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Egypt: Lifting of the state of emergency to confront the Alexandria hospital SF

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  • Egypt: Lifting of the state of emergency to confront the Alexandria hospital SF

    Egypt: Lifting of the state of emergency to confront the Alexandria hospital swine flu

    Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 21:25
    Maj. Gen. Adel Labib, Governor of Alexandria, in an exclusive statement to the seventh day that the Alexandria governorate by procedure and the necessary precautions to contain the emergence of any cases of swine flu in Alexandria, where he was to take all preventive measures to contain any particular disease, the availability of drugs Tamiflu and masks, and the lifting of the state of emergency in all hospitals, Hospital diets, not only because of the seriousness of the disease is widespread.

    وأكد لبيب أن الإسكندرية كانت تتخذ كل الاحتياطات قبل ظهور أول حالة لرجل ويدعى محمد أبو شوشة (45 عاما) (مصرى مقيم بالولايات المتحدة) حيث أشار لبيب إلى أن أجهزة الحجر الصحى تقوم بحملات دورية.

    Labib said that Alexandria was taken every precaution before the first case of a man named Mohammed Abu Shusha (45 years) (an Egyptian resident in the United States) in which the intelligent devices that quarantine campaigns periodically.

    وأضاف أن هناك تدقيقا كبيرا لكل القادمين من الخارج، مشيرا إلى أن الحالة التى ظهرت بالإسكندرية قد جاءت إلى مطار القاهرة وظلت حاملة الفيروس الذى لم يظهر إلا بعد أربعة أيام.

    He added that there was considerable scrutiny of all arrivals from abroad, pointing out that the situation that emerged in Alexandria, came to Cairo airport and has been carrying the virus, which did not show up until four days later.