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EGYPT - Jan 4 - Jan 6, 2008
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Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
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Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
Mountain: Egypt less of the world in the incidence of avian influenza
يواصل مرض أنفلونزا الطيور عبثه في أجساد المصريين ، حيث تم حجز أربعة أشخاص من محافظة البحيرة في مستشفى حميات الأسكندرية وكفر الشيخ للاشتباه في إصابتهم بالمرض ، فيما أكد الدكتور حاتم الجبلي وزير الصحة أن مصر من أقل دول العالم في الإصابة بالمرض.Continue bird flu in the bodies of the Egyptian woman, where four people were booking of the department of a hospital salt lake in Alexandria and Kafr El-Sheikh on suspicion sickened, with Dr. Hatem mountain Minister of Health that Egypt is one of the least of the world in the incidence of the disease.
وذكرت صحيفة "المساء" يوم الخميس أن أحد المصابين يعمل بإحدي مزارع الدواجن على طريق القاهرة-الأسكندرية الصحراوي ، وأخر يعمل بأحد محال بيع الطيور ويقيم بأبيس وتم حجزه بحميات الأسكندرية.The newspaper "Evening" on Thursday that one of the wounded worked in a poultry farms on the road to Cairo - Alexandria, and another one works shops selling live birds Babis was booked Bhmyat Alexandria.
فيما تم حجز ربة منزل وطفلتها بمتشفى حميات كفر الشيخ بعد الاشتباه بإصابتهما بالمرض ، كما تم حجز سيدتين بمستشفى حميات بنها للاشتباه في إصابتهما بالمرض أيضا.With the booking homemaker and baby Bmchwi salt Kafr El-Sheikh after suspected Basapthma disease, and two women were booking Hospital Dietetic cows on suspicion of the disease also injured.
وصرح الدكتور عبدالعاطي عبدالعليم وكيل مديرية الصحة بالقليوبية بأن الحالتين من كفر شكر ، وإنه تم أخذ عينات منهما لفحصها بمعامل الوزارة.Dr Abdul Ati and Health Administration agent able to cases of Kafr gratitude, and that their samples were taken for testing labs with the Ministry.
من جانبه، أكد الدكتور حاتم الجبلي وزير الصحة والسكان أنه لا يوجد تحول للفيروس إلى الإنسان وأن جميع الإصابات هي إصابة مخالطة وأغلبها في المزارع ولم يتم نقل المرض من مريض إلى مريض بل تم نقل المرض من طيور مخالطة فقط.For his part, Dr. Hatem mountain Minister of Health and Population, there is no shift of the virus to humans and that all the casualties were injured, mostly in contact with farm has been the transmission of the disease from patient to patient, but the disease has been moved from contact with birds only.
وأرجع وزير الصحة سبب انتشار مرض أنفلونزا الطيور إلى أن نسبة كبيرة من تطعيمات الطيور بها فاسدة ، موضحا أن الإصابات البشرية خمس حالات فقط..He attributed the Minister of Health cause of the spread of avian influenza that a large proportion of influenza vaccinations by the corrupt, explaining that the human casualties only five cases ..وسبب الإصابة شراء الدواجن من جهة غير معلومة المصدر وكذلك تعامل المواطنين مع طيور مصابة.The reason for the purchase of poultry infection from an unknown source, as well as citizens deal with infected birds.
وأكد الدكتور الجبلي أن مصر مازالت أقل دولة على مستوي العالم في الإصابة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور رغم أن المرض استوطن في مصر وأن نسبة الشفاء إذا تم الإبلاغ عنها يكون الشفاء 100% ، مناشدا المواطنين الإبلاغ فورا عن أي حالة.Dr. mountain that Egypt still less a world-wide in disease bird flu although the disease was settled in Egypt and the percentage of recovery if reported a 100% recovery, and called on citizens to report immediately any case.
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
Thirty Suspect H5N1 Cases in Daqahliyah Egypt
Recombinomics Commentary 21:11
January 5, 2008
Question that has imposed himself recently is Egypt failed in the face of bird flu, both in terms of confrontation or awareness, particularly in the provinces with the growing incidence of proven positive to the surface of hundreds of suspected cases in various Egyptian governorates, which witnessed Dakahlia alone more than 30 the case of suspicion, since the death of case No. 42 of Dakahlia governorate
The above translation defines the largest cluster of suspect H5N1 cases reported to date in Egypt. Most of the 30 cases in Al Daqahliyah appear to have been admitted within he past few days (see satellite map for details). Included in the geographical cluster is at least one familial cluster. Although there have been no confirmed H5N1 cases reported in the last week, the number of hospitalized suspect cases has exploded.
The test data on these cases remains largely unknown. A small number have been reported as negative, and Egypt has had a large number of suspect cases in the past. However, the earlier suspect cases generally followed a pattern associated with season flu, which peaks in the March/ Aprril/ time frame. Last season the number of mild cases of H5N1 also peaked at that time.
The recent cases however, follow confirmed cases that were largely fatal. Four of the five cases, including the one in Al Daqahliyah, have died. One suspect case in Cairo died a week ago, and although the teacher?s backyard birds were said to be negative, the status of the deceased teacher remains unknown. He had missed a couple of days of teaching, developed pneumonia, and died, but the cause of death has not been stated.
As noted in the translation above, there have been hundreds of suspect cases in recent days in Egypt.
Details of test results on these patients would be useful.
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
<TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><!container2></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><!container3></TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=10> </TD><TD align=middle><!heads><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD> 44225 </TD><TD>السنة 132-العددYear 132 - Issue </TD><TD>20082008 </TD><TD>ينايرJanuary </TD><TD>66 </TD><TD>28 من ذى الحجة 1428 هـ28 1428 e </TD><TD>الأحدSunday </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>حتي لا تتحول إلي وباء!So it does not become an epidemic!
انفلونزا الطيور فيروس يستمر10 سنواتAvian influenza virus continues 10 years
<!heade><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffec border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=200 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>مصر من أكثر10 دول مرشحة لحدوث خسائر بشرية عالية في حالة انتشار وباء أنفلونزا الطيور, حيث لا يجدي العلاج بعد مرور24 ساعة عند ظهور الإصابة ويتطلب الأمر تدخلا عاجلا من الدولة بعد ما تزايدت حالات الاصابة والوفاة التي كان آخرها سيدة لا يتجاوز عمرها(25 سنة) وتكرار حدوث الاصابة بالمرض.. يجعلنا نتساءل ما هو مصيرنا اذا تحول المرض الي وباء.Egypt more than 10 candidates for the occurrence of high casualties in the event of an epidemic of bird flu, which is futile treatment after 24 hours when the injury required urgent intervention by the State after the increased incidence of death and the latest of which was a woman no more than old (25 years) and the recurrence of the disease .. makes us wonder what is our destiny if turning the disease into an epidemic.
مشروع قوميNational project
الشرقية ـ من عبد المجيد الشوادفي ونرمين الشوادفي:East of Abdul Majid Ahawadwi and Nermin Ahawadwi:
في الشرقية.. الاعدام بالجملة رغم عمليات التحصين فقد تجاوز عدد الطيور التي أعدمت هذا الموسم فقط نتيجة اكتشاف بؤر الاصابة386 ألف طائر والتي تركزت غالبيتها بمراكز بلبيس, أبو حماد, ومنيا القمح خلال العامين وحتي لا يتحور الفيروس وتنتشر عدواه بين الانسان والطيور, فإن الأمر يحتاج كما يقول علاء المرشدي عميد كلية الطب البيطري بجامعة الزقازيق وعضو اللجنة العليا لمكافحة انفلونزا الطيور الي ضرورة تبني مشروع قومي تشارك فيه مختلف الوزارات وأجهزة الدولة وتخصص الاعتمادات المالية اللازمة لمواجهة المرض ومنع توطنه وتحوله لوباء اسوة بما اتبع في إنشاء المشروع القومي لمكافحة شلل الأطفال والذي ترعاه السيدة الفاضلة سوزان مبارك.In the East .. penalty sentence despite immunizations exceeded the number of birds that executed this season only result of the discovery of hotbeds of infection 386 thousand birds, which centered mostly centres Bio, Abu Hammad, violinist wheat during the last two years and so the virus mutated The spread contagious between humans and birds, more is needed, as he says Alaa Morshedi Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagazig University, and member of the Supreme Committee for the control of avian influenza to the need to build a national project involving various ministries and state organs and allocate funds necessary to confront the disease and to prevent endemic and abandonment of the epidemic on par with what Follow the establishment of the national project to combat polio, sponsored by Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak.
تكاليف التحصيناتCosts fortifications
فمن المرجح أن يكون السبب وراء تكرار ظهور الإصابة بالمرض في مزارع معينة نتيجة لعدم الالتزام بالدقة والكفاءة اللازمة وعدم تطبيق الإجراءات الكفيلة بتحقيق النتيجة المطلوبة.. كما حدث عامي2006 و2007 في مزارع شركة الدقهلية للدواجن بناحية كفر أيوب ومزارع السلام بوادي الملاك.. ومزارع كوهية في بلبيس.. ولارتفاع أسعار تكاليف أعمال التحصين حيث تصل قيمة اللقاح ما بين200 و400 جنيه لكل1000 دجاجة. ويقول الدكتور عطية مصطفي وكيل الوزارة للطب البيطري انه يتم تحصين المزارع علي نفقة أصحابها.. وتتولي اللجان البيطرية التفتيش علي المزارع من واقع السجلات الخاصة بكل مزرعة للتأكد من اعطاء التحصينات فالعينات يتم ارسالها للمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لاجراء اختبارات قياس المناعة.. وتحديد مدي توافر الأجسام المناعية في الطيور التي تم تحصينها ويقتصر التطعيم علي نفقة الدولة كما يؤكد الدكتور عطية مصطفي وكيل وزارة الطب البيطري علي الطيور التي يتم تربيتها في المنازل والمزارع البلدية في القري فقط.. وأن المشكلة الرئيسية تكمن في مزارع تربية وتسمين الدواجن الصغيرة والتي لا تتجاوز طاقتها ما بين2000 و4000 آلاف دجاجة لأنها تحجم عن التحصين لارتفاع التكاليف علي قدراتهم المالية والعائد الذي تحققه مزارعهم.It is likely to be the reason behind the recurrence of the emergence of the disease in certain farms due to lack of commitment to accuracy, efficiency and the non-application of the necessary procedures to achieve the desired result .. as happened in 2006 and 2007 in farms company Dakahlia Bnahih poultry farms and Kafr Ayub peace Valley landlords .. and Kohia farms in Tel .. and the high rates of immunization costs amount to the value of the vaccine between 200 and 400 pounds per 1000 chickens. says Dr. Attiya Mustafa, undersecretary of the ministry of Veterinary Medicine that been vaccinated farms at the expense of their owners .. The commissions veterinary inspection of farms from the records of each farm to make sure to give immunizations samples will be sent to labs central Cairo to conduct tests measuring immune .. and determine the availability of objects in the immune birds that have been vaccinated limited vaccination at the expense of the State also emphasizes Dr. Attiya Mustafa Undersecretary of the Ministry of veterinary medicine at the birds that are raised in homes and farms in the villages only municipal .. 2000, 4000 thousands of chickens because they refrain from immunization to the high costs on their abilities and financial returns achieved by their farms.
أسباب عودة الاصابةReasons for the return of injury
ويؤكد الدكتور علاء المرشدي عميد كلية الطب البيطري أن اسباب عودة الاصابة وتكرارها في مزارع الدواجن ـ رغم تحصينها ـ عاما بعد آخر يرجع لعدم تنفيذ اعمال التطهير الصحي السليم وعدم اعدام القطيع المصاب بالدقة الكاملة والوسائل الكفيلة بانهاء اثار الفيروس.. والتي تتضمن التطهير الكامل للمبني داخليا وخارجيا والجدران والاسقف وكافة الادوات التي تستخدم في المزرعة بلإضافة إلي العاملين ووسائل النقل وعدم الالتزام بتطبيق الاجراءات الصارمة فيما يتعلق باغلاق المزارع التي تكشفت فيها الاصابة3 شهور متواصلة.. وعدم الدقة في قياس كفاءة التحصين, بعد ما يتراوح بين7 و15 يوما من تنفيذه, الي جانب ضعف الحافز المادي للاطباء البيطريين والعاملين في لجان المتابعة.. وعدم توافر الاحصائيات والخرائط لمزارع الدواجن سواء منها المرخصة أو المسجلة أو غيرها.. وكذلك لمواقع التربية المنزلية في القري والمدن.The Dr. Alaa Morshedi Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine said that the reasons for the return of infection and replication in poultry farms despite fortify year after year due to the non-implementation of cleansing healthy and non-execution of the herd injured full and accurate means of ending the effects of the virus .. which include full cleansing of the building internal and external walls and ceilings and all the tools that are used on the farm in addition to the personnel and means of transport and lack of commitment to apply strict measures with regard to the closure of farms which unfolded injury sustained .. 3 months and the lack of precision in the measurement of the efficiency of immunization, after somewhere between 7 and 15 days of implementation, as well as physical weakness incentive veterinarians, and workers in the follow-up committee .. and the lack of statistics and maps to poultry farms whether licensed or registered or .. as well as other sites in home education villages and cities.
إجراءات المواجهةAdversarial
ولمواجهة تلك الآثار قرر المستشار يحيي عبدالمجيد محافظ الشرقية اعلان حالة الطوارئ في اجهزة الصحة والطب البيطري ومعهد بحوث صحة الحيوان لمحاصرة الاصابة التي بدأت في الانتشار ومداهمة المزارع الخاصة ومحطات القطاع العام.. كما قرر تشكيل50 لجنة للتفتيش الدوري والترصد اليومي للمرض بجميع المزارع.. واعداد تقرير كل24 ساعة بالتطورات والنتائج والبؤر المصابة لاعدام محتوياتها علي الفور.. وتخصيص8 مستشفيات نوعية لفحص ومصالحة حالات الاشتباه البشرية.. واعداد خريطة لكل مركز اداري تشمل عدد المزارع والاكمية لتفادي تداول رسائل الطيور غير المرخصة..To counter such effects decided Counsel Governor Yahya Abdel East declare a state of emergency in the organs of Health and Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health Research Institute to besiege infection, which began spreading and raided private farms and public sector stations .. also decided to form a commission of 50 periodic inspections and surveillance of the disease in all daily .. farms and prepare a report every 24 hours developments, results and patient well to execute its contents immediately .. and the allocation of 8 to inspect the quality of hospitals and reconciliation cases of suspected human .. and map each administrative centre include the number of farms and to avoid the circulation Alaquemet Letters birds unlicensed ..
الفيروس10 سنواتHIV 10 years
القليوبية ـ من أبو سريع إمام:QALUBAIYA Abu quick to:
ومن ناحية اخري اعلن المستشار عدلي حسين محافظ القليوبية بن انفلونزا الطيور هجمته شرسة نتيجة فيروس, وكل العلماء اكدوا بان الفيروس سوف يستمر10 سنوات لذلك لابد من تغيير نمط الاستهلاك عن طريق التوسع في انشاء المجازر والثلاجات ومراجعة فاعلية التطعيم حتي لاتصاب صناعة الدواجن بكارثة رغم ان محافظة القليوبية خالية من اي اصابات بشرية وتتركز الاصابة بالمزارع فقط وحتي الان تم اعدام170 الفا و560 طائرا علي مستوي المحافظة واليوم تم اعدام75 الف طائر في احدي المزارع بجمعية أحمد عرابي علي الحدود مع القاهرة مشيرا الي انه توجد9 بؤر اصابة في الطيور بين المنازل وتم التعامل معها وتحصين كل البشر الموجودين بهذه المنازل خوفا علي حياتهم.On the other hand, Chancellor Adli Hussein, governor Qaliubiya Ben halt bird flu virus fierce result, all scientists confirmed that the virus will continue for 10 years to be changing pattern of consumption through expanding the establishment of massacres and refrigerators and review the effectiveness of vaccination so are not affected poultry industry Although the disaster Qaliubiya free of any human infections are concentrated injury farms only so far were culled 170 thousand and 560 flying at the level of governance and today were executed 75 thousand birds in a farm Association Ahmed Orabi on the border with Cairo, indicating There were 9 hotbeds of infection in birds homes were dealing with the people who are immunized each of these homes, fearing for their lives.
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
<TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><!container2></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><!container3></TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=10> </TD><TD align=middle><!heads><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>44225 </TD><TD>السنة 132-العددYear 132 - Issue </TD><TD>20082008 </TD><TD>ينايرJanuary </TD><TD>66 </TD><TD>28 من ذى الحجة 1428 هـ28 1428 e </TD><TD>الأحدSunday </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>..والخــــطر المـدمر!.. And the devastating danger!
<!heade><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffec border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5>إنفلونزا الطيور خطر كامن داخلنا يتحرك بسرعة الصاروخ نتيجة الإهمال ويتمحور الي وباء مدمر للإنسان قبل الطيور.. ولأننا نتحرك دائما كرد فعل.. فالفيروس كامن ويستمر لمدة10 سنوات وللأسف لانتحرك إلا بعد الاعلان عن حالات وفاة أو اشتباه ونقوم بعمليات إعدام جماعية للطيور برغم قرارات اللجنة العليا للمكافحة فنحن نتحرك بأسلوب السلحفاة.. والمطلوب مواجهة.. خطيرة فماذا حدث في المحافظات؟.Avian influenza risk inherent anger move quickly missile result of neglect and centered to the epidemic devastating human influenza before .. and we always move in reaction .. latent virus and will last for 10 years Unfortunately for the BBB only after the announcement of the deaths or suspicion, we Operations mass executions of the birds despite the decisions of the Supreme Committee, we are moving in a fight .. tortoise and the required face serious .. What happened in the provinces?.
حالتا إصابة بالبحيرة!Cases of injury Lake!
البحيرة من تامر عبدالرؤوف:Tamer Abdul of the lake:
تفعيلا لخطة المحافظة لمكافحة مرض انفلونزا الطيور قرر اللواء محمد شعراوي محافظ البحيرة توقيع غرامة مالية قدرها500 جنيه علي كل سيارة تحمل دواجن أو سبلة بدون ترخيص من الطب البيطري علي أن يصرف200 جنيه مكافأة فورية لكل من يضبط سيارة تحفيزا للعاملين وتخصيص باقي المبلغ لشراء الامصال واللقاحات ودعم القائمين بالحملهة, مشددا علي ضرورة تشديد الرقابة علي المفارخ اليدوية وإزالة جميع العشعش العشوائية بالمدن. علي الجانب الآخر تم حجز أكابر محمد فتح الله50 سنة ربة منزل والمقيمة برشيد والطالبة أنوار عبدالواحد سليمان من قرية أبيس بكفر الدوار داخل مستشفي حميات الاسكندرية لاشتباه في اصابتهما بانفلونزا الطيور حيث ظهرت عليهما أعراض الاصابة بالمرض والمتمثلة في ارتفاع درجة الحرارة والاحتقان بالحلق والصعوبة في التنفس ونظرا لمخالطتهما للطيور المنزلية وتم حجزهما بالمستشفي وأخذ عينات لتحليلها بالمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة.Implement the preservation plan to combat bird flu decided Maj. Gen. Mohamed Sha'rawi governor lake signing fine of 500 pounds on each car carrying poultry without a licence or a means of veterinary medicine to spend 200 pounds immediate reward of having each car bid for workers and the allocation of the rest amount for the purchase of vaccines, vaccines and support personnel Balhmlha, stressing the need to tighten controls Mufark manual and remove all Ashash random cities. on the other side booking couple Mohamed Fathalla 50 years homemaker and resident and student Rashid Anwarul Abdulwahid Solomon from the village of Apis Azhar rotor inside salt Alexandria Hospital for suspected bird flu injured as they emerged symptoms of the disease and in the high temperature and congestion in the throat and difficulty breathing, because of Mkhaltthma Habitat home was Hdzhma hospital and take samples for analysis central labs in Cairo.
6 حالات إشتباه بسوهاج6 suspected cases of Sohag
سوهاج ـ من محمد مطاوع ونيفين مصطفي:Sohag from Mohammad Mustafa Mutawe, Nivine:
تم حجز6 حالات اشتباه إصابة بمرض انفلونزا الطيور بمستشفي حميات سوهاج من المخالطين لطيور منزلية وهن: حنان فاروق أبو ضيف(25 سنة) ربة منزل من قرية أولاد عزاز بمركز سوهاج وانشراح حسين كمال الدين(65 سنة) من قرية العمرة بمركز سوهاج وحنان خلف محمد(20 سنة) ربة منزل من قرية الجباب بمركز طما وعزيزة عبده عبدالظاهر(5 سنوات) وشقيقتاها دنيا(3 سنوات) وزينب( سنتان) من قرية الشواولة بمركز المنشأة وتم أخذ عينات ومسحات منهن وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة للفحص. وقامت مجموعات العمل التي شكلها السيد محسن النعماني محافظ سوهاج من الطب البيطري والزراعة والصحة والأمن والبيئة والوحدات المحلية بالانتقال لمنازل المشتبه في إصابتهن بمرض انفلونزا الطيور للقيام بأعمال التطهير واتخاذ جميع الاجراءات الوقائية لمنع انتشار أي عدوي.Reservation 6 cases were suspected cases of avian influenza virus Sohag Hospital of contacts for domestic chores while birds: Hanan Farouk Abu guest (25 years old) housewife from the village boys Aizaz status Sohag and exulted Hussein Kamal Din (65 years) from the village of Umrah status Sohag and Hanan Mohammed Khalaf (20 years) housewife from the village of Aljbab status surged and dear Abdu al (5 years) and sisters minimum (3 years), Zeinab (two years) from the village Ahawaolh status has been established to take samples and swabs were sent to the labs and the central Ministry of Health for examination. by the working groups set up by Mr. Mohsen Al-governor of Sohag, veterinary medicine, agriculture, health, security, environment and local units to move to homes suspected of positive disease Avian influenza virus to carry out cleansing and take all preventive measures to prevent the spread of any infection.
إزالة113 عشة وإعدام500 طائرRemove 113 nests and 500 executions bird
طنطا من علاء عبدالله:Tanta of Alaa Abdullah:
في حملة موسعة شنتها أجهزة الطب البيطري بالتنسيق مع الصحة والزراعة والبيئة والأمن بالغربية تشكلت حملة كبري لإزالة العشش المنزلية بمدينة بسيون وذلك لمنع انتشار مرض إنفلونزا الطيور ببسيون والمحلة الكبري وزفتي وطنطا وهي الحملة الثالثة من نوعها الذي يتم تنفيذها خلال أسبوع واحد حيث تمت إزالة113 عشة من العشش المنزلية بالمدينة الواقعة فوق أسطح العمارات وإعدام376 دجاجة و134 بطة ودفنها بالمدافن الصحية التي يتم إعدادها لهذا الغرض بعد الحصول علي عينة منها وإرسالها للمعامل البيطرية التابعة لوزارة الزراعة لتحليلها للتأكد من مدي إصابتها بالمرض من عدمه.In a campaign launched extensive veterinary services in coordination with the health and agriculture, the environment and security steamed formed a major campaign to remove nests home district and the city to prevent the spread of avian influenza Bepcin and Mahala and Residence and Tanta campaign is the third of its kind which will be implemented within one week, where it was removing 113 nest of nests home town located on the tops buildings and the execution of 376 chickens, 134 ducks and buried landfill health to be prepared for this purpose after obtaining a sample and sent to the veterinary laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture for analysis to ascertain the extent of her illness or not.
من ناحية أخري قرر المهندس الشافعي الدكروري محافظ الغربية استمرار حملات الازالة لجميع عشش الطيور المنزلية بمدن المحافظة المختلفة وذلك تنفيذا لقرار اللجنة العليا لإنفلونزا الطيور بالمحافظة لإزالة جميع العشش من فوق أسطح العمارات بمدن المحافظة المختلفةاOn the other hand, decided Engineer Shafei Corner governor of Western campaigns continued removal of all nesting birds household maintain various cities in implementation of the decision of the Supreme Committee of avian influenza governorate to remove all nests on the tops of buildings cities maintain Almokhtlvha
إعدام1800 فرخة بأسوانConfused Aswan execution 1800
أسوان ـ من موفق ابو النيل:Aswan to Abu conciliator Nile:
في إطار حملة محافظة اسوان لمواجهة انفلونزا الطيور تم اعدام1800 فرخة تم ضبطها في سيارة نقل ومحلين تجاريين بمدينة أسوان وباشراف اللواء مصطفي توفيق مدير أمن اسوان تم تشديد الرقابة علي منافذ المحافظة وتم ضبط سيارة رقم9931 نقل اسوان تحمل645 دجاجة حية قادمة من محافظة قنا ـ كما ضبطت اللجنة التي شكلها المحافظ سمير يوسف من الطب البيطري ومباحث التموين محلين تجاريين بمدينة اسوان يقومان ببيع الدواجن الحية وتم ضبط1155 دجاجة بالمحلين وامر المحافظ باعدام الدواجن المضبوطة وتواصل مديرية الطب البيطري تحصين الدواجن المنزلية بالمجان بعد توفير الامصال.Part of a campaign to address the Aswan Governorate bird flu were culled 1800 Easter seized in a car transport and commercial businesses under the supervision of the city of Aswan, Major General Mustafa Tawfiq Director of Aswan security has been tightened controls outlets maintain been controlled car No. 9931 transfer Aswan carrying 645 chickens live coming from Qena were seized by the committee set up by Governor Samir Youssef of Veterinary Medicine and Investigation of Supply stores commercial city of Aswan they sell live poultry were seized 1155 chickens shops and ordered the governor to execute poultry seized and the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine continues to fortify domestic poultry after providing free vaccines .</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle colSpan=5></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY></TBODY></TABLE>
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
Originally posted by niman View Post
Thirty Suspect H5N1 Cases in Daqahliyah Egypt
Recombinomics Commentary 21:11
January 5, 2008
Question that has imposed himself recently is Egypt failed in the face of bird flu, both in terms of confrontation or awareness, particularly in the provinces with the growing incidence of proven positive to the surface of hundreds of suspected cases in various Egyptian governorates, which witnessed Dakahlia alone more than 30 the case of suspicion, since the death of case No. 42 of Dakahlia governorate
The above translation defines the largest cluster of suspect H5N1 cases reported to date in Egypt. Most of the 30 cases in Al Daqahliyah appear to have been admitted within he past few days (see satellite map for details). Included in the geographical cluster is at least one familial cluster. Although there have been no confirmed H5N1 cases reported in the last week, the number of hospitalized suspect cases has exploded.
The test data on these cases remains largely unknown. A small number have been reported as negative, and Egypt has had a large number of suspect cases in the past. However, the earlier suspect cases generally followed a pattern associated with season flu, which peaks in the March/ Aprril/ time frame. Last season the number of mild cases of H5N1 also peaked at that time.
The recent cases however, follow confirmed cases that were largely fatal. Four of the five cases, including the one in Al Daqahliyah, have died. One suspect case in Cairo died a week ago, and although the teacher?s backyard birds were said to be negative, the status of the deceased teacher remains unknown. He had missed a couple of days of teaching, developed pneumonia, and died, but the cause of death has not been stated.
As noted in the translation above, there have been hundreds of suspect cases in recent days in Egypt.
Details of test results on these patients would be useful.
."The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
<TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><!container2></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><!container3></TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=10> </TD><TD align=middle><!heads><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>44225 </TD><TD>السنة 132-العددYear 132 - Issue </TD><TD>20082008 </TD><TD>ينايرJanuary </TD><TD>66 </TD><TD>28 من ذى الحجة 1428 هـ28 1428 e </TD><TD>الأحدSunday </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>..و يناقش اليوم مع المفكرين قضية الدعم.. And thinkers discuss today with the issue of support
<!heade><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffec border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>يناقش الدكتور أحمد نظيف, رئيس مجلس الوزراء ـ في لقاء يعقده اليوم مع المفكرين ـ قضية الدعم, وكذلك استعراض وجهات النظر من خلال مشاركة مجتمعية حول وضع آلية لتوصيل الدعم إلي مستحقيه, بالإضافة إلي بحث عدد من القضايا الجماهيرية. كما يستعرض رئيس مجلس الوزراء ـ خلال اجتماع يعقد الأسبوع الحالي برئاسته للجنة العليا لمكافحة إنفلونزا الطيور ـ آخر التقارير حول المستجدات الراهنة في مكافحة المرض, وسبل مقاومته.Discusses Dr. Ahmed Nazif, President of the Council of Ministers at a meeting held today with the issue of intellectual support, as well as review and viewpoints through community participation on a mechanism for the delivery of support to the target groups, in addition to examine a number of issues Libyan . also reviews the Prime Minister during a meeting held this week to head the Higher Committee for the control of avian influenza latest reports on developments in the fight against the disease, and ways to resist it.
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
WHO warns of bird flu turned into an epidemic in Egypt 1/5/2008 7:17:00 PM
<!-- Image --><TABLE style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; text-direction: ltr" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=180 align=right border=0 hasbox="2"><TBODY hasbox="2"><TR hasbox="2"><TD hasbox="2"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
القاهرة- حذرت منظمة الصحة العالمية من تحور أنفلونزا الطيور بمصر، وتحولها إلي مرض وبائي عبر الخنازير التي تعد وسيطاً قوياً لانتقال هذا المرض من الإنسان للإنسان .CAIRO - World Health Organisation has warned alter bird flu in Egypt, and turned to the epidemic disease through pigs, which is a strong mediator to transmission of the disease from humans to humans.
وقالت المنظمة، بحسب ما ذكرت صحيفة البديل ، أن مصر بها أكثر من ثلاثمائة ألف خنزير بمختلف المحافظات منها 60 ألفاً بالقليوبية وحدها و52 ألفاً بالدقهلية و50 ألفاً بالقاهرة و45 ألفاً بأسيوط .The organization said, according to newspaper said the alternative to Egypt more than three hundred thousand pigs in various governorates, 60 Alpha able alone and separated 52 thousand and 50 thousand and 45 thousand in Cairo in Assiut.
وأوضح تقرير للمنظمة أن الخنازير تصاب بالأنفلونزا العادية والطيور تصاب بأنفلونزا الطيور، ثم يحدث تلاحم بين الفيروسين داخل الخنازير يمكن أن ينتج فيروساً جديداً قاتلاً ينتقل من الإنسان للإنسان.The report of the organization that pigs infected regular influenza and avian influenza infected birds, and then happen cohesion between viruses inside pigs can produce a deadly new virus transmitted from humans to humans.
وذكرت المنظمة أن الخنازير تقوم بدور الوعاء الوبائي لأنفلونزا الطيور، مشيرة إلي ما حدث عامي 58 و68 حين تحور الفيروس عبر الخنازير، لافتة إلي أن ظهور المرض قبل سنوات قليلة كان نتيجة تربية طيور في زريبة خنازير بالصين تغذت علي فضلات تلك الخنازير.The organization stated that pigs play a shell epidemic of avian influenza, referring to what happened 58 and 68 years alter when the virus through pigs, pointing to the emergence of the disease a few years ago was the result of breeding birds in pigs in China Ranching father to waste those pigs.
من جهة أخري حذر الدكتور سامي البساطي من كارثة بشرية تلحق بمصر جراء انتشار زرائب تربية الخنازير والتي قد تجعل أنفلونزا الطيور مرضاً وبائياً، كما حذر من انتشار مزارع الدواجن بالقرب من المناطق السكنية.Elsewhere warned Dr. Sami Bisatti of human disaster caused by the proliferation of Egypt Poultry breeding pigs, which may make avian influenza and infectious diseases, also warned of the spread of poultry farms near residential areas.
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
From Post #23
<?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>In terms of the spread of the virus in Egypt, Beni Suef and Sohag fever hospitals yesterday received 16 cases suspected of being infected with bird flu virus, including 9 women and girls and 6 children.
At least six of these individuals are from Sohag Governorate. Post #37 list two of the suspected cases and Post #51 lists all six including three siblings that could represent another cluster.
List of recent six suspected cases from Sohag Governorate
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BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=53>Governorate</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: black 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: black; WIDTH: 17pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=23>Test Result</TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: black 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: black; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=78>Hospitalized/Reported Date</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: black 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: black; WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=64>Cluster</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: black 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: black; WIDTH: 341pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=455>Name and Comments</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: silver 0.5pt solid; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=43 height=17 x:num>183</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=53>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 17pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=23></TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=78 x:num="39452">05-Jan-08</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=64></TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 341pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=455>Hanan Farouk Abodev (Hanan Farouk Abu guest) (25) village children Aizaz</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver 0.5pt solid; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=43 height=17 x:num>184</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=53>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 17pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=23></TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=78 x:num="39452">05-Jan-08</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=64></TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 341pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=455>Hanan Mohammed Khalaf (22 or 20) village Aljbab</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver 0.5pt solid; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=43 height=17 x:num>185</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=53>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 17pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=23></TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=78 x:num="39452">05-Jan-08</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=64></TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 341pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=455>Hussein Kamal Din (65) village of Umrah</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver 0.5pt solid; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=43 height=17 x:num>186</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=53>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 17pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=23></TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=78 x:num="39452">05-Jan-08</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=64>Cluster 8</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 341pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=455>dear Abdu al (5) village of Ahawaolh</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver 0.5pt solid; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=43 height=17 x:num>187</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=53>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 17pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=23></TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=78 x:num="39452">05-Jan-08</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=64>Cluster 8</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 341pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=455>sister minimum (3F?) village of Ahawaolh - Name: وشقيقتاها دنيا</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver 0.5pt solid; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=43 height=17 x:num>188</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=53>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 17pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=23></TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=78 x:num="39452">05-Jan-08</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 48pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=64>Cluster 8</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 0.5pt solid; BORDER-TOP: silver; BORDER-LEFT: silver; WIDTH: 341pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" width=455>Zeinab (2F?) village of Ahawaolh</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
Thirty Suspect H5N1 Cases in Daqahliyah Egypt
January 5, 2008
Question that has imposed himself recently is Egypt failed in the face of bird flu, both in terms of confrontation or awareness, particularly in the provinces with the growing incidence of proven positive to the surface of hundreds of suspected cases in various Egyptian governorates, which witnessed Dakahlia alone more than 30 the case of suspicion, since the death of case No. 42 of Dakahlia governorate
The above translation defines the largest cluster of suspect H5N1 cases reported to date in Egypt. Most of the 30 cases in Al Daqahliyah appear to have been admitted within he past few days (see satellite map for details). Included in the geographical cluster is at least one familial cluster. Although there have been no confirmed H5N1 cases reported in the last week, the number of hospitalized suspect cases has exploded.
The test data on these cases remains largely unknown. A small number have been reported as negative, and Egypt has had a large number of suspect cases in the past. However, the earlier suspect cases generally followed a pattern associated with season flu, which peaks in the March/ Aprril/ time frame. Last season the number of mild cases of H5N1 also peaked at that time.
The recent cases however, follow confirmed cases that were largely fatal. Four of the five cases, including the one in Al Daqahliyah, have died. One suspect case in Cairo died a week ago, and although the teacher?s backyard birds were said to be negative, the status of the deceased teacher remains unknown. He had missed a couple of days of teaching, developed pneumonia, and died, but the cause of death has not been stated.
As noted in the translation above, there have been hundreds of suspect cases in recent days in Egypt.
Details of test results on these patients would be useful.
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
H5N1 Egypt Human 2007 / 2008
Confirmed and Suspect H5N1 in Egypt 2007 / 2008
BENI SUEF Beni Haroum 25F
21/12/2007 Confirmed case Oula Yunis Ali Mohamed 25F admitted to Beni Suef hospital on Friday, Dec 21, with high fever, breathing problems and pneumonia - diagnosed (test results came back) the day sh...
21/12/2007 Confirmed case Oula Yunis Ali Mohamed 25F
admitted to Beni Suef hospital on Friday, Dec 21, with high fever, breathing problems and pneumonia
- diagnosed (test results came back) the day she died, Dec 25
The case is a 25 year old female from Bani Suef governorate. She was hospitalized on the 23 December and died on 25 December. She denied coming into contact with poultry but relatives later revealed that she participated in the slaughter and de-feathering of ducks one week before developing symptoms.
BENI SUEF Beni Haroum
25/12/2007 Confirmed case Nora Aboul Abbas Mohamed 22F admitted to Minuf hospital on Wednesday, Dec 26 with high fever and difficulty breathing - transferred to Cairo's Abbasiyah hospital on Dec 27 - ...
25/12/2007 Confirmed case Nora Aboul Abbas Mohamed 22F
admitted to Minuf hospital on Wednesday, Dec 26 with high fever and difficulty breathing
- transferred to Cairo's Abbasiyah hospital on Dec 27
- father reports that she began showing symptoms on the night of Dec 25 and that she had found dead poultry in her shop that morning
The caseis a 22 year old female chicken seller from Menofia governorate. She was hospitalized in Shebeen (Menofia) Fever Hospital on December 26, 2007.
Symptoms were high fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing. Swab and blood samples were taken and sent to Central Public Health Laboratories December 26, 2007 and she started Tamiflu.
She was confirmed positive (RT PCR) December 27, 2007 and referred to Abbasya Chest hospital in Cairo the same day December 27, 2007. The case is presently recovering in intensive care. The case had contact with sick and dead poultry, prior to becoming sick.
DAMIETTA Ezbet el-Lahm 50F
24/12/2007 Confirmed case Attorh Hanim Ibrahim 50F admitted to Damietta hospital on Monday, Dec 24 with high fever, breathing problems and pneumonia - husband reports she began showing symptoms on Dec...
24/12/2007 Confirmed case Attorh Hanim Ibrahim 50F admitted to Damietta hospital on Monday, Dec 24 with high fever, breathing problems and pneumonia
- husband reports she began showing symptoms on Dec 24
- transferred to Cairo's Abbasiyah hospital
died December 31
The case is a 50 year old female from Domiatt governorate. She was hospitalized on 24 Decemberand is in critical condition. The case had contact with sick and dead poultry in her backyard, prior to becoming sick. Her symptoms were high fever, cough, and pneumonia. Swab and blood samples were taken and sent to Central Public Health Laboratories on December 25, 2007ann started Tamiflu. The samples tested positive by RT PCR on December 26, 2007 and the patient was referred to Abbasya Chest hospital the same day.
DAMIETTA Ezbet el-Lahm
AL DAQAHLIYAH Dekerns district 25F
23/12/2007 Confirmed case Fatma Fathi Mohamed (25F)admitted to local hospital on Dec 27 with high temperature and difficulty breathing; transferred to Mansoura hospital on Dec 29 The case is a 25 year...
23/12/2007 Confirmed case Fatma Fathi Mohamed (25F)admitted to local hospital on Dec 27 with high temperature and difficulty breathing; transferred to Mansoura hospital on Dec 29
The case is a 25 years old female from Dekerns district, Dakahlyah governorate. She started symptoms in December 26, 2007and was hospitalized in Dekerns Fever Hospital on the December 27, 2007 with symptoms of high fever, cough, and pneumonia.She denied being in contact with sick or dead poultry. The patientwas referred to Mansourah Chest hospital on December 29, 2007 in critical condition and A/H5N1 infection was suspected. She later reported having sick and dead poultry in her backyard one week before symptoms. Throat swab and blood samples were sent to Central Public Health Laboratories of Ministry of Health and Population on December 29, 2007 and she started Tamiflu.
The samples tested positive for A/H5N1 virus by RT PCR on December 30, 2007. The patient died on December 30, 2007.
30/12/2007 Suspect Case Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi (40M) from the village of Ezbet Alhouci Bbrem Center Kom Hamada BEHEIRA
30/12/2007 Suspect Case Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi (40M) from the village of Ezbet Alhouci Bbrem Center Kom Hamada
30/12/2007 Suspect case Nader Said Babylonian (5M) from the village "Alaptanon" AL MINUFIYAH Al Batanun
30/12/2007 Suspect case Nader Said Babylonian (5M) from the village "Alaptanon"
AL MINUFIYAH Kafr Tambidi 6M
30/12/2007 Suspect case Ahmad Abdulmohsen (6M)from the village "Kafr Tunbdi" at the centre of Shebin Mound AL MINUFIYAH Kafr Tambidi
30/12/2007 Suspect case Ahmad Abdulmohsen (6M)from the village "Kafr Tunbdi" at the centre of Shebin Mound
22/12/2007 Suspect fatality Salah Eddin Mohamed Ali 43M died of acute pneumonia Manshiyet al-Bakry Hospital December 29 Amiriya confirmed the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine negative sample for tea...
22/12/2007 Suspect fatality Salah Eddin Mohamed Ali 43M died of acute pneumonia Manshiyet al-Bakry Hospital
December 29 Amiriya confirmed the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine negative sample for teacher suspected in the death of his family Avian.
26/12/2007 Confirmed case Firdaus Mohamed Hadad 36F Hospitalized December 29, died December 31 The second case is a 36 years old female from Menof District, Menofia Governorate. She developed symptoms...
26/12/2007 Confirmed case Firdaus Mohamed Hadad 36F Hospitalized December 29, died December 31 The second case is a 36 years old female from Menof District, Menofia Governorate. She developed symptoms on 26 December, was hospitalized on 29 December and died on 31 December. To date, there has been no evidence of an epidemiological link between this case and the previous case from Menofia Governorate announced on the 28 December.
31/12/2007 Suspect case Abdul Rahman Ibrahim 57M AL MINUFIYAH
31/12/2007 Suspect case Abdul Rahman Ibrahim 57M
31/12/2007 Suspect case Abed Rabbo 50M AL MINUFIYAH
31/12/2007 Suspect case Abed Rabbo 50M
31/12/2007 Suspect cluster Reza Abdalmugod Abdilkadir 25 Radwan hospital PORT SAID
31/12/2007 Suspect cluster Reza Abdalmugod Abdilkadir 25 Radwan hospital
31/12/2007 Suspect cluster Radwan wife, 29 Radwan hospital PORT SAID
31/12/2007 Suspect cluster Radwan wife, 29 Radwan hospital
31/12/2007 Suspect cluster Ngelehma Mohammed 9 Radwan hospital PORT SAID
31/12/2007 Suspect cluster Ngelehma Mohammed 9 Radwan hospital
31/12/2007 Suspect cluster Rajab, 4 Radwan hospital PORT SAID
31/12/2007 Suspect cluster Rajab, 4 Radwan hospital
01/01/2008 Suspect case Mohammed Fawzi Karim Nada, village of Kafr Sheikh Khalil in Shebin Mound (Sheikh Khalil's hamlet village in Shibin Al Kawm AL MINUFIYAH Shibin Al Kawm
01/01/2008 Suspect case Mohammed Fawzi Karim Nada, village of Kafr Sheikh Khalil in Shebin Mound (Sheikh Khalil's hamlet village in Shibin Al Kawm
01/01/2008 Suspect case Mohammed Saeed Abdel Rahman, 18, from the village of Braheem AL MINUFIYAH 18F
01/01/2008 Suspect case Mohammed Saeed Abdel Rahman, 18, from the village of Braheem
01/01/2008 Suspect cluster Adel Mohammed Adel, from Srs Allian (daughter is Doaa) AL MINUFIYAH Sers Al-Layan
01/01/2008 Suspect cluster Adel Mohammed Adel, from Srs Allian (daughter is Doaa)
01/01/2008 Suspect cluster daughter Doaa (father is Adel Mohamed Adel) AL MINUFIYAH Sers Al-Layan
01/01/2008 Suspect cluster daughter Doaa (father is Adel Mohamed Adel)
01/01/2008 Suspect case Hamida Abdul Hafiz Rizk 23F AL MINUFIYAH Abu Kullus
01/01/2008 Suspect case Hamida Abdul Hafiz Rizk 23F
AL QALYUBIYAH Shibin El Kanatar
01/01/2008 Suspect HCW Safaa Mohamed Abdul Razek, a nurse in the health unit is to the village of Al Alzm belonging to Shibin El Kanatar AL QALYUBIYAH Shibin El Kanatar
01/01/2008 Suspect HCW Safaa Mohamed Abdul Razek, a nurse in the health unit is to the village of Al Alzm belonging to Shibin El Kanatar
AL QALYUBIYAH Shibin El Kanatar
01/01/2008 Suspect case Hani El, 34 policeman Hospital pathogenesis Mahala [Mahallah] AL GHARBIYAH
01/01/2008 Suspect case Hani El, 34 policeman Hospital pathogenesis Mahala [Mahallah]
01/01/2008 Suspect case Huda Khaled "a year and a half." Hospital pathogenesis Mahala [Mahallah] AL GHARBIYAH
01/01/2008 Suspect case Huda Khaled "a year and a half."
Hospital pathogenesis Mahala [Mahallah]
01/01/2008 Suspect case Nabil Ahmed Mohamed (8M) - from the village of Hrbit belonging to Aboukbir center - has tested negative child hospitalized in Zagazig? ASH SHARQIYAH
01/01/2008 Suspect case Nabil Ahmed Mohamed (8M) - from the village of Hrbit belonging to Aboukbir center - has tested negative
child hospitalized in Zagazig?
31/12/2007 Suspect case Faten (23F) AL ALEXANDRIA
31/12/2007 Suspect case Faten (23F)
01/01/2008 Suspect case Anwar Ali Sayyad 25 resident status Shaweesh Ahnassa BENI SUEF
01/01/2008 Suspect case Anwar Ali Sayyad 25 resident status Shaweesh Ahnassa
01/01/2008 Suspect case admitted to Banha Hosptial AL QALYUBIYAH
01/01/2008 Suspect case admitted to Banha Hosptial
01/01/2008 Suspect case admitted to Banha Hosptial AL QALYUBIYAH
01/01/2008 Suspect case admitted to Banha Hosptial
02/01/2008 Suspect cluster Menah Mohamed Fathi, 3F (grandmother is Samia el-Sayed Awad)Sharkia Contagious Disease Hospital ASH SHARQIYAH
02/01/2008 Suspect cluster Menah Mohamed Fathi, 3F (grandmother is Samia el-Sayed Awad)Sharkia Contagious Disease Hospital
02/01/2008 Suspect cluster Samia el-Sayed Awad, 55F (grandaughter is Menah Mohamed Fathi) Sharkia Contagious Disease Hospital ASH SHARQIYAH
02/01/2008 Suspect cluster Samia el-Sayed Awad, 55F (grandaughter is Menah Mohamed Fathi) Sharkia Contagious Disease Hospital
02/01/2008 Suspect cluster Iman Sobhi (son is Mohamed Maher Reda) Sharkia Contagious Disease Hospital ASH SHARQIYAH
02/01/2008 Suspect cluster Iman Sobhi (son is Mohamed Maher Reda) Sharkia Contagious Disease Hospital
02/01/2008 Suspect cluster Mohamed Maher Reda Iman Sobhi (mother is Iman Sobhi) Sharkia Contagious Disease Hospital ASH SHARQIYAH
02/01/2008 Suspect cluster Mohamed Maher Reda Iman Sobhi (mother is Iman Sobhi) Sharkia Contagious Disease Hospital
02/01/2008 Suspect case Fatma/Fatima Fathi Al Mahdi Al Sadr's Hospital Mansoura AL DAQAHLIYAH
02/01/2008 Suspect case Fatma/Fatima Fathi Al Mahdi Al Sadr's Hospital Mansoura
02/01/2008 Suspect case Mohamed Talaat Mostafa Aboualfdl, 3M Banha Fevers AL QALYUBIYAH
02/01/2008 Suspect case Mohamed Talaat Mostafa Aboualfdl, 3M Banha Fevers
02/01/2008 Suspect case Sara Adel Aboushadi (child) "My wedding procession" [Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti] Fevers Hospital AL GHARBIYAH
02/01/2008 Suspect case Sara Adel Aboushadi (child) "My wedding procession" [Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti] Fevers Hospital
03/01/2008 Suspect case Mahdi Abdul Aziz Mahmoud Ashour (43M?) - poultry worker - Hospital "Dietetic" Alexandria
03/01/2008 Suspect case Mahdi Abdul Aziz Mahmoud Ashour (43M?) - poultry worker - Hospital "Dietetic" Alexandria
03/01/2008 Suspect case Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Hameed (20M) - reside Babis ALEXANDRIA
03/01/2008 Suspect case Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Hameed (20M) - reside Babis
03/01/2008 Suspect case Sadr mediator (40M) - from the Centre for nitrogen AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Sadr mediator (40M) - from the Centre for nitrogen
03/01/2008 Suspect case Fatma Mohammed Saeed (45F) - from Mansoura AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Fatma Mohammed Saeed (45F) - from Mansoura
03/01/200 Suspect case Mohamed Fathi (13) - of Damietta
03/01/200 Suspect case Mohamed Fathi (13) - of Damietta
03/01/2008 Suspect cluster Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman (9M) - from the village stone pillars AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect cluster Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman (9M) - from the village stone pillars
03/01/2008 Suspect cluster Imad Bader Abdul Rahman (40F?) - from the village stone pillars AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect cluster Imad Bader Abdul Rahman (40F?) - from the village stone pillars
AL DAQAHLIYAH 03/01/2008 Suspect case Ibrahim Abdel Razek (50M) - from the village of Kom Derby
03/01/2008 Suspect case Ibrahim Abdel Razek (50M) - from the village of Kom Derby
03/01/2008 Suspect case Aida Abdul Aziz (28F?) - from the village of Al Abualli, Mahala - Hospital Salt Mahala AL GHARBIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Aida Abdul Aziz (28F?) - from the village of Al Abualli, Mahala - Hospital Salt Mahala
03/01/2008 Ahmed Mohammed Salim (24M) - from "the Republic", Mahala - Hospital Salt Mahala Tested negative AL GHARBIYAH
03/01/2008 Ahmed Mohammed Salim (24M) - from "the Republic", Mahala - Hospital Salt Mahala Tested negative
03/01/2008 Suspect case Hatem Mohammed Jamil (52M) - Mahala - Hospital Salt Mahala AL GHARBIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Hatem Mohammed Jamil (52M) - Mahala - Hospital Salt Mahala
03/01/2008 Suspect case "Allegedly Saw" Mohammed Shihata (8 months F) - from the village of Mit Taha, Centre Mmas - Hospital Salt Mahala Tested negative AL GHARBIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case "Allegedly Saw" Mohammed Shihata (8 months F) - from the village of Mit Taha, Centre Mmas - Hospital Salt Mahala Tested negative
03/01/2008 Suspect case SM Ezbet - Eid of the village on Eid Tested negative AL ISMAILYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case SM Ezbet - Eid of the village on Eid Tested negative
03/01/2008 Suspect case Salma Ahmed Hussein - from the village of painted Daryll Tested negative AL ISMAILYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Salma Ahmed Hussein - from the village of painted Daryll Tested negative
03/01/2008 Suspect case "Hopes" Mr. Sabbagh (30F?) - from the village "Dkma" - Hospital Dietetic Shebin Mound AL MINUFIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case "Hopes" Mr. Sabbagh (30F?) - from the village "Dkma" - Hospital Dietetic Shebin Mound
03/01/2008 Suspect cluster "Equity" Mohamed Hammouda (32F) - homemaker - village Smjarat Barahmanih was Hdzhma - Hospital Dietetic Kafr El-Sheikh
03/01/2008 Suspect cluster "Equity" Mohamed Hammouda (32F) - homemaker - village Smjarat Barahmanih was Hdzhma - Hospital Dietetic Kafr El-Sheikh
03/01/2008 Suspect cluster Amal Ibrahim Ghraib (1?) - "Equity's" baby? - village Smjarat Barahmanih was Hdzhma - Hospital Dietetic Kafr El-Sheikh KAFR EL-SHEIKH
03/01/2008 Suspect cluster Amal Ibrahim Ghraib (1?) - "Equity's" baby? - village Smjarat Barahmanih was Hdzhma - Hospital Dietetic Kafr El-Sheikh
03/01/2008 Mohamed Khaled Adli - 4 month old child - Qena "Dietary" Hospital - high temperature QENA
03/01/2008 Mohamed Khaled Adli - 4 month old child - Qena "Dietary" Hospital - high temperature
03/01/2008 Suspect case Husam Muhammad (4M) - from the village centre Alkhis AbouhmadASH SHARQIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Husam Muhammad (4M) - from the village centre Alkhis AbouhmadASH SHARQIYAH
04/01/2008 Suspect case Anwar Mohammed Abdul Wahid (14) ALEXANDRIA
04/01/2008 Suspect case Anwar Mohammed Abdul Wahid (14)
04/01/2008 Suspect case admitted Detained Hospital Dietetic Alexandria couple Mohamed Fathalla "50 years" homemaker Rashid on suspicion of the safety of avian influenza virus because Mkhalttha bird Bm...
04/01/2008 Suspect case admitted Detained Hospital Dietetic Alexandria couple Mohamed Fathalla "50 years" homemaker Rashid on suspicion of the safety of avian influenza virus because Mkhalttha bird Bmenzlha. After her sudden rise in temperature, red face and narrow throat. Samples have been taken and bird contact, and sent to the central factor.
04/01/2008 Suspect case Reza Ibrahim Ibrahim (10M) - Bhmyat Damanhour
04/01/2008 Suspect case Reza Ibrahim Ibrahim (10M) - Bhmyat Damanhour
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster unnamed female BEHEIRA
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster unnamed female
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Unnamed female's daughter (6 months) BEHEIRA
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Unnamed female's daughter (6 months)
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Unnamed - from Blue Dawar village - Alexandria Pathogenesis Hospital BEHEIRA
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Unnamed - from Blue Dawar village - Alexandria Pathogenesis Hospital
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Unnamed - from Blue Dawar village - Alexandria Pathogenesis Hospital BEHEIRA
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Unnamed - from Blue Dawar village - Alexandria Pathogenesis Hospital
04/01/2008 Suspect case Nima Mohammed Mahmoud Abdul Hamid - Mansoura Chest Hosp AL DAQAHLIYAH
04/01/2008 Suspect case Nima Mohammed Mahmoud Abdul Hamid - Mansoura Chest Hosp
04/01/2006 Suspect cluster Abdul Rahman Ali Bader - Mansoura Chest Hosp. AL DAQAHLIYAH
04/01/2006 Suspect cluster Abdul Rahman Ali Bader - Mansoura Chest Hosp.
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Abdul Rahman Hamadi (13M) - son of Abdul Rahman Ali Bader - Mansoura Chest Hosp. AL DAQAHLIYAH
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Abdul Rahman Hamadi (13M) - son of Abdul Rahman Ali Bader - Mansoura Chest Hosp.
04/01/2008 Suspect case Nuha Mohammed Fathi - from the village Ain pomegranate, Bdkrns AL DAQAHLIYAH
04/01/2008 Suspect case Nuha Mohammed Fathi - from the village Ain pomegranate, Bdkrns
03/01/2008 Suspect case Solomon Solomon Reza (2) - from the village of Gross Bbalkas - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3 AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Solomon Solomon Reza (2) - from the village of Gross Bbalkas - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3
03/01/2008 Suspect case Hamdi Mohamed Awad (8) - from the village of Abu vulnerable Bbalkas - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3 AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Hamdi Mohamed Awad (8) - from the village of Abu vulnerable Bbalkas - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3
03/01/2008 Suspect case Com Mahmoud Rejab (45F) - admitted Jan 3 AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Com Mahmoud Rejab (45F) - admitted Jan 3
03/01/2008 Suspect case Mr. Omar Almqauri (13M) - student from Mansoura Street Abdel Salam - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3 AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case Mr. Omar Almqauri (13M) - student from Mansoura Street Abdel Salam - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3
03/01/2008 Suspect case "Faith" (1) - from the village of Aldnabaiq status, Mansoura - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3 AL DAQAHLIYAH
03/01/2008 Suspect case "Faith" (1) - from the village of Aldnabaiq status, Mansoura - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3
03/01/2008 Suspect case DAMIETTA
03/01/2008 Suspect case
03/01/2008 Suspect case DAMIETTA
03/01/2008 Suspect case
03/01/2008 Suspect case DAMIETTA
03/01/2008 Suspect case
03/01/2008 Suspect case DAMIETTA
03/01/2008 Suspect case
03/01/2008 Suspect case DAMIETTA
03/01/2008 Suspect case
04/01/2008 Suspect case Zakaria Reham Abdel-Fattah (16F) - resident status La Hqrani place; admitted to Hospital Dietetic Menya EL MINYA
04/01/2008 Suspect case Zakaria Reham Abdel-Fattah (16F) - resident status La Hqrani place; admitted to Hospital Dietetic Menya
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Jasmine Khaled Adli (1 1/2 F) - in hospital salt Qena - sister of Mohamed
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Jasmine Khaled Adli (1 1/2 F) - in hospital salt Qena - sister of Mohamed
04/01/2008 Suspect case Q. Mustafa Hussein (24F) - mother of Jasmine? - hospital salt Qena QENA
04/01/2008 Suspect case Q. Mustafa Hussein (24F) - mother of Jasmine? - hospital salt Qena
05/01/2008 Suspect case Hanan Farouk Abodev 25 years of village children Aizaz, status Sohag,Hanan Farouk Abu guest (25 years old) housewife from the village boys Aizaz status SOHAG
05/01/2008 Suspect case Hanan Farouk Abodev 25 years of village children Aizaz, status Sohag,Hanan Farouk Abu guest (25 years old) housewife from the village boys Aizaz status
05/01/2008 Suspect case Hanan Mohammed Khalaf 22 years from the village Aljbab, Hanan Mohammed Khalaf (20 years) housewife from the village of Aljbab status surged SOHAG
05/01/2008 Suspect case Hanan Mohammed Khalaf 22 years from the village Aljbab, Hanan Mohammed Khalaf (20 years) housewife from the village of Aljbab status surged
04/01/2008 Suspect case Mr. Alusivi doctor(?) - from the village and they Aldnanic - Mansoura Chest Hosp AL DAQAHLIYAH
04/01/2008 Suspect case Mr. Alusivi doctor(?) - from the village and they Aldnanic - Mansoura Chest Hosp
04/01/2008 Suspect case Ibrahim Abdul Aziz AL DAQAHLIYAH
04/01/2008 Suspect case Ibrahim Abdul Aziz AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
05/01/2008 Suspect case AL DAQAHLIYAH
04/01/2008 Suspect case BENI SUEF
04/01/2008 Suspect case
04/01/2008 Suspect case BENI SUEF
04/01/2008 Suspect case BENI SUEF
04/01/2008 Suspect case BENI SUEF
04/01/2008 Suspect case BENI SUEF
04/01/2008 Suspect case BENI SUEF
04/01/2008 Suspect case BENI SUEF
04/01/2008 Suspect case exulted Hussein Kamal Din (65 years) from the village of Umrah status SOHAG
04/01/2008 Suspect case exulted Hussein Kamal Din (65 years) from the village of Umrah status
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster dear Abdu al (5 years) village Ahawaolh status SOHAG
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster dear Abdu al (5 years) village Ahawaolh status
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster sisters minimum (3 years), village Ahawaolh SOHAG
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster sisters minimum (3 years), village Ahawaolh
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Zeinab (two years) from the village Ahawaolh SOHAG
04/01/2008 Suspect cluster Zeinab (two years) from the village Ahawaolh
05/01/2008 Suspect cluster Mohamed Fathalla 50 years homemaker village of Apis Azhar rotor inside salt Alexandria Hospital ALEXANDRIA
05/01/2008 Suspect cluster Mohamed Fathalla 50 years homemaker village of Apis Azhar rotor inside salt Alexandria Hospital
05/01/2008 Suspect cluster Rashid Anwarul
Re: EGYPT - Jan 4, 2008+
More people admitted to hospitals over bird flu
More people have been admitted to hospital over bird flu-like hospitals.
The government Damitta has taken the brunt of suspected cases. Police continue their crackdowns on back-yard poultry and violating shops.
In Alexandria, police raided 16 poultry shops and accused workers of violating anti-bird flu measures.
A government ad hoc committee on bird flu has slapped a six-month closure on infected farms nationwide.
Reference of the virus in such farms would mean a permanent closure.
Agriculture Minister Aamin Abaza said the back-yard poultry are the main culprit behind the reemergence of the deadly H5N1 virus.
The minister said the government takes the matter extra seriously.
He said the anti-bird flu campaigns are highly focused on the transference of birds from one governorate to another.
Meanwhile, Health Minister Dr Hatem el-Gabaly warned of any complacency in fighting bird flu.
He said the ministry has a stockpile of the tamiflu vaccine amounting to 2.5 million.
The minister put at 46 the number of Egyptians, who had contracted thieveries since it first emerged in Egypt in February of 2006.
Nineteen people have died of bird flu, including two children, the minister added.
More infected birds have been culled over the past few days. In Al-Dakhliya, some 1,300 birds have been culled. In the southern city of Sohag, up to five million birds have been vaccinated against the virus.