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Egypt - Mansoura School of Medicine Faculty hit by H1N1

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  • Egypt - Mansoura School of Medicine Faculty hit by H1N1

    School was hit, Faculty of Medicine Mansoura swine flu
    Wednesday, September 30th, 2009 - 21:18

    Swine flu threaten universities
    Dakahliya - Mohamed Saleh

    Mansoura Fever Hospital was held yesterday, Wednesday, Dr. Shirin Fattouh, Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine Mansoura Department of Mental Health, on suspicion of being infected with swine flu, have been taken from a blood sample and send it to laboratories, Mansoura University, which confirmed she was diagnosed with swine flu.

    Dr. Abdel-Karim, Mr. Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Dakahlia had been detained in hospital and given Tamiflu, and that their health began to improve.

    In a related context been booked three residents of the Sadr hospital with suspected bird flu centers Sanblawin and Dekerness and Mitt immersion, were taken from the throat swabs and send them to central laboratories for analysis.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Mansoura School of Medicine Faculty hit by H1N1

    Translation: Arabic ? English
    إصابة طالب ماليزى بطب المنصورة بأنفلونزا الخنازير
    الجمعة، 6 نوفمبر 2009 - 11:23

    إصابة أول طالب فى جامعة المنصورة بأنفلونزا الخنازير
    الدقهلية ـ محمد صالح

    أعلنت جامعة المنصورة أمس الخميس إصابة محمد حنيف محمد نوادى (22 سنة) ماليزى الجنسية، طالب بالفرقة الأولى بكلية الطب، بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير، والتى تعد أولى حالات الإصابة بالمرض بين طلابها.

    وأكد الدكتور عمرو سرحان عميد كلية الطب، أن الطالب تم حجزه بمستشفى الطلبة، وتم إعطاؤه عقار التامفيلو وأصبحت حالته مستقرة الآن.

    تسبب الإعلان عن إصابة الطالب بحالة من الذعر فى كلية الطب خاصة وأن الطالب توجه للمستشفى فور شعوره بالمرض، فتم أخذ مسحة من حلقه خرج بعدها ليحضر محاضرته واختلط بزملائه فى الكلية وفى السكن ولم يتم اكتشاف إصابته إلا فى اليوم التالى، وتم البحث عنه حتى تم العثور عليه، وتم أخذ مسحة حلق وعينات من جميع المخالطين له.

    Injury-odd Malaysian students of Medicine, Mansoura swine flu
    Friday, November 6th, 2009 - 11:23

    Injured the first student at the University of Mansoura swine flu
    Dakahlia Muhammed Salih

    Mansoura University announced on Thursday, wounding Mohammed Hanif Mohammad Clubs (22 years) Malaysian nationality, student first division at the Faculty of Medicine, disease, swine flu, which is the first incidence of the disease among students.

    Dr. Amr Sarhan, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, that the student has been booked hospital students were given a drug Altamvelo and his condition is now stable.

    Caused a wounded student, panicked at the Faculty of Medicine, especially as the student went to the hospital immediately after he felt ill, and was taken from his throat swab out later to attend the lecture, and mingled with his colleagues at the college and housing injury was not detected until the following day, was to search for him until it was found Accordingly, the swab was shaved and samples of all contacts to him.

