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Invisible Ebola: Some people may survive viral infection without showing symptoms

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  • Invisible Ebola: Some people may survive viral infection without showing symptoms


    Invisible Ebola: Some people may survive viral infection without showing symptoms
    New Research November 15, 2016 0 Beth Jones

    Ebola virus is thought to be one of the most deadly known to man, and the most recent estimates suggest that the 2013-2016 West African outbreak has killed around 40 percent of the more than 28,000 people who have had symptoms. However, a new study suggests that some people may not only be able to survive Ebola infection, but may do so without experiencing any symptoms.

    Eugene Richardson from Stanford University, USA, and colleagues conducted a survey of people living in Sukudu, Kono District, Sierra Leone, a village identified as a major Ebola transmission ?hotspot? between August 2014 and February 2015. The team took blood from 187 adults and children who had been in close proximity to a person with infectious Ebola but were never identified themselves as having Ebola. They then tested the blood samples for proteins known as Ebola glycoprotein antibodies, the presence of which indicates a past Ebola infection...