Egypt: Suspicion of a police officer injured in swine flu Rawash
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 18:13
Detained Armend Rawash hospital admitted a police officer, on suspicion of being infected with swine flu, after the high temperature, and the appearance of cold symptoms and vomiting, continued it.
The hospital admitted the entry of Armend Abdel Aziz Mohamed Abdel Kader (35 years to secure a tourist groups) in the case of severe fatigue, high fever and vomiting continued, and the doctors give the patient the drug Tamiflu, the taking of a sample to be sent to labs to make sure his injury.
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 18:13
Detained Armend Rawash hospital admitted a police officer, on suspicion of being infected with swine flu, after the high temperature, and the appearance of cold symptoms and vomiting, continued it.
وأعلن مستشفى حميات أرمنت عن دخول عبد العزيز محمد عبد القادر (35 سنةـ ضابط تأمين أفواج سياحية) فى حالة إعياء شديد وارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة والقىء المستمر، وقام الأطباء بإعطاء المريض عقار التاميفلو، وأخذ عينة لإرسالها إلى المعامل للتأكد من إصابته.
The hospital admitted the entry of Armend Abdel Aziz Mohamed Abdel Kader (35 years to secure a tourist groups) in the case of severe fatigue, high fever and vomiting continued, and the doctors give the patient the drug Tamiflu, the taking of a sample to be sent to labs to make sure his injury.