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Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 - May 18, 2009

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  • #16
    Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

    <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=533><TBODY><TR><TD rowSpan=3 width=262> </TD> <TD rowSpan=3 width=12>

    </TD> <TD vAlign=top width=259>

    </TD></TR><TR> <TD class=mainnewstitle vAlign=center>Egyptian woman hospitalized with bird flu</TD></TR><TR> <TD height=10 vAlign=bottom> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100&#37;"> <TBODY><TR> <TD> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY><TR> <TD class=maintime>09:14</TD> <TD class=maindatedelim width=1>|</TD> <TD class=maindate>16/ 04/ 2009</TD> </TR> </TBODY></TABLE> </TD> <TD align=right>

    </TD> </TR> </TBODY></TABLE> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>CAIRO, April 16 (RIA Novosti) - A 33-year-old woman in northern Egypt has been hospitalized after doctors confirmed she contracted bird flu, the country's Health Ministry said on Thursday.
    A spokesman said the woman, from the province of Kafr el-Sheikh, apparently became infected after coming into contact with sick poultry and showed the first symptoms of the disease on April 7. He said her condition was serious.
    Egypt's first case of bird flu was recorded in 2006, and 64 people have since become infected with the deadly virus, 24 of whom have died.
    The 63rd bird flu case was confirmed near Cairo 10 days ago.
    As of April 8, a total of 417 bird flu cases had been registered worldwide since the virus was first detected in 2003, resulting in 257 deaths, according to the WHO.
    Although there have been no incidences of human-to-human infection, experts fear that the bird flu virus may mutate into a form that could be easily transmitted from person to person, causing a global pandemic.


    • #17
      Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

      H5N1 Human Infection No.64 in Egypt

      The ministry of health has announced today officially H5N1 human infection No.64. 33 years old Sadia Ahmed Abdel Latif from Kafr El-Sheikh is no.64 in the long human infections record of Egypt.
      She showed the symptoms of the virus starting on the 6th of April , she entered the hospital on the 8th of April ,she was given tamflu still her condition is critical right now , insh Allah she will pass this critical phase and recover soon.
      Of course the regime is busy fighting the fearful Hezbollah cell that will bomb the high dam in Aswan and is ignoring the big health time bomb in Egypt right now.
      It is reported that 40% of poultry in the market are infected by H5N1 and the WHO believes the virus will evolve to human to human infection in Egypt and we act in a very passive mode as if we do not have a serious matter to deal with. I do not eat chicken anymore for God Sake !!!
      By the way I heard that we are importing H5N1 infected poultry ,I do not know how if we have this so-called Vet. inspection committee but I won?t be shocked if this is true.


      • #18
        Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

        New confirmed human case of avian influenza (case number 64)
        15 April 2009
        The Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt has reported a new confirmed human case of avian influenza on 15 April 2009. The new case is a 33-year-old female from the Kellin district of Kfr El Sheikh governorate. Her symptoms began on 7 April and she was hospitalized at Kfr El Sheikh Fever Hospital on 15 April. The patient received treatment with Tamiflu on the same day of hospitalization. Infection with H5N1 avian influenza was also confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratory on 15 April.
        Investigations into the source of infection indicate a history of close contact with dead and sick poultry prior to becoming ill. She is in a very critical condition and is currently on an artificial ventilator.
        This brings the total number of human confirmed cases of avian influenza in Egypt up to 64 with 23 deaths.


        • #19
          Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

          Originally posted by niman View Post
          It is reported that 40% of poultry in the market are infected by H5N1.....


          We have the source for that comment here at FT:


          • #20
            Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

            Egypt announces discovery of 64 case of bird flu

            الطيور تحولت من مصدر للغذاء إلى خطر مميت
            Birds have shifted from a source of food to the risk of fatal

            دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة(CNN)-- كشف السلطات الصحية في مصر عن حالة إصابة جديدة بفيروسH5N1 المسبب لمرض "أنفلونزا الطيور"، وهي الحالة رقم 64 التي تكشف عنها السلطات رسمياً، منذ ظهور المرض الذي قتل 23 شخصاً على الأقل، في ثالث دولة من حيث حالات الإصابة، بعد إندونيسيا وفيتنام.
            Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - A health authorities in Egypt on the situation of people were newly infected with H5N1 strain of the disease, "avian flu", in which case No. 64, which revealed officially by the authorities, since the emergence of the disease, which killed 23 people at least, in the third country in terms of incidence, after Indonesia and Vietnam.
            وأكد المتحدث باسم وزارة الصحة، عبد الرحمن شاهين، أن حالة الإصابة الجديدة لسيدة تبلغ من العمر 33 عاماً، من مركز "قلين" بمحافظة "كفر الشيخ"، شمالي القاهرة، وتُدعى سعدية أحمد عبد اللطيف، مشيراً إلى أن حالتها الصحية "حرجة"، وفقاً لما نقلت وكالة أنباء الشرق الأوسط.
            The Health Ministry spokesman Abdel-Rahman Shahin, the new case of a woman, aged 33, from the "Kulain" province "of Kafr el-Sheikh", north of Cairo, called Saadia Ahmed Abdel Latif, pointing out that the health condition of "critical", according to news agency quoted the Middle East.
            وقال المسؤول الحكومي، إن بداية ظهور الأعراض على المصابة كانت في السابع من الشهر الجاري، حيث أُدخلت على إثرها مستشفى "حميات كفر الشيخ"، وهي تعاني من ارتفاع بدرجة الحرارة، وفشل في التنفس، وأرجع سبب إصابتها إلى "تعرضها لطيور نافقة، يُشتبه في إصابتها بالمرض."
            The government official said, the onset of symptoms were infected on the seventh of this month, as had been made to the hospital, "admitted Kafr El-Sheikh", a high temperature, and respiratory failure, and attributed the reason for her to "exposure to dead birds suspected of infected with the disease. "
            وهذه هي الإصابة الثانية التي تكشف عنها السلطات الصحية خلال أبريل/ نيسان الجاري، والعاشرة منذ بداية 2009، حيث سبق وأعلنت مطلع الشهر عن إصابة طفل يبلغ من العمر ست سنوات، من محافظة "القليوبية"، شمالي القاهرة أيضاً، وهي الإصابة 63 بالفيروس القاتل.
            This is the second injury revealed by health authorities during April, and the tenth since the beginning of 2009, as previously announced earlier this month for a child at the age of six years, from the province, "Qaliubiya", north of Cairo, a 63 incidence of the deadly virus.
            روابط ذات علاقة
            Related Links

            ووفقاً لوزارة الصحة، فقد توفي 23 مصاباً منذ بداية توثيق الإصابات في عام 2006، الأمر الذي دفع السلطات المصرية إلى إعدام كميات كبيرة من الطيور، مما أضر كثيراً بصناعة الدواجن، التي تعتمد عليها نحو خمسة ملايين أسرة.
            According to the Ministry of Health, 23 patients have died since the beginning of the injuries documented in 2006, which prompted the Egyptian authorities to the execution of large quantities of birds, often to the detriment of the poultry industry, which relies almost five million families.
            وتُعد النساء والأطفال من بين الذين يربون الطيور في مصر، وبالتالي هم أكثر الناس عرضة للإصابة بالمرض، إذ أن أكثر من 90 في المائة من المصابين كانوا إناثاً بالغات أو أطفالاً، بينما شكلت النساء ثلاثة أرباع حالات الوفيات.
            The women and children were among those who raise birds in Egypt, and thus are more susceptible to the disease, since more than 90 per cent of the injured were female adults or children, while women accounted for three quarters of all deaths.
            وفي مارس/ آذار الماضي، أعلن المركز القومي للبحوث، الذي يُعد أكبر مؤسسة بحثية في مصر، نجاح فريق من علمائه في التوصل إلى لقاح للوقاية من المرض، ونقل الموقع الرسمي لاتحاد الإذاعة والتلفزيون، عن رئيس المركز، هاني الناظر، قوله إن اللقاح الجديد يجرى تصنيعه محلياً.
            In March, the National Research Center, which is the largest research institution in Egypt, the success of a team of scientists to find a vaccine for the prevention of disease, site of the Federation of Radio and Television, by the President of the Center, Hani al-Nazer, as saying that the new vaccine is being manufactured locally.
            وكانت مصر قد بدأت منتصف فبراير/ شباط الماضي، بتطبيق أول برنامج من نوعه على أراضيها، يهدف لمراقبة حركة الطيور المهاجرة التي تمر بالبلاد، وذلك لاكتشاف ما إذا كانت قادرة على نقل مرض أنفلونزا الطيور.
            And Egypt had started mid-February last, the application of the first program of its kind on its territory, aims to control the movement of migratory birds in the country, to find out if they are able to transfer the bird flu.
            وسبق أن استخدم هذا البرنامج للهدف عينه في الصين ونيجيريا والهند، وهو يُنفذ في مصر بالتعاون مع مؤسسة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية، ومنظمة الأمم المتحدة للأغذية والزراعة "فاو" ووحدة البحث الطبي الأمريكية.
            Already used this program for the same goal in China, India and Nigeria, which is implemented in Egypt in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, the United Nations Food and Agriculture, "FAO" The American Medical Research Unit.

            <!-- ADSPACE: scitech/article/rgt.180x150 --><!-- CALLOUT||CALLOUT --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>cnnad_createAd("634210"," abic_pos=180x150_rgt&cnn_arabic_rollup=sci_tech&pa ge.allowcompete=yes&params.styles=fs","150","180") ;cnnad_registerSpace(634210,180,150);</SCRIPT><IFRAME id=634210 style="VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute" border=0 marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src=" abic_pos=180x150_rgt&cnn_arabic_rollup=sci_tech&pa ge.allowcompete=yes&params.styles=fs&tile=97022091 99321&page.allowcompete=yes&domId=634210" frameBorder=0 width=0 scrolling=no height=0></IFRAME>

            ومنذ عام 2003 أصاب فيروس أنفلونزا الطيور 410 أشخاص على الأقل في 15 دولة، وأودى بحياة 254 منهم، وتُعد مصر ثالث أكثر بلد تأثراً بالمرض، بعد إندونيسيا وفيتنام.
            Since the 2003 avian flu virus has infected at least 410 people in 15 countries and killed 254 of them, Egypt is the third most affected country after Indonesia and Vietnam.
            كما أدى المرض، الذي ينتقل عادة من طيور مصابة إلى الانسان، إلى نفوق أو إعدام أكثر من 300 مليون طائر في 61 دولة في آسيا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا واوروبا.
            It also has the disease, which is usually transmitted from infected birds to humans, to the death or culling of more than 300 million birds in 61 countries in Asia and the Middle East, Africa and Europe.



            • #21
              Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

              The deteriorating health situation &#171;No. 64&#187; of infected b &#171;avian flu&#187; in the &#171;fevers Kafr El-Sheikh&#187; .. And 3 new wells in Aswan and Beni Suef

              Day wrote Oboualainin Abduljawad, Magdi Omar Sheikh and Mahmoud Jafari 4-17-2009

              Dr Susan Oboualabasy, director of the hospital admitted Kafr El-Sheikh, said that Saadia Ahmed Abdul Latif Hamid, &#171;33 years&#187; from the city of Kulain, Case No. 64, announced the Ministry of Health of her disease, bird flu before she came to the hospital at 10 days, resulting in delayed their health.

              The patient arrived to the hospital after nine in the morning, the day before yesterday, and the samples were taken immediately and the result arrived at 5.30 pm the same day, after her family offered more than a doctor and failed to describe the disease, and she is now double pneumonia and was placed on a respirator and being given a strong anti-solvents in addition to Tamiflu, which is under the personal care of the seriousness of her condition, and said her husband, Ahmed Abdel Salam Abutaleb: We have 3 children, were sentenced to 10 years of the fifth grade of primary and second primary grade Khalid, Ibrahim 4 years, explaining that his wife Tzbhaa bought the duck and put it with the straw in the 20 pullet-rearing birds, including 13 Vnfq chickens.

              And after his wife was in the high temperature and severe bone pain I went to the doctors in the group and Desouk Kulain and Professor of Alexandria and the Chief confirmed that they all &#171;non-infected&#187; avian flu, and recommended the removal of one lung Vchin, after the intensification of the disease went to the hospital Kulain central and ran after they have been checked for allocation to the &#171;fevers&#187; Kafr El-Sheikh.

              In Aswan, said Dr. Mohammed Salah, the deputy health minister, the government, two things that have been found positive for the disease-infected birds were culled 170 chickens in the market Thursday, and the closure of 4 stores to sell live poultry.

              In Beni Suef Muheisen Dr. Abd Al-Rahim, Director General of Veterinary Medicine in the county, the emergence of a positive focus for the birds infected with the disease in the house of Mohammed students students, a village of the Center for Dndel Nasser, was the execution of about 443 birds and vaccination of about 4000 birds in the region that has emerged as the focus.

              At the level of disease control, said Major General Abdel Salam Mahgoub, Minister of Local Development, Head of Higher Ministerial Committee to combat avian flu, will be holding an emergency meeting next week in the ministry, in the presence of ministers of health, agriculture, environment, local development, to discuss the expansion of decision-making leading to the disease.

              The minister &#171;Egyptian today&#187;, the meeting will discuss the possibility of financing the compensation fund for those affected by the disease in case of approval of the Commission on its establishment following the completion of the study

              تدهور صحة الحالة &#171;رقم ٦٤&#187; المصابة بـ&#171;أنفلونزا الطيور&#187; فى &#171;حميات كفر الشيخ&#187;.. و٣ بؤر جديدة فى أسوان وبنى سويف

              كتب عيد عبدالجواد ومجدى أبوالعينين وعمر الشيخ ومحمود الجعفرى ١٧/ ٤/ ٢٠٠٩

              قالت الدكتورة سوزان أبوالعباسى، مديرة مستشفى حميات كفر الشيخ، إن سعدية أحمد عبداللطيف حامد، &#171;٣٣ سنة&#187; من مدينة قلين، الحالة رقم ٦٤، التى أعلنت وزارة الصحة إصابتها بالمرض، أصيبت بأنفلونزا الطيور قبل حضورها للمستشفى بـ ١٠ أيام، مما أدى إلى تأخر حالتها الصحية.

              وأضافت أن المريضة وصلت إلى المستشفى بعد التاسعة صباح أمس الأول، وعلى الفور تم أخذ عينات منها ووصلت النتيجة الساعة ٥.٣٠ من مساء اليوم نفسه، بعد أن عرضتها أسرتها على أكثر من طبيب وفشلوا فى وصف المرض، وهى مصابة الآن بالتهاب رئوى مزدوج وتم وضعها على جهاز تنفس صناعى ويتم إعطاؤها مضادات قوية ومحاليل إضافة إلى عقار تاميفلو وهى تحت رعايتها الشخصية لخطورة حالتها، وقال زوجها أحمد عبدالسلام أبوطالب:لدينا ٣ أولاد، هم محمد ١٠ سنوات بالصف الخامس الابتدائى، وخالد بالصف الثانى الابتدائى، وإبراهيم ٤ سنوات، موضحاً أن زوجته اشترت بطة لتذبحها ووضعتها مع ٢٠ فرخة فى عشة تربية الطيور فنفق منها ١٣ دجاجة.

              وبعدها شعرت زوجته بارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة وألم شديد بالعظام فذهبت لمجموعة أطباء فى قلين ودسوق وأستاذ كبير بالإسكندرية وأكدوا جميعاً أنها &#171;غير مصابة&#187; بأنفلونزا الطيور، وأحدهم أوصى باستئصال فصين من الرئة، وبعد اشتداد المرض ذهبت بها إلى مستشفى قلين المركزى وبعد فحصها أسرعوا بإحالتها إلى &#171;حميات&#187; كفر الشيخ.

              وفى أسوان قال الدكتور محمد صلاح، وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمحافظة، إنه تم اكتشاف بؤرتين إيجابيتين لطيور مصابة بالمرض وتم إعدام ١٧٠ دجاجة بمنطقة سوق الخميس وإغلاق ٤ محال لبيع الدواجن الحية.

              وفى بنى سويف أكد الدكتور عبدالرحيم محيسن، مدير عام الطب البيطرى فى المحافظة، ظهور بؤرة إيجابية لطيور مصابة بالمرض فى منزل طلبة محمد طلبة، قرية دنديل التابعة لمركز ناصر، وتم إعدام نحو ٤٤٣ طائراً وتحصين نحو ٤٠٠٠ طائر فى المنطقة التى ظهرت بها البؤرة.

              وعلى صعيد مكافحة المرض قال اللواء عبدالسلام المحجوب وزير التنمية المحلية، رئيس اللجنة الوزارية العليا لمكافحة أنفلونزا الطيور، إنه سيتم عقد اجتماع طارئ فى الوزارة الأسبوع المقبل، بحضور وزراء الصحة والزراعة والبيئة والتنمية المحلية، لمناقشة التوسع فى اتخاذ القرارات المؤدية لحصر المرض.

              وأكد الوزير لـ&#171;المصرى اليوم&#187; أن الاجتماع سوف يناقش إمكانية تمويل صندوق التعويضات للمتضررين من المرض فى حالة موافقة اللجنة على إنشائه عقب الانتهاء من دراسته


              • #22
                Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                17 April 2009 -- The Ministry of Health of Egypt has reported a new confirmed human case of avian influenza . The case is a 33 year old female from Kellin district, Kfr El Sheikh Governorate. Her symptoms began on 7 April and she was hospitalized at Kfr El Sheikh Fever Hospital on 15 April where she was started on oseltamivir the same day (15 April). She is in a critical condition.
                Infection with H5N1 avian influenza was confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratory on 15 April.
                Investigations into the source of her infection indicate a history of close contact with dead and sick poultry prior to becoming ill.
                Of the 64 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 23 have been fatal.


                • #23
                  Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                  From Ca&#236;ro

                  Declaration No. 65 on the incidence of bird flu, a woman from Al-Marg . Health and condition of critical

                  4/17/2009 8:16:00 PM

                  CAIRO - Editor Masrawy - Friday confirmed the incidence of human disease No. 65 of avian influenza a gift to Ms. Salah Rajab, 25 years of Lawn and condition of health is precarious.

                  A statement by the Ministry of Health, Ms. gift Demerdash entered the hospital on April 11, has been suffering from very high Drjpahararp, cough, and was given the drug Tamiflu, and then deteriorated health condition Friday, a result of shortness of breath and was placed on a ventilator and her condition is unstable and critical.

                  Mentioned that this is the case No. 65 since the disease appeared in Egypt, and the injury resulting from mixing with the infected birds.

                  Source: Middle East News Agency

                  ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • #24
                    Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                    [WARNING: Google Raw Machine Translation from Arabic to English. Too see original text, follow this link: - EDITED.]

                    COMMON / new human infection with bird flu in Egypt
                    Cairo, the other 21 spring 1430 Hijri April 17, 2009 WAS

                    The Ministry of Health in Egypt the discovery of human infection No. 65 of bird flu, an Egyptian woman named ... Salah Ragab / a 25-year-old from the ... Cairo.

                    The Egyptian Health Ministry said in a statement today that the onset of symptoms in infected atheist meeting this month where the impact entered the hospital suffering from a very high temperature and cough after exposure to birds suspected of being infected with bird flu.

                    The statement pointed out that once the suspicion of disease, injury, Ms. Egyptian was given a drug / Tamiflu / but her health has deteriorated today as a result of shortness of breath and their unstable and critical.
                    / / End / / 2159 TM


                    عام/إصابة بشرية جديدة بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور في مصر
                    القاهرة 21 ربيع الآخر 1430هـ الموافق 17 ابريل 2009م واس
                    أعلنت وزارة الصحة المصرية عن اكتشاف الإصابة البشرية رقم 65 بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور لسيدة مصرية تدعى / هدية صلاح رجب / تبلغ من العمر 25 عاما من منطقة المرج بالقاهرة.
                    وقالت وزارة الصحة المصرية في بيان لها اليوم إن بداية ظهور الأعراض على المصابة كانت في الحادي عشر من الشهر الجاري حيث دخلت على إثرها المستشفى وهي تعاني من ارتفاع شديد في درجة الحرارة وسعال عقب تعرضها لطيور يشتبه في إصابتها بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور.
                    وأشار البيان إلى أنه فور الاشتباه في إصابة السيدة المصرية بالمرض تم إعطاؤها عقار / التاميفلو / إلا أن حالتها الصحية تدهورت اليوم نتيجة ضيق في التنفس وحالتها غير مستقرة وحرجة.
                    // انتهى // 2159 ت م


                    • #25
                      Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                      [WARNING: Google Raw Machine Translation from Arabic to English. To see original text, follow this link:!u...20282104000926 - EDITED.]

                      Egypt announces 65 bird flu infection of a woman from Cairo

                      The Egyptian Ministry of Health Friday, injuring a woman with bird flu, bringing the total number of people infected since the first outbreak in Egypt in 2006 to 65 people.

                      The ministry said in a statement that called the gift Ms. Salah Rajab (25 years) from the prairie into a hospital Demerdash April 11, 2009, has been suffering from very high temperature and cough, and was given the drug Tamiflu, and then deteriorated health condition Friday, a result of shortness of breath and was placed on the a ventilator and her condition is unstable and critical.

                      Egyptian families are still in rural areas and still maintain the custom of raising poultry at home, leading to contact with children and women.

                      According to WHO statistics, bird flu has killed nearly 250 people in the world since 2003, mostly in South-East Asia.



                      مصر تعلن الإصابة 65 بأنفلونزا الطيور لسيدة من القاهرة

                      أعلنت وزارة الصحة المصرية الجمعة إصابة سيدة بأنفلونزا الطيور، ليرتفع إجمالي عدد الذين أصيبوا بالمرض منذ ظهوره في مصر عام 2006 إلى 65 شخصا.

                      وذكر بيان للوزارة أن السيدة وتدعى هدية صلاح رجب (25 عاما) من المرج دخلت مستشفى الدمرداش 11 ابريل/نيسان 2009 وهى تعانى من ارتفاع شديد في درجة الحرارة وسعال، وتم إعطائها عقار التاميفلو، ثم تدهورت حالتها الصحية الجمعة نتيجة ضيق في التنفس وتم وضعها على جهاز التنفس الصناعي وحالتها غير مستقرة وحرجة.

                      ولا تزال الأسر المصرية في المناطق الريفية محتفظة بعادة تربية الدواجن في المنازل مما يؤدي إلى اختلاطها خاصة بالأطفال والسيدات.

                      وحسب إحصاءات منظمة الصحة العالمية فان أنفلونزا الطيور قتلت حوالي 250 شخصا في العالم منذ 2003، أكثرهم في جنوب شرق آسيا.

                      (أ ش أ)


                      • #26
                        Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                        [WARNING: Google Raw Machine Translation from Arabic to English. To see original text, follow this link: - EDITED.]

                        Egypt announces human infection of bird flu, No. 65
                        Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:21 pm GMT

                        CAIRO (Reuters) -

                        The Egyptian Health Ministry said on Friday that a woman in one of Cairo's hit by bird flu to be the fifth disease in Egypt this month.

                        Quoted by the official MENA news agency as an account of the ministry as saying that the gift Salah Ragab (25 years) from the district Lawn Demerdash transferred to a hospital in Cairo on 11 April where she was suffering from very high temperature and cough.

                        The agency added that it was put on a ventilator and that her state of health "is unstable and critical."

                        This brings the number of infection cases were confirmed to have H5N1 that the bird flu to 65 in the case of Egypt, which has become the countries most affected by the disease outside of Asia.

                        Since the 2003 virus, "said the 5 H 1," at least 412 people in 15 countries and caused the deaths of 254 of them. It also led to the deaths or culling of more than 300 million birds in 61 countries in Asia and the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

                        He died about 23 Egyptians, most of the virus after contact with infected domestic birds in a country which depends on the family of five million poultry in the home as an important source of food and income.

                        Rarely infects HIV 1 to 5 human, but experts fear it could mutate into a form that could pass easily between humans, a pandemic that could kill millions of people.

                        The World Health Organization said this month it was worried that some Egyptians may have the virus that causes bird flu without showing any symptoms, which may increase the chance the virus will mutate into a strain easily spread among humans.


                        مصر تعلن عن الاصابة البشرية رقم 65 بانفلونزا الطيور
                        Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:21pm GMT

                        اطبع هذا الموضوع
                        [-] نص [+]

                        القاهرة (رويترز) - قالت وزارة الصحة المصرية يوم الجمعة ان سيدة بأحد احياء القاهرة اصيبت بمرض انفلونزا الطيور لتكون خامس اصابة بالمرض في مصر هذا الشهر.

                        ونقلت وكالة انباء الشرق الاوسط الرسمية عن بيان للوزارة قوله ان هدية صلاح رجب (25 عاما) من حي المرج نقلت الى مستشفى الدمرداش بالقاهرة يوم 11 ابريل نيسان حيث كانت تعاني من ارتفاع شديد في درجة الحرارة وسعال.

                        واضافت الوكالة انها وضعت على جهاز التنفس الصناعي وان حالتها الصحية "غير مستقرة وحرجة".

                        وبهذه الاصابة يرتفع عدد الحالات التي تأكد اصابتها بفيروس اتش5 ان1 المسبب لمرض انفلونزا الطيور الى 65 حالة في مصر التي اصبحت أكثر الدول تضررا بهذا المرض خارج اسيا.

                        ومنذ عام 2003 اصاب فيروس "اتش5 ان1" 412 شخصا على الاقل في 15 دولة وتسبب في وفاة 254 منهم. كما ادى الى نفوق أو اعدام أكثر من 300 مليون طائر في 61 دولة في اسيا والشرق الاوسط وافريقيا واوروبا.

                        وتوفى نحو 23 مصريا بعد الاصابة بالفيروس معظمهم خالطوا طيورا منزلية مصابة في بلد تعتمد فيه خمسة ملايين اسرة على تربية الدواجن في المنازل كمصدر مهم للغذاء والدخل.

                        ونادرا ما يصيب فيروس اتش5 ان1 الانسان لكن الخبراء يخشون من انه قد يتحور الى شكل يمكن ان ينتقل بسهولة بين البشر ويصبح وباء قد يقتل ملايين الاشخاص.

                        وقالت منظمة الصحة العالمية هذا الشهر انها تشعر بالقلق من ان بعض المصريين ربما يحملون الفيروس المسبب للاصابة بانفلونزا الطيور دون ان تظهر عليهم الاعراض وهو ما قد يزيد من فرصة تحور الفيروس الى سلالة تنتشر بسهولة بين البشر.


                        • #27
                          Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                          Ms. Salah Rajab, 25 years of Lawn

                          "Lawn" المرج) one of the ten neighborhoods or districts in the eastern region of Cairo.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Egypt Cairo Lawn No 65 .jpg
Views:	1
Size:	126.3 KB
ID:	649424

                          Map with hot links at:


                          • #28
                            Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                            Egyptian woman contracts bird flu virus - agency

                            17 Apr 2009 20:34:58 GMT

                            Source: Reuters

                            CAIRO, April 17 (Reuters) - A 25-year-old Egyptian woman has contracted the highly pathogenic bird flu virus after coming into contact with infected birds, the latest case in a growing spate of infections in Egypt, state media said on Friday.

                            The new infection brings to 65 the number of bird flu cases in humans in the most populous Arab country, which has been hit harder by bird flu than any other country outside Asia.

                            The woman, from El-Marg on Cairo's outskirts, was in a critical condition on a ventilator after falling ill with a fever on April 11. She was being treated with the antiviral drug Tamiflu, state news agency MENA reported.

                            While H5N1 avian influenza virus rarely infects people, experts say they fear it could mutate into a form that people could easily pass to one another, sparking a pandemic that could kill millions.

                            Since 2003, H5N1 has infected at least 411 people in 15 countries and killed 254. It has killed or forced the culling of more than 300 million birds in 61 countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

                            Egypt has seen a surge in cases in recent months, with 14 people confirmed to have contracted this virus since the start of the year compared to seven in the same period last year. Most of the new cases have been young children, a change from 2008.

                            Some 23 Egyptians have died after contracting the bird flu virus. Most of those infected had come into contact with infected domestic birds in a country where roughly 5 million households depend on domestically raised poultry as a significant source of food and income.

                            The World Health Organisation said this month it was concerned some Egyptians may carry the bird flu virus without showing symptoms, which could give it more of a chance to mutate to a strain that spreads easily among humans. The issue will be the subject of an Egyptian government study backed by WHO. (Writing by Cynthia Johnston; Editing by Angus MacSwan)

                            Thomson Reuters empowers professionals with cutting-edge technology solutions informed by industry-leading content and expertise.
                            ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                            • #29
                              Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                              Reuters Arabic piece in post #26 ( doesn't make reference to poultry contact and 25 years old woman now confirmed H5N1 infected, as Reuters English piece does.


                              • #30
                                Re: Egypt - Confirmed H5N1 in Humans April 15, 2009 +

                                Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post
                                Reuters Arabic piece in post #26 ( doesn't make reference to poultry contact and 25 years old woman now confirmed H5N1 infected, as Reuters English piece does.
                                Interesting. Usually when additional facts are obtained the news agencies start to update the original report with a notation. i.e. "Update 1"

