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Egypt H5N1 Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 - May 19, 2009

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  • Egypt H5N1 Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 - May 19, 2009

    Previous Egyptian Human Cases thread:

    4 more new suspected cases

    4 detention of suspected cases of bird flu, the lake

    الأربعاء، 8 أبريل 2009 - 16:45
    Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - 16:45

    أنفلونزا الطيور تنتشر بالمحافظات بصورة مفزعة

    Avian flu spread alarmingly GOVERNORATES
    The fever hospital Bdinmhor 4 persons detained on suspicion of having bird flu, after the emergence of symptoms of the disease are similar to them, the high temperature and throat congestion and shortness of breath. Received the Major General, Magdi Oboukmr, director of security of the lake, a notification from the hospital admitted the detention of each of the Damanhour Ayatollah Medhat Egyptian (3 years) Damanhour fork, and decent Abdo Hegazy (40 years housewife) in Kafr Dawar Kafr Salim, and the planet, Mr. Mohamed (42 years housewife ) Aloavadip Damanhour, and Nadia Massoud Abdel Halim (40 years housewife) Obouhms village of Zarqa. And immediately was coordination between the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine and the Department of Health to vaccinate domestic birds infected premises and take samples for analysis by the lab to clean up the homes of suspects and the adjacent houses to them. On the other hand, the Committee examined the existing bird house Ismail Ibrahim Taha Center Itay gunpowder, and after a hospital admitted the arrest of the child Demerdash Balqlliopip Mohamed Gomaa (6 years) suspected of having bird flu after his visit, accompanied by his mother to the house of his grandfather Baitay gunpowder.
    Last edited by sharon sanders; April 9, 2009, 10:07 PM. Reason: added previous thread link at top of post

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

    After the failure of the Egyptian plan:
    is facing a U.S. avian flu plan

    Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - 10:33
    After the high number of cases of avian flu, and suspected infection, which increased to 65 cases, and after the recognition of the failure of its veterinary services in the fight against the disease, according to Dr. Fattuh Darwish Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine, that the plan of the bird flu situation of a large fiscal deficit , the Minister of Agriculture and other decisions to travel a large number of veterinarians to foreign countries for training courses or to study the disease.

    iIt was the decison to travel, Dr. Mona Mehrez research director of the Institute of Animal Health, Dr. Mohamed Hassan coach of the national control laboratory for the production of sending into exile to the United States, to participate in the Seventh Conference of the bird flu.

    Abaza also issued a similar travel of pilgrims and Dr. Najla Dr. Mahmoud Znaty National Laboratory to fight the disease on a mission to the United States to attend a training course on the diagnosis of avian influenza.


    • #3
      Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

      I'm having a hard time keeping up with the suspected cases. I also can't account for the 2 new cases (now 65).

      From post #216: (5 people)
      QENA detained in hospital diets 5 people suspected of contracting the disease are: Omaima Fatehy ?41 years?, housewife, and her baby Ahmed Yacoub, two, and Zeinab Mahmoud Alhenwany ?40 years?, housewife, and Suad Abdullah Hamid, ?40 years?, and the Princess Razeq Abulhasan, ?21 years?, housewife, on suspicion of having bird flu after an outbreak of similar symptoms of the disease on them. "from Egypt today,"

      Post # 294: (5 people)
      Detained hospitals Mnov fevers and Echmoun or both of Ahmed Abdul Aziz, "55-year-old" living village housewife Shabra Umbulula Manal Khaled Abdullah, "3 years" from the village of dams Menuf and went round the Habiba Sharaf al-Din Sha'ban, "3 years" from the village of Kafr Algelabottp martyrs and Omar Sayyad Abdalshahyd "16-year-old "asked the resident village Thoai and Sabah Mohamed Abdel Rahman," 37 years "a housewife from the village of Mahallat foundry Bohmon on suspicion of contracting bird flu virus

      Posts #226 & 252: (1 wounded, 1 suspected death)
      In Qena, the Directorate of Health announced a state of emergency in a hospital after the fever in the central laboratories of the Ministry of Health wounded girl, "Israa Saad Shafi," which showed symptoms of the disease last Monday and was taken to the hospital.
      In Fayoum, said Dr Hussein Sophie Abu Talib, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health, the death of the girl child بسملة Mohammed "45 days" in hospital after the transfer of the Tamiflu drug to the hospital yesterday evening fevers Fayyoum first, on suspicion of

      Post #245:
      The discovery of new infections of bird flu Rawash
      ا Detained hospital fevers QENA woman on suspicion of being infected with bird flu, which entered the El-Shafei Bkhittp (48 years old), a housewife from the village of Qena, the status of solar modules, in a very weak condition,

      Post #299: (3 people)
      Detained in the same context hospitals admitted Alexandria, Qena and the lake, three cases of suspected bird flu patients, including children, Mahmoud Ragab bluff ?3 years?, and a resident of Kafr Al-Dawar, and Izzat Mohammad Sami ?35 years?, housewife Damanhour and Princess Razeq Abulhasan ? 21 years ?housewife from the village of? al-Alfi ?Bdhna.

      Post #310: (4 people, 1 child)
      a notification from the hospital admitted the detention of each of the Damanhour Ayatollah Medhat Egyptian (3 years) Damanhour fork, and decent Abdo Hegazy (40 years housewife) in Kafr Dawar Kafr Salim, and the planet, Mr. Mohamed (42 years housewife ) Aloavadip Damanhour, and Nadia Massoud Abdel Halim (40 years housewife) Obouhms village of Zarqa.

      AND: the child Demerdash Balqlliopip Mohamed Gomaa (6 years) suspected of having bird flu after his visit, accompanied by his mother to the house of his grandfather Baitay gunpowder
      The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


      • #4
        Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

        348 * ‬ case of suspicion, and 12 * ‬ positive bird flu infection in * ‬ 3 * ‬ months

        The government failed to finance the activity of the control committees

        Achieve the best Emad *: ‬ failed siege of the Government's efforts in bird flu in all the governorates of Egypt after the hotbeds of the disease has spread among birds and humans in contact with the rising rate of infections and suspects at the provincial level is frightening and more than double the figures recorded in the same period a year Last *. ‬ reports of the Ministries of Health and Agriculture, which was discussed at the High Commission of avian influenza confirmed the failure of the current plan for dealing with disease and recognized that some sources of veterinary vaccination programs and the investigation and sampling and analysis suffer from a serious financial deficit, * ‬ An official source said the current plan failed in the siege disease and is supposed to adopt a new plan to tackle the spread of the disease after the patient in spots all over Egypt *. ‬ issued Amin Abaza, Minister of Agriculture decided to travel * ‬ Dr made me director of the Institute of Animal Health Research, Dr. Mohamed Hassan Khalifa, Director General National Laboratory for the control of poultry production to United States to participate in the Seventh Conference of the bird flu virus and become acquainted with the new plans to cope with the disease, which failed efforts to curb the spread of the disease, * ‬ as Minister of Agriculture has issued a decision to travel * ‬ Dr. Najla pilgrims and Dr. Mahmoud Znati of the National Laboratory for the task of combating the disease in other States the United States to attend training courses on new ways to diagnose and cope with bird flu *. ‬ Dr. Hamed Samaha chief of veterinary services confirmed that things are under control and that the men were cooperating with the body of the Ministry of Health in dealing with the immediate spots are detected and added that the Authority was in need of funding more cars to cope with sick spots, he said the current plan is in the way of control but there are serious and other variables are shown and we address them and promised to send all data on the disease *. ‬ For his part, admitted Dr. Amr Qandil, director of infectious diseases in the Ministry of Health that this year registered the highest incidence of The suspect said that the reports of the ministry recorded * »‬ 348 *« ‬ case of suspicion of the disease during the month of March only *. ‬ recorded positive cases of the disease since the beginning of this year and as of yesterday I * »‬ 12 *« ‬ positive cases compared with * »‬ 7 *« ‬ cases in the same period last year, "said Dr Amr said to deal with suspected cases are immediate * ‬ are also the dangers of the veterinary services to deal with the sick spots, which show the suspect cases of the disease on humans *. ‬ He added that the Ministry of Health implemented a plan to train medical teams in hospitals to define the nature of the disease and symptoms that appear on the suspects, * ‬ confirmed that the ministry has allocated Line No. * »‬ 105 *« ‬ around the clock to receive complaints of citizens and foster media campaigns and visits daily to make the pioneers of rural citizens in the establishment and expansion of the factor analysis of human samples for the rapid handling *. ‬ On the other hand, Dr. Fattuh Darwish Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine Veterinary Services Corporation that the development of the disease requires the development of methods and techniques of confrontation and acknowledged that the parties concerned to confront the disease has not been able to eliminate it and said he has not yet been besieged outposts sick in Egypt and the hot new show, but not in the form of epidemiological *. ‬ Dervis stressed that the Ministry of Health and the Veterinary Services exchange In the case of communications data to tell us in the injured human or suspicion * ‬ immediately begin the work of immunization program and to explore and collect samples from birds from the nearby and caught the suspect, if confirmed, analysis of the positive cases are executed and buried the bird through the health and vice versa if we are in the form of veterinary services, we found spots * ‬ injury poultry disease * ‬ inform the Ministry of Health and the names and addresses of places to start is to take other precautions, and the withdrawal of samples from contacts of birds *. ‬ * ‬ Commenting on the travel of a group of specialists in the veterinary services to the United States to identify new ways to confront the disease, an official source Authority refused to be named, said expanding the current epidemiological situation and that it is necessary to become acquainted with the experience and expertise of developed countries in the face of disease, * ‬ The source confirmed that the bird flu disease, talk and deal with it is subject to various criteria, and therefore face the question of the need to identify new ways commensurate with the variables inherent in the development of a focused disease specialists sent to the United States to search for modern methods to curb sick spots, which began increasing significantly, *

        ‬ The source added that over the periods of low temperature and delayed the onset of summer has led to the continued emergence of hotbeds of disease and helped in the proliferation of cases and suspected * .

        Obtained ‬ * »‬ delegation *« ‬ records of suspected cases sent by the Ministry of Health to the veterinary services in the days * ‬ 2 * ‬ and 3 * ‬ and 4 * ‬ April include * ‬ 3 * ‬ lists, each containing one * ‬ 9 * ‬ injury cases of suspected bird flu from all the provinces *.

        On ‬ * ‬ 2 * ‬ April recorded statements of suspicion in a noble Mohamed Ismail * »‬ 21 * ‬ years *« ‬ Almnecat the village Aqrab Hosseinieh Center Hospital East has been admitted depositing Zagazig, * ‬ and Princess Razeq Abulhasan * »‬ 20 Year * ‬ * «‬ al-Alfi, the status of the province of Qena, we inaugurated the conversion was admitted to hospital in Qena, * ‬ Hassan and Hossam Hassan *» ‬ 5 * ‬ years * «‬ Shady queens of the division of his hospital fevers were the Upper Egyptian Mohamed Medhat Abduljawad *» ‬ Year 17 * ‬ * «‬ Bazkp of the status of enemy and queens have been admitted into a hospital this morning and the enemy Mohamed Abdulaziz *» ‬ 39 * ‬ years * «‬ from the village of Kom * ‬ 2 * ‬ Rashid Center for Lake County Hospital was deposited Damanhour fevers and Samiha Mohamed Treasure * »‬ 50 * ‬ years *« ‬ Gemayzeh of the village of West County Center Alsentp entered the hospital admitted Tanta, informed Ali Shaaban * »‬ 36 * ‬ years *« ‬ Khurshid of the park and entered the hospital in Alexandria, Alexandria, fevers Rowan Ahmed Ibrahim * »‬ 7 years * ‬ * «‬ of people before me, Sir, and entered Alexandria, Alexandria, fevers and allow Mohamed Mahmoud *» ‬ 35 * ‬ years * «‬ Dronka of Assiut and entered the hospital with fevers Assiut *. ‬ registered on the lists of suspected * ‬ 3 * ‬ * ‬ isolate April 9 * ‬ diets of hospitals for suspected bird flu patients have been isolated Aida Ali Ahmed Isa * »‬ 55 * ‬ years *« ‬ Almenderp of Alexandria, Alexandria, was deposited Bhmyat Walid Mohamed Said * »‬ 6 * ‬ years *« ‬ of Sir humans and entered Alexandria Alexandria fevers and Omaima Fathi mind * »‬ 41 * ‬ years *« ‬ Kos from entering the province of Qena, was admitted hospital Qena and Ahmed Ali Yacoub * »‬ two *« ‬ of Kos and deposited QENA fevers, Zeinab Mohamed Ahawadi * »‬ 40 Year * ‬ * «‬ entered from Qena, Qena and fevers Naima Hassan Jaber *» ‬ 11 * ‬ years * «‬ Badir from a bad Albderman Moas entered Menya Menya, fevers Sana Secretary Secretary *» ‬ 39 * ‬ years * «‬ Salhia of eastern region was Hospital East deposit fevers and Mr. Muhammad grew * »‬ 13 * ‬ years *« ‬ Vaqos of the East and entered the eastern and fevers Saad Mohammed Atta * »‬ 14 * ‬ years *« ‬ Belkas of Dakahliya and deposited a Hospital Mansoura *. ‬ * testified on ‬ 4 * ‬ suspicion of wounding, April * ‬ 9 * ‬ persons were recorded fever isolation hospital lists of suspected infection of Muhammad Ali * »‬ 57 * ‬ years *« ‬ by * ‬ Izbat Osman West Shubra al-Khaimah Balqlliopip Demerdash and entered the hospital and Mr. Hiam Ahmed * »‬ 28 * ‬ years *« ‬ Srsena the status of the village met Monday Fayyoum entered fevers Fayyoum Riham Mohammed Ahmed * »‬ 10 * ‬ years *« ‬ met Monday of the deposit was admitted Fayyoum Inamul Mohammad Abu Yusuf * »‬ 27 * ‬ years * «‬ Kafr Masood Btnta West entered Tanta fevers and survival Abdulnabi Razeq *» ‬ 41 * ‬ years * «‬ Mansheya of the new West Mahala area and entered the fevers Maysp Hamid Makhluf *» ‬ 33 * ‬ years * «‬ Shabra of Umbulula Mnov Center Monoufia entered Mnov fevers and Mohammed Shehab Hawkip * »‬ 55 * ‬ years *« ‬ Itai of gunpowder and entered Lake Damanhour fevers and love the beauty Sahsah * »‬ 8 * ‬ months *« ‬ functioning status of the village of Kafr El-Sheikh and a woman Mossaad 40 year the village Allavi Balyana Center and entered the province of sohah. sohag fevers

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        348* ‬حالة اشتباه و12* ‬إصابة إيجابية بأنفلونزا الطيور في* ‬3* ‬شهور
        الحكومة فشلت في تمويل نشاط لجان المكافحة
        تحقيق ـ عماد خيرة*:‬ فشلت جهود الحكومة في محاصرة مرض أنفلونزا الطيور في كافة محافظات مصر بعد ان انتشرت بؤر الإصابة بالمرض بين الطيور والبشر المخالطين لها وارتفعت نسبة الاصابة والاشتباه علي مستوي المحافظات بصورة مخيفة وتجاوزت ضعف الأرقام التي تم تسجيلها في نفس الفترة من العام الماضي*.‬ تقارير وزارتي الصحة والزراعة التي تمت مناقشتها في اللجنة العليا لأنفلونزا الطيور أكدت فشل الخطة الحالية للتصدي للمرض واعترفت بعض المصادر البيطرية أن برامج التحصين والتقصي وجمع العينات وتحليلها تعاني من عجز مالي خطير،* ‬وأكد مصدر مسئول أن الخطة الحالية فشلت في محاصرة المرض والمفروض ان يتم اعتماد خطة جديدة للتصدي للمرض بعد انتشار البؤر المريضة في كل محافظات مصر*.‬ وأصدر أمين أباظة وزير الزراعة قراراً* ‬بسفر الدكتورة مني محرز مدير معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان والدكتور محمد حسان خليفة المدير العام بالمعمل القومي للرقابة علي الانتاج الداجني الي الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية للمشاركة في المؤتمر السابع لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور والتعرف علي خطط جديدة لمواجهة المرض الذي عجزت الجهود المبذولة عن الحد من انتشاره،* ‬كما اصدر وزير الزراعة قراراً* ‬بسفر الدكتورة نجلاء حجاج والدكتور محمود زناتي من المعمل القومي لمكافحة المرض في مهمة أخري للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لحضور دورات تدريبية علي الطرق الجديدة لتشخيص ومواجهة مرض أنفلونزا الطيور*.‬ الدكتور حامد سماحة رئيس هيئة الخدمات البيطرية أكد أن الأمور كلها تحت السيطرة وأن رجال الهيئة يتعاونون مع وزارة الصحة في التعامل الفوري مع البؤر التي يتم اكتشافها وأضاف أن الهيئة في حاجة لتمويل أكثر وسيارات لمواجهة البؤر المرضية وقال ان الخطة الحالية تسير في طريق المكافحة الجادة ولكن هناك متغيرات أخري تظهر ونحن نتصدي لها ووعد بإرسال كافة البيانات الخاصة بالمرض*.‬ ومن جانبه اعترف الدكتور عمرو قنديل مدير عام الأمراض المعدية بوزارة الصحة بأن العام الحالي سجل أعلي حالات إصابة واشتباه وقال إن تقارير الوزارة سجلت* &#187;‬348*&#171; ‬حالة اشتباه في الاصابة بالمرض خلال شهر مارس فقط*. ‬كما سجلت الحالات الايجابية للمرض منذ بداية العام الحالي وحتي أمس الأول* &#187;‬12*&#171; ‬حالة اصابة ايجابية مقارنة بـ*&#187;‬7*&#171; ‬حالات في نفس الفترة من العام الماضي وقال الدكتور عمرو إن التعامل مع حالات الاشتباه يتم فورياً* ‬كما يتم اخطار هيئة الخدمات البيطرية للتعامل مع البؤر المرضية التي تظهر فيها حالات الاشتباه بالمرض علي البشر*.‬ وأضاف ان وزارة الصحة تنفذ خطة لتدريب الفرق الطبية بالمستشفيات لتعريفها بطبيعة المرض والأعراض التي تظهر علي المشتبه فيهم،* ‬وأكد ان الوزارة خصصت خط رقم* &#187;‬105*&#171; ‬علي مدار الساعة لتلقي بلاغات المواطنين وتتبني حملات اعلامية وزيارات يومية للرائدات الريفيات لتوعية المواطنين كما توسعنا في انشاء معامل لتحاليل العينات البشرية لسرعة التعامل معها*.‬ ومن ناحية أخري أكد الدكتور فتوح درويش مدير إدارة الطب الوقائي بهيئة الخدمات البيطرية أن تطور المرض يتطلب تطور طرق وأساليب المواجهة واعترف بأن الجهات المعنية بمواجهة المرض لم تتمكن من القضاء عليه وقال انه حتي الآن لم يتم محاصرة البؤر المرضية في مصر وتظهر بؤر جديدة ولكن ليست في صورة وبائية*.‬ وأكد درويش ان وزارة الصحة وهيئة الخدمات البيطرية تتبادلان البيانات بالبلاغات وفي حالة ابلاغنا في الهيئة باصابات بشرية أو اشتباه نبدأ فوراً* ‬بعمل برنامج تحصين وتقصي وجمع عينات من الطيور القريبة من المشتبه باصابتهم واذا تأكدت التحاليل من ان الاصابات ايجابية نقوم بإعدام الطيور ودفنها بالطرق الصحية وبالعكس لو اننا في هيئة الخدمات البيطرية اكتشفنا بؤراً* ‬لإصابة الدواجن بالمرض نبلغ* ‬وزارة الصحة بأسماء وعناوين الأماكن لتبدأ هي الأخري بأخذ الاحتياطات وسحب عينات من المخالطين للطيور*.‬ وتعليقاً* ‬علي سفر مجموعة من المتخصصين في هيئة الخدمات البيطرية الي الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية للتعرف علي طرق جديدة لمواجهة المرض أكد مصدر مسئول بالهيئة رفض ذكر اسمه ان الحالة الوبائية الحالية تتسع وانه من الضروري التعرف علي تجارب وخبرات الدول المتقدمة في مواجهة المرض،* ‬وأكد المصدر ان مرض أنفلونزا الطيور مرض حديث وأن التعامل معه يخضع لمعايير عديدة ولذلك فإن مسألة مواجهته تحتاج للتعرف علي طرق جديدة تتناسب مع المتغيرات التي تلازم تطور وتمحور المرض لذلك أرسلنا المتخصصين الي الولايات المتحدة للبحث عن أساليب حديثة لمحاصرة البؤر المرضية التي بدأت تتزايد بصورة كبيرة،* ‬وأكد المصدر ان امتداد فترات انخفاض درجات الحرارة وتأخر دخول فصل الصيف أدي لاستمرار ظهور البؤر المرضية وساعد في انتشار حالات الاصابة والاشتباه*. ‬وحصلت* &#187;‬الوفد*&#171; ‬علي كشوف بحالات الاشتباه التي أرسلتها وزارة الصحة الي هيئة الخدمات البيطرية في أيام* ‬2* ‬و3* ‬و4* ‬ابريل الحالي تتضمن* ‬3* ‬قوائم كل واحدة تحتوي علي* ‬9* ‬حالات اشتباه بالاصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور من جميع المحافظات*. ‬ففي يوم* ‬2* ‬ابريل سجلت الكشوف الاشتباه في اصابة نبيلة محمد اسماعيل* &#187;‬21* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من قرية المنجات العقرب مركز الحسينية شرقية وتم إيداعها مستشفي حميات الزقازيق،* ‬وأميرة عبدالرازق أبو الحسن* &#187;‬20* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من عزبة الالفي مركز دشنا محافظة قنا وتم تحويلها الي مستشفي حميات قنا،* ‬وحسام حسن حسن* &#187;‬5* ‬سنوات*&#171; ‬من تقسيم شادي بالمنيا وتم ايداعه بمستشفي حميات المنيا ومدحت محمد عبدالجواد* &#187;‬17* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من بعزقة مركز العدوة بالمنيا وتم تحويله الي مستشفي حميات العدوة وصباح محمد عبدالعزيز* &#187;‬39* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من قرية كوم* ‬2* ‬مركز رشيد محافظة البحيرة وتم إيداعها مستشفي حميات دمنهور وسميحة محمد الكنز* &#187;‬50* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من قرية الجميزة مركز السنطة محافظة الغربية ودخلت مستشفي حميات طنطا ونيرة علي شعبان* &#187;‬36* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من خورشيد المنتزه بالاسكندرية ودخلت مستشفي حميات الاسكندرية وروان أحمد ابراهيم* &#187;‬7* ‬سنوات*&#171; ‬من سيدي بشر قبلي بالاسكندرية ودخلت حميات الاسكندرية وسماح محمد محمود* &#187;‬35* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من درنكة بأسيوط ودخلت مستشفي حميات أسيوط*.‬ وسجلت قوائم الاشتباه يوم* ‬3* ‬ابريل عزل* ‬9* ‬حالات بمستشفيات الحميات للاشتباه في اصابتهم بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور وتم عزل عايدة علي أحمد عيسي* &#187;‬55* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من المندرة بالاسكندرية وتم ايداعها بحميات الاسكندرية ومحمد وليد سعيد* &#187;‬6* ‬سنوات*&#171; ‬من سيدي بشر بالاسكندرية ودخل حميات الاسكندرية وأميمة فتحي عقل* &#187;‬41* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من قوص محافظة قنا وتم دخولها مستشفي حميات قنا وأحمد علي يعقوب* &#187;‬سنتان*&#171; ‬من قوص وتم ايداعه حميات قنا وزينب محمد الشوادي* &#187;‬40* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من قنا ودخلت حميات قنا ونعيمة جابر حسن* &#187;‬11* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من نزلة البدرمان بدير مواس المنيا ودخلت حميات المنيا وسناء أمين أمين* &#187;‬39* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من الصالحية بالشرقية وتم إيداعها مستشفي حميات الشرقية ومحمد نشأت السيد* &#187;‬13* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من فاقوس شرقية ودخل حميات الشرقية ومحمد عطا سعد* &#187;‬14* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من بلقاس الدقهلية وتم إيداعه مستشفي صدر المنصورة*.‬ وشهد يوم* ‬4* ‬ابريل الاشتباه في اصابة* ‬9* ‬أشخاص وتم عزلهم بمستشفيات الحميات سجلت القوائم الاشتباه في اصابة علي محمد علي* &#187;‬57* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من عزبة عثمان* ‬غرب شبرا الخيمة بالقليوبية ودخل مستشفي الدمرداش وهيام سيد أحمد* &#187;‬28* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من قرية سرسنا مركز طامية بالفيوم ودخلت حميات الفيوم وريهام محمد أحمد* &#187;‬10* ‬سنوات*&#171; ‬من طامية وتم إيداعها حميات الفيوم وانعام محمد أبو يوسف* &#187;‬27* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من كفر مسعود بطنطا الغربية ودخلت حميات طنطا ونجاة عبدالنبي عبدالرازق* &#187;‬41* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من المنشية الجديدة المحلة الغربية ودخلت حميات المحلة ومايسة عبدالحميد مخلوف* &#187;‬33* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من شبرا بلولة مركز منوف المنوفية ودخلت حميات منوف وشوقية محمد شهاب* &#187;‬55* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من إيتاي البارود بحيرة ودخلت حميات دمنهور وحبيبة جمال صحصاح* &#187;‬8* ‬شهور*&#171; ‬من قرية سير مركز كفر الشيخ وسيدة

        علي مسعد* &#187;‬40* ‬سنة*&#171; ‬من قرية الحلافي مركز البلينا محافظة سوهاج ودخلت حميات سوهاج*.‬


        • #5
          Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

          Originally posted by mixin View Post
          I'm having a hard time keeping up with the suspected cases. I also can't account for the 2 new cases (now 65).
          The number "65" in post #311 above is not attributed as quote to a MOH official or anyone else. While there may very well be 2 or more additional human cases in Egypt we will need some kind of official notification. As you note, there are many suspected cases reported on a regular basis. Of the 5000+ suspected cases in Egypt, only 63 to date have been confirmed.


          • #6
            Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

            Thanks Mixin for that analysis!

            hat tip Sally -

            Ministry of Health to cover * ‬ 27 * ‬ case (suspected) of bird flu during * ‬ 3 * ‬ days
            The emergence of new hotbeds of satisfactory * .. ‬ and the position of the American experts
            * ‬
            Emad wrote the best *: ‬ escalated the crisis of bird flu over the past few weeks *. ‬ failed government attempts at * ‬ * ‬ address of the disease, * ‬ and stop the spread

            *. ‬ Dr. Amr Qandil, director of infectious diseases in the Ministry of Health, * ‬ increase the incidence of the disease during the last three months, * ‬ 12 * ‬ cases against * ‬ 7 * ‬ situations only during the same period last year *. ‬ also increased cases of suspected to * ‬ 348 * ‬ case of *.

            ‬ As Dr. Hamed Samaha chief of veterinary services for the increase in the number of spots during the last three months,
            * ‬ 44 * ‬ focus in * ‬ 12 * ‬ province compared * ‬ 128 * ‬ focus over the past year in * ‬ * ‬ 19 * ‬ County *. ‬ attributed Dr. Samaha * ‬ crisis to a lack of funds, * ‬ demanded upwards, * ‬ and support the veterinary services so that they can deal * ‬ * ‬ hotbeds for the spread of *. ‬ obtained * ?‬ delegation *? ‬ * ‬ documents on revealed by the

            Ministry of Health cover for * ‬ 27 * ‬ case of suspicion of injury within days * ‬ 2 * ‬ and 3 * ‬ and 4 * ?‬ April

            ‬ The Ministry of Agriculture had sent me to Dr. * ‬ made director of the Institute of Animal Health Research, Dr. Mohamed Hassan coach * ‬ * ‬ laboratory to the United States for the presentation of the reality of the disease in Egypt * ‬ * ‬ American experts, * ‬ and * ‬ access to the best methods to meet the advance of the disease and its spread *. ‬ learned * ?‬ delegation *? ‬ Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister responded to the delegation on the first raised on the Government to ignore the crisis, * ‬ and

            decided to hold an emergency meeting next week * ‬ attended by Dr Abdel Salam Mahgoub, Minister of Local Development and the Secretary of Abaza, Minister of Agriculture, * ‬ Dr. Hatem el-Gabali * ‬ Minister of Health to discuss coping with the disease as well



            • #7
              Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

              Originally posted by mixin View Post
              I'm having a hard time keeping up with the suspected cases. I also can't account for the 2 new cases (now 65).

              From post #216: (5 people)
              QENA detained in hospital diets 5 people suspected of contracting the disease are: Omaima Fatehy ?41 years?, housewife, and her baby Ahmed Yacoub, two, and Zeinab Mahmoud Alhenwany ?40 years?, housewife, and Suad Abdullah Hamid, ?40 years?, and the Princess Razeq Abulhasan, ?21 years?, housewife, on suspicion of having bird flu after an outbreak of similar symptoms of the disease on them. "from Egypt today,"

              Post # 294: (5 people)
              Detained hospitals Mnov fevers and Echmoun or both of Ahmed Abdul Aziz, "55-year-old" living village housewife Shabra Umbulula Manal Khaled Abdullah, "3 years" from the village of dams Menuf and went round the Habiba Sharaf al-Din Sha'ban, "3 years" from the village of Kafr Algelabottp martyrs and Omar Sayyad Abdalshahyd "16-year-old "asked the resident village Thoai and Sabah Mohamed Abdel Rahman," 37 years "a housewife from the village of Mahallat foundry Bohmon on suspicion of contracting bird flu virus

              Posts #226 & 252: (1 wounded, 1 suspected death)
              In Qena, the Directorate of Health announced a state of emergency in a hospital after the fever in the central laboratories of the Ministry of Health wounded girl, "Israa Saad Shafi," which showed symptoms of the disease last Monday and was taken to the hospital.
              In Fayoum, said Dr Hussein Sophie Abu Talib, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health, the death of the girl child بسملة Mohammed "45 days" in hospital after the transfer of the Tamiflu drug to the hospital yesterday evening fevers Fayyoum first, on suspicion of

              Post #245:
              The discovery of new infections of bird flu Rawash
              ا Detained hospital fevers QENA woman on suspicion of being infected with bird flu, which entered the El-Shafei Bkhittp (48 years old), a housewife from the village of Qena, the status of solar modules, in a very weak condition,

              Post #299: (3 people)
              Detained in the same context hospitals admitted Alexandria, Qena and the lake, three cases of suspected bird flu patients, including children, Mahmoud Ragab bluff ?3 years?, and a resident of Kafr Al-Dawar, and Izzat Mohammad Sami ?35 years?, housewife Damanhour and Princess Razeq Abulhasan ? 21 years ?housewife from the village of? al-Alfi ?Bdhna.

              Post #310: (4 people, 1 child)
              a notification from the hospital admitted the detention of each of the Damanhour Ayatollah Medhat Egyptian (3 years) Damanhour fork, and decent Abdo Hegazy (40 years housewife) in Kafr Dawar Kafr Salim, and the planet, Mr. Mohamed (42 years housewife ) Aloavadip Damanhour, and Nadia Massoud Abdel Halim (40 years housewife) Obouhms village of Zarqa.

              AND: the child Demerdash Balqlliopip Mohamed Gomaa (6 years) suspected of having bird flu after his visit, accompanied by his mother to the house of his grandfather Baitay gunpowder
              As has been noted previously, the number of suspect, hospitalized cases that are confirmed is less than 1%. However, I believe that media reports, which focus on clusters, have a confirmation rate well below 1% (I think they have identified one case since 2006 prior to confirmation).


              • #8
                Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                &#171;Fevers Damanhour&#187; detained 4 suspected cases of bird flu

                Shamis wrote Yasser Hamdi Qasem 9-4 / 2009

                Detained hospital fevers Damanhour 4 new cases of suspected bird flu virus.

                Dr. Muhammad al-Shami, director of the Department of Preventive Medicine Department of Health the lake, was taken into custody by: Ayatollah Medhat, Egypt (3 years) and Karima Abdu Ahmed Hegazy (40 years) and the planet, Mr. Mohamed Ramadan (42 years) and Club Halim Saad (40 years) .

                The Shami was taken into custody and to give all cases, doses of the drug &#171;Tamiflu&#187; them, send samples for analysis were withdrawn at the central laboratory in Cairo.

                Unique, "said Mahmoud, Director of the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine Lake: The Directorate carried out to clean up the homes of suspected SARS patients and the work of fortifications surrounding areas for birds.

                حميات دمنهور&#187; يحتجز ٤ حالات يشتبه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور

                كتب ياسر شميس وحمدى قاسم ٩/ ٤/ ٢٠٠٩

                احتجز مستشفى حميات دمنهور ٤ حالات جديدة للاشتباه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور.

                أوضح الدكتور محمد الشامى، مدير إدارة الطب الوقائى بمديرية الصحة بالبحيرة، أنه تم احتجاز كل من: آية مدحت على المصرى (٣ سنوات) وكريمة عبده أحمد حجازى (٤٠ سنة) وكوكب محمد السيد رمضان (٤٢ سنة) ونادى سعد عبدالحليم (٤٠ سنة).

                وأشار الشامى إلى أنه تم احتجاز جميع الحالات وإعطاء جرعات عقار &#171;التاميفلو&#187; لهم، مع إرسال العينات التى سحبت منهم للتحليل فى المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة.

                وقال محمود فريد، مدير مديرية الطب البيطرى بالبحيرة: إن المديرية قامت بعمليات تطهير لمنازل المشتبه فى إصابتهم بالمرض وعمل تحصينات للطيور بالمناطق المجاورة.


                • #9
                  Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                  Google translated

                  Mountain denies cover-up of the Ministry of Health on the dozens of cases of bird flu

                  4/9/2009 3:38:00 PM

                  CAIRO - Editor Masrawy - The Dr. Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health, the ministry dealing with The issue of bird flu in full transparency and the report published by the press on Thursday to cover up the situation of 27 bird flu totally false.

                  A statement distributed by the Ministry of Health said Thursday that since the first confirmed case of bird flu among humans in Egypt in March 17, 2006 and the government to deal with this important health issue with full transparency and clarity not cover a single case of confirmed SARS case.

                  He added that the ministry announces the position of suspected cases of the disease periodically and the result of awareness campaigns among citizens that the frequency of the Ministry of Health hospitals and the situation of 6443, which dealt with cases of suspected it to be sure that there is an injury.

                  He appealed to the mountain all the media in ensuring that the information published so as not to result in a state of panic among citizens.

                  For his part, said Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Egypt has dealt with utmost transparency internationally All information related to the emergence of infectious disease among birds and humans have been transferred to the public and frankly, the World Health Organization, international organizations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

                  He added that the case is confirmed to be infected with bird flu will be announced to all the media and the ministry Ataatstr any information concerning the issue of bird flu, or other issues of concern to the health of citizens.

                  Said Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health to all delegations that participated in the Sixth International Conference for the fight against bird flu, which was held in Egypt last October under the title of "bird flu" and was attended by about 124 countries commended the Egyptian experience in the fight against disease and full transparency, which dealt by the Egyptian government in the face of the disease.

                  He said the U.S. State Department spokesman also praised the measures taken by Egypt and the Ministry of Health, which helped to make Egypt one of the best 6 of the stability of the said bird flu and worked very hard to deal with patients that Egypt was the lowest rate of mortality from the disease of any country affected in the world.

                  He added that Egypt is a model in terms of the capacity of the Ministry of Health to raise awareness and educate rural families living in the system and their own health and early detection of any human cases.

                  On the other hand, Dr. Amr Kandeel, head of the central administration of the affairs of that as a result of preventive monitoring the reactivation of the disease was the total number of suspected cases of her injuries at the republic level to about 6443 cases, of which 63 cases positive and negative cases for the rest of the bird flu virus.

                  He explained that the case of 63 positive cases were only the workers of poultry farms and 60 cases of contact with domestic poultry, and the state sells recovered 37 birds died and the case of 23 case there are 3 cases currently in hospital and one of them critical.

                  He noted that the mortality rate in Egypt 5 .36 percent, compared with 63 t 5&#37; at the level of the world, and these cases have occurred since the outbreak of the disease in 2006 and so far in the 19 provinces.

                  Source: MENA news agency reported.

                  "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                    "...He appealed to the mountain all the media in ensuring that the information published so as not to result in a state of panic among citizens..."

                    Egypt - New Proposed Law to Control All Media


                    Reporters Without Borders - Egypt Ranked 146 of 169 for Freedom of the Press



                    • #11
                      Re: Egypt - Human Confirmed/Suspected Bird Flu Cases, Feb 8, 2009+

                      Flying in the face of challenge

                      According to a World Health Organisation report, Egypt is on the front line in the battle against avian flu. Reem Leila examines the threat
                      <HR noShade><!-- STORY -->Two-year-old Israa Saad Abdel-Shafi is the 60th case of the H5N1 strain of avian flu virus recorded in Egypt since the first outbreak of the disease in 2006 and the ninth victim since the start of the year. Twenty-three out of the 60 have died, the majority young girls or women from rural areas who raise fowl domestically.
                      In early March the World Health Organisation (WHO) called for an investigation into why Egypt is seeing increasing numbers of victims. The WHO has identified the country as being at the forefront of the spread of the disease though Abdel-Rahman Shahin, official spokesman to the Ministry of Health, points out that despite the high number of victims the percentage of fatalities from bird flu in Egypt is still less than in other countries that have seen outbreaks of the disease.
                      Egypt has reported nine cases since the beginning of the year, with zero fatalities. There were eight cases with four fatalities in 2008. Vietnam has reported two fatalities, and China seven victims with four fatalities. Shahin argues the figures indicate the disease is being controlled in Egypt.
                      "This year we do not have any fatalities whereas last year it was 50 per cent. The fatality rate in China this year is more than 50 per cent, and in Vietnam it is 100 per cent. The situation in Egypt is improving, not deteriorating."
                      Bird flu presents a massive challenge to the government given the uncertainty about the course of any possible pandemic. The virus has become endemic and it could take years to rid the country of the most virulent strain. The government, says Shahin, has prepared a detailed national plan to be implemented in case of a pandemic according to which half of Egypt's 150,000 hospitals beds will be reserved for avian flu patients.
                      Hamid Samaha, head of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, says the government is focussing on comprehensive public health efforts -- monitoring outbreaks in order to identify any change in the virus, increasing anti-viral stockpiles and building a more robust capacity for vaccine production.
                      Settlement patterns in Egypt, where 95 per cent of the population is concentrated on five per cent of the land, has serious implications for any pandemic outbreak. The virus has been found at nearly 300 sites and is now "rooted in the Egyptian environment" says Shahin, who now believes that following the first incidents of avian flu Egypt should have culled all poultry and taken draconian measures to stamp out the continued domestic rearing of birds.
                      "The whole country must resort to consuming frozen chicken instead of purchasing fresh birds. We cannot afford to implement such a scheme at the moment, but the least we must do is ensure that in cities people abide by the regulations and limit direct and indirect communication with poultry."
                      Shahin suggests the mortality rate resulting from bird flu infections is decreasing due to growing awareness in the wake of information campaigns conducted by the Ministry of Health.
                      The WHO is still concerned that human infections have escalated over a relatively short period of time, leading some experts to accuse the government of inadequate planning. Health officials, they say, are endeavouring to enforce preventive measures but are incapable of ensuring they are strictly implemented.
                      "Government planning is random. It is using the wrong vaccine to combat the virus," insists Talaat Khatib, professor of veterinary medicine at Assiut University. "American scientists have already confirmed the H5N1 virus has evolved into two genetically distinct strains, potentially increasing the risk to humans." Khatib believes public awareness campaigns to date have been too weak and Egypt should have begun to plan its preventative measures when the virus was first reported in the country in February 2006.
                      In Egypt, where poverty and illiteracy rates are high and urban rooftop and backyard rearing of poultry has long been a way of life, a more systematic approach to monitoring the disease needs to be put in place, says Samaha. "People do not respect instructions from the authorities. They consider poultry capital for which it is worth risking their health, and the health of their neighbours."
                      Egypt is one of very few countries affected by bird flu that does not offer compensation to farmers when poultry is destroyed. Since 2003 412 human cases of the virus have been reported in 15 countries, resulting in 256 deaths. More than 300 million birds have been culled worldwide.



                      • #12
                        Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                        [WARNING - Google Machine Raw Translation from Arabic to English. Readers can find original text following this link: - EDITED. The six year old patient seems to improve. IOH]

                        ?Avian flu? viciously attacked

                        Hospital officials said the Department of Ain Shams University ?Demerdash?, No. 63, the situation hit by bird flu, began to improve since yesterday evening, I, significantly, confirming that the disease was so fierce that the severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by the avian flu caused injury to the child, Mahmoud reputation ?6 years? hole in the lung.

                        He said. Ahmed Ibrahim Nassar, general manager of the hospital, l ?Egyptian today?, the situation is now stable, after having gone through the last few days, a very critical juncture.

                        A d. Majed Al-Deeb, the head of the department's central hospital, in a special statement, the condition of the child was 48 hours before, a critical stage, to the extent that it almost lost to them that God does not care.

                        He added that the child has been admitted to hospital and put on a ventilator in the intensive care room, and found that he was suffering from severe pneumonia caused a hole in the lung, in addition to the collected water to the lungs.

                        For its part, the Higher Committee to combat bird flu, headed by Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister, the presence of the ministers of agriculture, health, environment and local development, strengthening of veterinary procedures to combat the disease, and the continuation of the free immunization of domestic breeding, and control the movement of birds between the various provinces.

                        The Agriculture Ministry announced that the total number of foci positive for bird flu during the period from March 19, 2009 until the day before yesterday, was all of 9 spots in the home education, including 6 spots equally distributed in the counties of: Alexandria, Kafr El-Sheikh and the sixth of October and 3 provinces of the West and the Upper Egyptian Luxor.

                        And Dr. Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health, on the government to deal with the issue of bird flu will be complete transparency, pointing out that, since the first confirmed case of bird flu among humans in Egypt in March 17, 2006 and the government to deal with this issue with full transparency and clarity, did not cover the case of one confirmed case, as the ministry announced that the position of suspected cases of the disease regularly.

                        A d. Amr Kandil, chairman of the Department of Preventive, the mortality rate in Egypt amounts to 36.5% compared with 63.5% of the world, each of 23 male and 40 female cases, since the onset of the disease in 2006, and even now number 19 in the province .


                        ?أنفلونزا الطيور? تهاجم بشراسة

                        كتب طارق أمين ومتولى سالم ١٠/ ٤/ ٢٠٠٩
                        [ حاتم الجبلى]
                        حاتم الجبلى

                        قال مسؤولو إدارة مستشفى عين شمس الجامعى ?الدمرداش?، إن الحالة رقم ٦٣ المصابة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، بدأت فى التحسن منذ مساء أمس الأول، بصورة ملحوظة، مؤكدين أن المرض كان شرساً لدرجة أن الالتهاب الرئوى الناتج عن أنفلونزا الطيور تسبب فى إصابة الطفل على محمود سمعة ?٦ سنوات? بثقب فى الرئة.

                        وأكد د. أحمد إبراهيم نصار، مدير عام المستشفى، لـ?المصرى اليوم?، إن الحالة حالياً مستقرة، بعد أن مرت خلال الأيام الماضية بمرحلة حرجة للغاية.

                        وقال د. ماجد الديب، رئيس الإدارة المركزية للمستشفى، فى تصريحات خاصة، إن حالة الطفل كانت قبل ٤٨ ساعة فقط، تمر بمرحلة حرجة لدرجة أنه كدنا معها أن نفقده لولا العناية الإلهية.

                        وأضاف أن الطفل منذ دخوله المستشفى تم وضعه على جهاز التنفس الصناعى فى غرفة عناية مركزة، واتضح أنه يعانى من التهاب رئوى حاد تسبب فى حدوث ثقب بالرئة، بالإضافة إلى تجمع مياه على الرئة.

                        من جانبها، قررت اللجنة العليا لمكافحة مرض أنفلونزا الطيور برئاسة الدكتور أحمد نظيف، رئيس مجلس الوزراء، وحضور وزراء الزراعة والصحة والبيئة والتنمية المحلية، تشديد الإجراءات البيطرية لمكافحة المرض، ومواصلة عمليات التحصين المجانى للتربية المنزلية، والرقابة على حركة الطيور بين مختلف المحافظات.

                        وأعلنت وزارة الزراعة أن إجمالى عدد البؤر الإيجابية لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور خلال الفترة من ١٩ مارس ٢٠٠٩ حتى أمس الأول، بلغ ٩ بؤر وجميعها فى التربية المنزلية، منها ٦ بؤر موزعة بالتساوى فى محافظات: الإسكندرية وكفر الشيخ والسادس من أكتوبر و٣ حالات بمحافظات الغربية والمنيا والأقصر.

                        وشدد الدكتور حاتم الجبلى، وزير الصحة، على أن التعامل الحكومى مع قضية مرض أنفلونزا الطيور يتم بشفافية كاملة، مشيراً إلى أنه منذ أن تأكدت أول حالة للإصابة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور بين البشر فى مصر فى ١٧ مارس ٢٠٠٦ والحكومة تتعامل مع هذه القضية بكل شفافية ووضوح، ولم تتستر على حالة واحدة تأكدت إصابتها، كما أن الوزارة تعلن عن موقف حالات الاشتباه بالمرض بصفة دورية.

                        وقال د. عمرو قنديل، رئيس إدارة الشؤون الوقائية، إن نسبة الوفيات فى مصر تبلغ ٣٦.٥٪ مقارنة بنسبة ٦٣.٥٪ على مستوى العالم، منهما ٢٣ حالة من الذكور و٤٠ حالة من الإناث، منذ بداية المرض عام ٢٠٠٦، وحتى الآن فى عدد ١٩ محافظة.


                        • #13
                          Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                          <TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; DIRECTION: ltr" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=500 bgColor=#ffffff align=center><TBODY><TR><TD style="BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat" height=38 background=images/topbaptitle.jpg><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; DIRECTION: ltr" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=594 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD class=newshomepage height=38 vAlign=center width=561 align=right>Health denies cure bird flu-infected child Baldmerdac </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff vAlign=center align=right><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; DIRECTION: ltr" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=590 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right>
                          بتاريخ : الجمعة 10 ابريل 2009 10:16:08 ص
                          Date: Friday April 10 2009 10:16:08 am

                          عدد القراء : 9
                          Hits: 9

                          Alepeshaer - Rndarushdy:
                          نفي الدكتور ماجد الديب مدير الإدارة المركزية لمستشفي الدمرداش صحة ما تنقالته وسائل الأعلام عن شفاء الحالة رقم 63 للطفل علي من أنفلونزا الطيور حيث أكد للحياة اليوم انه تم عمل كافة الإجراءات اللازمة لإنقاذ الطفل علي الذي حضر للمستشفي بتشخيص التهاب رؤى حاد واختناق مضاعف ووجود تهوية علي الرئة وبالتحاليل ثبت إصابته بأنفلونزا الطيور ونحاول حتي الآن إسعافه ومازال في حالة حرجة حتي الآن ..!
                          Majed Al-Deeb, denied that the director of the Central Administration Hospital Demerdash Tanagalth the accuracy of the media to clear the condition No. 63 of the children of avian influenza confirmed on Monday that life was the work of all the measures necessary to save the child, Ali, who attended the hospital for the diagnosis of an acute inflammation of visions and congestion and the presence of a double lung ventilation on the The analysis proved the bird flu so far, and we are trying to succor and is still in critical condition, so far ..!




                          • #14
                            Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                            Post #12:

                            The Agriculture Ministry announced that the total number of foci positive for bird flu during the period from March 19, 2009 until the day before yesterday, was all of 9 spots in the home education, including 6 spots equally distributed in the counties of: Alexandria, Kafr El-Sheikh and the sixth of October and 3 provinces of the West and the Upper Egyptian Luxor.
                            Does this say 9 positive in the past 3 weeks?


                            • #15
                              Re: Egypt Human Suspected/Confirmed Cases April 9, 2009 +

                              My list from the WHO site; I don't know what the dates of confirmation are:

                              21-months old female, symptoms 1-9
                              2-year-old female, symptoms 1-23
                              2-year-old male, symptoms 2-2
                              one and a half year old male, symptoms 2-6
                              2-year old male, symptoms 2-28
                              two and a half year old male, symptoms 3-3
                              one and a half year old female, symptoms 3-6
                              38-year old female, symptoms 3-14
                              two and a half year old female, symptoms 3-23
                              a two-year-old was taken to hospital in Beheira 3-30
                              21 months old Hassan Gamil Hassan, was hospitalised on 4-1
                              6 yo Ali Mahmud Ali contracted bird flu, hospitalized 3-28
                              The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918

