذر المعامل من التلاعب ..
    غلق أى مستشفى يرفض استقبال حالات الأنفلونزا
    الأحد، 15 نوفمبر 2009 - 19:16

    د.حاتم الجبلى وزير الصحة
    كتبت أميرة عبد السلام

    فى رسالة شديدة اللهجة من قبل وزارة الصحة للمستشفيات الخاصة أعلنت الصحة أن أى مستشفى سيرفض استقبال حالات مصابة أو مشتبه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الخنازير سيتعرض للإغلاق بالشمع الأحمر كما قال د.حاتم الجبلى وزير الصحة، معلنا أنه اتخذ قرارا وزاريا يلزم المستشفيات الخاصة والحكومية بتخصيص 5% من طاقتها الاستيعابية لللاستقبال مرضى ومشتبهى أنفلونزا الخنازير.

    على جانب آخر بدأت المعامل الخاصة فى استقبال المشتبه فى إصابتهم بأنفلونزا الخنازير بعد أن سعرت وزارة الصحة التحليل مقابل 1200 جنبه، مؤكدة موافقتها على إجراء التحاليل الخاصة بفيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير.

    وأكد د.سعد المغربى وكيل أول وزارة الصحة‏، أن الوزارة لن تسمح لأى معمل من المعامل باستغلال المرضى والمواطنين أو الاستفادة من حالة الذعر التى تسيطر على المواطنين‏، مؤكدة على ضرورة التزامهم بأسعار وزارة الصحة، مشيرا أنه لن يتم السماح لجميع المعامل بإجراء تلك التحاليل حتى لا تتلاعب المعامل الصغيرة بالحالة التى تسيطر على المواطنين‏.‏

    Coefficient of Health warns of manipulation ..
    Closure of any hospital refused to receive the influenza cases
    Sunday, November 15th, 2009 - 19:16

    D. Hatem the Minister of Health
    Abdul Salam wrote Princess

    In the strongly-worded letter from the Ministry of Health of Private Hospitals of Health announced that any hospital would refuse to receive cases of infected or suspected of being infected with swine flu would be subjected to close the red wax, as was said. Hatem the Minister of Health, declaring that he had taken a ministerial decision is required private and public hospitals to allocate 5% of the absorptive capacity of the patients and Lastkabbal Mchtbhy swine flu.

    On the other hand started in the labs in the reception suspected of contracting bird priced pigs after the Ministry of Health for 1200 analysis side, confirmed its agreement to conduct tests for swine influenza virus.

    He said. Saad Al-Maghraby, First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry will not allow any plant of the plants to exploit patients and citizens, or take advantage of the panic which controls the citizens, stressing the need for commitment at the Ministry of Health, noting that it would not be allowed to all laboratories to conduct such a analysis so as not to manipulate the situation of small laboratory-controlled citizens.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt,Health warns of Closure of any hospital refused to receive the influenza cases.

    Because of the refusal to receive stricken injured swine flu and a rapid analysis .. "Health" threatening laboratories and private hospitals with closure
    Sunday, December 20th, 2009 - 15:34

    D. Hatem the Minister of Health
    Abdul Salam wrote Princess

    The Ministry of Health is signing a series of sanctions on each of the laboratories and private hospitals are not bound by the decisions of the Ministry of Health, with regard to swine flu virus.

    The move came after that, a number of citizens filed a formal complaint against a group of private hospitals, which refused to receive suspected cases of swine influenza virus, which caused a verbal altercations between citizens and those on hospitals.

    For its part, the Ministry of Health to Dr.. Hatem the Minister of Health to allocate 5% of private hospitals for the reception and the incidence of suspected cases of swine influenza virus, which was rejected by many private hospitals, because of not vaccinating against the virus, the medical crew and fear the spread of infection within them.

    Based on the Ministry of Health announced the closure of any medical facility, contrary to the Ministry's decisions to accept patients up to the closure of the hospital with red wax, as was said. Saad Al-Maghraby, Director, Licensing and treatment free Ministry of Health.

    As for the labs have been warned by the Ministry of Health and many of them from an analysis of the rapid influenza, conducted for the patient to detect all influenza viruses at a lower price from an analysis of swine influenza virus, and if analysis demonstrated the presence of swine influenza virus-specific analysis being with him again.

    The World Health Organization has confirmed that 50% of the results of this analysis is accurate and based on this prevented performed and Ministry of Health, confirmed that the labs that will prove to conduct this analysis will be the same for the withdrawal of the license and closure.

