Development of 59 pigs suspected case of bird under observation meeting Sunday attended by
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 19:51
Established the Directorate of Health and the Department of Preventive Medicine, 59 new cases arriving from America, France, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Oman, Qatar and the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, under medical observation and continuous monitoring of the arrival of the affected countries for a period of ten days are the contacts for them.
D said. Sharif Hammouda Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health meeting Sunday attended by the Department of Preventive Medicine has examined the returns and a medical examination on returning from abroad, after having received a meeting Sunday attended by the Directorate of Health revealed the names of Egyptians returning from European countries, America and Arab countries that are infected by the disease, and warned them to go admitted to the nearest hospital or released in the event of any symptoms or to contact them.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 19:51
Established the Directorate of Health and the Department of Preventive Medicine, 59 new cases arriving from America, France, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Oman, Qatar and the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, under medical observation and continuous monitoring of the arrival of the affected countries for a period of ten days are the contacts for them.
وقال د.شريف حمودة وكيل وزارة الصحة بالغربية، إن إدارة الطب الوقائى قامت بفحص العائدين وإجراء الكشف الطبى على العائدين من الخارج، بعد أن استقبلت مديرية الصحة بالغربية كشفا بأسماء المصريين العائدين من الدول الأوربية وأمريكا والدول العربية والتى تنتشر بها الإصابة بالمرض، والتنبيه عليهم بالتوجه لأقرب مستشفى حميات أو صدر فى حالة ظهور أى أعراض عليهم أو على المخالطين لهم.
D said. Sharif Hammouda Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health meeting Sunday attended by the Department of Preventive Medicine has examined the returns and a medical examination on returning from abroad, after having received a meeting Sunday attended by the Directorate of Health revealed the names of Egyptians returning from European countries, America and Arab countries that are infected by the disease, and warned them to go admitted to the nearest hospital or released in the event of any symptoms or to contact them.