Monufia Governorate (Arabic: المنوفية ) is one of the principal governorates of Egypt. It is in the north of the country (south of Gharbia and north of Cairo) and its capital is Shibin el-Kom. The main towns are Quesna, Tala, Bagour, Menouf, Ashmoun and Sers el-Lyan. It is an agricultural governorate.
Shibin el Kom (Arabic: شبين الكوم) is a city in Delta and the capital of the
The most important central and local government offices are located in the city, as well as the main branches of Menoufia University. The city has several public and private schools, hospitals, a large stadium, telecommunication central office of Telecom Egypt, internet service providers, organized trade unions (medical, commercial, agriculture, engineering, etc.), athletic teams, political parties and social organizations and a chamber of commerce.
While the city is not a new one, its infrastructure is being modernized. The economy of the city depends on industry, commerce and to a lesser extent on agriculture.
Recent statistical stimates (2006) show that the city has a population of 0.63 million, which is 18.87% of the total population of the governorate, with a population density of 2010 persons per square kilometer (this includes the El-Batanoon, El-Sokareya, Bakhaty, Istobari, El-May, El-Messilha, Miligue, Shanawan and Shubrakheet).
Monufia Governorate
Translation: Arabic ? English
اشتباه فى إصابة طالبة بأنفلونزا الخنازير بالمنوفية
السبت، 20 يونيو 2009 - 15:26
وزير الصحة
المنوفية ـ إبراهيم عبد اللطيف
أعلنت مديرية الشئون الصحية بالمنوفية عن حجز طالبة، 11 سنة، قادمة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية للاشتباه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الخنازير عقب ظهور أعراض المرض عليها.
وأكد د. هشام عطا يوسف وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمنوفية، أن الحالة لطالبة تدعى جرين إميل عونى، 11 سنة، وتم حجزها بقسم العزل الطبى بمستشفى حميات منوف إثر ظهور أعراض الإصابة عليها من حمى وارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة.
وأضاف أن الحالة تدرس بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكانت قادمة فى إجازة من ولاية نيو جيرسى على خطوط طيران الدلتا رحلة رقم 84 حيث ظهرت عليها أعراض المرض وتم احتجازها وأخذ مسحتين من شقيقتها إنجيلى ووالدتها القادمتين على نفس الرحلة إلا أنهما لم يعانيا من أعراض المرض وتم تسجيل المخالطين لها من أفراد الأسرة فى سجلات طبية للمتابعة لمدة 10 أيام.
Suspected cases of avian female pigs Menoufia
Saturday, June 20, 2009 - 15:26
Minister of Health, Monoufia, Ibrahim Abdel-Latif
The Directorate of Medical Affairs for Menoufia booking student, 11 years, coming from the United States on suspicion of bird flu in pigs after an outbreak of the symptoms of the disease.
He said. Atta, Hisham Youssef, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Menoufia, the situation for the student, Green Emile Ouane, 11 years old, was seized Medical Hospital, Department of isolation Mnov fevers after the emergence of symptoms of fever, infection and high temperature.
He added that considering the situation the United States of America and was coming on leave from the state of New Jersey on Delta Airlines flight No. 84, where the symptoms of the disease have been detained and taken Mshtin of her mother and sister Angjeli next on the same flight but they were not well suffer from the symptoms of the disease were recorded in contact with members of the family in the follow-up medical records for a period of 10 days.
Shibin el Kom (Arabic: شبين الكوم) is a city in Delta and the capital of the
The most important central and local government offices are located in the city, as well as the main branches of Menoufia University. The city has several public and private schools, hospitals, a large stadium, telecommunication central office of Telecom Egypt, internet service providers, organized trade unions (medical, commercial, agriculture, engineering, etc.), athletic teams, political parties and social organizations and a chamber of commerce.
While the city is not a new one, its infrastructure is being modernized. The economy of the city depends on industry, commerce and to a lesser extent on agriculture.
Recent statistical stimates (2006) show that the city has a population of 0.63 million, which is 18.87% of the total population of the governorate, with a population density of 2010 persons per square kilometer (this includes the El-Batanoon, El-Sokareya, Bakhaty, Istobari, El-May, El-Messilha, Miligue, Shanawan and Shubrakheet).
Monufia Governorate
Translation: Arabic ? English
اشتباه فى إصابة طالبة بأنفلونزا الخنازير بالمنوفية
السبت، 20 يونيو 2009 - 15:26
وزير الصحة
المنوفية ـ إبراهيم عبد اللطيف
أعلنت مديرية الشئون الصحية بالمنوفية عن حجز طالبة، 11 سنة، قادمة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية للاشتباه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الخنازير عقب ظهور أعراض المرض عليها.
وأكد د. هشام عطا يوسف وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمنوفية، أن الحالة لطالبة تدعى جرين إميل عونى، 11 سنة، وتم حجزها بقسم العزل الطبى بمستشفى حميات منوف إثر ظهور أعراض الإصابة عليها من حمى وارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة.
وأضاف أن الحالة تدرس بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكانت قادمة فى إجازة من ولاية نيو جيرسى على خطوط طيران الدلتا رحلة رقم 84 حيث ظهرت عليها أعراض المرض وتم احتجازها وأخذ مسحتين من شقيقتها إنجيلى ووالدتها القادمتين على نفس الرحلة إلا أنهما لم يعانيا من أعراض المرض وتم تسجيل المخالطين لها من أفراد الأسرة فى سجلات طبية للمتابعة لمدة 10 أيام.
Suspected cases of avian female pigs Menoufia
Saturday, June 20, 2009 - 15:26
Minister of Health, Monoufia, Ibrahim Abdel-Latif
The Directorate of Medical Affairs for Menoufia booking student, 11 years, coming from the United States on suspicion of bird flu in pigs after an outbreak of the symptoms of the disease.
He said. Atta, Hisham Youssef, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Menoufia, the situation for the student, Green Emile Ouane, 11 years old, was seized Medical Hospital, Department of isolation Mnov fevers after the emergence of symptoms of fever, infection and high temperature.
He added that considering the situation the United States of America and was coming on leave from the state of New Jersey on Delta Airlines flight No. 84, where the symptoms of the disease have been detained and taken Mshtin of her mother and sister Angjeli next on the same flight but they were not well suffer from the symptoms of the disease were recorded in contact with members of the family in the follow-up medical records for a period of 10 days.